initial ideas for title sequence

Initial ideas for title sequence: We all thought of different ideas but we knew mainly that we wanted to have a revenge type like thriller; we got different ideas from the different films we looked at strangers, taken and the final. We came up with a typical revenge scenario that we would be familiar with so we can have the best idea of what we are doing so then we can work to our full potential. I came up with the whole story line with another one my group members but we all put our own input in.

Upload: kirstyswifty

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Initial ideas for title sequence

Initial ideas for title sequence:

We all thought of different ideas but we knew mainly that we wanted to have a revenge type like thriller; we got different ideas from the different films we looked at strangers, taken and the final.

We came up with a typical revenge scenario that we would be familiar with so we can have the best idea of what we are doing so then we can work to our full potential. I came up with the whole story line with another one my group members but we all put our own input in.