injection well kcc on franklin co. court rules against...

"Kansas Barn" by keycmndr (aka CyberShutterbug) | shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license Injection well | image credit: Google Maps Court Rules Against the KCC on Franklin Co. Injection Well BY SCOTT YEARGAIN On July 3, Judge Franklin Theis, Third Judicial District, Topeka, Kansas, ruled in favor of a petitioner who protested an injection well in Franklin county, Kansas. The ruling involved a flooding well, a hole drilled into the earth, in this case, to 658 vertical feet, with the intent to extract the hydrocarbons (oil or gas) remaining in a production zone in an oil lease.The petitioner, Scott Yeargain, argued that the Kansas Corporation Commission had dismissed him without an evidentiary hearing, which, when sufficient evidence of risk is offered, is afforded

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Page 1: Injection Well KCC on Franklin Co. Court Rules Against well | image credit: Google Maps Court Rules Against the KCC

"Kansas Barn" by keycmndr (aka CyberShutterbug) | shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license

Injection well | image credit: GoogleMaps

Court Rules Against theKCC on Franklin Co.Injection WellBY SCOTT YEARGAIN

On July 3, Judge Franklin Theis, Third JudicialDistrict, Topeka, Kansas, ruled in favor of apetitioner who protested an injection well inFranklin county, Kansas. The ruling involved aflooding well, a hole drilled into the earth, in thiscase, to 658 vertical feet, with the intentto extract the hydrocarbons (oil or gas) remainingin a production zone in an oil lease.Thepetitioner, Scott Yeargain, argued that theKansas Corporation Commission had dismissedhim without an evidentiary hearing, which, whensufficient evidence of risk is offered, is afforded

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by Kansas law.

Read the full story on our website.

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Court Rules Against the KCCKansas Health Institute Climate ReportKS Wind Power makes EVs Good ChoiceRichard J. Voss Memorial CelebrationBorder Emergency (Upper Atmosphere)House Passes Major PFAS CleanupLegislationUpdate on Ammunition PlantMonarch Butterfly Deadline ExtendedGroup News & EventsFeatured Waypoint: Lovewell State Park

news & updatesKansas Health Institute: Climatecrisis impacts Kansans’ healthBY STEVE CORBETT, PH.D., JASON M. ORR, M.P.H., CHARLES


Few issues are as politically charged asclimate change. According to many recentsurveys, a majority of Americans believethat climate change is occurring, whileopinions vary as to whether or not it iscaused primarily by human activities.

Among scientists, however, there is astrong consensus that our planet iswarming and that the warming over thepast 50 years has been caused primarilyby human activities.

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Surge in Wind Power in KansasMakes EV’s a Good ChoiceBY CRAIG VOLLAND, AIR QUALITY COMMITTEE CHAIR

According to the Energy InformationAgency, Kansas ranked last year amongthe top five states in total wind energygeneration and had a larger share ofelectricity generated from wind energy(36%) than any other state. This indicatesthat electric cars (EV's or plug-in hybrids,PHEV's) are now a good choice in Kansasto reduce one's greenhouse gas footprint. Ireport on how my partner and I are doingwith our new plug-in hybrid vehicle.

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Richard J. Voss MemorialCelebration

Sierra Club members joined friends andfamily of Richard J. Voss for a celebration ofhis life in ways he would have enjoyed –including a surprise flyover.

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conservation news


As CO2 levels continue to rise andcountermeasures are thwarted by ourculture of denial, perhaps we can resethabits in the USA. It has been calculatedthat our own citizenry require five earths’resources to maintain our culture. Europeoverall—three earths’ resources. EarthOvershoot Day, Downstream Project,and others report that two earths will benecessary to keep up with humandemand by 2030.

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House Passes First MajorPFAS Cleanup LegislationBY ELAINE GEISSELOn July 12, the Housepassed a major defense spending bill thatincludes important amendments requiringthe Defense Department and theEnvironmental Protection Agency tomonitor and clean up the toxic fluorinatedchemicals known as PFAS.

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Update on Sunflower ArmyAmmunition Plant (DeSoto)BY HAROLD DRAPER

On July 17, the U.S. Army([email protected]) held ameeting on the cleanup at the formerexplosives plant. After a $200-million,decades-long effort, an additional $13million in contracts are expected to beawarded in 2019. Once remediation iscompleted in 2028, 3,000 acres of the9,000 acres are expected to be set asideas park land; the remaining 6,000 acres,for development.

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Monarch Butterfly ListingDecision Deadline ExtendedBY ELAINE GIESSEL

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service hasbeen working to assess the monarch’sstatus in response to a petition to list thespecies under the Endangered SpeciesAct. Originally the decision was to bereleased this summer but the deadlinehas been extended to December 15,2020.With completion of the statusassessment, the Service will determinewhether protecting the monarch under theESA is warranted. If so, the Service willpublish a proposal to list the species andwill seek public input before making afinal decision.

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More info

group news & eventskanza groupKansas City and eastern Kansas

Water Issues in the Kansas RiverBasin and What You Can DoAbout ThemAugust 13, 6:30 p.m. socializing and snacks,7:00 p.m. program begins | UCC ColonialChurch, 7039 Mission Road, Prairie Village, KS66208; park in back and meet in the Social Halldownstairs.

Speakers: William F. “Brad” Bradley, Jr. servesas Chair of the Kansas River Regional AdvisoryCommittee of the Kansas Water Authority.

Climate change and land use practices areimpacting watersheds throughout Kansas. BradBradley, chair of the Kansas River RegionalAdvisory Council, will present on water qualityand quantity issues in the Kansas river system. 6:30 pm social time; 7:00 pm program at UCCColonial Church. Details on Kansas Sierra Clubcalendar. MORE INFO

Register Now: Metro KC ClimateAction Coalition Summit

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September 14; Johnson County CommunityCollege

Speakers: On September 14th, electedofficials, business, nonprofit, and organizationalleaders; and advocates for climate action willconvene to celebrate regional successes,collaborate, and hear expert strategies on waysto advance climate mitigation and adaptation.The Summit will focus on solutions thateffectively mitigate greenhouse emissions andshare co-benefits that improve the quality of lifefor Kansas City regional residents. MORE INFO

southwind groupWichita and southern Kansas

FridaysForFuture Strikes in WichitaFriday, August 9th, 12:00 – 1:00 pm | 200 E.Douglas at Market

We are striking every second Friday in supportof 16-year-old Swedish climate activist GretaThunberg who has protested in front of theSwedish parliament for the last 2 years everyFriday. People are striking globally in Greta’sfootsteps for children’s right to a clean world.This is a strike for students (adults are welcomeas they are the ones who need to stop thismadness and save the Earth). MORE INFO

Climate Crisis Town HallWednesday, September 4th | Location To BeDetermined

The candidates for President in 2020 will beinvited to a Town Hall to speak about the most

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important issue of our generation and futuregenerations. An event is being planned inconjunction with the Sunshine Movement inWichita. Still in the works but SAVE THE DATE!

Group pushing for ban on plasticbags in Wichita

Wichita newstation KWCH ran a story on BagFree Wichita featuring Southwind member LoriLawrence. Read the full article and watch thevideo on the KWCH website and don't forget toget involved with your local plastic-awarenessgroup! FULL ARTICLE

topeka groupTopeka

Brad Loveless — Kansas Wildlife,Parks, and Tourism TodayTuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7:00 p,m. |Unitarian Fellowship, 4775 SW 21st Street,Topeka, Kansas

In April, 2019, Brad Loveless was confirmed bythe Kansas Senate as the Secretary of Wildlife,Parks, and Tourism. Secretary Loveless willdiscuss the department’s mission and the goalshe hopes to accomplish during his tenure. Please join us for this program. MORE INFO

wakarusa groupLawrence

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Richard Mabion, speaker

Diesel Emissions and the BNSFRailroad in KCK NeighborhoodsAugust 26, 2019, 7:00 p.m. | Lawrence PublicLibrary, Auditorium,707 Vermont St, Lawrence,KS 66044

Jayhawk Audubon has invited us (along withLETUS and WAT) to co-sponsor their Augustprogram. We are happy to do so!

Richard Mabion is the founder of Building ASustainable Earth Community, anenvironmental literacy organization and a directaffiliate of Clean Air Now. He will discuss theirwork to protect community health by identifyingand documenting environmental and healthrelated problems caused by freighttransportation (aka goods movement) in theKansas City, KS region. MORE INFO

featured waypoint

Lovewell State Park

“Lovewell State Park is a haven foroutdoors lovers who are looking for

Submitted by:Dan DeGroot, Southwind Group

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variety. Located off the beaten trackin northern Jewell County (just southof the central Kansas-Nebraskaborder), Lovewell offers an enticingblend of camping, fishing, wildlifewatching, and special events.

The park features excellent shadeand 23 full utility, 13 water/electric,82 electric only, and 306 primitivecampsites, as well as six cabins.The south shore features high bluffsthat block summer winds. The2,200- acre Lovewell Wildlife Areainvites hunters, wildlife watchers,and other wildlife enthusiasts toexperience a variety of well-managed habitats.” -

Show us your favorite Kansasnature or wilderness area! Submit a small description and aphoto (if possible!) [email protected]


Park Address:Unnamed Road, Webber, KS 66970 Official Website

Lovewell State Park | Photo credit

what are WAYPOINTS?

Waypoints: noun. A stopping place on ajourney; an endpoint of the leg of acourse, especially one whose coordinateshave been generated by a computer.

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