inhs hygienic review 2004 issue 2

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  • 8/8/2019 INHS Hygienic Review 2004 Issue 2


    INTERNATIONAL NATURAL HYGIENE SOCIETY newsletter - INHS Hygienic Review - Year 2004 -

    Issue # 2

    INTERNATIONAL NATURAL HYGIENE SOCIETY or INHS is web-based & volunteer-based, alow-cost non-profit organization, started 1-1-2004. Membership is free, and it is easy to signupjust follow the instructions theme of this issue is WHAT IS HEALTH? - Which are the factors of health? What ishealth, what is a healthy human being?We are relying heavily on Dr. Herbert Shelton's prolific writings.

    What was the connectionbetween Fritos corn chips andDr. Shelton's Health School?

    click here

    Is "stimulation" - e.g. a cupof coffee - really beneficial

    and strengthening?

    click here


    Whatdecides how

    healthy youare at birth?Your genes

    or the healthof yourmother - or both?

    click here

    Inside this issue:

    Health of man - Our Primitive StandardWhat is Health? - Factors of Healthby Dr. SheltonFactors of Health - Sunshine: The Light of LifeFactors of Health - ExerciseFactors of Health - Rest & SleepRelax with Musicby Dr. FielderFactors of Health - EnergyThe Stimulant Delusionby Dr. SheltonFactors of Health - WaterFactors of Health - FoodThe Supplementation Fallacyby Dr. FielderThe Healthy Body Laughs at Virusesby Dr. SheltonContinued interview with Dr. Vetrano

    What is The Insulin Mechanism? - Blood SugarNH History - The Fight Against Superstition

    GARDEN CORNER:"WHY I GROW A BIG VEGIE GARDEN" bySteve, our Tasmanian/American here

    PRIMITIVE HEALTHDr. Shelton: We marvel at the strength,speed, endurance & agility of animals andprimitive man. Attainable for us?click here

    WHAT IS HEALTH?Which FACTOR OF HEALTH can strengthen
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    Everybody his own doctorby Dr. TrallSpiritual Viewpoints by Drs. Bass, Cursio, GoldbergGarden Corner by Steve Solomon

    muscles and lift depressions? And improveyour eyesight?click here

    President's Column

    Since our inception early this year it could well be said, inaeronautical terms, that we "have been flying by the seat of ourpants", as we have continued in our quest for "the truth" asenumerated in our banner, "Let us have the truth though theheavens should fall". In this quest what has become mostobvious is our desire to have defined for us "the truth" withregard to diet and nutrition.

    Allow us to pause here momentarily to remind ourselves thatdiet and nutrition are, in their true and wholistic sense not limitedto the food we put in our mouths. It has a much wider applicationif we are to view it in it's wholeness. It also involves the waythose foods are grown, which in turn effects their nutritionalquality. It also involves the water we drink, whether it isphysically clean, that is unpolluted by rotting vegetable matterand excrement both human and animal, as well as free of chemicals, both industrial andchemical, and those added to so-called "purify" it. Very much the same criteria can be appliedalso to the air we breathe, for we may readily survive for a number of days without water, this isreduced to a matter of minutes without air, and clean air at that. And of course we must notforget to mention sunlight for without sunlight, in conjunction with air and water there would beno life on this planet earth.

    It can readily be seen then that in our quest for "truth" regarding diet and nutrition, we must, ofnecessity look to a much wider paradigm than just that of food to supply our nutritional needs.

    In this quest for the "truth" I would like to insert anotheraspect. One which has its basis in physics and quantummechanics. And that is that in diet and nutrition thereprobably is not an " absolute truth", there is only a relativetruth. A truth which is relative to each one of us asindividuals at this moment in time. Which in fact may notnecessarily be so at the next moment. The philosophy ofpragmatism as applied in quantum mechanics says, "whether or not something is true is not a matter of how

    closely it corresponds to the absolute truth, but of howconsistent it is with our experience"

    If you should feel that I have led you out on a limb, allow me now to take you to the furthest twigby saying "complete understanding of reality lies beyond the capabilities of rational thought", totake a further quote from quantum mechanics. Which in its turn brings us to the point that "thetruth" for each of us will be relative, instinctual, and ever changing. Back to flying by the seat ofour pants.

    "Diet and nutrition also

    involves the way those

    foods are grown, which

    effects their nutritional

    quality - In our quest for

    truth, we must look to a

    much wider paradigm"

    "Simply speaking it

    means the taking

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    So what do I hear you saying? You are not going to leave us out onthis twig are you? And my reply is, "no that was not my intention", forjust as much as quantum mechanics may well appear to have donethis to us, it has at the same time given us the answer in-so-far as it

    tells us that the answer is based upon "us". " And what does thatmean in Hygienic terms", you say?. Simply speaking it means thetaking back of our power which we have been giving away tosystems and tables (fables), and taking responsibility for our own actions. For the answers arewithin us if we will but listen.

    Before continuing further, let us briefly look at how our brain works. The left side of our brainperceives the world in a linear manner, it functions logically and rationally. The right hemisphereby comparison, perceives whole patterns. Both literature and mythology associate the right hand(left hemisphere), with rational, male and assertive characteristics. Our entire society reflects aleft hemispheric bias (it is rational, masculine and assertive) It gives very little re-enforcement tothose characteristics representative of the right hemisphere (intuitive, feminine, and receptive).

    The answer as given in quantum mechanics is therefore to "let the feeling flow freely throughyou and do not try to understand it". You will find that you "do understand" but in a way you willnot be able to put into words. And as Gary Zukav said, "Trust the process".

    As we have continued to progress in so many ways in spite of, or it could possibly be, becauseof "flying by the seat of our pants", and your most invaluable input, each and every one of you, Iwould like to send you my very own personal thanks, along with those of the rest of the board,for enabling this to occur.

    Thank you and Bon Voyage

    John L. Fielder,DO,DC,ND(Adel)

    back of our power,

    and taking

    responsibility for

    our own actions."



    True happiness depends upon thehealth of the whole man. We have allbut forgotten the importance of theprinciples expressed in the ancientwords: "mens sana in corpore sano"(a healthy mind in a healthy body).

    Indeed, modern man has accepteddisease as a norm of existence. Ourculture fosters weakness anddisease. Instead of preparing us for a life of health, it devotes a largeshare of its resources and much of its energy and skill to caring for agrowing army of sick men, women and children. Under the tutelage ofthe medical profession, we have become convinced that disease isinevitable and health impossible....

    In the beginning manwas a splendid animal,

    possessing all thedesirable animal

    qualities of health,strength, endurance,

    grace, agility and poise.
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    The normal state of man, as of plants and animals, is one of uninterrupted health. A healthy birth, arobust and happy infancy, a joyous youth, a vigorous maturity, a calm old age, and a painless deathare the normal state of man. It is the existence man is fitted for by anatomy and physiology. It is inharmony with all nature around him. Every pain we feel, every distress we suffer is evidence that

    some law of life has been violated.

    Unaccountably, we refuse to think that man should be as healthy as are wild animals. Yet, whyshouldn't he be? Indeed, since he is a more highly organized animal with a more complex structureand greater resources at his command, why should his standard of health not be much higher thanthat of the healthiest of wild animals?

    We marvel at the strength, speed, endurance and agility of lower animals; we even marvel at thesesame qualities in exceptional civilized individuals. We marvel at an Indian running a hundred miles aday; we think that he must be very swift of foot and as enduring as the strongest animal, that be maythus outrun the swiftest horse. But the obvious fact is that our standard of health is so low that wehave lost the strength and endurance, grace and agility, that we so much admire in others. The Indianhas no special qualities. There is no reason why civilized man may not have the health, strength, and

    endurance of the savage.

    In the beginning man too was a splendid animal, possessing all the desirable animal qualities ofhealth, strength, endurance, grace, agility and poise. If civilized man is half dead, even when bethinks that he is enjoying good health, this is not the fault of his original constitution. Conditions andfactors he has imposed upon himself are inimical to health and life.

    We have no means of knowing in full mankind's primitive standard ofhealth. How strong, how vigorous, how resistant, how long-lived wereour primitive ancestors? We cannot use ourselves as a standard or ameasuring rod by which to judge the health of our primitive ancestors.An occasional specimen of present-day man may provide us with agleam of light, but its radiance is dimmed by factors absent from the life

    of our primitive forebears.

    The health of modern primitivesmayprovide us with some insight into thehealth of the past, but this is but aflickering and evanescent indication ofwhat may have been mankind'soriginal state of physiological

    excellence. Myth and tradition may provide a glimpse into the past,but this, too, is faint. Even animal life has suffered from the steadyencroachment of civilization upon its domains. It presents us with afaded picture of the vigor and health that belonged to our pristinemodes of existence.

    The evolution of civilization has taken us away from the sources of vigor and the means of health -and has brought us to our present state of weakness and sickness.

    Unless we can again learn to select our foods, prepare and eat them in ways that provide uswith adequate sustenance, unless we can find ways and means of providing our long-sufferingbodies with sunshine and and fresh air, and unless we can adjust our physical activities to thenormal requirements of healthy existence, we shall never again have the health and vigor thatmust have been common among our primeval ancestors.

    Herbert Shelton, Health for the Millions, 1968

    The evolution ofcivilization has taken

    us away from thesources of vigor - andhas brought us to our

    present state ofweakness and


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    the more we work with mother nature the less we have to depend on lady luck(w. wade)


    Here is one interesting key to the worsened health today, from archaeology:

    Farming Away Fitness

    The change to the agricultural diet created many health problems for early man.The fossil remains tell us that in preagricultural times human health wasexcellent. People were tall, lean, had well-developed, strong, dense bones,

    sound teeth with minimal, if any, decay, and little evidence of severe disease.After the advent of agriculture and a change in this diet this picture of robust health began todeteriorate. Postagricultural man was shorter, had more brittle bones, extensive tooth decay, and ahigh incidence of malnutrition and chronic disease a health picture similar to that of the Egyptians.

    The remarkable thing about this generalized decline in health is that it occurred throughout the world.From the eastern Mediterranean to Peru, whenever people changed from a high-protein to a high-carbohydrate diet they became less healthy.

    In fact archaeologists consider this health disparity so predictable that when they unearth the skeletalremains of a prehistoric society they classify the people as hunters or farmers by the state of theirbones and teeth.

    If the teeth are excellent and non-decayed and the bones strong, dense and long, the people were

    hunter-gatherers; if the teeth are decayed and the bones frail and deformed, scientists know the remains are those ofagriculturalists.

    Drs. Eades: Protein Power, 1996,

    without health life is not life,it is only a state of langour and suffering


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    FACTORS OF HEALTHby Herbert Shelton, 1928

    HYGIENE is that branch of biology that relates to thepreservation and restoration of health.

    The hygiene of health and the hygiene of disease is one.However, for convenience, we divide it into Preventive Hygiene, or the hygiene of healthfulmaintenance, and Remedial Hygiene, or the hygiene of healthrestoration.

    Whether you have a good organism at birth will dependpartly upon heredityand partly upon the nutrition youreceived from your mother.What that organism will become after birth, that is,whether it will reach up to its highest potentiality, or fallfar short of its inherent possibilities, will depend uponhow you live. Of course there will be social factors thatare not subject to individual control that may mar your lifeto a certain extent, but for the most part you and yourparents and teachers will determine your life.You cannot change your heredity. You cannotchange your past. You cannot make society over. Butyou can work for the betterment of these things forthe future.

    When we come to consider the means best suited tomaintain life and health, youth, strength and beauty, it isobvious that THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE STANDARD

    MUST BE ACCEPTED. How, then shall we live?

    CULTIVATE POISE AND CHEER. Do not attempt to see the world through the rose-coloredglasses of a sentimental Pollyana but learn to take joy and sorrow, good fortune andmisfortune with the same calmness and equitableness. Avoid worry, fear, anxiety, excitement,jealousy, anger, self-pity, etc. Control your temper, passions, and emotions.

    EXERCISE DAILY. Daily physical exercise, preferably in the fresh air and sunshine, and, asoften as possible, in the form of play, is essential to both mental and physical health. Avoidthe strenuous life, however. Do not make the Rooseveltian mistake and imagine that astrenuous physical life can offset gluttony.

    SECURE PLENTY OF REST AND SLEEP EACH DAY: Learn to retire early. Learn to relax

    and let go." Earn your sleep by honest work and avoid stimulants and sleep will come easilyand naturally. Do not turn the night into day. Time is never wasted that is spent inrecuperation. Retire soon after dark, and arise with the first rays of morning light; and this isequally applicable to all climates and all seasons, at least in all parts of the globe proper forhuman habitation, for in the cold season, when the nights are longer, more sleep is required."

    KEEP CLEAN: This refers to both body and mind. Keep clean clothes, clean beds, cleanhouses. Keep the mind clean. Avoid lustful thoughts and desires. Do not become covetous,deceitful or corrupt. Nature penalizes you for all these things with hardening of the arteriesand a shortened life. Keep your body clean but do not indulge in too frequent and prolongedbathing. Soap should form no part of the average bath.

    BREATHE FRESH PURE AIR: Keep your windows open. Have your living room, bed room,office or workshop well ventilated. Get out of doors as much as possible. If you live in the city

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    take advantage of every opportunity to get into the country.

    SECURE AS MUCH SUNSHINE AS POSSIBLE: This means that your nude body, or asmuch of it as circumstances will permit, should be exposed to the direct rays of the sun. Tomerely sit by the window, or take a walk in the sunshine heavily clad, or clad in dark clothing

    will be of no benefit in so far as the sunshine is concerned. Get your sun-baths in the morningor evening when it is not excessively hot.

    EAT MODERATELY OF WHOLESOME FOODS: What are wholesome foods? All true foodsthat are fresh, pure, unadu1terated and that have not been processed, refined, and cookeduntil their food value is largely destroyed, are wholesome foods. All foods that, in the processof refining, manufacturing, pickling, canning, preserving, and cooking, etc., have beendeprived of their mineral elements and vitamins or that have been adulterated and poisonedby bleaching, coloring, flavoring, seasoning and by preservatives, are more or lessunwholesome.

    BE MODERATE IN WEARING CLOTHES: It may be stated that, as a general rule, the lessclothes one wears the healthier he will be. The materials should be light, porous and white orof light colors. No tight bands, belts, corsets, garters, etc., should be allowed to interfere withthe circulation nor cramp up the organs of the body. Shoe heels should be absent or, at most,very low. Shoes should fit the feet and the feet not made to fit the shoes. Some day sandalsand a string of beads will be our chief articles of clothing.

    HAVE AN INTEREST IN LIFE: A purposeless life is marked for early dissolution. Apurposeless life is not worthy of preservation. That man or woman who has no purpose in lifeis driven about from place to place; from discontent to despair.

    GET MARRIED [today = have a loving nurturing relationship]: Build a home. Rear a family. Statisticsshow that married people live longer on the average than single people. Childless couples diebefore those with children. Home and children stabilize life.

    AVOID ALL POISON HABITS: Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, tobacco, alcohol, opium,heroin, soda fountain slops and other drugs. These all weaken, poison and destroy the body.

    AVOID ALL EXCESSES: Build your life on the conservation of energy, not upon itsdissipation. Don't waste your forces in useless and needless expenditures. Be moderate andtemperate in all things. If you waste your forces you impair your functions and build toxemiaand impaired nutrition. Avoid sexual excess. Conserve these powers.

    DO NOT BECOME ONE-SIDED IN YOUR MANNER OF LIVING :You cannot remain or become well and strong through exercise alone, or through diet alone,or rest and sleep alone. Fresh air and sunshine alone are not enough. Do not imagine that bybreathing alone you can reach the heights. Life must be lived as a whole.

    Do not get the idea that you are an exception to laws of life. Thereare no exceptions. The laws that govern life, health, growth,development, disease and death in your body are the same lawsthat govern these same processes in the bodies of your neighbors.Physiological laws and processes are the same in Jones as inSmith. Both Jones and his neighbors are injured by the sameharmful indulgencies, practices, habits, agents and influences.Both are helped by the same factors.Paste this in your hat. YOU ARE NO EXCEPTION.

    We must learn to view life as a struggle between self-control and self-indulgence and must come to

    realize that self-control alone leads to strength and happiness. Self-indulgence leads to misery and

    We must realize thatself-control alone leads

    to strength andhappiness. Self-

    indulgence leads tomisery and destruction.

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    destruction. Self-control is the world's greatest need. Self-discipline is the only saving force. Ourpleasure-mad and over-stimulated age is almost wholly lacking in self-control.

    Dr. Shelton: Human Life, Its Philosophy and Laws, 1928



    Hygienists in America and the Nature Curists in Europe fought along and difficult battle against not only the ignorance andingrained prejudices of the people, but against in of the organized

    opposition of the medical profession to get the value of sunshinerecognized and induce people to take sun-baths. Millions nowsunbathe more or less regularly who have not the faintest idea ofthe intensity of the struggle that made it possible for them to enjoyand profit by this practice.This same thing is true of a whole collection of Hygienicimprovements that people of today enjoy. They are ignorant of thevery names of the thinkers and heroes who made life better forthem.

    The influences of the sun on human thought and actions are onlyless appreciable than those upon the growth of the melon vine, because it affects man through manymedia.

    There would seem to be a very intimate relation between the sun and digestion. Digestion andassimilation become weak and imperfect if either man or animal is denied sunshine for a lengthyperiod. Indeed, these processes are carried out with the highest efficiency only if sunshine is secured.

    The body should be exposed to the direct rays of the sun every day. This should be an integral part ofthe way of life. Truly did Oswald declare: "Life is a sun-child".

    Herbert Shelton, Health for the Millions, 1968


    SUNBATHING STRENGTHENS MUSCLESThe Romans made use of the sun in training their Gladiators, for theyknew that sunlight seemed to strengthen and enlarge the muscles.A study of the results of combined sunlight an exercise, showed that agroup that was getting the sunlight treatments with exercise, hadimproved almost twice as much as shown by their electrocardiograms,as had those who only exercised, even though both groups were on ageneral health resort treatment program.

    SUNBATHING HELPS DEPRESSIONWhy winter makes you depressed? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) hits around 100,000 people

    and develops into severe depression as daylight decreases in the winter. If SAD sufferers get out and

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    get some sunlight during winter, they will relieve their depression.

    SUNLIGHT HEALED PATIENTS UNDER SURGERYUsing sunlight instead of light from surgical lamps healed soldiers undergoing surgery faster duringWW II, writers Carl Hoffminster. Injured soldiers healed and survived much better when their open

    wounds and broken bones were exposed to sunlight.

    WITHOUT SUNLIGHT YOU WILL DIE"Without sunshine, there would be no life possible on earth," writes Dr. Edwin Flatto. The sun providesthe basis for all life on earth. The sun is the source of energy for all plants, and indirectly, for allanimals. Sunlight purifies water, air and the surfaces of objects. Feed two animals the same dietbut keep one in a dark closet and allow the other to be out in the sunshine. The animal that's kept inthe closet will be weak, stunted and die prematurely.FOR BEST RESULTS WHEN EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT, DO NOT USE EYEGLASSES,SUNGLASSES, SUNSCREENS, SUNTAN LOTIONS OR TANNING PILLS

    Dr. Keki R. Sidhwa, The Hygienist 1997,

    SUNBLINKINGGazing towards the sun is beneficial for youreyes if practised like this: - only as the sun is

    rising above the horizon and commencedwith oneblink- after which it can be slowly

    increased to more . It should not bepractised at any other time of the day, nor for

    more than 3 or 4 blinks.Dr. John Fielder

    SUNDIPPINGThe sunlight invigorates every part of your

    retina. As you walk from work to the parkinglot, pause for a moment, close your eyes

    and make a short smooth circlet around thesun. Open your eyes and proceed. Greet thesun as you would a dear friend on the street,

    momentarily but thoroughly.Janet Goodrich, Ph.D., Natural Vision Improvement



    Life is activity. Sedentary occupations have become a sort of "second nature" to the man and womanof today. This is particularly true in the higher latitudes, where civilization has reached its greatestcomplexity. We are suffering in a variety of ways from our lack of physical activity. When we realizethat the outdoor life is both a prevention and a remedy of respiratory disease, we begin to grasp the

    significance of our hot-house existence.

    Health and vigor are synonymous. A vigorous people are a healthy people.The normal condition of creatures of the wilderness and plains is muscularvigor. We should expect the same to be true of man. Accounts of long-livedindividuals commonly state that they were, to the last, physically active.

    The influence of exercise in controlling nutrition and function is universal,applying as much to bones as to muscles and other tissues of the body.Bones duly exercised receive active nutrition, so that they acquire greaterdimensions, strength and stability. If they are not used, they do not receivegreater nutritive supplies, do not develop and are not strong. Extensiveexperience has shown that inaction diminishes the size of a bone, injures its

    structure and deprives it of hardness to such an extent that it may be cut with
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    a knife. Bones subjected to strenuous use become harder, tougher, larger and less liable to injury.

    Not only do unused parts atrophy and grow weak, but we lose the support they normally give the restof the body. We lose the appearance that normal development provides. We become defective anddeformed as the result of loss of structure. By disuse, muscles become emaciated, bones soften,

    blood vessels become obliterated and nerves lose their characteristic structure.

    There are no less than 400 muscles in the body, all of them in need of regular exercise. Not only dounused muscles waste and weaken, but all functions which depend upon the actions of the musclesare also greatly weakened.

    Herbert Shelton, Health for the Millions, 1968



    In that wonderful workshop we call the living organism, twosimultaneous processes keep operating. On the one hand, areprocesses of growth, development and replenishment; on the otherhand, processes of wear and tear. The two processes, wasteandrepair, never cease. They are collectively designated metabolism.

    CATABOLISM: To the process of "tearing down," the termcatabolismis applied. It is dominant in periods of activity. Action uses up, wastes, exhausts; it isnature's great exhaustive process. ANABOLISM: To the process of "building up," the term anabolismis applied. It is dominant duringrest and sleep. Rest and sleep are periods of repair and replenishment. Respose is nature's greatrepresentative process of recuperation and restoration. If by our habits of life, we can lessen thewaste and make more vigorous and satisfactory the process of repair, we shall enjoy health andstrength.

    There is need of rest to recover from the exhausting expenditures of the day, and stimulation cannotsubstitute for rest. The demand for rest will enforce itself, if stimulants are not taken, as there is anirresistible desire to lie down and cease activity.We divide rest into four kinds:

    Physical rest, which is procured by ceasing physical activity, going to bed and relaxing;

    Sensory rest, which is secured by quiet and by resting the eyes; Mental rest, which is secured by poising the mind, ceasing to worry and cultivating mental

    equilibrium; and Physiological rest, which is secured by reducing physiological activity.

    All of these forms of rest are at their best during sleep.

    There is a right way of living, and be who finds and pursues it will not bemade sick by what he calls overwork. When he becomes tired, he will rest. Ifhe tries to go on, and mental weariness will compel him to rest and sleep.But if he lashes himself with stimulants, he will overtax himself. Rest is acondition necessary for the replenishment of exhausted nutrients.

    In football it is the custom to take "time out" for a period of rest. Then play is

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    resumed. Certainly, such "time out" from work will provide better preparation for more work the coffeebreak. Invalids who resort to stimulants and tonics instead of taking more rest and sleep, deprive themselvesof all possibility of recovery.

    Herbert Shelton, Health for the Millions, 1968


    Fasting had its origin in the dim uncertainties of the long forgotten pastwhen the first wounded animal found that it had no desire for food.From that time to this both animals and man have instinctively resortedto fasting when sick. Ancient physicians well understood the value of

    abstinence from food in acute disease.

    The conception of fasting as a means of purgingthe soul is found in all the ancient religions and ispracticed in many religions even to this day. Thisis particularly true in India. Moses, the Hebrewlawgiver, prescribed and employed fasting. He fasted for forty days upon oneoccasion. Elijah, the Hebrew prophet, fasted forty days. Jesus, another greatJew, fasted forty days. On one occasion, in explaining to his disciples why theyhad failed to cast out a devil (overcome hysteria) from a patient, he said: "Thiskind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Luke, one of his faithful disciples

    and himself a physician declared: "I fast twice in the week."

    The cure of disease was not the aim of every fast undertaken by these religious devotees. But wemay very properly assume that they were intended to accomplish some great good. Were this not so,the great self-control and denial a fast entails would have prevented them from resorting to thisprocedure so frequently and giving so much prominence to it. .

    Fasting above all other measures can lay claim to being a strictly natural method.There can be no doubt that it is the oldest of all methods of treating disease. It ismuch older than the human race itself since it is resorted to instinctively by sick andwounded animals.

    In the human realm the same rule prevails to the extent that we permit. One of thefirst things Nature does to the person with acute disease is to stop all desire for food.

    Nature indicates both in animals and man that in acute disease no food but watershould be consumed, while, in chronic disease, the amount of food eaten should be much less thanthat consumed in normal health. If this rule were adhered to by all, an untold amount of sufferingwould be avoided and many would be saved from an untimely death.

    Dr. Shelton: Human Life, Its Philosophy and Laws, 1928

    Fasting is theoldest of allmethods of

    treating disease.Much older thanthe human race



    Extracted from the articleThe Effect of Music on Physiologyby Dr. J. Fielder
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    Everything in our universe is in a sense of vibration. Matter is made up of certaintypes of waves or pulsing vibration. Chemistry expert Dr. Donald Hatch Andrewsputs it, we are finding that the universe is composed not of matter but of music.

    Why is it that when we listen to certain types of music we respond with goose-pimples and others we simply turn off'? The elicitation of limbic function by theabstract sounds of music somehow relates to the human brains capability ofprocessing operations even if they are of no immediate need or survival value (butcrucial to overall human performance).

    The Effect of Music on PainAs Chiropractors it is easy to forget that many patients in the waiting room may be in pain. Music hasbeen used in hospitals for years often as an adjunct to local anaesthesia. ... Rusca fitted his patientswith a set of ear phones during spinal anaesthesia. Thus the patient heard only music chosen to suithis tastes. Not only was the operation painless, but it became associated with a pleasurableexperience. Burdick' found that if music is played during the induction of anaesthesia, it is

    accomplished with less resistance.A 1990 study into the effect of music on infantile colic showed that all infants showed a substantialdecrease in excessive crying of about 75% of the initial baseline.

    AnxietyMany studies have supported the concept of the effect of music on anxiety and some work has beendone in the dental setting.A 1989 French study of Electro-physiologic recordings of certain neurovegetative manifestationsproduced by a sonic environment in the dental office, demonstrated and evaluated the stressing andrelaxing power of music or noise. The high speed drill and the telephone represent the most stressingelements in the dental office and show an intense electrodermal activity and respiratory disturbances.On the contrary, slow, regular, melodious and harmonious music such as J.S. Bach's Aria, induce asubjective and relaxing climate with neurovegetative reaction characteristic of a state of physiological

    relaxation.Cherry and Pallin used popular classical sections in their dental office and demonstrated decreasedanxiety. Music included Beethoven's Moonlightsonata, Wagner's EveningStar and Debussey's Clairde la Lune.

    What Music Do You Play?A few minutes a day of listening to Baroque music and listeners in Lozanov'ssuperlearning classes began to report not only expanded awareness andbetter memory but also a repertoire of health benefits. They felt refreshed,energized and centred. Tension and stress disappeared. Headaches andpain went. Their physiological variables also improved: lowered bloodpressure, reduced muscle tension, and slower pulse.Composers of Baroque music were trained and made to use particular

    numbers and patterns for harmony, counterpoint, rhythm and tempo in music.This mathematical Baroque music was supposed to affect us by aligning,harmonizing and sychronising our minds and bodies to more harmoniouspatterns.

    ConclusionThere is no doubt that music can have powerful effects on the human body. This literature review hasrevealed positive effects of soothing music via the limbic system on many neurophysiologicalreactions.

    John L. Fielder,DO,DC,ND(Adel)Osteopath& Lifestyle ConsultantAcademy of Natural
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    The amount of energy available to use from moment to moment depends upon the quality of theblood, lymph, nerves and energy pathways (called meridians).

    These in turn are dependant upon the presence of (a.) allnecessary substances in the body, such as minerals, traceelements, proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.

    and (b.) the correct amount of these, neither excessive ordeficient.

    There need to be (c.) sufficient clearness and purity of bloodand lymph circulation free from obstruction, such as metabolicbody toxins generated from activity, and foreign unusablechemicals introduced from without - such as tobacco,pollution, drugs, etc.

    Finally (d.) there must be sufficient rest and sleep, the indispensable and most important timewherein the body recharges itself with the eternal undifferentiated energy, as well as theenergy contained in the food consumed earlier. Whatever energy is absorbed from food istransferred only during the state of sleep, never directly during the act of eating.

    If energy could be absorbed directly by the process of eating, then all wewould have to do whenever we are tired is to eat, and the more food we eatthe stronger we would become, thus making sleep unnecessary. But actually,the reverse is true. The more we eat, the more exhausted and sleepy webecome. Any energy we experience immediately after eating (such assweets), or the lift we get from drinking coffee, or the expression ofstrong emotions - is using our energy reserves, - and is the expenditureof energy, not its accumulation.

    Energy is always felt and experienced in its expenditure.Its accumulation is rarely felt, since this occurs during periods of rest and mostly during deepdreamless sleep, when the mind is inactive.

    Dr. Stanley S. Bass -- Read the full article at

    Dr. Shelton: "Most people now know that the world is round and not flat, but how many of them knowthat "stimulants" take away the power they appear to give?"


    Perhaps in no other field
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    Perhaps in no other field of "medicine," archaic or modern,have greater blunders of this nature been made than in thedelusion that "stimulation" is a beneficial or strengtheningthing. We know of no portion of the human race in any age orin any part of the world that has not been misled by the

    Stimulant Delusion.

    No greater delusion ever possessedthe human mind than the stimulantdelusion. Like the ancient idea thatthe earth is flat and the heavens agreat chandelier-studded canopy stretched over it, the stimulant delusion isbased on appearances. Man lives in the appearance of things untilratiocination (logical reasoning) dawns, after which he attempts to get back of thescenes and find out what it is that makes the wheels go around. It is thenthat he makes the, at first, shocking discovery that the real is opposite fromthe apparent. Most people in civilized countries now know that the world is

    round and not flat, but how many of them know that "stimulants" take away the power they appear to

    give.Just as vital action against the so-called stimulant has been mistaken for the beneficial actions of the"stimulant" upon the body so, also, has there been much misunderstanding of what stimulantsare andof different kinds of stimulants. ...

    The deceptive power of all excitants is the same. They appear to give us strength. In reality they takeaway the strength we have. They appear to increase our capacity to perform work. They reallydiminish this power. They deteriorate the functional results of the organs they affect. Eggs may bestimulated so that they hatch earlier than normal but the birds or reptiles thus hatched are short livedand the earlier they are forced to hatch the shorter lived are they. Both the young of plants andanimals may be stimulated so that they grow faster or larger than normal, but those so stimulated areshort lived and more subject to disease than plants and animals of normal growth. Condiments excitethe stomach, but they impair digestion. Sweat cabinets increase sweating but decrease elimination.

    Purgatives and laxatives excite bowl action but build chronic constipation. When one is sick excitantsmay hasten the exhaustion of the fund of life.

    Here I am reminded of Trall's remarks anent the death of Prince Albert:"The story comes to us in the English newspapers, that Prince Albert was 'keptup on stimulants' for five or six days. No one suspected any danger. Physiciansdid not regard the complaint as anything serious. But, all at once, the patientbecame prostrated. The typhoid set in. His system refused to 'respond' to anyfurther stimulation.Why did his system refuse to respond? Because his vitality had all beenstimulated away. His system needed quiet, repose; but he was kept in a feverishcommotion, in an inflammatory excitement, in a constant commotion withalcoholic poison."- True Healing Art.

    In those cases where stimulants appear to do the most good they do the most harm. The harm theyactually do is proportioned to the amount of energy they cause to be expended. ... The weaker thepatient the greater the need to do nothing, and yet it is precisely at such times that all cults seek to dothe most.

    Herbert M. Shelton: The Science and Fine Art of Natural Hygiene, 1934

    of "medicine" havegreater blunders been

    made than in the

    delusion that"stimulation" is a

    beneficial orstrengthening thing.


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    AMOUNTIt is said that water is the life-supporter and that more should be taken thanthirst demands. But no good reason has yet been offered for the impliedprinciple that thirst is an unreliable guide as to how much water is needed.Dr. Trail stated: "Only a very small quantity of water is necessary as a drink,provided our dietetic and other voluntary habits are physiologically correct.

    The vast quantity usually taken into the stomach is called for by the feverish and inflammatory state ofthe system produced by concentrated food, flesh, salt, spices etc." There is no fixed quantity of waterthat one must drink during the day. The amount needed is determined by a variety of factors. Age,sex, temperature, activity, and the character of food eaten are the chief factors that determine theamount of drink required. It is therefore stupid to lay down any hard and fast rule (such as one mustdrink six glasses of water a day) about the amount of water needed. When it is hot and we sweatmore, we drink more; when it is cold and we sweat less, we drink less. If we are active and thussweating more, we need more water than when we are inactive and sweating less. Thirst guides us indrinking as hunger guides us (or should) in eating.

    LIQUID FOODSIt should be understood that milk is not a drink, but a food. We get milk from animals who haveprepared it for the nourishment of their young. Fruit and vegetable juices are also foods, not drinks.Liquid foods should be understood as such, and should not be thought of as drinks. Soups are alsoliquid foods. Coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate beverages, soft-drinks and similar beverages should beunderstood to be, not drink, but poison.It is possible to drink too much water and it is possible to take too little. Bothextremes are hurtful.

    RULES FOR DRINKINGA few simple rules for drinking:

    Never drink with meals. Water and other fluids taken taken with a meal inevitablydilutes the digestive juices and alter their pH. This retards the process of digestion.

    Water remains in the stomach such a short time after ingestion that it may be taken five to ten tofifteen minutes before a meal without interferring with the digestive process. The other liquids (whichare either foods or poisons) are not so quickly expelled from the stomach.

    On the other hand, water should not be taken for some time after a meal. The old rule of drinkingtwo hours after a meal resulted in the flooding of the stomach with water at a time when the digestivejuices were present in greatest abundance and digestion was proceeding with maximum efficiency.

    Herbert M. Shelton, Health For The Millions, 1968

    CHANGED VIEWS FROMSHELTON:THIRST DOES NOT GUIDEUSAt the outset, to be thirsty isnot an indication ofdehydration. It only becomessuch when the thirst is notassuaged over a long period oftime. Dr. John Fielder

    DON'T RELY ON THIRSTThirst is not an indicator for dehydration. In other words,many people can get dehydrated and were not thirsty at allprior. Thirst is not a warning sign for dehydration. So inspeaking of the amount of water a person should have,while climate, activity, etc. are important considerations,they should not rely on thirst letting them know if they aregetting dehydrated. madelyn hill

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    There are many cook books whose literary excellence isnot to be questioned; but we cannot regard them asanything more than promiscuous medleys of dieteticabominations. In the words of Trail, the greatest effort ofthe cookbook writers seems to be to "mix and mingle thegreatest possible amount of seasonings, saltings, spicings,and greasings into a single dish; and jumble the greatestpossible variety of heterogeneous substances into thestomach at a single meal."

    BLACK ART OF SPOILING FOOD SUBSTANCESCooking is the application of high temperatures to food. Itmay be properly defined as "the black art of spoiling foodsubstances". The practice probably had its origin in what is called primitive magicand was probablyan effort to impart to food some of the powers and properties (spirits) of fire to the food so treated.The ancient craft of Prometheus, the magi who stole fire from the gods, endowed fire with manyspiritual qualities which could be imparted to it touched.

    SUN=GOD, FIRE=DEVILHeat destroys the physical structure and chemical arrangements of the food that the sun has been souseful in building up. There may be more truth than we know in the notion of certain tribes that thesun represents God, fire the Devil.

    CHEMICAL EFFECTSThe chemical effects of cooking have been thoroughly studied, and it is well known that cooking isdestructive of food values. Cooking coagulates proteins, deaminizes some amino acids, caramelizessugars, breaks up fats into free fatty acids, destroys vitamins and enzymes, chemically rendersmineral salts non-usable, leeches substances from foods, makes most foods less digestible, andalters their taste. How repulsive and unpalatable would be such products except for their artificialflavorings and sweetenings.

    Man alone, of all creatures on earth, resorts to the black art of cookery to spoil the products ofnature before he introduces these into his digestive tract.

    Herbert M. Shelton, Health For The Millions, 1968

    CONTRARY VIEW:PRIMITIVE COOKINGWhile there is a growing consensus today that eating raw food is healthier, the fact is,throughout history all cultures have modified, "cooked" or altered the energy field of their foodsin some way. This is one of the 11 fundamental Characteristics of Traditional Diets, based onextensive research on so-called primitive cultures throughout the world by Dr. Weston Price inthe 1930s. Even the most primitive tribe discovered in our time, The Tasaday of the Philippines,who had no wheel or weapons, did have fire, which they started with wooden sticks and usedto roast wild yams and other foods. ...Many people with poor digestion don't handle raw foods very well .... The higher proportion ofnutrients in raw food is useless if the food can't be digested, absorbed and assimilated. N.

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    Bentley & Dr. Mercola


    Dr. Bass: In other words, now you're advocating the use of cooked foods, when someone HAS damagedthe flora? [Note: the cooked vegetables act as a very favorable culture media to restore the growth of the f lora which have beendamaged.]

    Dr. Cursio: That's right. In the cases that had this particular situation.

    Dr. Bass: And then once they had restored the flora, they could go back to the raw - with better results?

    Dr. Cursio: That's it! With better results. ........ Dr. Bass With 3 Generations

    Do not try to get your vitamins and minerals from a jar or bottle - the only reliable source is naturalfoods & lifestyle! Dr. Fielder explains why below.


    Today more than ever before we are becoming aware of the necessity of makingsure that all the essential elements we need are being supplied to us throughthe food we eat In nearly every so-called health magazine we are being told ofthe necessity of ensuring that we have adequate supplies of the essentialnutrients required for the efficient functioning and subsequent well being of ourbody, be they vitamins, minerals, or whatever. Now all this is well and good andof vital necessity if we are to attain that high level of health towards which weare all striving. But to endeavour to achieve this through supplementation, is, so

    I believe, fraught with a great deal of danger.

    In a recent article in a leading health magazine we find these two quotationsside by side:But for those of us who don't have an exemplary diet and lifestyle, or whosimply can't get fresh foods, supplements are probably necessary for the besthealth that is possible under the circumstances.(They then go on to say:)One fact of which we are absolutely certain, and which cannot be over-emphasized, is that vitamins and mineral supplements cannot properlycompensate for poor diet, or consuming a lot of junk foods. To think otherwise isto delude ourselves. [italics mine]In addition they then give a list of all the vitamins and minerals and their food


    It is my contention that these can only be reliably supplied through thefoods we eat and the lifestyle we live, including sunlight, fresh air,exercise, rest, and positive attitude.Thisis where our emphasis should lie, asthere are good scientific grounds to validate this belief in so far as the fact thatall synthetic vitamins are only the so-called chemical equivalent and not thevitamin. In actual fact we must admit that we really do not know what constitutesa vitamin, for our chemistry is a limited science, when it is all boiled down.

    To illustrate this point further we could consider the classic experiment of theduplication of sea water. The scientists claimed it was chemically equivalent.Unfortunately, the fish did not agree they died when placed in it.
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    We must also consider the chemical law, The Law of the Minimum, which briefly states that for theutilization of any element, be it vitamin, mineral, or such like, the presence of certain other variables isrequired, which, at the most, we can only guess at. And this symbiosis is only to be found when thevitamins and minerals are supplied in their natural state, through our foods.We may go still further and say that even though our bodies may accept these food supplements

    and their effect may appearto be beneficial, in the long term they will be harmful to our well-being, asis the case with cooked foods. In either case, the major long-term effects will not be observable formany years to come.

    In conclusion, let me say that it is only through placing the emphasis where it should be ongrowing, or obtaining, whole fresh raw food, organically grown at all times, and practicing as natural alifestyle as possible, wherever we may be can we be ensured of that top level health devoid of theso-called, mineral and vitamin deficiencies.For those who live in cities who find it hard to purchase fresh supplies on a regular basis, it is well toremember that we can grow all our needs in the way of greens in boxes (window, if need be) if we livein a flat or town house, along with sprouts, thus supplying a guaranteed organic source for most, if notall, of our mineral and vitamin requirements.

    John L. Fielder,DO,DC,ND(Adel)Osteopath& Lifestyle ConsultantAcademy of Natural

    no man should be regarded as educatedwho is ignorant of the general laws

    that govern life and activity(herbert shelton)



    Who, aside from Natural Hygienists, studies health and its conditions? Who,other than they, considers the normal conditions of healthy life?

    Prior to Sylvester Graham it seems not to have been thought thatmankind ought to be healthy; it seems to have been accepted thata state of sickness is man's normal state. Disease was accepted asinevitable, as it is yet by most people and by physicians. ...

    Health and disease are products of nature and are, therefore,dependent upon and controlled by natural laws. These laws maybe discovered and applied to the certain production andmaintenance of health. There can be no recovery of health thesenecessary conditions of healthy life are supplied. ...

    Both vegetables and animals are subject, as the very condition oftheir integrity of structure and healthy existence, to particular laws called vital or organic. He only is

    The conditions ofhealth are few andsimple. They are in

    accordance with man'sunperverted instincts.They may be learned

    from the animalkingdom.
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    healthy who orders his life in accordance with the laws of life; ...

    The conditions of health are few and simple. They are in accordance with man'sunperverted instincts. They may be learned from our nearest kin in the animalkingdom. From the beast of the field and the bird of the air we may learn many

    valuable lessons. If we study them in their natural state, in the exercise of theirinstinctive ways of Life, they will teach us more than we can ever learn from theexperimental productions of pathological conditions in the laboratory. We need tostudy life as it is in nature, not as we upon animals in our pens.....

    Unconsciousness of action is the true test of perfection of organic function. If youare conscious of your stomach, your heart, your bowels or some other part of your

    body, there is something wrong. Even in genuine hunger, we are not conscions of the stomach. Thereis no pain or other unpleasant symptom in the gastric region when genuine hunger is felt. It is amouth, throat and nose sensation, not unlike that of thirst and is not an organic distress. Indeed,hunger may be a very delicious sensation, rather than an uncomfortable feeling.

    Who, aside from Natural Hygienists, studies health and its conditions? Who, other than they,

    considers the normal conditions of healthy life? Who, other than Natural Hygienists goes back of theabnormal activities of the sick organism and seeks to remove causes that have impaired them? ...

    Genuine health is an active vigorous state of the body in which all the structures are soundand unimpaired, all its functions efficient, and in which, by reason of its own vigor and energy,the body can wade through all the common emergencies of life with flags flying and bannersstreaming.

    Germs! Viruses! The healthy body laughs at them! Vaccines and serums! It has no need for theseabominations.

    Herbert Shelton, Health for the Millions, 1968

    SPRING HUMORSitting with her cat an old woman was polishing a dusty lamp she had found in the attic, when a geniepopped up and offered her three wishes. Thinking quickly she said "I'd like to be rich, I'd like to beyoung and I'd like my cat to turn into a handsome prince." There was a puff of smoke and the womanfound herself young and surrounded by riches, the cat had gone and a gorgeous prince stood besideher holding out his arms, she melted into his embrace. "Now" he whispered "aren't you sorry you hadme neutered".Dr. Keki R. Sidhwa, 1995 ANHS Convention

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    (continued from issue #1)So I got on the plane from Paris and I got to New York, but I didn'tknow where to go, so I went straight to the Pennsylvania station

    and got a ticket to go home to Texas. But we had to wait about 11hours. So we waited in the ladies restroom, where there happenedto be a cot. Tosca slept all day til the train left. Because we wereall night on the plane, she hadn't gotten much sleep.

    It took two days to get home on the train. Nobody knew I wascoming home, I didn't tell anyone, since I just had to run. When Igot to Houston, mother wasn't home, so I called my aunt and shecame to pick me up. It was a joyous meeting. She was so happy.She cried and took me home and by that time mother was back.

    So anyway, I got home with my little baby girl, it was 1953 Toscawas about 2 years old. And then she was introduced to her cousins, my sister's four children and

    she tried to talk French to them. So she said "poupet" and stamped herfoot, and they didn't know what she was talking about. Poupet is a doll.And this made her so mad, so she refused to talk French anymore tome, and she just started listening to them and before long she wasspeaking English.

    Next I decided I wanted to go to California. There I had Tosca in a childactors' school. She was learning to tap dance, to act, to do everythingin show business from a beautiful lady who knew Betty Grable, and hadgrown up with her. But had gotten MS, and had to quit show business. Iwanted to stay there, and be in show business in Los Angeles, andsome wanted me to be in their act, but I didn't know if I wanted to makean act yet or not. Instead I was going to go to Las Vegas, to get into the

    chorus and see if I wanted to be there. Achorus girl is a dance girl in the Las Vegasshows. But it is hard to go to a chorus whenyou've already had 2 or 3 of your own acts.So I decided not go there after all.

    Instead Shelton's letters brought me back. He was a good writer, aprofessional, because he had done it for all the army boys during the war.They would pay him to write love letters to their girl friends. So his lettersbrought me back to Texas.

    In San Antonio Tosca was brought up as a hygienist. Once in secondgrade the teacher found out that I tried to teach Hygiene to Tosca and wouldn't let her have cakes and

    pies and candies. So the teacher told all the kids: "Please give Tosca candy and cakes now, anytimeyou have anything leftover from lunch, because her mama won't let

    her have it." So thekids gave her allthis, and she'd get acold everyweekend, and Iwould have to fasther. Tosca said thatthe teacher wouldset her at a longtable at the backwith half a dozen to

    a dozen different

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    pastries, and she'd sit there and watch her eat them. Honestly. And then later on when she found outthat Tosca didn't eat meat, she tried to get the kids to give their meat-dishes too.

    I had to take her out of that public school and instead put her in a private school that Dr. Shelton toldme about, and was close to where he used to have his first health school. And he knew these people

    and they knew about hygiene, so they didn't force anything on her, and they understood her diet, soshe ate properly.

    We didn't have problems with vaccinations. Vaccinations were notmandatory in Castle Hill where we lived, as it was in San Antonio.They hadn't passed it, and it was a separate city. So it didn't worryus there and it didn't bother the little private school.

    Dr. Herbert Shelton lived inside the city of San Antonio where hehad his health school. Over the years he had several. He had thisplace on Woodlawn, that I remember but now he was already outof there and on North Loop Road, which was out Highway 281, 5 or

    10 minutes outside

    of San Antonio.That was perhapshis 3rd place. Hemoved them because he wanted to get a betterlocation out in the country-side. Also, if a place startedgrowing and got too big, he moved.

    At the new health school out in the country, he waspersecuted. He would put his big sign up, "Dr.Shelton's Health School", but the local people wouldcome and shoot that sign up or knock it down. All thetime. Greg's father (Tosca's father-in-law)just told us thatpeople used to talk about this weird place out there, it

    was all over San Antonio. Because Dr. Shelton was carried into court every month, every singlemonth, for practicing medicine without a license. Every month he was putting thesign back and putting it back finally he just put it down. So he never had a sign,instead he just had to tell people how to get there. He usually picked everybody upat the airport anyway when they arrived. But anyway, he didn't have a signanymore he use to say: "well, if you build a better mousetrap people are going tofind you anyway". And they found him.

    We used to go out there and visit at thehealth school and talk to the people, and atthat time I used to teach Tosca how to ridea bike on a country road. This was approximately where someof the runways of the airport stand right now, so the place is

    torn down. Dr. Shelton had to move further north, out SanPedro Road.

    The last health school he had was big pretty white building that I helped him with the design of. Someof the money to build it came from Elmer Charles Doolin, the man who started the Frito company.Elmer C. Doolin invented Fritos corn chips. He fasted at Dr. Shelton's Health School, and while hewas fasting he thought up the idea of making and marketing Fritos. He bought the recipe from somelittle Mexican man who was making them for his bar and restaurant, and who would have Fritos therefor people who came in.After he had fasted Doolin bought the recipe and started making them and packaging them in his ownhome in San Antonio (in 1932). And he became wealthy with his Frito idea, and he was grateful, soyears later he was instrumental in Dr. Shelton having enough money to build his big health school. Hegave him 50,000 dollars. But the Frito-Lay people don't have that in their history, and they don't want

    to have it. Tosca emailed them once saying: "did you know that this happened?"And they said: "no

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    we think you have your history wrong. Mr Doolin did this and this and this we'll send you a wholepacket on the Frito-Lay company."

    However the movie about Natural Hygiene that was made by Jack Dunn Tropthe GreatestAdventure has a picture of Mr and Mrs Doolin sitting at an ANHS convention, eating all these fruits

    and vegetables on a plate with everybody else, so we know that he was into Natural Hygiene. ButJack didn't put much of Shelton in the film because he didn't approve of it. Too bad, Jack should havedone it anyway. Jack Dunn Trop was a hygienist who was in the movie business in Hollywood, heproduced e.g. movies about Hopalong Cassidy.Dr. Shelton's book Rubies in the Sandis dedicated to Elmer C. Doolin. Also, it is now being re-printed in French, I sent them the book recently.(to be continued)

    2001 interview by A. Nelson

    Visit Dr. Vetrano's

    Food may be the most powerful drug you will ever come in contact with.(barry sears: enter the zone)


    The insulin mechanism has been touched on several times on the discussion board.Here is a quick introduction.Dr. Bernstein, one of the world's foremost experts on blood sugar and insulin, startedhis research in 1969, and published his first book in 1980. Being a diabetic hemeasured his own blood sugar 5 times a day for decades( Natural Hygiene, Dr. Stanley Bass initiated study of the insulin mechanism



    Our dietary sources of blood sugar (glucose) are carbohydrates and proteins.One reason the taste of sugar - a simple form of carbohydrate - delights us isthat it fosters production of neurotransmitters in the brain that relieve anxietyand can create a sense of well-being, or even euphoria. This makescarbohydrate quite addictive to certain people whose brains may haveinadequate levels of these neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers withwhich the brain communicates with itself and the rest of the body, orperipheral nervous system.

    When blood sugar levels are low, the liver can, through a process we willdiscuss shortly, convert proteins into glucose, but very slowly and inefficiently.

    The body can not convert glucose back into protein, nor can it convert fat into sugar. Fat cells,however, with the help of insulin, do transform glucose into fat.
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    The taste of protein doesn't excite us as much as that of carbohydrate - it would be the very unusualchild who'd jump up and down in the grocery store and beg his mother for a steak instead of cookies.Protein gives us a much slower and smaller blood sugar effect, which, as you will see, we diabeticscan use to our advantage in normalizing blood sugars. ...

    INSULIN RELEASELet's take a look at how the average nondiabetic bodymakes and uses insulin. Suppose that Jane, a nondiabetic,arises in the morning and has a mixed breakfast, that is, onethat contains both carbohydrate and protein. On thecarbohydrate side, she has toast with jelly and a glass oforange juice; on the protein side, she has a boiled egg. Herbasal (i.e., before-meals) insulin secretion has kept herblood sugar level steady during the night, inhibitinggluconeogenesis.

    Shortly after the sugar in the juice or jelly hits her mouth,or the starchy carbohydrates in the toast reach her saliva,glucose begins to enter her bloodstream. The rise in Jane's

    blood sugar is a chemical signal to her pancreas to releasethe granules of insulin it has stored in order to prevent ajump in blood sugar (see figure). This rapid release of stored insulin is called phase I insulinresponse. It quickly corrects the initial blood sugar increase and can prevent further increase from theingested carbohydrate. As the pancreas runs out of stored insulin, it manufactures more, but it has to do so from scratch.The insulin released now is known as the phase II insulin response, and it's secreted much moreslowly. As she eats her boiled egg, the insulin of phase II can cover the sugar that's slowly producedfrom the protein of the egg.


    1. Insulin acts in the nondiabetic as the means to admit glucose fuel - into the cells. It does thisby activating the production of glucose "transporters" within the cells. These specializedprotein molecules emerge from the nuclei of the cells to grab glucose from the blood andbring it to the interiors of the cells. Once inside the cell, glucose can be utilized to powerenergy-requiring functions. Without insulin, the cells can absorb only a very small amount ofsugar, not enough to sustain the body.

    2. As Jane's blood continues to accumulate sugar, and the beta cells in her pancreascontinueto release insulin, some of her blood sugar is transformed to glycogen, a starchy substancestored in the muscles and liver.

    3. Once glycogen storage sites in the muscles and liver are filled, excess glucose remaining inthe bloodstream is converted to and stored as fat.

    GLUCAGON RELEASELater, as lunchtime nears but before Jane eats, ifher blood sugar drops too low, the alpha cells ofher pancreas will release another pancreatichormone, glucagon, which will "instruct" her liverand muscles to begin converting glycogen toglucose, to raise blood sugar. When she eatsagain, her store of glycogen will be replenished.

    This pattern of basal, phase I, then phase II insulin secretion is perfect for keeping Jane's bloodglucose levels in a healthy range. Her body is nourished, and things work according to design. Hermixed meal is handled beautifully.

    Richard K. Bernstein M.D: Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution, 1997,
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    DEATH BY SUGAR --- WHY ARE BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS SO IMPORTANT?The importance of this minute-by-minute regulation level of sugar in the blood is underscoredby the fact that without either one of these hormones we would be dead in a matter of days orperhaps even hours.

    Without insulin the blood sugar would skyrocket, causing profound metabolic disturbances,dehydration, coma, and death.

    An absence of glucagon would allow the blood sugar to fall rapidly, bringing on braindysfunction, somnolence, coma, and then death, because the brain requires blood sugar tooperate properly.Because of this critical need to maintain the blood sugar in a narrow physiological band, thebody doesn't really much care about the secondary activities of these hormones as long asthey keep the blood sugar where it's supposed to be. And that's what gets us in trouble..Drs. Michael & Mary Eades, Protein Power, 1996

    theories, no matter how pertinent,cannot eradicate the existence of facts

    (jean martin charcot)(cited in Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution)



    PIONEERS OF HYGIENEUnacquainted with the structures and functions of the human body andincapable, for the most part, of tracing the evolution of disease and, at thesame time, steeped in the grossest superstition, ancient and medievalpeoples had built up a system of "medicine" or more correctly, severalsystems of "medicine," all of them having much in common, that had norelation to life. It was inevitable that, as knowledge of physiology andanatomy increased, a time would arrive when an effort would be made toestablish a system of body-mind care, both in health and illth, upon the lawsof physiology, and to abandon the superstitious practices that had grown

    out of ancient magic. This effort resulted in the creation of the Hygienic


    The men who founded the Hygienic System attempted to build uponthe bedrock of natural law and their success in doing so attests totheir good judgement. Superstition that is so old, honored, wellorganized and that had become a vested interest, as was medicine, isnot, however, easily destroyed and it does not willingly lie down anddie. Rather, it fights for its existence with every weapon at itscommand. The fact, therefore, that the old system still exists and stillretains a firm grip on the public is not half so surprising as are the

    efforts of its professionals and theoreticians to prove that it is established upon a physiological basis.

    Superstition that isso old, honored &well organized asmedicine does notwillingly lie down

    and die.

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    It is always a dangerous thing to serve as midwife at the birth of a new truth or a new movement.Courageous men who defied the gibes and jeers of the mob; honest men who spoke and lived thetruth as far as they understood it; determined men who let nothing stand in the way of their efforts tobring new life to the world; sincere men who knew no compromise with ancient error; self-sacrificingmen who worked themselves to death for the truths they had discovered; brilliant men who would

    have been classed as genuises had they devoted their powers to popular causes, brought theHygienic System into being. Such were the men and women who labored that the world might havelight and life, that the people might have health and happiness and be freed from the fear of disease.So successful were their labors that today millions profit by practising part of the things theyacvocated without ever having heard of them and their labors. They did not labor in vain and somedaythe world will confer upon their names the honors they so richly deserve.....MEDICINE ADOPTS HYGIENE TO DESTROYThe adoption by the people (in the 1800's), in the face of dogged opposition by the medical profession, ofexercise, sunbathing, ventilated homes and offices, better modes of clothing, fruits and vegetables ingreater abundance, raw vegetables in the face of the medical threat of typhoid, has gained forhygiene a leading place in the lives of our people. Hygiene became so popular and the populardistrust of drugs became so great that as Shyrock says, allopathy adopted enough Hygiene to save

    itself. When it became no longer safe to ignore or despise Hygiene, they adopted it in part, althoughperverting it and mixing it with their drugs and serums. They not only succeeded in fooling the people,most of whom now think that the medical profession promoted hygienic living, but in fooling theHygienists, themselves.

    Shortly after the death of Trall the story ran through Hygienicpublications that the medical profession had reformed. It hadaccepted Hygiene. There seemed to be no longer any reason forthem to carry on their fight. They rested on their oars. This wasan almost fatal blunder. Medicine can never reform. It firstdenounces everything and then claims everything, but it adoptsonly to destroy. It seeks always and only to preserve itself.

    I shall permit Shryock to testify further to the influence theHygienists have had in changing the mode of living and theentire outlook of the people of America. He says: "A century after

    Graham first made his appeal, his preachments have begun to be practiced and today, at least part ofthe population, apparently eat less and select their food with greater care than did their fathers.People nowadays are seekers after roughage and the whole grain in cereals. They worship fresh air,and sun-tan, and the bath-room has become the very symbol of American civilization. VerilyAmericans have become physiologically reformed."

    Herbert M. Shelton, The Science and Fine Art of Natural Hygiene, 1934

    Hygiene became sopopular and the

    popular distrust ofdrugs became so greatthat medicine adopted

    enough Hygiene tosave itself.


    A soap-box lecturer was once entertaining a crowd on Broadway in NewYork City. He told the following story: "The superintendent of aninstitution for the feeble-minded sent an inmate into the basement to mopup the water from a faucet that accidently had been left running. Later inthe day the man was found mopping with the water still running full blast.'You darned idiot, why don't you turn off the faucet,' shouted thesuperintendent. The simpleton grinned and replied: 'Nobody's paying me toturn 'er off. I'm gettin' two bits an hour to mop 'er up."When the roar that greeted this jibe at the medical profession hadsubsided, the speaker continued: "The land is flooded with sickness, which

    flows from ignorance of nature's laws. Proper instruction would shut off

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    disease at its source, but if doctors turned off the tap, they would putthemselves out of a job." Nobody pays the medical profession to "turn 'eroff," they get "two bits an hour to mop 'er up."

    Dr. Shelton: Human Life, Its Philosophy and Laws, 1928


    The following remarks made by Dr. Trall in the 1860's to one of his lecture classes is indicative of hispassionate desire for a disease-free and doctor-independent world:

    "I cannot forbear a word in allusion to the prospectsbefore us in a business point of view. The system which

    we advocate naturally and necessarily destroys theprofessional business and emoluments (income) of thepractitioners. If we cannot practice the healing art with ahigher motive than to get a profitable trade out of theignorance and falsities and infirmities of society, it wouldbe well for us, and better for the world, if we should seeksome other vocation. We cannot practice our system

    without educating the people in its principles. No sooner do they comprehend them, then they findthemselves capable of managing themselves, except in rare, and extraordinary cases, without ourassistance. Not only this, but our patrons learn from our teachings, examples, and prescriptions, howto live so as to avoid, to a great extent, sickness of any kind.

    When you become physicians, you will be continually teaching the people how to do without you. You

    must, therefore, continually extend your field of practice by making new converts, or your occupationwill soon be gone.

    And whenever the world becomes so intelligent as to adopt our system in all of its parts, to theexclusion of all others, they will be their own doctors.They will not need us; indeed, there will then be no practitioners of medicine in demand, or inexistence, except male surgeons and female midwives."

    R.T. Trall M.D., The Greatest Health Discovery

    "When you become

    physicians, you willbe continually

    teaching the people

    how to do without


    he who has health has hopeand he who has hope has everything

    (arabian proverb)



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    This human body is so complex, that if you were to analyze itsactivities at any given moment you will find millions of enzymes inoperation, each performing a different task, as well as trillions ofcells busily engaged in their individual activities, all contributing totheir common cause of maintaining your body in a normal balanced

    state of health called homeostasis. And all this is done constantlywithout conscious direction on your part. We know how difficult it isto do two things at a time successfully, but imagine that you had tosupervise only a small fraction of these activities, say 20,consciously for even a few minutes, you would feel as if your brain would explode from the strain. Allthese activities are supervised by a wisdom residing in each body, which we variously call InnateIntelligence, Nature, the Soul, God, etc.

    If this power within stopped its automatic labors, it would be the end of allsurgery, because all healing would stop, and all accidents involving bleedingwould terminate fatally.

    The power that made you has the power to heal you! It is the only power

    that exists and it is divinely guided by the Creator, who, working through thelaws of Nature, inhabits every cell in your body at every moment, creatingnew cells, maintaining order and removing wastes interminably. The bodyindeed is a holy temple, maintaining a God within, and we are put in chargeof its destiny. We have the power to cooperate with its needs, as outlined bythe Creator in accordance with the laws which govern human life, or to defileits machinery by giving it harmful, excessive, or obstructive materials.

    Our most urgent duty is to learn what its requirements are and live inaccordance with the laws governing its optimal function, so that we can get on with the business of lifein the most efficient manner possible and thus fulfill our destiny on this earth, while in a state of joyoushealth. For, without health, nothing is worthwhile, life is a drudge and all earthly possessions pale intoinsignificant bonds, which only seem to increase our problems.

    Health is the true wealth and cornerstone of our happiness. It should be preserved at all costsand pursued above all other goals, when once lost.

    Dr. Stanley S. Bass, from Introduction to Selected Talks of Dr. Gian-Cursio,

    If this power withinstopped its automaticlabors, it would be the

    end of all surgery,because all healing

    would stop.

    A Philosophy To Live By - You Are Never AloneWhen you are ill, you are not alone; you are supported more by the power that made you than youever were before, because in sickness the forces of life marshal themselves in whatever directionis needed to save you. But oftentimes we fail because we simply don't understand and appreciate

    this presence. We fail to attune our consciousness, and acts, to cooperation with the healingprocess and the forces of life.

    Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio, Selected Talks of Dr. Gian-Cursio


    Our motivation for attaining physical health and long life through proper nutrition and a HygienicLifestyle should not be only to look more youthful, have greater freedom from pain, more strength,mental clarity, sexual appeal and vitality. These are worthy goals, but should not overshadow higher

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    Our endeavors toward attaining better health would be misguided were they not to have a higherpurpose. Our lives on this earth are not just for the building of big biceps. I have witnessed numerousyoung people over the years become singly focused on their physical appearance, strength and/orathletic pursuits. Their days become devoted to hours in the gym, running miles, lifting weights,

    admiring themselves in the mirror, stuffing their bodies with excessive food to build more muscles.They become addicted to the seeking of what they perceive to be physical perfection.

    There is a serious downside to this fixation. The body eventually degeneratesand returns to the earth no matter what steps we take. For the personcentered on physical perfection and strength, eventual disappointment isguaranteed. As the physically obsessed person ages with inevitable loss ofyouth, physical beauty, vitality, and strength, they will be at a loss. There willbe depression, withdrawal, and great frustration.

    This need not be the case. The wise individual takes appropriate measures tosafeguard health, and prolong vitality, while maintaining balance in their lives. They focus on service,spiritual development, and intellectual growth. By achieving a balance, the transition into middle and

    old age can be a smooth one. What is lost in physical strength and appearance is gained in innerstrength, wisdom, love, and the satisfaction of making a positive contribution to the earth and itsinhabitants.

    The best motivation for achieving good health and building a strong, healthy, diseaseresistant, body is to allow us to better serve others and pave the path for spiritual growth. Weshould never wait until the day that we have good health to get started serving others.... the time isnow.

    A body racked with pain has difficulty pursuing life's higher callings for service and personaldevelopment. Freedom from disease allows us to better pursue perfection of our spirits which are nottied to physical decay. When efforts to improve physical health are appropriately focused, theycontribute to fulfillment in our lives and make us capable of being of greater service to others.

    Dr. Paul Goldberg,

    Our most urgent duty is to live in accordance with the laws governing itsoptimal function.

    For without health, nothing is worthwhile, life is a drudge and earthlypossessions

    only seem to increase our problems.(Stanley S. Bass)

    the gift of life

    the gift of life is ours todayto mold and shape like blocks of clay
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    each day unveils an open doorthat wasn't open there before

    the gift of life is ours todayto use before it ticks away

    like sand within an hour glass

    for this day too is soon to passour yesterday's have all been spentthey can't be saved or sold or lent

    the gift of life is ours todayto love, to work, to laugh and play

    the hours pass so quickly bywe sometimes laugh and sometime cry

    there is so much we need to doif we would have a dream come true

    before it fades into the pastour time is precious, come what may

    the gift of life is ours today

    by clay harrison

    Why poems in a health magazine? Many have asked this question of me. My answer -creativity is good for your health.

    Poems are expressions of the life force within.Dr. Keki R. Sidhwa, The Hygienist, Spring 2004


    Why I grow a big vegie gardenby Steve Solomon

    When I was younger I probably would have started thissection with the title, Why youshould grow a big vegie

    garden. But at the stage of life Im at now, with a few stalecrumbs of wisdom under my belt, I rarely presume to tellanyone why they should do anything in particular. But I amfully qualified to tell you why I do something. Then its up toyou to please yourself.

    I have three reasons for growing a vegie garden that isseveral times larger than almost any other I have seen onTasmania: (1) saving money; (2) I love to do it for its ownsake; and (3) my own health and longevity. In this briefarticle I will say nothing further about (2); hopefully what Ihave to say about points (1) and (3) will inspire you to

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    develop a greater affinity for the act of gardening in and of and for itself.

    Saving money:In 1980 I did a thorough study of the monetary value of my garden. I

    measured (roughly) the amounts harvested during an entire year and then valued myvegetables at the prices of those same industrially-grown items in the supermarket at thetime I harvested them. Supermarket prices generally were at their lowest point for the year atthe same time I was harvesting because my garden was more or less in synchronization withthe local market-gardeners. So what follows is a lowest-possible estimate of my gardensapparent monetary worth.

    The average supermarket value of my gardens output in 1980 US dollars was $1.00/squarefoot of growing bed. Now, translate that sum to current adjusted-for-inflation dollars and Ireckon it comes to a minimum of $3/square foot for a full years intensive production onraised bedsif you dont include low-economic-value space-wasters like sweet corn orwinter squash. Thus the average familys average size 1,000-square-foot backyard vegiegarden may have a gross production of as much as $3,000. Deduct from that figure

    something for the cost of irrigation water and also deduct a generous $300 for supplies likeseed and fertilizer and the occasional replacement of a tool or accessory.

    Reckoned purely on obvious economic terms, your home-garden vegies are actually worth agreat deal more than that sum. The gardener doesnt first have to earn a salary or create business or investment profits, and then pay income and social insurance taxes, and then,finally, spend after-tax dollars to buy food. For many, not deducting tax off the top makesyour own garden vegies worth at least 1/3 more. Then, if you wish to be really precise,include the many costs of driving to the supermarket and backtwenty five to thirty cents amile is a typical business deduction for car expenses.

    Health from the garden:Youve probably seen so much pro-organic-food propaganda that

    youre stifling a big yawn right now and preparing to skip this section. Please dont! What Ihave to say is quite a bit different from what you may have learned about organic food fromthose who cling to the idea of organic like a religion.

    Vegetables (and all foods for that matter, including meats) will have a lot more nutrition inthem if raised on soil that is in(1) good heart, meaning it has a reasonable amount of humus in it; and(2) if that soil also offers the plants close to an ideal balance of mineral nutrients (which doesnot necessarily happen simply because some right-thinking organic grower has put a lot ofcompost and/or manure in their soil). How much more nutrition? Perhaps three or four timesmore; certainly double what is commonly found in supermaket offerings. If youll grant thatthis figure is more or less correct, then home-garden vegetables grown with nutrition in mindcan be wo