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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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Amanda White

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Amanda White

Page 3: Initial ideas


‘New Americana’ by Halsey is the same genre and from the same album as the song ‘Gasonline’ which I am doing is from. Therefore I studied this video and picked out particular shots and techniques I liked and may apply to my own. For example, the blurred focus of the person centered frame, going from out of focus to in focus as she walks off screen helps draw the audiences attention to the location, a technique which I may use for a significant location. Also, I like the silhouette figure in center frame as I creates an eerie feeling, and may signify that for my music video, the silhouette seen can represent anyone in society as many people struggle and suffer from bipolar

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I believe the shots in the bath in this video are quite effective and as she is naked it could signify her vulnerability. In ‘Gasoline’ the lyrics talk about pouring Champagne down the drain, and in real life, Halsey took a bath in red wine, therefore, taking inspiration from this music video I believe having my artist in what appears as a bath of Champagne an effective idea as it can signify the symptom of bipolar (spending lots of money) and also the bare skin represents her vulnerability. The water effect may also represent the extent to which the artist feels suffocated by the disorder.

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The shot on the left is revealing which conforms to women being viewed in a sexual nature in the media in todays society. I like the framing and lighting in it as it creates a soft atmosphere but also a mysterious feeling as well. The extreme close up on the right I particularly like as it expresses emotion clearly and is effective.

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I believe this music video is very effective. The close ups of the artist smoking are very interesting an capture the audiences attention well. They fact they are in black and white makes them very effective and I may use this influence in my own music video as the black and white colour could represent the two major states/symptoms of bipolar; happy and sad. The faded out, slightly distorted shot of the artist running (bottom right) is effective as the bright light creates a silhouette figure.

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I like the rough look in the first top left photo as the artist is sat in the bath which I believe I will have my artist doing therefore, I my use a similar framing and style to this shot in this music video. I also like the use of the flare and red more as it can signify several things. I may use this prop in my own music video as I believe red smoke would look effective, and connote how the negativity of bipolar can spread rapidly. Furthermore, the shots of the pills is put in a montage style within the space of second which I believed was effective and may take influence from as bipolar revolves around medication and pills as well.

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The graffiti on the walls I believe is effective in portraying the urban, rough location. I may use similar setting/style in my music video to portray my artists more depressive moods. The framing in the shot in the top right corner I think is very effective. It can represent isolation as the artist is trapped between the two walls, however the light signifying there may be hope. I could use this in a similar way in my own music video to portray how my artist feels trapped in her disorder. The effect put over the opening shot (middle, right photo) I particularly like in this music video as it gives the look of the video a mysterious feeling as the graininess is like those of a security camera/old footage etc. I may use a similar technique in my music video to create a similar sensation.

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In this music video I particularly like the out of focus silhouette shots. The action is clear however it is difficult to identify the people in it, which could be a technique I use to represent how my artist in my own music video is a representation of all young females suffering from bipolar. I also like the reflection shot, which I could use in a similar way with a mirror for example which could signify the two contrasting symptoms of bipolar. Further I like the close up of the guitar as it is a normal behavior to see therefore, having my artist doing something like this signifies that she is normal like everyone on the inside.

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Beats Headphones recent advert gave me and idea that I thought may be effective in my music video. The technique of zooming in on one headphone and when zoomed back out it’s a different location gave me the idea that I could do a similar technique but zoom in on my artists eyes and each time I zoomed out was a different location. This would act as the transition from each frame and may be quite effective.