innovative e-journal interfaces

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  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    New Age Navigation:

    Gerry McKiernanScience and Technology Librarian and Bibliographer

    Iowa State University Library

    Ames, Iowa

    [email protected]

    Innovative e-Journal Interfaces
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Internet Librarian 2003The Internet Conference & Exhibition for Librarians & Information Managers

    Track C: E-Resources & Digital Libraries

    November 3, 2003| C103 | 2:00 2:45 PM |

    Monterey Convention Center

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    THANK YOU!Jane Dysart

    Dysart & JonesToronto, Canada


    Jim Cole

    Iowa State University Library

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    THANK YOU! Javed Mostafa, Victor H. Yngve Associate Professor of

    Information Science and Associate Professor of Informatics,Indiana University, Bloomington

    D-Lib Magazine and the Corporation for NationalResearch Initiatives (CNRI)

    Soizick Lesteven, Computer Engineer, Centre de DonnesAstronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)

    Jack Sack, Director HighWire Press, Stanford University; Yangkie Kwee, Project Manager, MediaLab, B.V., the


    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory(PNNL)

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    The screen prints selected for this

    presentation are for educationalpurposes, and their inclusion doesnot constitute an endorsement of

    an associated person, product,service, or institution.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces



    The views and opinions expressed

    in this presentation are those ofthe presenter and do not

    constitute an endorsement by

    Iowa State University or itsLibrary.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Computer Interfaces

    From the user's perspective

    it is still difficult to use currentinformation retrieval systems.

    Junliag Zhang, Javed Mostafa, and Himansu Tripathy, Information Retrieval by Semantic

    Analysis and Visualization of the Concept Space ofD-Lib Magazine,

    D-Lib Magazine 8 no, 10 (October2002).
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Where is the wisdomwe have lost inknowledge?

    Where is theknowledge that wehave lost ininformation?"

    T.S. Eliot

    The Rock (Pt. 1) (1934)
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    New Age Navigation:

    Innovative e-Journal Interfaces Concept Space/D-Lib Magazine

    Astronomy and Astrophysics Self-Organized Map Index/Centre deDonnes Astronomiques deStrasbourg

    TopicMap/High Wire Press

    AquaBrowser/Utrecht University

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Concept Space

    D-Lib Magazine

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    D-Lib Magazine D-Lib Magazine ( is a magazine

    about digital library issues for researchers,developers, and the intellectually curious

    produced by the Corporation for NationalResearch Initiatives.

    It has no print analogue, nor has one beenproposed. [B]y testing the limits of writing in

    and for a wholly networked environment,the magazine itself was viewed from the onsetas an experiment in electronic publishing.
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    D-Lib Magazine D-Lib Magazine recently published a review article

    that describes an innovative index to the magazine itself.

    Using the full-text corpus of the magazine, its authors

    document, illustrate, and demonstrate throughhypertext linking, experimental digital technologies that

    seek to provide users with a better understanding of

    online document collections and to reduce the cognitive

    load associated with conventional search options indigital collections.

    Junliag Zhang, Javed Mostafa, and Himansu Tripathy, Information Retrieval by Semantic

    Analysis and Visualization of the Concept Space ofD-Lib Magazine,

    D-Lib Magazine 8 no, 10 (October2002).
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Concept Space

    As an alternative to current conventional

    information systems, the researchers have

    developed a method that automatically

    generates the terms and their semanticrelationships representing relevant topics

    covered in the corpus of a digital collection.

    The generated terms are called concepts, andthe generated terms and their semantic

    relationships are called the Concept Space.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Concept Space

    Concepts are discovered using an algorithmbased on an automated thesaurus generationprocedure.

    The concept space is visualized in a 2-D visualrepresentation that roughly shows thesemantic relationships among concepts.

    Concept nodes are labeled with the conceptname by default.

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    Concept Space

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    Concept Space

    All the nodes are color-coded based on cluster

    analysis, with distinctive colors used for

    different clusters of concepts.

    In the visualization, similar concepts are

    generally close to each other in the physical

    space; for example, copyright is near


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    Concept Space




  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Concept Space An alternative visualization displays the relative

    percentage of documents associated with each concept intheD-Lib Magazine by use of shade coding.

    For example, concepts with fewer than 10% related

    articles are shown in white, while concepts that appearin more than 30% of the articles are shown as graynodes; concepts that occur in more than 50% of thearticles are shown in black.

    With this visualization, users can thus quicklydetermine, for example, that the concepts disseminate,interoperability and query are discussed morefrequently than are doi,elib, and ncstrl.

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    Concept Space

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Concept Space The interface allows the user to conduct searches on

    the collection by selecting labeled concepts directlyfrom the visualization or by inputting specific termsor phrases.

    Users can select as many concepts as desired fromthe visualization and construct appropriate Booleanstatements by selecting the appropriate operation(AND or OR) in the search box panel.

    Keywords can be combined with concept labelterms in a query.

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    Concept Space

    When the search button is clicked, the search results

    are displayed in a separate browser, and include the

    article title, author(s), and volume and issue number

    (if assigned) for each relevant document. By clicking the hyperlinked phrase (Full text)

    found as the last field for each entry in the results

    listing, the associated full-text item is displayed.

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    Concept Space

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    Concept Space

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

    Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

    The Centre de Donnes Astronomiques de Strasbourg(CDS) ( is an International Serviceunder the Federation of Astronomical and GeophysicalData Analysis Services (FAGS) that collects,

    homogenizes, distributes and preserves astronomicalinformation.

    The main CDS services include:

    SIMBAD (, a reference

    database for the identification and bibliography ofastronomical objects outside the solar system

    VizieR (, a searchportal to more than astronomical catalogs andpublished tables.
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

    CDS is also actively involved in the development ofbibliographic information retrieval tools, notablyvisualized indexes to digital collections. A premierexample of this tool is the document map

    developed for Astronomy and Astrophysics(

    The document map is created using the KohonenSelf Organizing Map (SOM), an algorithm thatautomatically organizes documents into a two-dimensional grid so that related documents appearclose to each other and general topics appear in welldefined areas.
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    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

    The SOM graphical WWW interface allows the

    visualization of the document distribution [and]

    shows the localization of documents related to given

    topics . The SOM map is presented as a density map,

    which represents graphically the areas containing

    papers of similar content and the number of

    documents in these areas.

    Presently the SOM map provides access to more

    than 10,300 articles for the period 1994-2002.

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

    To use the interface and retrieve relevant articles,users select an appropriate node (e.g., Stars) onthe map; in turn, the keywords associated with thenode are listed in a right-side frame.

    An entry indicating the number of documentscontaining any of these selected keywords isdisplayed above the keyword listing in the frame(e.g., Node 103: 6 documents).

    Upon retrieving the search results (GetDocuments), entries for those items assigned theselected term or phrase are displayed in the left-sideframe where the SOM map had originally appeared.

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Self-Organized Map Index

    Upon retrieving the search results (GetDocuments) entries for those items assigned theselected term or phrase are displayed in the left-sideframe where the SOM map had originally appeared.

    The full records for all entries may be retrieved byclicking the FetchReferences button at the top ofthe listing.

    The user may display the full record for a title (e.g.,Abundances of light elements in metal-poor stars. I.Atmospheric parameters and a new T_eff scale) byselecting its associated hyperlinked bibliographiccode (e.g., 1996A&A...314..191G).

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    CDS Bibliographic Service

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    NASA ADS Astronomy Abstract Service

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    NASA ADS Astronomy Abstract Service

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    The NASA Astrophysics Data System AbstractService: Astronomy,

    Library Hi Tech News 18 no. 7 (August 2001): 30-38.

    Gerry McKiernan

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    High Wire Press Journals

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    High Wire Press High Wire Press ( is an

    enterprise unit of Stanford University Libraries and

    Academic Information Resources committed to

    charting new waters as [a co-publisher] of low-cost,graphically rich Internet editions of university and

    scholarly society e-journals.

    It works with scholarly societies and responsible

    publishers to publish, distribute, and archive e-journals, providing a common user interface to its

    titles and hyperlinks to relevant Web sources.
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    High Wire Press HighWire Press currently provides the

    largest archive of free life science articles in

    the world.

    Access is provided to nearly 600,000 full-text

    articles from more than 160 journals without

    charge (August 2003).

    Nearly 3,000 items are added each month.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    High Wire Press To assist users in identifying potentially

    relevant articles on a particular subject,

    HighWire Press has organized all e-journal

    titles by broad (e.g., Biological Sciences,Medical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and

    Social Sciences), and

    general topics (e.g., Biological Sciences:Agriculture, Biochemistry, Cell Biology,


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    HighWire Press Browsing
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Browse Articles by Topic

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    Browse Articles by Topic From within a general topic, users can

    subsequently display articles that are

    categorized under specific subtopics (e.g., Cell

    Physiology, Cellular Structures, CellularTypes, Systems Biology) by selecting a

    hyperlinked subtopic of interest.

    Within HighWire, articles are also categorized toa very high degree of specificity (e.g., Cell

    Biology > Cellular Structures > Mitogens >

    Mitogenic Pathway).

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    Browse Articles by Topic

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    Browse Articles by Topic

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    Browse Articles by Topic

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Topic List for Article

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces



    The topics and subtopics for High Wire Press

    articles have been assigned using theSemio

    automated categorization software technologyprovided by Entrieva, a leading provider of

    information categorization solutions.
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  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces



    TopicMap is a special Java applet

    designed to assist in navigating topics

    in a graphical form. The intent is toprovide a sense of context while

    exploring a large, tree-structured

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    TopicMap is based on the Hyperbolic

    Tree SDK for Java, licensed from

    Inxight Software, Inc., a spin-off

    company from Xerox PARC, and

    leading provider of Unstructured Data

    Management solutions for accessing,analyzing and delivering information.
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    Utrecht University, The Netherlands

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Utrecht University

    Established in 1636, Utrecht University is one ofthe oldest universities in Europe, recently

    commemorating the 365th anniversary of its

    founding. It currently offers the widest range of

    courses of any university in the Netherlands, withmore than 14 faculties and 70 degree courses.

    In 2001, it had an enrollment of more than 22,400

    students, with more than 3,100 enrolled in theFaculty of Medicine alone, and nearly 5,000

    enrolled in the Sciences.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    AquaBrowser To demonstrate enhanced access to select

    electronic resources offered by Utrecht

    University, MediaLab (,

    a Dutch firm specializing in knowledgemining and creation of intelligent

    Intranet and Internet sites, has applied its

    AquaBrowser technology to select

    electronic medical information resources

    made available by the university library.
  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    AquaBrowser There are several components to the

    AquaBrowser system, including various toolsthat gather, analyze, and create linkages from arange of electronic sources (e.g., databases, Web

    sites, CD-ROMs, etc.). Liquid Filters extracts information from

    various sources and transfers it to the LiquidKnowledge Builder. The source material itself is

    cached in the IGORdatabase . The knowledge builder analyses all the

    information extracted by the filters. Anintegrated dictionary is utilized in the analysis.

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    IGOR (1)

    IGOR is theAquaBrowser black box. Amongits components and functionalities are:

    a free text search engine (a searchable index of all

    the words in a corpus)

    rankers (rankers provide fuzzy answers to

    specific questions)

    a co-occurrence generator (this generator

    analyses texts from source databases and createsstatistical and semantic relations between

    constituent terms and phrases)

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    IGOR (2)

    a translation unit (the translation componentprovides automatic translations of queries and

    keywords into other languages, specific jargon,

    archaic dialects, or technical phrases)

    a fuzzy alternative generator (this generator

    creates correct and incorrect variations of terms

    and phrases)

    stemmers (stemmers isolate the semantic stem ofa term facilitating a search for synonyms and


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    Liquid Context Builder The Liquid Context Builder is the systems top

    layer that enriches the users queries and keep

    track of all the steps in the search [process].

    In addition, the context builder produces the list

    of results and the cloud of associations that lead

    the way to more relevant information along

    different routes. Upon execution of a search, the

    cloud of associations and portions of the recordsare displayed in theAquaBrowser.

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    Cloud of Associations

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    Cloud of Associations The AquaBrowserinterface offers a graphical

    depiction of search results and associations thatallow the user to search, browse, and follow thecloud of associations generated initially from

    target sources or from a specific query (e.g.,hypertension).

    The cloud of associations contains associationsas well as synonyms, translations, spelling

    variations, and typographical errors. Uponselecting an entry from results listing displayed ina left-side frame, the associated document isdisplayed in a right-hand frame.

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    Cloud of Associations

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    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Information Visualization

    Information visualization may be defined as theuse of computer-supported interactive visualrepresentation of abstract data to amplifycognition. Its purpose is not the pictures themselves,

    but insight . Information visualization is part of the new media

    made possible by the development of the real-timevisual computer.

    Succinctly stated, information visualization is ahighly efficient way for the mind to directlyperceive data and discover knowledge and insightfrom it.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

    One of the major research centers in the United Statesinvolved with the development and application of

    information visualization technologies is the Pacific

    Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) based in

    Richland, Washington.

    Among its notable projects isSPIRE- the Spatial

    Paradigm for Information and Exploration, a suite of

    information visualization tools intended to help usersexplore a large number of textual documents with an

    intuitive spatial metaphor. Of the varied SPIRE

    technologies, Galaxies and ThemeVieware

    particularly noteworthy.

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    The Galaxiesvisualization uses the image ofstars in the night sky to represent a set ofdocuments.

    In this visualization, each document is

    represented by a single docustar. Documentsthat are closely related cluster together, whileunrelated documents are separated by largedistances. In Galaxies, several analytical toolsare provided that allow users to investigatedocument groupings, query the documentcontents, and investigate time-based trends.

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  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    ThemeView In the ThemeView visualization (formerly

    ThemeScape)the topics or themes within aset of documents are shown as a relief map ofnatural terrain.

    The mountains in the ThemeViewindicatedominant themes. The height of the peaksindicates the relative strengths of the topics inthe document set. Similar themes appear closetogether, while unrelated themes are separatedby larger distances.

    ThemeViewprovides a visual overview of the

    major topics contained in a set of documents.

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    Concisely described, a ThemeViewvisualization is a 3-D feature map that shows

    where major concepts and themes are located

    in a database. Through a simple image, ThemeView

    visualizations can summarize the contents of

    an entire database, identify where majorconcepts are located, and detail the

    interrelationships between them.

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  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    The Future is Now (1)

    Although only a select number of electronic journalcollections currently offer innovative and novelinterfaces, one can expect that such enhancementswill soon become commonplace as digital collections

    become larger and more complex, and the need foradvanced navigation features and functionalitiesbecomes more widely recognized.

    Likewise, as computer processing and

    communication technologies continue to improve,one can predict that two-dimensional visualized e-

    journal interfaces in time will be superseded bythree-dimensional interfaces.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    The Future is Now (2)

    One could envision, for example, the next-generation HighWire Press TopicMap as aTopicLandscape.

    In such a ThemeViewtransformation, broad and

    general topics and lower-level subtopics would bepresented as labeled peaks, plateaus, and valleys,permitting a user to readily identify and navigatethe dominant and subordinate themes for an entire

    digital corpus, or one of its sectors.Within this digital landscape, a user could easilybrowse related topics or directly retrieve documentsof interest, at any level.

  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    New Age Navigation:

    Innovative Information Interfaces

    for Electronic Journals

    Gerry McKiernanThe Serials Librarian 45 (2) (2003): 87-123.
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  • 8/2/2019 Innovative e-Journal Interfaces


    RefViz RefViz is a text analysis and visualization

    software designed to analyze, organize, andfacilitate the comprehension of the hugeamounts of literature available to students and

    professional researchers today. InRefViz, references are organized by

    thematic content and presented in interactivevisualizations that allow the [user] to

    rapidly identify major theme and focus onareas of interest. It can be used to createoverviews of most literature search resultsfrom popular databases.

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