inmarco 2010 - g de jong - classification of dredgers

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  • 7/27/2019 INMARCO 2010 - G de Jong - Classification of Dredgers


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    INMARCO-INAvation 2010 De Jong 2

    transportation) have been developed 3. This has lead to theintroduction of stone dumping vessels .

    As dredging was historically a local activity on inland waterwaysand coastal waters, statutory regulations relating to design,construction and operation of dredgers were issued by local

    authorities or, at best, national authorities. Usually suchregulations were based on local experience and circumstances.The only generic system of requirements, based on more generalprinciples and global experience, were the rules and regulationsof classification societies. Historically Bureau Veritas has beenactively involved with the dredging industry, not in the leastbecause the classification society was founded in 1828 in the cityof Antwerp, at the time part of the Kingdom of the UnitedNetherlands where a thriving dredging industry existed. Adedicated chapter with technical requirements for dredgers canbe found as far back as the 1909 edition of the Bureau Veritasrules & regulations for the classification of steel and iron ships.The rules have been evolving ever since, along with theincreasing operational experience and the introduction of newtypes of dredging vessels, construction materials and methods, aswell as powering technology.

    In the 1950s dredgers, in particular TSHDs, evolved intoseagoing ships engaged in international voyages. Consequentlythe vessels needed to comply with international regulations, inparticular the International Convention on Load Lines (1930,1966), the International Convention for Safety of Life At Sea (SOLAS, 1914, 1929, 1948, 1960, 1974) and the InternationalConvention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil (OILPOL, 1954), now replaced by the International Convention

    for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL, 1973).Typical requirements include freeboard and reserve buoyancy,

    weathertight integrity and intact stability, watertight integrityand damage stability as well as pollution prevention. In someaspects the design of dredgers, in particular hopper dredgers, isquite different from cargo ships and consequently not compatiblewith the international requirements which have primarily beendrafted for cargo ships. Typical issues to be addressed are theabsence of hatch covers on the hopper well(s), the workingfreeboard (dredging operations can only be undertaken in theshallow waters of coastal regions), the application of bottomopenings for dumping the cargo and the physical properties of the cargo (dredged material is a mixture of sand and water andshows behaviour as both liquid and dry bulk cargo).Consequently, classification society Bureau Veritas and

    concerned national authorities (e.g. Netherlands & France)started to draft requirements to close the gap with theinternational regulations, mainly in relation to freeboard, shiparrangement and (intact & damage) stability (Bureau Veritas,1971).

    The 1990s marked the start of the era of scale enlargement of hopper dredgers, which provided the dredging companies withimportant economy of scale advantages as well as increased

    3 This activity is also called capital dredging.

    productivity needed for the new land reclamation projects ( Singapore). In addition, the increased ship length made itpossible to install longer suction tubes, which facilitate miningof sand at greater water depth (using on or more submersibledredge pumps). The Pearl River , delivered in 1994 by IHCDredgers (Kinderdijk, Netherlands) was the first hopper dredger

    with a hopper capacity of over 15,000 m3

    . In 1997 Verolme(Heusden, Netherlands) delivered the WD Fairway , the first socalled jumbo hopper (hopper capacity 23,350 m 3). The nextstep forward was the first post-Panamax hopper dredger Vascoda Gamma (hopper capacity 33,000 m 3), delivered in 2000 byKrupp (Emden, Germany). In the first decade of the twenty-firstcentury the existing hopper dredgers WD Fairway (2005) and

    HAM 318 (2008) were lengthened in order to achieve hoppercapacities of 35,500 m 3 and 37,500 m 3, respectively. Fig. 1shows the TSHD Queen of the Netherlands, the sistership of theWD Fairway which was lengthened in 2009. Finally, in 2009Constructiones Navales del Norte (Sestao, Spain) delivered the46,000 m 3 hopper dredger Cristbal Coln , the largest hopperdredger built to date. She was followed by her sister Leiv

    Eiriksson in 2010. One of the key technical issues related toscale enlargement is the ship structural assessment, both inrelation to the strength capacity (yielding, buckling) as well asfatigue of structural details. This has lead to the introduction of 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and advanced fatigueassessment for hopper dredgers being used for the designverification by class. In addition, dynamic position is making itsentry into the market. The aim is to increase precision andreduce manoeuvring time.

    Fig. 1. Boskalis operated TSHD Queen of the Netherlands (built1998) was lengthened in 2009 to reach a hopper capacity of 35,500 m 3

    Another important development initiated during the last decadeof the twentieth century is the optimisation of the hull shape of hopper dredgers, for example through the application of extremely wide bulbous bows, in order to improve trim controland maximise payload while at the same time minimising theoperating draught (better performance in shallow water).

    On the regulatory side the publication of the Guidelines for theConstruction and Operation of Dredgers Assigned Reduced Freeboards (DR-67), published by IMO in 2001 under CircularLetter No. 2285 marked a breakthrough (IMO, 2001). The

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    guidelines are the outcome of a joint Working Group consistingof interested parties from Belgium, France, Germany, theNetherlands and the United Kingdom and contain the firstmultinational agreed technical requirements for the design of hopper dredgers, including Load Line Marks and freeboard, thehopper arrangement, intact and damage stability, construction

    and equipment (dumping system, dredge valves, etc.). Makinguse of its technical expertise and extensive in-service experience,Bureau Veritas has actively contributed to the conception of theguidelines and has incorporated the requirements into the rulesand regulations for ship for dredging activity (Bureau Veritas,2000). In 2010 the guidelines have been updated and publishedas Guidelines for the Assignment of Reduced Freeboards for

    Dredgers (DR-68), mainly to take into account the latestamendments to the SOLAS Convention.

    Apart from hopper dredgers also cutter suction dredgers havegone through a process of enlargement, in particular byincreasing the effective cutter power. Before the start of thetwenty-first century the cutter power was typically below 4,000kW. The JFJ de Nul , built in 2003 by IHC Dredgers was the firstof a new generation of self-propelled mega-cutters, with aneffective cutter power of about 7,600 kW. Fig. 2 shows anothernew generation self propelled cutter dredger dArtagnan , with aninstalled power of Although she was followed by several othervessels she is to date the most powerful cutter suction dredgerever built, with a total installed power of 27,240 kW. One of thekey technical issues related to such large installed power is thecontrol of noise and vibrations.

    Fig. 2. Dredging International operated self-propelled CSDdArtagnan (built 2005) has an installed power if 28,200 kW.

    The renewed interest for cutter suction dredgers, fuelled by newcapital dredging projects, such as the extension of the Panama

    Canal and the building and expansion of port facilities, has alsocreated fresh demand for extension and renewal of the fleet of split hopper barges, which are used to remove the dredgedmaterials. Due to their design specific technical challenges needto be considered, in particular the global strength of the half hulls and the design of the strength of hinges and cylinders whenoperating in a seaway. The maximum hopper capacity of splithopper barges in service is about 3,700 m 3, which corresponds toabout 6,300 dwt, see Fig. 3.

    During the past few years backhoe dredgers have also gonethrough a process of scale enlargement by increasing the

    excavator size and power as well as the grab. Todays mostpowerful backhoes use grabs of up to 40 m 3 and can work inwater depths of up to 26 m, see Fig. 4.

    Fig. 3. Jan de Nul operated split hopper unit Le Sphinx (built2007) has a hopper capacity of 3,700 m 3

    Fig. 4. Van Oord operated backhoe dredger Goliath (built 2009)is equipped with a new generation high power excavator with amaximum grab capacity of 40 m 3

    The scope of this paper is to make the reader familiar withdredging activities, the different types of dredgers in use andtheir characteristic technical issues, as well as to provide anoverview of the applicable requirements from the viewpoint of classification rules and statutory regulations. Following theabove described introduction into dredging, dredgers and thehistorical development of technology and technicalrequirements, the remainder of this paper will address theapplicable rules & regulations (statutory and classification),considering the key technical features for each of the stipulateddredger types, and present the latest technical and regulatorydevelopments.

    RULES & REGULATIONSAs other seagoing ships, dredgers are subject to compliance witha large number of general and dedicated regulations. The keyinternational regulations and guidelines applicable to dredgersare listed in Table 1.

    The Guidelines for the Assignment of Reduced Freeboards forDredgers (DR-68) are dealing with some of the main technicaland regulatory issues of hopper dredgers. The first point is thosehopper dredgers have historically been working (dredging) at a

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    DR-68The preamble of the Guidelines for the Assignment of Reduced Freeboards for Dredgers (DR-68) starts with a brief descriptionof the activities in which dredgers are involved (DR-67 JointWorking Group, 2010): clearance or maintenance duties in ports, docks and

    navigation channels; reclamation of land and beach replenishment; recovery of materials for the building and civil engineering


    As also described in the introduction to this paper, DR-68acknowledges that dredgers historically the dredging trade didnot usually cross national boundaries, hence the existence of avariety of national standards. As the trade developed and becameinternational an international load line assignment in accordancewith the provisions of the ICLL became a requirement.Acknowledging that dredgers may be designed to load cargoresulting in a deeper draught than allowed by the shipsfreeboard assignment, the purpose of the guidelines is toestablish criteria by which a dredger (and similar vessels) maybe issued an ICLL Exemption certificate allowing it to conductoperations at a reduced freeboard (that is, submergence of loadline marks). To this end DR-68 provides design and equipmentrequirements in order to ensure that the dredger has to ability toquickly dump its cargo, also in the event of loss of primarypower, which results in an immediate increase of sufficientbuoyancy and freeboard to comply with operation at thedredgers normal ICLL freeboard. The Joint Working Group ondredgers operating at Reduced Freeboard representedclassification societies, the dredging industry, the shipbuildingindustry and regulatory bodies from Belgium, France, Germany,the Netherlands, the United States of America and the UnitedKingdom. The resulting harmonised standard for constructionand operation of dredgers has been developed on the basis of overall safety equivalence to the ICLL, 1966, as modified by theProtocol of 1988 thereto and amended by Resolution MSC.143(77).

    DR-68 specifies design criteria, operation and survey standardsand operational safety measures for dredgers permitting safeoperation at freeboards less than the minimum freeboardsprescribed by the ICLL. The guidelines apply to (self-propelled)dredgers of 500 gt and above, as measured in accordance withthe International Tonnage Convention (ITC), 1969, the keels of which are laid, or which are at a similar stage of construction, on

    or after 1 January 2010. The guidelines may also be applied toexisting dredgers and dredgers of less than 500 gt which aresubject to the requirements of the ICLL. In addition, theguidelines may be applied to similar vessels, such as hopperbarges and stone dumping vessels, if they are capable of discharging their cargo in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines (Sec 7.1). Unmanned or non-self propelled vesselsare considered as well (Sec 13). The main topics addressed bythe guidelines are related to load lines & freeboard, construction,intact & damage stability, equipment, information to the master,

    certificates, exemptions & equivalents, surveys and specialconsiderations.

    Load Lines & Freeboard Dredgers with a reduced freeboard are provided with a specialload line mark, as shown in Fig. 6.

    Fig. 6. Example of (double) load line mark for dredger with

    reduced freeboard

    The reduced freeboard may be assigned for the loading, carryingor discharging of dredgings and is equal to the summer freeboardcalculated for a type B ship in accordance with Regulation 40 of the ICLL, reduced by 2/3 of the resulting summer freeboard tobe calculated without Regulation 39 (bow height and reservebuoyancy) being taken into account. The resulting summerfreeboard as for a type B vessel without any reduction oraddition is to be used for calculating the dredger freeboard. Theminimum bow height at the dredger load line is the bow heightprovided by Regulation 39(1) of the ICLL, reduced by thereduction calculated for the dredger freeboard. No requirementfor reserve buoyancy applies at the dredger freeboard. Thedredger freeboard in fresh water is obtained by deducting theD/40T centimetres from the minimum dredger freeboard in saltwater, with D representing the displacement in salt water (intonnes) and T the tonnes per centimetre immersion in salt waterat the dredger freeboard.

    Other requirements include the prohibition of fitting bulwarksalong the ships side abreast of any open hopper and the fittingof a safe access from the fore end to the aft end of the dredger(crew protection). If the access is above the freeboard deck, itshall be as high above the freeboard deck as the differencebetween the summer freeboard and the dredger freeboard.

    Any open hopper and means of overflow of process water are tobe arranged as follows:(a) over the spill-out edge of the hopper coaming; or(b) trough overflow ducts or spillways in the hopper walls; or(c) through adjustable overflows.

    The overflow arrangements (b) and (c) are to have an area, inm2, at least equal to the greater of 0.7L h

    2 /1000 or Q/3, where L h is the maximum length of the hopper, in m, and Q is the totalmaximum water capacity of the suction dredge pumps, in m 3 /s.

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    The following intact stability criteria are to be verified for thelisted loading conditions (except the asymmetric dischargingcondition, for which the criteria are provided above): the area under the righting lever (GZ) curve is to be not less

    than 0.07 m .rad up to an angle of 15 degrees when themaximum righting lever (GZ max) occurs at 15 degrees, and

    not less than 0.055 m.

    rad up to an angle of 30 degrees whenGZ max occurs at 30 degrees or above; where GZ max occurs at angles between 15 degrees and 30

    degrees, the corresponding area under the righting levercurve is to be not less than 0.055+0.001(30- max ) m .rad,where max , in degrees, is the angle of heel at which therighting lever curve reaches its maximum;

    the area under the righting lever curve between the angles of heel of 30 degrees and 40 degrees, or between 30 degreesand f if this angle is less than 40 degrees, is to be not lessthan 0.03 m .rad, where f , in degrees, is the angle of heel atwhich openings in the hull, superstructure or deckhouseswhich cannot be closed weathertight immerse (small

    openings through which progressive flooding cannot takeplace need not be considered as open); the righting lever (GZ) is to be at least 0.20 m at an angle of

    heel equal to or greater than 30 degrees; the maximum righting lever (GZ max ) is to occur at an angle

    of heel not less than 15 degrees; the initial metacentric height (GM 0), corrected for the free

    surface effect of tanks and hopper(s) containing liquids, is tobe not less than 0.15 m.

    Analysis of the loading conditions and stability criteria learnsthat DR-68 follows a similar approach as the International Codeon Intact Stability, 2008, for supply vessels (see 2008 IS Code,Pt A, Sec 2.4.5), taking into account the specific characteristicsof dredgers carrying dredgings in the hopper(s). One of the keypoints is that the dredgings, often called spoil, are a mixture of substances that are naturally solid and sea water. Whether thespoil behaves more as a liquid or as a solid substance (like drybulk cargo) depends on the quantity of sea water in the mixtureand the time the spoil has been carried in the hopper. Duringdredging process a large amount of water is used as processwater to liquefy the spoil and make it easy to pump into thehopper. This process water is then drained from the hopper(through the overflow) in order to maximise the amount of payload (e.g. sand for construction or beach replenishment),creating a more solid type of spoil. In order to be on the safe sidethe stability requirements cover both extreme cases of liquid and

    solid cargo, taking into account the rule of thumb (from practicalexperience) that spoil tends to behave as a liquid if the density isless than 1400 kg/m 3. If the spoil has been in the hopper forsome time it tends to settle and behave even more like a solidsubstance. Another important point is that the outflow of spoilinto the sea and the inflow of sea water into the hopper are to betaken into account for the calculation of the righting lever curve.

    In addition DR-68 requires the application of the weathercriterion as per the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008(see 2008 IS Code, Pt A, Sec 2.3) as follows. First, the dredger is

    considered as loaded up to the summer load line with the cargoin liquid state and 10 per cent stores and fuel. The hopper(s) areassumed to be filled with a homogeneous cargo up to the spill-out edge of the hopper where the density of such cargo equals orexceeds 1000 kg/m 3. Where this condition implies a lightercargo than 1000 kg/m 3 the hopper is considered to be partially

    filled with a cargo of density equal to 1000 kg/m3

    . Secondly, thedredger is to comply with the weather criterion at the dredgerload line, where a reduced wind pressure equal to P=270 Pa maybe assumed (instead of 504 Pa for the summer load line).

    Damage stabilityDR-68 requires application of the probabilistic damage stabilityapproach in accordance with the provisions of SOLAS Ch II-1,as amended, but with some modifications in order to taken intoaccount the specificities of dredgers. For dredgers with asubdivision length (Ls) of less than 80 m the RequiredSubdivision Index (R) is to be calculated using Ls=80 m. It isnoted that DR-68 requires damage stability to be calculated forall dredgers irrespective of their length, whereas SOLASrequires compliance with the damage stability requirements forcargo ships with a length (L, as defined as defined in the ICLL)of 80 m and upwards.

    For the assessment of the damage stability the following pointsare to be taken into account for the calculation of the rightinglever curves: the change of trim due to heel; the inflow of sea water or outflow of liquid cargo and sea

    water over the spill-out edge of open hoppers; the inflow of sea water through any overflow, spillway or

    freeing port, either at the lower edge of the opening or at thecargo/sea water interface, whichever is the lower (adjustable

    overflows operated from the navigation bridge may beconsidered to be located at the highest position);

    the outflow of the cargo only occurs over the spill-out edgeof the hopper where this edge has a length of at least 50 percent of the maximum hopper length at a constant heightabove the freeboard deck on both sides of the hopper;

    the sliding of the cargo surface in the hopper, in transverseand longitudinal direction according to the followingshifting law (assuming the cargo surface to be plane): r=g, for 1400 (liquid cargo); r=g(2000- )/600, for 1400<

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    All possible progressive flooding possibilities are to be takeninto account in the calculations 4. Internal progressive floodingmay occur via: pipes and connected valves which are located within the

    assumed damage, where no valves are fitted outside thedamage zone;

    pipes, even if located outside the damage zone, if theconsidered pipe connects a damaged space to one or moreintact spaces, is located below a damage waterline at allpoints between the connected spaces and has no valvesbetween the connected spaces;

    all internal doors other than remotely operated watertightsliding doors and watertight access doors required to benormally closed at sea.

    External progressive flooding may occur via external openingswhere a damage waterline, taking into account sinkage hell andtrim, immerses the lower edge of the sill or coaming and wherethe openings are not witted with watertight means of closure.Such non-watertight openings include air pipes whether or notfitted with automatic weathertight closure, ventilators and hatchcovers whether or not fitted with weathertight means of closure.Openings which may be assumed watertight include manholecovers, flush scuttles and small watertight hatch covers whichmaintain the high integrity of the deck and side scuttles of thenon-opening type.

    When calculating the damaged stability, only the dredgingdraught (d dL) and the light service draught (d l) need to be takeninto account. Here DR-68 deviates from SOLAS Ch II-1, asamended (SOLAS 2009), as SOLAS considers three draughts:the deepest subdivision draught (d s, waterline corresponding tothe summer load line draught), the light service draught (d l,service draught corresponding to the lightest anticipated loading

    and associated tankage, including, however, such ballast as maybe necessary for stability and/or immersion) and the partialsubdivision draught (d p, light service draught plus 60% of thedifference between the light service draught and the deepestsubdivision draught). In DR-68 the summer load line is replacedby the dredger load line, which is more severe due to the higherdraught (increased risk of deck immersion, progressive floodingand downflooding) and needs to be accounted for as the vessel isoperating in this condition. The partial subdivision draught is notpractically used as dredgers are normally either fully loaded orempty (light service draught) and is therefore not considered inDR-68.

    Consequently, the attained subdivision index A l is to becalculated for the light, unloaded draught d l and correspondingtrim, assuming that the dredger is loaded with 50 per cent storesand fuel, no cargo in the hopper(s) and the hopper in directcommunication with the sea.

    4 Progressive flooding is defined as an additional flooding of spaces interconnected with those assumed to be damaged.

    The attained subdivision index A dL is to be calculated for each of the following cargo densities, assuming the dredger is loaded atdredger load line d L, with 50 per cent stores and fuel:(a) design density d, in kg/m 3, corresponding to the dredger

    load line, where d is calculated as M 2 /V 2, with M 2 representing the mass, in kg, of cargo in the hopper at the

    dredger load line and V 2 the volume, in m3

    , of the hopper atthe highest overflow position;(b) each density i, in kg/m 3, greater than d, defined by

    i=2200-200(i), with i=[0, 1, 2, 3, , 6].The calculations are to take into account the initial trim at thedredger load line and an assumed permeability of the cargo filledhopper space of 0 per cent and a permeability of the space abovethe cargo equal to 100 per cent. The cargo (spoil) is considerednot to be porous and any sea water that enters a partially filledhopper due to damage ingresses only to the space above theupper surface of the cargo.

    The Required Subdivision Index R and the Attained Subdivision

    Index A are to be calculated according to SOLAS Ch II-1, asamended, but taking into account the following formulae(instead of SOLAS Reg II-1/7.1): AR, for each cargo density; A l0.7R; AdL0.7R, for each cargo density,

    where A=0.5(A l+A dL), A l is the attained subdivision index atlight, unloaded draught d l and A dL is the attained subdivisionindex at loaded dredging draught d L and cargo densities definedabove.

    Equipment Dredgers are to be equipped with a cargo dumping systemcapable of discharging the cargo by gravity in such way that thefreeboard can be increased from the dredger load line to thesummer load line within 8 minutes under normal operation of thedumping system (that is, including application of the jet watersystem). Means of overflow and spillways are not to beconsidered as equivalent to a cargo dumping system. Emergencydevices, controlled from the navigation bridge, are to be fitted inorder to be capable of discharging the cargo in case of failure of the main electric power supply and/or the main hydraulic unitand/or single failure of the normal control systems.

    An accurate draught indicator, capable of showing thecorresponding position of the dredging draught, as well as torecord the draught as function of time, is to be fitted on thenavigation bridge.

    Dredge valves in piping systems penetrating the shell below thefreeboard deck and which are normally open when duringdredging operation (cargo loading) are to be provided withemergency closing devices which are operable from thenavigation bridge. The closing devices are to be capable of operation in case of a failure of the main electric power supplyand/or the main hydraulic unit and/or single failure of the normalcontrol systems.

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    While operating at the dredger load line in operating areasdefined by a limiting significant wave height (see next section),the master is to be provided with meteorological information anda forecast of the relevant seaway condition in terms of significant wave height. Where such information cannot beobtained a wave measuring system (wave radar) is to be used.

    Unmanned or non-self propelled unitsUnmanned and non-self propelled units similar to a dredgereither may be assigned the reduced freeboard in accordance withDR-68 or be assigned a freeboard 25 per cent less than thosecalculated in accordance with the ICLL (see Reg 27(14).

    In accordance with to ICLL Reg 27(14) unmanned units similarto a dredger not required to comply with the minimum bowheight requirement. Unmanned units also need not comply withthe height requirement of the safe access.

    Classification RulesBureau Veritas Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships contains a special chapter for ships for dredging activity, whichis applicable to ships with the following service notations (Bureau Veritas, 2010): dredger , for ships specially equipped only for dredging

    activities (excluding carrying dredged material); hopper dredger , for ships specially equipped for dredging

    activities and carrying spoils or dredged material; hopper unit , for ships specially equipped for carrying spoils

    or dredged material; split hopper unit , for ships specially equipped for carrying

    spoils or dredged material and which open longitudinally,around hinges;

    split hopper dredger , for ships specially equipped fordredging and for carrying spoils or dredged material andwhich open longitudinally, around hinges.

    Under these service notations trailing suction hopper dredgers(TSHDs) are assigned the service notation hopper dredger ,cutter suction dredgers (CSDs) the service notation dredger .Backhoe dredgers and stone dumping vessels are assigned theservice notation special service , followed by an additionalservice feature (short description of the function of the vessel).Typical examples are given as follows: special service - backhoe dredger ; special service - side stone dumping vessel ; special service - fall pipe vessel .

    As explained in the introduction of this section, dredgers arelikely to operate at sea within specific limits which are related topractical operational issues, such as the water depth and thecapacity of the heave compensation system for the suction tube.Within Bureau Veritas rules such dredgers are may be granted anoperating area notation , which expresses the specified area inwhich the dredger is likely to operate at sea within specificrestrictions which are different from normal navigationconditions.

    The following operating area notations may be assigned (BureauVeritas, 2010): dredging within 8 miles from shore ; dredging within 15 miles from shore or within 20 miles

    from port ; dredging over 15 miles from shore .

    The operating area of the first two categories may be extendedrespectively over 8 or 15 miles. In that case, the operating areanotation is completed by the maximum significant wave heightduring service, as follows: dredging over 8 (or 15) miles fromshore with H.S. ... m .

    For ships being assigned the service notation split hopper unit orsplit hopper dredger, the operating area notation may becompleted by the maximum allowable significant height of waves during the service, being indicated between parenthesis,i.e. (H.S. ... m) .

    The associated class requirements for dredgers are provided in PtD, Ch 13 Ships for Dredging Activity (Bureau Veritas, 2009).These requirements are applicable in addition to the generalrequirements provided in Pt A, Pt B and Pt C of the rules, asapplicable for ships covered by the SOLAS Convention. Forships not covered by the SOLAS Convention the requirements of Pt D, Ch 13 are applicable in addition to Pt A and Pt D, Ch 21,as applicable. This sub-section provides an overview of therequirements of Pt D, Ch 13.

    StabilityThe requirements for intact stability of dredgers are inaccordance with DR-68 as well as DR-67, as they are technicallyequivalent. If the additional class notation SDS is assigned, the

    dredger is to comply with the probabilistic damage stabilitycriteria in accordance with DR-68 when the dredger is assigned adredging freeboard of less than B/2, where B is the statutoryfreeboard calculated in accordance with the ICLL, 1966. Afreeboard of less than B/3 may not be assigned. In this respect itshould be noted that the main technical difference between DR-67 and DR-68 is the incorporation of the latest SOLASamendments (SOLAS 2009) in relation to probabilisticdamage stability calculations into DR-68 (expressed in terms of updated SOLAS references).

    Structure Design PrinciplesIt is noted that, as a consequence of the fact that the structural

    arrangement of dredgers involves discontinuities, particular careis to be taken to avoid cracks or fractures. The rules providegeneral structure design principles, considering a large numberof dredger related issues, considering: structural reinforcement of dredgers working in association

    with hopper barges; flooding prevention due to damage to the shell plating by

    metal debris on bucket dredgers; structural reinforcements at locations where the hull is

    heavily stressed;

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    Fig. 9. Schematic overview of typical geometry of hopper wellin a split hopper vessel (Bureau Veritas, 2009)

    Specific formulae for computing the distributed load (per metrelength) are provided for each relevant loading condition: maximum loading at dredging draught; loading corresponding to international freeboard with well

    full of spoil; service condition with well filled with water up to the

    waterline; service condition with well filled with water up to the lowest

    weir level.Secondly, the horizontal wave bending moment acting on eachhalf hull is computed as a function of the associated verticalwave bending moment, taking into account the geometricproperties of the split hopper vessel, the associated waveparameter (reference wave height), the coefficient n D and theconsidered loading condition. The results of these empiricalformulae match with the results of direct calculations in headseas and beam seas (taking into account outflow of spoil over tespill out edge due to roll motions). Finally, the total horizontalbending moment acting on each half hull is obtained by addingthe still water and wave components.

    For the calculation of the internal pressures acting on the hopperwell boundaries the cargo (effectively a mixture of sand and seawater) is considered as a liquid if the cargo density is less than1.4 t/m 3 and as a sliding dry bulk cargo if the cargo density isequal to 1.4 t/m 3 or above. Consequently, the apparent cargodensity 1, in t/m 3, is computed as follows: 1= , for

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    It is easily seen that the rules calculation yields the highest valueshear force, which is in addition considered constant over thehopper length. The rules are clearly on the conservative side, butthis is the necessary consequence of applying simplifiedformulae. A direct calculation with a beam model gives a morerealistic distribution of the shear forces. The maximum value is

    less than obtained from the rules, while the distribution is in linewith the expectation that the shear force in the floors will be lessat the hopper ends as the cellular keel becomes more effective intransmitting the (net) hopper load to the hopper end bulkheads(short force pathway). The result of the 3D finite elementcalculation is particularly interesting. The maximum shear forcein the midship region is nearly equal to the value obtained fromthe beam calculation, showing that the beam model issufficiently accurate to determine the maximum design force.However the distribution of the shear forces over the hopperlength is quite different. Generally the 3D finite elementcalculation shows high shear forces than the beam model. In theforward half of the hopper this effect is very strong, while it isless pronounced in the aft half. Two important observations canbe made from this result. First, the cellular keel is apparently lesseffective in transmitting the load than assumed on the basis of the beam model. In order to adjust the beam model the fullyfixed boundary condition at the ends of the cellular keel needs tobe replaced by a spring. In other words, the fixation of thecellular keel into the transverse hopper end bulkheads is not asrigid as assumed in the beam model. Secondly, the forcedistribution is not symmetrical. This point can only be explainedby a difference in fixation of the cellular keel in the aft and forehopper end bulkheads. Analysis of the structural arrangementnear the transverse hopper end bulkheads shows that this isindeed the case. The fixation of the cellular keel into the aft endis much more rigid (due to a continuous tweendeck) than

    compared to the fore end (only heavy girders).

    Fig. 13. Hull girder normal stress distribution in bottom platingof cellular keel and side box (i.w.o. longitudinal hopperbulkhead)

    The next step is the comparison of the hull girder normal stressesin the between the cellular keel bottom plating and the bottomplating of side boxes, as shown in Fig. 13. It is easily seen thatthe stress distribution in the side boxes is consistent with thedistribution of the vertical hull girder bending moment (saggingcondition), while the stress distribution in the cellular keel isnearly constant. The conclusion is that the cellular keel is partlywithdrawing itself from absorbing the vertical hull girder

    bending moment and acts like a string. This conclusion is furthersubstantiated by considering the zero stress plans of the sideboxes and the cellular keel (as beams). Where for the side boxesthe zero stress plane obtained from the finite element analysis isconsistent with the theoretical neutral axis of the side box, forthe cellular keel this is not the case. This is shown schematically

    in Fig. 14. The apparent difference between the theoreticalneutral axis and the calculated zero stress plane of the cellularkeel can only be explained by assuming that an axial force isacting in addition to bending moment (see Fig. 14).

    Fig. 14. Hull girder normal stress distribution in bottom platingof cellular keel and side box (i.w.o. longitudinal hopperbulkhead)

    By considering Hookes law it is concluded that the difference inhull girder normal stresses between the cellular keel and sideboxes implies a longitudinal strains as well. This in turns leads tothe conclusion that the classic assumption that the hull girder canbe considered as a single beam with non-deformable crosssection no longer holds. And as the longitudinal displacementbetween the bottom plating of the cellular keel and side boxes isdifferent, the floors are experiencing an enforced deformation as

    shown in Fig. 15. The existence of this deformation isdemonstrated by considering the distribution of secondarybending stresses in the hopper floors (the enforced deformationcauses a shear constant force and linearly distributed bendingmoment in the hopper floor), which is depicted in Fig. 16.

    Fig. 15. Enforced longitudinal deformation of hoper floors; leftunreformed, right deformed

    It is finally observed that a (complex) combination of high hullgirder normal stresses and secondary bending stresses exists nearthe corners of the bottom door openings. The amplitude of thesestresses varies with the wave period, as well as loading andunloading of the hopper. The corners of the bottom dooropenings represent a significant structural discontinuity, whichinevitably causes stress concentrations. Therefore, the corners of the bottom door openings are sensitive to fatigue damageaccumulation and need to be designed with great care.

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    Fig. 16. Secondary bending stresses distribution in hopper floorsdue to enforced longitudinal deformation

    The above described phenomenon has been incorporated in therules in a simplified manner by reducing the sectional area of thestructural elements of the cellular keel (and other structureswhich can partly withdraw from providing full contribution tothe hull girder resistance) in the calculation of the (midship)section modulus. In other words, the cellular keel is given areduced effectiveness in its contribution to the hull girderstrength. As a consequence the hull girder normal stresses in theside boxes are increased. The rules provide a reference value of 85 per cent for the effectiveness of the cellular keel. For unusualdesigns the effectiveness of the cellular keel can be obtainedfrom the results of a finite element analysis of a complete shipmodel. The complete ship model is required in order to obtainthe correct level of fixation of the cellular keel into the fore andaft part, as demonstrated in this above.

    The criteria for calculating assessing the hull girder strength areas per normal rules (in accordance with IACS UR S11).Depending on the assigned operating area notation and thedifference between the international and the dredging freeboardeither the navigation situation of the dredging situation will bedetermining the required hull girder section modulus. Loadedhopper dredgers and hopper units are, due to their arrangement,always in sagging condition. In empty of ballast condition thebending moment is generally small compared to the loadedsituation (slightly sagging, near zero or slightly hogging, as thecase may be). Dredgers (CSDs) are normally in hoggingcondition. As they carry no cargo the deadweight is limited andtherefore also the range of applicable still water bendingmoments.

    It is to be noted that the hull girder strength for hopper dredgers

    and hopper units is not only critical in the midship region, butalso near the hopper ends due to the high hull girder shear forces,see Fig. 17. These are a consequence of the general arrangementof hopper vessels, with relatively concentrated heavy cargo inthe midship area and buoyancy compartments at the fore and aftends. In addition to this the transition from the hopper structureinto the fore and aft end structures usually contains largestructural discontinuities, such as (partial) termination of thelongitudinal hopper bulkhead, termination of the trunk orcoaming, the presence of large openings in longitudinalbulkheads and/or decks, etc. In particular when the longitudinalhopper bulkhead is not continued into the fore and aft ends,

    careful checking of the side shell plating against yielding and(shear) buckling is to be performed. An example of the shearstress distribution in the cross section of a hopper dredger justbefore the forward hopper end bulkhead is shown in Fig. 18. Dueto the structural discontinuities the section modulus of the crosssection near the hopper end bulkheads may be significantly

    reduced, so also the hull girder normal stresses need to beverified. An additional complicating factor in this region may bethe presence of the suction tube inlet, which causes additionaldiscontinuities in the side shell structure.

    Fig. 17. Schematic representation of still water bending momentsand shear forces for hopper dredger/unit

    Fig. 18. Shear stress distribution in cross section of hopperdredgers (just before of foreward hopper end bulkhead) plottedby MARS software

    Hull Girder Strength Assessment for Split Hopper Dredgers and Split Hopper UnitsSpecial consideration is required for the hull girder strengthassessment of split hopper vessels due to the independentstructural behaviour of the half hulls, see Fig. 19.

    Analysis of the cross section of a half hull learns that it is notvertical plane of symmetry as for a normal ship cross section.As a consequence the zero stress planes (neutral axes or mainaxes) are rotated and the position of the maximum and minimum

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    hull girder normal stresses is shifted. The transformation of mainaxes is shown schematically in Fig. 20.

    Fig. 19. Schematic arrangement of split hopper unit

    Fig. 20. Transformation of main axes of half hull of split hoppervessel (Bureau Veritas, 2009)

    As the horizontal and vertical hull girder bending moments forsplit hopper vessels are of the same order of magnitude, themaximum hull girder stress may occur in any of the fourfollowing locations: hopper coaming top (or maindeck at intersection with

    hopper well bulkhead if the coaming is not continuous); bilge; bottom at centre line; maindeck at intersection with side shell.

    Consequently the horizontal and vertical bending moments needto be transformed to the new main axes in order to calculate thehull girder normal stresses. The hull girder stress criteria are thesame as for dredgers, hopper dredgers and hopper units.

    For split hopper vessels not only the stress levels need to bechecked, but also the deflections of the half hulls. In the midshiparea this is required to determine the sealing arrangement at thebottom in order to prevent loss of cargo, while at the ends of thevessel it needs to be verified that the half hulls are not touchingeach other (which could cause local damage and would changethe distribution of the horizontal bending moment).

    Hull Scantlings For the strength check of local structural members (plate panels,ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members) BureauVeritas applies the net scantling approach. This means that allyielding and buckling checks, as well as (tabular) minimum

    scantlings are checked against the as built scantlings minus aspecified corrosion addition which depends on the type of compartment(s) in which the considered structural member islocated. The corrosion additions are based on statistics obtainedfrom thickness measurements on ships in service and representthe average state of the vessel after a service life of 20 years

    (considering adequate maintenance in accordance with classrequirements). Hopper well structures are exposed to heavy wearand appreciable levels of corrosion due to the nature of the cargo(mixture of sand and sea water) as well as the frequency of loading and discharging (up to four times per day). Therefore thecorrosion addition for structural members in the hopper well isrelatively high with 2.0 mm per side (as compared to 1.0 mm fora ballast tank and 0.5 mm for a dry space).

    The calculation of the local scantlings follows the same approachas the general requirements of Pt B, considering four load cases(wave conditions which maximise the determining design loads),except that all calculations are carried out for both the navigationsituation (international freeboard) as well as the dredgingsituation (dredging freeboard), duly taking into account thenavigation coefficient for dredging n D to obtain thecorresponding dynamic loads, as described in the subsection

    Design loads . This means that a large number of scantlingcalculations are to be made in order to obtain the requiredscantlings. In order to support designers Bureau Veritas hasmade its internally developed scantling verification tool MARS,in which the rules for dredgers are fully incorporated, availableto ship designers (enabling an efficient design process).

    Fig. 21. 3D finite element model of large hopper dredgersshowing the main critical areas (half model)

    The analysis of the primary supporting members of dredgers(e.g. transverse rings in hopper dredgers) is usually performed bydirect calculations using either beam models or 3D finite elementmodels. Fig. 21 shows a typical 3D finite element calculationmodel (CSM), highlighting the main critical areas, while Fig. 22zooms in on the midship area (transverse ring). Figs. 23 and 24show the results of detailed stress calculations for two of themost critical regions, the corners of the bottom door openingsand the integration of the hopper flange (in this case a pipe) intothe side box structure. Other structures to requiring specialattention are the strongbeams (transverse beams crossing thehopper well at maindeck level), in particular if the cylinder forcefor closing keeping the bottom doors closed is supported by

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    these beams. In general, the forces exerted by the hydrauliccylinders and reaction forces of the bottom doors on the bottomstructure need to be included in the assessment of the primarystructure of hopper dredgers.

    Fig. 22. Zoom on midship area for finite element model shownin Fig. 21.

    Fig. 23. Detailed finite element analysis of corner of bottom dooropening for a large hopper dredger; left model, right Von Misesstresses

    Fig. 24. Detailed finite element analysis of integration of flangeof hopper floor into side box structure for a large hopperdredger; left model, right Von Mises stresses

    In addition, also hopper end bulkheads are to be considered as

    critical areas, as they do not only have to withstand the spoilpressure but also transmit the net hopper load (spoil weightminus sea water pressure on the bottom, including dynamiceffects) in shear to the side shell. On top of that, for hopperdredgers with cellular keel the hopper end bulkheads also absorbthe bending moment exerted by the cellular keel, as describedabove.

    Particular Structural Issues on DredgersDredgers are by nature equipped with heavy duty machinery,such as internal combustion engines, generators, pumps, suctiontubes and associated gantries, cranes, cylinders for closing thebottom doors of hopper wells, cylinders and hinges in split

    hopper vessels, cutter ladders and spud carriers in cutter suctiondredgers, etc. The supporting structures of all these items need tobe carefully designed in order to assure their proper foundation(from the viewpoint of strength as well as stiffness, in particularin relation to vibrations). In this respect, the scantlings of thestructure for attachment of the equipment intended for dredging

    operations (e.g. connection of the suction pipe to the hull,foundation of the suction pipe gantries) are to be based on theservice load of such equipment. In determining the above serviceload, the loads imposed by ship movements are to be taken intoaccount. The rules provide guidance to support the designer inthis task, in particular in the assessment of bottom doors andvalves. For example, in Fig. 25 the force arrangement of twodifferent types of bottom doors is shown.

    Fig. 25. Bottom door force arrangements; left double doors, rightbottom valve (Bureau Veritas, 2009)

    Table 3. Probability for the determination of dynamic forces in jacks and hinges of split hopper vessels (Bureau Veritas, 2009)

    As the two half hulls of split hopper vessels are only connectedby the hinges and cylinders a single failure of each of theseelements could lead to a catastrophic failure. Therefore the rulesrequire a special assessment of the maximum dynamic loads

    which can be expected during the ships lifetime to ensure thatthe design is sufficiently robust. In particular, the dynamic forcein each hydraulic jack (cylinder) and the horizontal and verticaldynamic forces in each hinge are to be calculated by means of along term statistical analysis in accordance with themethodology described earlier in the subsection Design loads (for the evaluation of the maximum significant wave heightassociated with the operating area notations), taking intoconsideration the conditions and probabilities shown in Table 3.An example of a transfer function of the horizontal force at theforward hinge of a split hopper unit is shown in Fig. 26.

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    Fig. 26. Transfer function of horizontal force in forward hinge of split hopper unit

    The scantlings of the jacks and hinges are to be verified againstthe calculated forces (static plus dynamic). In addition,requirements apply for the design and construction of thehydraulic jacks. For large split hopper vessels a measuring

    system of the hydraulic pressure is to be provided for each jack,which (in addition to the indication of the pressure at the bridgeand at the dredging room) is to comprise a visual and audiblealarm at the same locations, to be activated when a certain limitis exceeded. At least one relieve valve is to be provided toprotect each part of the circuit which may be subject tooverpressure due to external loads or due to pump action.

    Another main point for split hopper vessels is the connectionbetween the ship and superstructure, which remains in theupright position if the half hulls are opened. Both the transverseand the longitudinal direction need to be addressed in order toproperly dimension the hinges. The rules provide detailed

    guidance for the computation of the associated forces and thechecking of the scantlings of the hinges. Different types of hinges and bearing systems are considered. Fig 27. shows aschematic overview of the hinge connection in transversedirection, as well as a detail of a hinge with load transferbearings.

    Fig. 27. Superstructure connection for split hoppers; leftschematic of transverse arrangement, right hinge cross sectionwith load transfer bearings (Bureau Veritas, 2009)

    In order to correctly assess the longitudinal strength of largeCSDs the additional bending moment during cutter operationsneeds to be accounted for. This bending moment is caused by theforces exerted on the cutter head, which are balanced by the spudpole which is pushed into the seabed. As the pathway of thisforce goes all the way through the hull girder and the arm is

    large (equal to the working depth), this bending moment canreach an appreciable value. As this additional moment onlyapplies in working conditions, which are limited by a practicalupper limit in sea conditions, the calculation of the total bendingmoment can be based on the maximum wave bending momentassociated with the worst sea condition during working, taking

    duly account of the still water bending moment in workingcondition. The issue of the additional bending moment isillustrated in Fig. 28, where the additional bending moment dueto working is computed as M add=Fd.

    Fig. 28. Additional hull girder bending moment on CSD

    Dismountable CSDs form a special category of dredgers.Usually they are relatively small vessels intended for dredgingoperations in, often remote, shallow waters (estuaries, lakes,etc.), see Fig. 29 for an example. As they are dismountable it iseasy to transport such dredgers from one working location to thenext (on a cargo ship or sometimes even by road). DismountableCSDs consist of a number of pontoons (e.g. port side, starboardand centre pontoon) which are connected by bolts and/or hooks.Depending on the intended operating area the coupling systemcan be adjustable (for coastal waters) or non-adjustable (forsheltered waters, lakes and inland waterways). From a design

    perspective the couplings need to be designed such as to providesufficient strength to cope with the static and dynamic loads. Fortransversely coupled pontoons the beam sea condition is themost important, for longitudinally coupled pontoons the head seacondition.

    For backhoe dredgers two main points require specialconsideration. The first point is the integration of the excavatorfoundation into the main pontoon structure. The shear force andbending moment at this location are high due to the excavatorsown weight. Ensuring sufficient structural continuity is the keypoint here. In addition, the bottom plating should be carefullychecked for buckling due to high compression stresses caused by

    the bending moment exerted by the excavator. The second pointis related to the use of the spuds. Depending on the spudarrangement and lifting system, some backhoe dredgers can usetheir main pontoon as a semi self-elevating unit (for exampleduring the low tide while working in an area with large tidalchanges, see Fig. 30). In that case the spud poles are supportingpart of the vessels weight. Not only need the strength of thespuds be sufficient to support this additional load, also the mainstructure if the pontoon needs to be checked, as the bendingmoment on the pontoon (considered as a beam) is changed. Inperforming this strength assessment the dynamic effects (waveloads) in the worst anticipated sea condition in which the

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    pontoon is intended to operate need to be taken into account.Depending on the strength of the pontoon (including bucklingresistance) it may be necessary to prescribe a minimum safeoperating draught for such backhoe dredgers.

    Fig. 29. The IHC Beaver 50 series of dismountable CSDs wasintroduced by IHC Merwede in 2009

    Fig. 30. Backhoe dredger working a self-floating draught (T 1)and partial draught (T 2)

    Hull Outfitting & EquipmentAs dredgers, due to the nature of their activity, are frequentlyinvolved in long time duration manoeuvring in shallow watersthe rules require that the rudder stock diameter is to be increasedby 5 per cent relative to the minimum diameter obtained by therules for cargo ships in order to create additional robustness. Inaddition, each rudder on a split hopper vessel is to be served byits own steering gear.

    A dredger specific formula for the equipment number,EN=1.5(LBD) 2/3 , with L, in m, representing the Rule length, B,in m, the moulded breadth, and D, in m, the depth, respectively.For dredgers of 80 m in length and above the standard equipmenttables (see also IACS UR A1). For smaller dredgers the rulesprovide a specific table on the basis of long term experience.Due to the nature of dredging operation the anchor systems areoften used during working, e.g. in the case of stone dumpingvessels. In such case, for reasons of practical operations, it isuseful to use wire ropes instead of chain cables. Under certainconditions this may be accepted, provided that adequatemeasures are taken to ensure the effectiveness of the anchoringsystem, such as increased length of the wire ropes to compensatefor the loss of weight compared to chain cables, and equalminimum breaking load as required for chain cables. In addition

    a short length of chain cable is to be fitted between the wire ropeand the anchor, having a length equal to 12,5m or the distancefrom the anchor in the stowed position to the winch, whicheveris the lesser. The application of high holding power (HHP) andvery high holding power (VHHP) anchors is permitted.

    In some cases the classification society is requested by shipowner to certify the gantry cranes used for lifting and operatingthe suction tube(s), in particularly on large hopper dredgers, seeFigs. 31 and 32. Bureau Veritas assesses such crane on the basisof plan approval and inspections during manufacturing andinstallation on board, making use of the Rules for theClassification and the Certification of Cranes onboard Ships and Offshore Units (Bureau Veritas, 2007).

    Fig. 31. Two gantry cranes operating the suction tube on ahopper dredger

    Fig. 32. Schematic overview of large gantry crane

    TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN DREDGINGAND ASSOCIATED CLASS RULESIn this section the latest technical and ongoing regulatorydevelopments are addressed. Five points will be discussed:fatigue assessment of large hopper dredgers, stability of stonedumping vessels, dredgers carrying special personnel, theapplication of dynamic positioning systems on dredgers andenvironmental protection.

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    Another issue to be included in the checking of the stabilityparticulars is the case of asymmetrical dumping. That is, allcargo on one side is dumped first and the other half afterrepositioning the vessel (e.g. for covering a subsea pipeline).Similar provisions as for dredgers with bottom doors at port sideand starboard side are applicable, see the section DR-68.

    Dredgers Carrying Special PersonnelFor ships carrying more than 12 special personnel for particularoperational duties in addition to the ships crew the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code, 2008), is generallyapplied. Due to their knowledge of ship layout, training in safetyprocedures and handling of safety equipment special personnelare not considered as passengers. Therefore special purposeships do not need to fully comply with all SOLAS requirementsfor passenger ships and consequently the scope of Code is toprovide equivalent level of safety compared to SOLAS. The SPSCode may be applied to large dredgers carrying specialpersonnel for operating subsea installation equipment, forexample stone dumping vessels.

    The technical requirements of the SPS Code cover stability andsubdivision, machinery installations (steering gear), electricalinstallations (emergency source of power, precautions),periodically unattended machinery spaces, fire protection,dangerous goods, life-saving appliances, radio communications,safety of navigation and security. The applicable SOLASrequirements depend on the number of special personnel onboard.

    The most important change in the 2008 edition of the SPS Codeis related to damage stability. The requirements have beenupdated in accordance with the probabilistic methodology of SOLAS Ch II-1, where the ship is considered as a passenger ship(special personnel are considered as passengers). The requiredsubdivision index R, to be calculated in accordance with SOLASReg. II-1/6.2.3, given as: R for ships certified to carry 240 persons or more; 0.8R for ships certified to carry not more than 60 persons;

    while linear interpolation between 0.8R and R is to be appliedfor ships certified for more than 60 but not more than 240persons.

    In accordance with SOLAS requirements calculations also to beperformed for intermediate stages of flooding, while themaximum heeling moment due to wind, crowding of passengers

    or launching of survival crafts is to be included as well. A keypoint is the double bottom height, as additional deterministicdamage stability calculations assuming bottom damages are tobe performed if the double bottom height is less than h = B/20m, where h is to be not less than 0.76 m and does not need to betaken as more than 2.0 m. In the formula B, in m, is the shipsmoulded breadth.

    In case the number of special personnel is more than 60 persons,but less than 240, the following specific requirements apply: SOLAS requirements for passenger ships with less than 36

    passengers apply for fire safety (SOLAS Ch II-2); The emergency source of power is to be in accordance with

    SOLAS requirements for passenger ships (SOLAS Ch II-1

    Pt D Reg. 42); Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin are to be in accordance with SOLASrequirements for passenger ships (SOLAS Ch II-1 Pt D Reg.45.11);

    Life Saving Appliances are to be in accordance withSOLAS requirements for passenger ships (SOLAS Ch III),with some alternatives and relaxations.

    Upon verification of compliance a Special Purpose Ship SafetyCertificate is issued by the flag state or the recognisedorganisation on behalf of the flag state.

    Dynamic PositioningAs dredgers are engaged in high precision subsea operationsstation keeping is a key point, in particular when working inwaves or swell. To this end Bureau Veritas proposes theDYNAPOS family of additional class notations, covering thecertification of dynamic positioning systems. The followingoptional additional symbols can be assigned: SAM (Semi Automatic Mode; manual intervention); AM (Automatic Mode; automatic position keeping); AT (Automatic Tracking: unit is maintained along a

    predetermined path, at a preset speed and with a presetheading which can be different from the course);

    R (Redundancy implies equipment class 2 in accordancewith IMO Circ. 645);

    RS (Redundancy is achieved by two systems or alternativemeans of performing a function physically separated;equipment class 3 in accordance with IMO Circ. 645).

    Typical notations are DYNAPOS AM/AT (equivalent to DP1),DYNAPOS AM/AT R (equivalent to DP2) and DYNAPOSAM/AT RS (equivalent to DP3). The requirements are providedin Pt F, Ch 10, Sec 6 of Bureau Veritas Rules for theClassification of Steel Ships (NR 467).

    Environmental ProtectionEnvironmental issues are becoming increasingly important in themaritime industry. This is particularly true for dredgers, whichare mainly operating in coastal waters and ports where specificrequirements apply for pollution prevention and emission controlapply (e.g. in the Emission Control Areas). In this respect theadditional class notations CLEANSHIP (C) , CLEANSHIP andCLEANSHIP SUPER are available in BV rules. Each notationmay be completed by the additional symbol AWT if anAdvanced Wastewater Treatment installation is installed, as wellas an additional number to specify the number of consecutivedays the ship is able to operate with the full complement of on-board personnel, including crew and passengers, without theneed for discharging any substances into the sea (minimum is 1,

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    7+ when more than 7 days). An example of a class notation forpollution prevention for a dredger could be CLEANSHIPSUPER 7+ . Specific requirements are given in Pt E, Ch 9 of Bureau Veritas Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships (NR467) and include a bilge separator and alarm, a type approvedsewage system, a type approved incinerator and, for the

    additional class notation CLEANSHIP SUPER , compliancewith the Ballast Water Management Convention. The additionalclass notation CLEANSHIP (C) does not contain a sulphur limitin the bunkering requirements (intended for ships operating inareas with limited or no availability of low sulphur fuel).

    The CLEANSHIP family of notations is currently beingupdated. In the revised version the notation CLEANSHIP willinclude the following additional requirements: Implementation of an environmental management system

    (ISO 14001); Green Passport (inventory of hazardous materials for ship

    recycling); Minimum automation level; Conformity with MARPOL Annex I, IV, V & VI, as

    amended; Minimum 1 day storage capacity for garbage and liquid


    The CLEANSHIP SUPER notation will be granted if, inaddition to compliance with the requirements for CLEANSHIPalso a minimum number of optional notations in two maindomains are implemented. Three optional notations will beintroduced and cover the following fields: Quality of the liquid effluent discharge (bilge water, sewage,

    etc.); Quality of the air emissions (NOx, SOx, Ozone Depleting

    Substances); Storage capacity for garbage and liquid effluents (in numberof days).

    The optional notations will be defined in terms of objectivesinstead of means as in the present BV Rules. For example, forNOx emissions a target limit as percentage of the applicableIMO limit could be specified instead of requiring installation of a Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) system. Requirements willbe introduced for the main equipment involved in the optionalnotations (such as exhaust gas cleaning systems, ballast watertreatment systems, etc.).

    CONCLUSIONSThe dredging industry has developed itself from a largely localnear land-based activity into a global operation which is of keyimportance for merchant shipping on keeping the portsaccessible, waterways navigable. In addition, dredgers are activein land reclamation projects, coastal and port construction andoffshore construction (including subsea activities). Along withthe industry the dredging vessels have developed into highlysophisticated ships of dedicated design, depending on theintended activity. The main types of ships for dredging activityare trailing suction hopper dredgers, cutter suction dredgers,backhoe dredgers, split hopper units/dredger, stone/rock

    dumping vessels and fall pipe vessels.

    The very specific designs of dredging vessels have alwaysevolved on the basis of experience feedback and technicalinnovation (such as the introduction of the centrifugal pump).Applicable regulations were traditionally issued by local

    authorities and therefore applicable to local circumstances. Withthe internationalisation of the dredging industry the needemerged for an international set of safety regulations applicableto dredgers, duly taking into account the technical andoperational specificities of dredgers.

    One of the key points is the apparent conflict with therequirements of the International Convention on Load Lines,1966, which specifies the maximum operating draught on thebasis and requests the fitting of hatch covers. Hopper dredgers,due to their ability to dump their cargo, can operate safely at areduced freeboard, while hatch covers are generally notnecessary as water can effectively be drained from the hopperand the strength and stability take into consideration all possibleloading conditions and states of cargo (basically a mixture of water and sand). On the basis of such considerations theinternational regulations for dredgers operating at reducedfreeboard have been developed. The latest revision are theGuidelines for the Assignment of Reduced Freeboards for

    Dredgers (DR-68), which are applicable to new dredgers with akeel laying date on or after 1 January 2010.

    Bureau Veritas, as the leading class society for dredgers, has along history with the certification of dredgers and has developedspecific technical requirements long before the internationalguidelines were conceived. Making use of the knowledge builtup with design verification, newbuilding surveys and in-service

    inspections Bureau Veritas continues to develop its knowledgebase and feed this back into the classification rules. In addition,Bureau Veritas experts are playing a very active role in thedrafting of the international guidelines.

    A major technical development in regulations applicable todredgers has been the introduction of the operating areas, whichhave created the necessary link between the reduced dredgingfreeboard and the longitudinal strength. Based on technicalstudies performed by Bureau Veritas the operating areas can beextended on the basis of the maximum significant wave heightassociated with the operating area notation of the dredger. Thishas further enhanced the operational flexibility of dredgers.

    The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the majortechnical issues associated with the different types of dredgersand how the related challenges are effectively addressed in therules. In addition to class requirements Bureau Veritas has alsodeveloped design (verification) tools which enable fast efficientcompliance verification with the specific class requirements fordredgers.

    Finally, a number of recent developments in dredgingtechnology and associated castigation requirements arepresented. With the dredging industry pushing its frontiers

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    towards higher efficiency, lower environmental impact and thedeployment of new and advanced technologies, class societiesneed to continue to invest in technical research and thedevelopment of services to support the dredging industry inachieving these objectives.

    REFERENCES BUREAU VERITAS, Freeboard of Dredgers and

    Barges Fitted with Bottom Dump Doors (NR 144 R00E/F), 1971

    IMO, Guidelines for the Construction and Operationof Dredgers Assigned Reduced Freeboards (DR-67),Circular Letter No. 2285, 17 January 2001

    BUREAU VERITAS, Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships (NR 472.3 DTM R00 E) - Pt E, Ch 13,June 2000

    DR-67 JOINT WORKIG GROUP, Guidelines for theAssignment of Reduced Freeboards for Dredgers(DR-68), 3 February 2010

    BUREAU VERITAS, Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships (NR 467.A1 DT R09 E) - Pt A, Ch 1, Sec2, July 2010

    BUREAU VERITAS, Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships (NR 467.D3 DT R04 E) - Pt D, Ch 13,April 2009

    JOURNEE J.M.J., MASSIE, W.W., OffshoreHydromechanics, First Edition, Delft University of Technology, January 2001

    HOBACHER, A., Recommendations for FatigueDesign of Welded Joints and Components,International Institute of Welding, Doc. XIII-2151-07/XV-1254-07, Paris, May 2007