innovative nsw technologies - financial services · representing 10 per cent of the state economy...


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Sydney – Australia’s choice location for financial services Sydney is Australia's hub for finance and insurance, and a leading centre for global finance in the Asia Pacific. The NSW finance and insurance industry generated over $35 billion in 2007-08, representing 10 per cent of the State economy and over seven per cent of Australia's total value in the sector. NSW is the location of 31 of the top 50 finance companies by revenue in Australia and Sydney is the base of more than 83 per cent of foreign and domestic banks in Australia. Australia consistently ranks strongly in global comparisons of financial markets, and the country’s high standard of corporate, financial and regulatory governance makes it a model in the world. Of the 134 countries surveyed by the World Economic Forum for the Global Competitiveness Report 2008-09, Australia ranked seventh in the world for the sophistication of its financial markets. The strength and sophistication of Australian banks have been major factors in the country’s remarkable record of economic resilience over the past 17 years, and have allowed the financial system to cope better with the global financial crisis. The financial services sector is an industry built around innovation. The highly competitive financial services environment drives constant demand for new technologies that can improve operating efficiencies and deliver continually improving levels of customer service. NSW is home to a wide range of companies that are delivering innovative technology solutions for all aspects of the financial services sector.

FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THIS DIRECTORY CONTACT Peter Gray - Senior Manager, Australian Technology Showcase Industry & Investment NSW Level 48 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9338 6619 E [email protected]

This directory is designed as a resource for companies looking to embrace technology to drive innovation in the financial services industry, in Australia and internationally. The directory profiles 62 NSW companies currently delivering innovative technology solutions in security, transactions, back office processing, portfolio management, funds accounting, office services, account aggregation, mobile banking, data analysis and risk management. These technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to improved productivity and business and/or environmental outcomes. The directory has been developed by the NSW Government, through the Australian Technology Showcase and Industry & Investment NSW, as part of a program of profiling innovative technologies and companies in critical sectors of the NSW economy, including security, digital media, freight and logistics, environmental technologies, broadband technologies, mining and ICT. These directories are being progressively released online at Many of the companies featured are current or alumni members of the Australian Technology Showcase, and are identified by the ATS logo. The ATS was created in the lead-up to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and, to date, has helped over 700 Australian companies commercialise products and build markets across all technology areas. In NSW the ATS has directly contributed to over AU$750 million in business wins for its members, including more than AU$400 million in export sales. To gain admittance to the ATS, companies and their technologies are assessed by a panel of industry experts to determine whether their technology is genuinely innovative and has global market potential ATS members have access to a range of assistance, including promotion, showcasing and networking and business matching opportunities, and business support to develop local and export markets. The ATS is administered in NSW by Industry & Investment NSW. Industry & Investment NSW is the NSW Government's business development agency. It provides advice and assistance to help businesses of all sizes establish and prosper in NSW. For more information regarding Industry & Investment NSW visit For the ATS visit, or call Peter Gray, Senior Manager, Australian Technology Showcase on +612 9338 6619.

List of Companies by Market and CapabilityList of Companies by Market and Capability

Company Technology PagePage ATS Alumni

Angusta Systems Consensio Cash Logistics Management 1

Ansarada Secure Online Data Rooms 1 ●Aqua Media Request – Online Job Bookings and Quote Approval 1

Argus Solutions Identity Management Software and Biometric Technology 2 ●Atlassian Software Systems Confluence Enterprise Wiki 2 ●Avolution Abacus™: Enterprise Architecture Modelling 2 ●Awaresoft Aware IM: Web Based Database 3 ●BA Insurance Systems Insurance Intermediary’s Enterprise Solution 3

Beacon IT Group BIDS Budget Management System 3 ●Biometrix Performix Biometric System Manager 4 ●Bio Recognition Systems Biometric Fingerprint Security 4 ●Cadre Design SimSkill eLearning Simulation Platform 4 ●Calumo Group Performance Management 5 ●Capital Market Surveillance Services (CMSS) Compliance Explorer: Market Surveillance for Securities Trading 5

Card Access Services Internet Based Remote Financial Transaction 5 ●Cirrus Technologies CoMetrix: Secure Customisable Modular Online Application 6

ConnXion Ventures ConnXion Data 6 ●Corporate Knowhow Mentor CK: Business Productivity 6 ●Corprofit Systems KNOWRISK® Corporate Risk Management Systems 7 ●Crux Cybernetics Unified Work Management Solutions 7 ●Distra Electronic Payments Processing Systems 7

Dload Involve: Powering Interactive Marketing 8 ●Docbanq Electronic Document and Records Management 8 ●Dragonfly Technologies fireflyMobile™ Two Factor Authentication System 8

EQ International Algorithmic Execution in Equities Markets 9

eWise Account Aggregation 9

Financial Simplicity Online Portfolio Modelling and Manufacturing Software 9 ●Fintechnix Enterprise Wide Solution for Insurance, Superannuation and Investment 10

IdeaData Group DigiTol Network Usage Auditing: X-Ray Vision for Networks 10 ●Ideas International Competitve Intelligence Tool 10 ●ImpexDocs Export Management Software Suite 11 ●Integeo Map Intelligence: Location Intelligence Technology 11 ●Internet Solutions Australia (t/a Internetrix) Online Communication and Customer Service 11 ●iOmniscient Intelligent Surveillance Video Analysis Software 12 ●Lock-It Systems ATM Raminator Anti-Ramming Security Device 12 ●Lockstep Technologies Stepwise Solution for Card Not Present Fraud 12 ●Magellan Technology RFID Document Management 13 ●Max eCommerce Superconnect Superannuation Payment Gateway 13

McGirr Information Technology MCMS: McGirr Case Management System 13

Midwinter Financial Services Financial Planning Software 14

Milestone Group Investment Software 14

Mint Wireless Mint: Portable Payment and Invoicing System 14

Mobbiexpress International Mobile EFTPOS Transaction Facilitator 15 ●Moneyswitch t/a Tyro Payments Integrated IP EFTPOS 15

NetMap Analytics Data Visualisation and Analysis 15 ●nMetrics Cost-Effective Network Management Performance Tools 16

Noggin OCA Online Contact Management and Communications 16 ●Nuix Foresenic Data and Email Analysis Software 16 ●Paymate Online Payment and Cross-Border Trading Services 17 ●PolicyPoint Policy and Compliance Management 17 ●Pure Commerce Dynamic Currency Conversion 17 ●Pure Hacking IT Security Penetration Testing 18

Quipoz Automated Legacy Systems Transformation 18 ●Replica Data Security Mobile Data Security 18

Saasu – Online Accounting System 19

Soprano Design Soprano Mobile Enterprise Messaging Suite 19 ●Stop Shot International Stop Shot - Bullet & Blast Resistant Glass Systems 19 ●Strategic Risk International Advanced Risk Management Technology 20

ThreatMETRIX Real Time Online Fraud Detection 20

Tier-3 Huntsman: Security Management System 20 ●TrustDefender Online Transaction Security 21

WhoCanDo Online Reverse Auction Website 21 ●


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List of Companies by Market and Capability


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C A P A B I L I T YPage M A R K E T

List of Companies by Market and Capability

Company Technology ATS Alumni

Angusta Systems Consensio Cash Logistics Management ● ● ●Ansarada Secure Online Data Rooms ● ● ● ● ● ●Aqua Media Request – Online Job Bookings and Quote Approval ● ● ●Argus Solutions Identity Management Software and Biometric Technology ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Atlassian Software Systems Confluence Enterprise Wiki ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Avolution Abacus™: Enterprise Architecture Modelling ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Awaresoft Aware IM: Web Based Database ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●BA Insurance Systems Insurance Intermediary’s Enterprise Solution ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Beacon IT Group BIDS Budget Management System ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Biometrix Performix Biometric System Manager ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Bio Recognition Systems Biometric Fingerprint Security ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Cadre Design SimSkill eLearning Simulation Platform ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Calumo Group Performance Management ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Capital Market Surveillance Services (CMSS) Compliance Explorer: Market Surveillance for Securities Trading ● ●Card Access Services Internet Based Remote Financial Transaction ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Cirrus Technologies CoMetrix: Secure Customisable Modular Online Application ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●ConnXion Ventures ConnXion Data ● ● ● ● ●Corporate Knowhow Mentor CK: Business Productivity ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Corprofit Systems KNOWRISK® Corporate Risk Management Systems ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Crux Cybernetics Unified Work Management Solutions ● ● ● ● ●Distra Electronic Payments Processing Systems ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Dload Involve: Powering Interactive Marketing ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Docbanq Electronic Document and Records Management ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Dragonfly Technologies fireflyMobile™ Two Factor Authentication System ● ● ● ● ● ●EQ International Algorithmic Execution in Equities Markets ● ● ● ● ●eWise Account Aggregation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Financial Simplicity Online Portfolio Modelling and Manufacturing Software ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Fintechnix Enterprise Wide Solution for Insurance, Superannuation and Investment ● ● ● ● ●IdeaData Group DigiTol Network Usage Auditing: X-Ray Vision for Networks ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Ideas International Competitve Intelligence Tool ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●ImpexDocs Export Management Software Suite ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Integeo Map Intelligence: Location Intelligence Technology ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Internet Solutions Australia (t/a Internetrix) Online Communication and Customer Service ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●iOmniscient Intelligent Surveillance Video Analysis Software ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Lock-It Systems ATM Raminator Anti-Ramming Security Device ● ● ● ●Lockstep Technologies Stepwise Solution for Card Not Present Fraud ● ● ● ● ●Magellan Technology RFID Document Management ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Max eCommerce Superconnect Superannuation Payment Gateway ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●McGirr Information Technology MCMS: McGirr Case Management System ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Midwinter Financial Services Financial Planning Software ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Milestone Group Investment Software ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Mint Wireless Mint: Portable Payment and Invoicing System ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Mobbiexpress International Mobile EFTPOS Transaction Facilitator ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Moneyswitch t/a Tyro Payments Integrated IP EFTPOS ● ● ● ● ● ● ●NetMap Analytics Data Visualisation and Analysis ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●nMetrics Cost-Effective Network Management Performance Tools ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Noggin OCA Online Contact Management and Communications ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Nuix Foresenic Data and Email Analysis Software ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Paymate Online Payment and Cross-Border Trading Services ● ● ● ● ●PolicyPoint Policy and Compliance Management ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Pure Commerce Dynamic Currency Conversion ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Pure Hacking IT Security Penetration Testing ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Quipoz Automated Legacy Systems Transformation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Replica Data Security Mobile Data Security ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Saasu – Online Accounting System ● ● ● ● ●Soprano Design Soprano Mobile Enterprise Messaging Suite ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Stop Shot International Stop Shot - Bullet & Blast Resistant Glass Systems ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Strategic Risk International Advanced Risk Management Technology ● ● ●ThreatMETRIX Real Time Online Fraud Detection ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Tier-3 Huntsman: Security Management System ● ● ● ●TrustDefender Online Transaction Security ● ● ● ● ● ● ●WhoCanDo Online Reverse Auction Website ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●





























































C A P A B I L I T YPage M A R K E T1


Financial Services


ANGUSTA SYSTEMS PTY LTD Co nse ns i o Cas h L og is t ic s M an a ge m ent

Angusta Systems has developed Consensio to reduce the cost of managing cash inventory and circulation between a large network of automated teller machines, branches, stores and cash depots for banks and retailer. The Consenio analytical software tool is a powerful forecasting and optimisation engine that finds the best schedule for each distribution and collection point. These schedules focus on minimising cash holdings, interest, and transport costs – while ensuring that cash is delivered at the right amount, right place, and at the right time. The software is also suitable for optimising the distribution of other time-sensitive items such as newspapers and perishable goods. Angusta Systems is currently trialling its software in Australia and is pursuing opportunities in Europe, Asia, and the US. Contact details: Winston Chen – Chief Executive Officer Suite 145 National Innovation Centre, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh NSW 1430, Australia T 612 9209 4087

ANSARADA PTY LTD Sec ur e O nl in e D at a R oo ms Us in g S aa S De l i v er y Mo d el

Ansarada has developed a virtual online data room based on the “Software as a Service” (SaaS) delivery model providing simple-to-use, secure virtual data room facilities protected by the highest levels of security. By utilising the “Software as a Service” (SaaS) delivery model, Ansarada is able to provide clients with the latest advances in security and technology innovations without the capital investment required for a sophisticated IT systems, staff and hardware. An Ansarada data room is customisable and easily tailored to suit many collaborative projects such as mergers and acquisitions, fundraising, joint ventures and tender processes. Ansarada has clients across Australia including Gilbert+Tobin, KPMG, UBS Investment Bank and Sparke Helmore Lawyers. Contact details: Sam Riley – Managing Director Citigroup Centre, Level 39, 2 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9004 7813 F +612 9004 7070 AQUA MEDIA PTY LTD Re qu est - O nl in e J ob B oo k in gs an d Q uot e Ap pr ov al

Full service creative design agency Aqua Media has developed Request, an intelligent online job booking and quote approval system that captures the information via a wizard-based, step-by-step system. The Request system enables quotes, workflow and quote approval confirmations to be easily viewed online, ensuring correct specifications are provided during booking entry. The dashboard allows viewing of job history, tracking of all job bookings and searching of any files and related information. Flexible, scaleable, intelligent and inexpensive, Request is easily tailored to virtually any brand. Applications include banking, insurance, legal, media, medical, retail and telecommunications. Aqua Media clients include Deloitte, Fujitsu and Sydney Water. Contact details: Bill Bovopoulos - Director 249 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 8915 5555

Financial Services


ARGUS SOLUTIONS LIMITED Cor ne rs to ne ® : I d ent i t y Ma n ag e me nt S oft wa re

Identity management software and biometric specialists Argus Solutions has developed Cornerstone®, a centralised identity management engine that handles the enrolment and recognition of individuals including access control, time capture and asset management. Cornerstone® integrates the preferred biometric identification techniques as required by the client to ensure the appropriate level of security. All data can be recorded and managed from a single location allowing remote control and management of applications. Applications include health, government, defence, banking and finance, law and correctional facilities. Argus Solutions has a number of international partners including Panasonic, Siemens, SecureMetrics Inc. and Verint, with clients in Australia, China, Malaysia, Germany, Spain, Holland, the UK and the US. Contact details: Bruce Lyman - Chief Executive Officer Suite G01, 110 Pacific Highway, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia T +612 9963 7300 F +612 9439 1698

ATLASSIAN PTY LTD Co nf l ue nc e: th e En ter pr is e Wi k i

Global software organisation Atlassian has developed Confluence, which builds on the original wiki concept to deliver a knowledge management and collaboration solution that retains the ease and simplicity of a traditional wiki, whilst introducing enterprise features aimed at organisational requirements, particularly the requirements of technical teams. Confluence is extremely flexible in both functionality and architecture. It can be used for collaboration, knowledge management, intranets, extranets, websites, document management, project management and online documentation. Confluence appeals to organisations that prefer to manage their own technology infrastructure, as it is available to download for behind-the-firewall deployments. Atlassian has offices in Australia, the Netherlands and the US, with over 15,200 customers in 113 countries including Adobe, BMW, Cisco, the World Bank and Deutsche Bank. Contact details: Mike Cannon-Brookes – Chief Executive Officer 173-185 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9262 1443 F +612 8208 7383

AVOLUTION PTY LTD ABA CUS ™: Ent er pr is e A rchi tec t ur e Mo d el l in g

Enterprise architecture modelling specialist Avolution has developed ABACUS™, a tool that enables clients to understand alternative architecture options prior to commitment, predicting the benefits, effectiveness and cost of alternative strategies. ABACUS™ allows companies to visualise an entire architecture hierarchy and all its properties as 2D and 3D models. By forecasting when modifications will be needed in the future and how these will affect the functioning of the system, ABACUS™ enables enterprise, solution and systems architects to understand the basic characteristics of their system and the best approach for optimal outcomes. Avolution clients include AXA, IAG, ANZ, Capita, Alcatel, Department of Defence and University of NSW. Contact details: Dr Mark Denford – Manager, Asia Pacific

Financial Services


AWARESOFT PTY LTD Aw ar e I M: I nt el l ig e nt We b Ap pl icat on B ui ld er

Awaresoft has developed Aware IM, an affordable, enterprise-grade, easy-to-use platform for creating rich business internet applications without the knowledge of programming, database design or web technologies. Aware IM has a unique combination of ease of use and modern enterprise-grade technology that allows building of business web applications easily, quickly and inexpensively. It offers unmatched speed of development by automatically generating everything that is required, i.e. database tables, web forms, GUI widget, etc. Aware IM is used by corporations and government agencies for applications including CRM, document management, asset management, project management, and customer support. Awaresoft has offices in Australia and the US with clients in more than 20 countries including Cisco, NSW Treasury and the US Department of Defense. Contact details : Vadim Shilovsky - Director Suite 14, 36-38 Florence Street, Hornsby NSW 2077 Australia Tel: +61 2 9029 1220

BA INSURANCE SYSTEMS PTY LTD Ib ais : Fu l l y Int e gra te d O nl in e Re a l T i m e S ys te m

Internet based insurance software company BA Insurance Systems (BAIS) has developed Ibais, a whole of business enterprise solution designed to cover every aspect of an insurance intermediary’s business. The Ibais system is a fully integrated online and real time broking, claims, administration and management information system. It comprises a group of packaged components including an integrated data warehouse, a knowledge management suite, and a time and project management suite giving total control over policy creation, renewal, endorsement, cancellation and lapse processes. It is suitable for insurance intermediaries, underwriting agencies, brokers and claims managers. BAIS clients include Specialised Broking Associates, Underwriting Agencies of Australia and Fairweather Turner. Contact details: Jim Armstrong – Managing Director 317 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T + 612 9934 1800 F + 612 9934 1801

BEACON IT GROUP PTY LTD BID S™ : Bu dg et M an a ge m en t Sys t e m

Beacon IT Group has developed BIDS™, a powerful and unique budget management system specifically designed for planning, budgeting, forecasting, analysis and reporting capabilities to drive business performance. BIDS™ unique design enables detailed budget transactions in the form of both quantitative and qualitative information to be captured through configurable workflows, ensuring plans, budgets and forecasts are prepared in a timely relevant and transparent manner. BIDS has been specifically developed for government and corporations with complex budgeting requirements, such as telecommunications companies and large not-for-profit organisations. Beacon IT clients include the Department of Finance and Deregulation Commonwealth of Australia, ANSTO, Government of Vanuatu, SA Water and Glaxo Smith Kline. Contact details: Michael Kadoury – Executive Director Level 13, 12 Help Street, Chatswood, NSW 2067, Australia T +612 8815 5700 F +612 8815 5703

Financial Services


BIOMETIX PTY LTD Pe rfor m ix B io m etr ic S ys t e m Ma n ag er

BIOMETIX offers software and consulting services for the effective prevention of identity fraud using biometric data analysis systems. Their software, Performix, assists organisations undertaking the evaluation or design of biometric security or authentication systems with product selection, risk analysis, performance reporting and system optimisation to allow a better understanding of identity systems using modelling and automated reporting tools. BIOMETIX has undertaken work for a wide variety of government clients in Australia, New Zealand, the UK and within Asia, including the Hong Kong Government, Australian Customs, Centrelink, Australian Immigration, drivers licence authorities within Australia, Asia Pacific and Europe, as well as police and security organisations in Europe, the US and the Asia Pacific region. Contact details: Dr Ted Dunstone – Chief Executive Officer Suite 145 NIC, Australian Technology Park, 4 Cornwallis Street, Eveleigh NSW 1430, Australia T +612 9209 4599 F +612 9209 4042

Bio Recognition Systems Pty Ltd Bio m etr ic F i ng er pr i nt S ecur i t y

Bio Recognition Systems (BRS) design and manufacture biometric security operated by fingerprint sensors using a sophisticated micro-electronic technology eliminating the need for keys, swipe cards and passwords. BioLock and BioScan™ utilises radiofrequency fingerprint scanning, a non-invasive, safe and fast technology for checking a person’s credentials. The sensor technology ensures a real fingerprint template is obtained even when the surface of the skin is callused, wet or dirty as it reads seven layers below skin level. Applications include access control, home automation, time and attendance systems. BRS fingerprint door security kits have been sold to over 18 countries and the BRS fingerprint kits have been sold by Honeywell, Siemens and other distributors. Contact details: John Marinucci – Vice President Sales Unit 11, Building F, 16 Mars Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066, Australia T +612 9882 8600 F +612 9427 2503

CAD RE D ES IGN P TY LT D S i m Sk i l l eLe ar ni ng S im ul at io n Pl at f or m

Interactive elearning simulation company CADRE Design has developed SimSkill, an immersive business simulation platform offering state of the art e-learning products at low cost. In partnership with Abbot Training Systems, CADRE has developed a system that creates high quality scenario-based e-learning modules without the normal development costs. They are highly visual, engaging and offer consequential learning and accurate performance measurement. SimSkill introduces learners to self paced learning through a simulation that makes the individual feel like they are part of the story-line. It enables the participant to learn from “experts” and become a more competent leader and manager. CADRE clients include IAG insurance, ASX, RailCorp and TAFE NSW. Contact details: David Hegarty – Managing Director Suite 1, Level 3, 60 Bowman Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009, Australia T +612 8514 8900 F +612 8514 8901

Financial Services


THE CALUMO GROUP CALUM O: Co m pr eh ens iv e P erf or ma nc e Ma n ag e me nt S uit e

Enterprise performance management solution provider The CALUMO Group has developed CALUMO, a comprehensive performance management suite in a single product with unified architecture powered by the Microsoft Business Intelligence Platform. CALUMO provides all facets of performance management including business intelligence, metrics and KPI dashboards, reporting and analysis, budgeting and forecasting, financial consolidations, modelling and workflow. Combined with the stability, scalability and speed of Microsoft’s cost-effective Enterprise Data Warehouse and Analysis Services platform, CALUMO offers a complete solution that can optionally be integrated with PerformancePoint Server and Microsoft Office Sharepoint. The CALUMO Group has partners in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, the UK and the US, with local clients including CBA, AMP, HSBC, Blake Dawson, Telstra, Lend Lease and Integral Energy. Contact details: Jeffrey Walter – Marketing Director Level 10, 20 Berry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T +612 8985 7777 F +612 8985 7778

CAPITAL MARKETS SURVEILLANCE SERVICES PTY LTD Co mp l i anc e E xp lo rer : M ark et S ur ve i l la nc e f or S ecur i t i es Tr ad in g

Market surveillance systems specialists and research organisation Capital Markets Surveillance Services (CMSS) has developed Compliance Explorer, a surveillance system that detects suspicious trading activity in real-time. The system identifies trading patterns that may indicate a possible breach of national securities laws, trading regulations of individual marketplaces and internal trading rules enforced by the bank or stockbroking firm itself. It helps identify many kinds of market manipulation or insider trading, as well as unusual changes in trading patterns by an organisation's dealing desks. CMSS is used by over 100 banks and stockbroking firms globally with key customers including all top 20 members of the Australian Stock Exchange by trading volume. Contact details: Andreas Furche – Managing Director Level 4, 55 Harrington Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 8083 9000 F +612 8083 9099

CARD ACCESS SERVICES PTY LTD Int ern et B as ed R e mot e F in anc ia l Tr ans ac t io n

Card Access Services (CAS) design customer transaction and payment services specifically tailored for a business’s needs, from mobile payment terminals through to complete transaction processing and reporting systems. The company manufactures specialised payment terminals that have International Visa and MasterCard accreditation and comply with onerous security standards imposed by the world banking standards. They work in conjunction with consumer electronics devices such as mobile phones, PCs, PDAs or set-top boxes to communicate to bank and merchant systems, allowing merchants to easily collect card payments as they are delivered to clients and significantly lowering the operational costs of acquiring transactions. CAS clients include CBA, Westpac, Samsung Card, Telstra, TelBru, HBF Health Funds and Corum. Contact details: Neville Stanford – Chief Executive Officer 2/7-9 Albany Street, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia T +612 9906 7209 F +612 9906 7218

Financial Services


CIRRUS TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD Co Me tr i x: S ec ure C usto m isa bl e M od ul ar O nl in e Ap p l ic at i on

CoMetrix is a secure, customisable, modular online application that combines an underlying CRM system with a fully integrated set of objects that include companies, people, documents, workflows, activities, competencies, communities of interest and financial metrics. The core system consists of a single integrated database, which helps to avoid problems faced by organisations whose corporate assets are dispersed across separate systems, resulting in “islands of automation”. Cirrus clients include ING Sales & Marketing, ING Financial Planning, Madison Financial Group and RetireInvest, who use it to record compliance information, report on business performance, manage documents, and provide web-based access to corporate data to staff in geographically dispersed offices. Contact details: Jeff Deakin – Director Level 5, 30 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9299 3544 F +612 9299 5950

CONNXION VENTURES LIMITED Se a ml ess Aut o mat e d Bi l l i ng a n d Pa y m ent S ys t e ms

Connxion Ventures has developed Connxion Data, an innovative multichannel document delivery technology that integrates four existing delivery mediums - email, fax, SMS and paper mail - into a single product. The technology validates all deliveries and automatically redirects documents from one output medium to another if delivery to the first medium fails. The service produces and despatches critical business documents such as invoices, statements and reports, and even connects with payments systems such as BPay and other third-party providers. Connxion Data reduces document delivery costs, improves cash flow and enhances productivity. Applications include telcos, utilities, media and service providers. ConnXion Ventures has a number of alliances in place such as IBM, Singapore Post and Telstra, with clients across Australia, Asia and China, including DHL, News Corporation, Vodafone, Coca-Cola Amatil and Simply Energy. Contact details: David McCann – Managing Director Level 9, 234 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T 612 9250 8897 F 612 9250 8890

CORPORATE KNOWHOW PTY LTD MentorCK: Business Productivity Corporate Knowhow has developed MentorCK, a breakthrough people centric performance enhancing methodology providing essentail non-financial information to support the most important business decisions. MentorCK accurately and cost effectively maps, qualifies and quantifies the organisation’s Value Network. The platform allows management and individuals to concurrently identify, prioritise and implement initiatives to achieve the highest levels of personal engagement, collaboration effectiveness and process efficiency ; to align their activities with strategy and vision, thereby achieving outstanding performance and sustainability. The technology has been utilised in government, manufacturing, logistics, finance, insurance and telecommunication sectors. Corporate Knowhow has clients across Australia including Tetra Pak, Chep, AAPCS, NSW Department of Commerce and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Contact details Paul Macqueen – Managing Director 23 Edgecliffe Boulevarde , Collaroy Plateau NSW 2097, Australia T 612 9981 314

Financial Services


CORPROFIT SYSTEMS PTY LTD KNOW RI SK ® : C or por at e Ris k M an ag e m ent S ys t e ms

Enterprise risk management framework specialist CorProft Systems has developed KnowRisk®, a system enabling corporations to define the highest risks being faced and the appropriate controls required by evaluating the effectiveness of these controls, predict the level of exposure and establish management scenarios to handled identified risks. The KnowRisk® package comes in five levels of sophistication, each allowing companies to progressively expand their risk management abilities – KnowRisk® Pro, KnowRisk® Standard, KnowRisk® Lite and KnowRisk® Mobile. The software can be used with a selection of default settings, or can be tailored to suit the user’s own risk management agenda. Industry applications include mining, construction, finance, insurance, energy, food and government. CorProfit has clients across Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UK and the US, including Credit Suisse, Lion Nathan, Mirvac Group, Tenix and World Vision Africa. Contact details: Ian Abrahams – Managing Director Suite 3, 20 Bridge Street, Pymble NSW 2073, Australia T 1300 55 7475 F +612 9440 7408

CRUX CYBERNETICS PTY LTD Te a mFr am e E as y Pro jec t Ma n ag e me nt O ff ic e

Saas software specialist Crux Cybernetics has developed TeamFrame Easy PMO, an online workplace that can effortlessly consolidate, monitor, analyse, change and report on portfolios of work. TeamFrame Easy PMO is the stepping stone from a manual consolidation and multi-data source workplace to a central, standard and efficient one, which can be deployed into any organisation in just 10 days. TeamFrame Easy PMO enables project, program and portfolio managers to easily capture and communicate work status and responsibility. Crux Cybernetics has clients across Australia including Westpac, HSBC and NSW Department of Commerce. Contact details: Maarten Tentij – Managing Director Suite 145 National Innovation Centre, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh NSW 1430, Australia T +612 9209 4541 F +612 9209 4544

DISTRA PTY LTD D is t r a S witc h: Ne xt G en er at i on i n Pa y m ents S w itch i ng

Electronic payments specialists Distra have developed the Distra Switch, a rich-payments functionality for debit and credit card transaction processing. The Distra Switch originates from a range of on channels covering POS, ATM, eCommerce and mCommerce and includes device driving, routing, authorisation and message logging/audit trail as well as real-time research. Its unique distributed architecture provides the scalability, continuous operation and application-level fault tolerance to meet the demanding payments transaction processing environment. Distra has strategic partnerships in place with the National Australia Bank, IBM, Oracle, Fujitsu, Intel, Sun Microsystems, HP and clients across Australia and the UK, including VocaLink. Contact details: Mitch Green – Head of Strategy Level 2 Ballarat House, 15 Foster Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia T +612 9212 0826 F +612 9280 2075

Financial Services


DLOAD PTY LTD In vo lv e P lat for m - Int er ac t i v e Co m mu nic at i ons Sys t e m

Dload has developed Involve to deliver a single customer view across all digital channels, including web, email, mobile, voice and other customerised mediums. Involve allows companies to deploy campaigns, interact, build databases, strengthen relationships and target customers more effectively across all marketing and transaction touch-points. Involve integrates multi-channel campaign management with advanced profiling features that enhance communication and customer acquisition and retention programs. With a range of intelligent insight and personalized targeting options, Involve is the obvious choice if you need to manage customer data and relationship marketing. Dload has clients across Australia, including AustralianSuper, News Limited, Sensis, Fox Sports and AMP. Contact details: Simon Vella – Director 297 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T +612 9923 1672 F +612 9923 1642

DOCBANQ PTY LTD E l ec t r on ic D ocu m ent a nd R ec ords M a na ge m en t Sys t e m

DocBanq delivers on-demand software for managing, sharing and finding documents, records and email, and allows organisations to demonstrate compliance with record keeping standards including ISO15489. The DocBanq system allows organisations to meet the need for sound corporate governance and makes compliance with government regulations a much simpler task. A major advantage is the significantly lower cost of DocBanq when compared to other EDRMS software on the market. Because DocBanq is managed from central servers, geographically dispersed customers can be accommodated without fuss; all they need is a computer network with Internet access. DocBanq has clients across Australia, New Zealand and the US, including Austcorp Group, QRxPHarma, Hitachi Australia, Emergo Group and Synercon Consulting. Contact details: Matthew Lipscombe - Director Suite 145 National Innovation Centre, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh NSW 1430, Australia T +612 8252 0857 F +612 9032 6311

Dragonfly Technologies Pty Ltd f i re f l yM ob i l e™ Tw o F ac to r A uth e nt ic at i on Sys t e m

IT security and unified server and network specialists Dragonfly Technologies has developed fireflyMobile™, a two factor authentication system that delivers a one-time password to a customer’s mobile phone in a text message. fireflyMobile™ is a secure and cost-effective alternative to access secure websites, VPNs and to provide step-up authentication and account management. fireflyMobile™ one time passwords are a convenient and easy-to-use authentication solution that eliminates the need for dedicated hardware tokens making it convenient for the customer and cost-effective for mass deployment. fireflyMobile™ ships with a software development kit enabling simple integration with existing or new .NET and Java applications. Dragonfly Technologies partners are Cisco, IBM, Microsoft and VMware with clients including the Australian Federal Police, Sonic Healthcare and Godfrey Pembroke. Contact details: Branko Ninkovic – Director Suite 205, 147 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9233 4473 F +612 9233 4472

Financial Services


EQ INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD EQUA TO R: Un iv ers al A l go r i t hm ic Tr ad in g O pt i m ise d Ro ut er

Independent provider of algorithmic execution software EQ International has developed EQUATOR, to help subscribers automatically and efficiently execute their equities orders. Local stockbrokers use EQUATOR to efficiently execute their client orders. Most other algorithmic trading systems are operated by global investment banks, which require their clients to appoint them as the nominated broker. Since EQ International is independent, fund managers are able to execute using EQUATOR via their choice of stockbrokers. EQ International has clients across Australia, including major Australian stockbrokers. Contact details: Greg Wallace – Managing Director Castlecrag NSW 2068, Australia T +61 401 713 656

eWISE SYSTEMS PTY LTD ibs ecur e: C o mpr e he ns i v e O nl i n e Pro tec t io n

Online applications specialists’ eWise Systems has developed ibsecure, providing comprehensive security for both end-users and financial institutions offering immediate and effective protection from a multitude of online threats. The patent-pending ibsecure solution integrates with a financial institution’s preferred multi-factor authentication solution to provide comprehensive security, which restores consumer confidence in online banking, helping financial service providers to retain customers and increase online revenue and includes sophisticated interrogation of the validity of SSL certificates, passwords, domain name spoofing and suspicious IP addresses. eWise has clients across Australia and the US, including Westpac, First Direct, Egg, Moneynet and NACHA. Contact details: Lance Robinson – Business Development Executive Level 14, 132 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T +612 9466 5100 F +612 9466 5004

FINANCIAL SIMPLICITY PTY LTD Onl i n e Por t fo l i o Mo de l l in g an d M an uf ac tur in g So ft w are

Financial Simplicity is an investment technology company that specialises in portfolio modelling and portfolio manufacturing software. The system allows professionals to implement investment research and recommendations to each client's portfolio in the context of their specific investment preferences and constraints at the click of a button, significantly reducing administration costs and facilitating a scalable business model. By simplifying portfolio modelling, trade and portfolio reconciliations, financial market participants can be more competitive, service clients better and allocate greater resources to core business activities. Financial Simplicity has clients across Australia, including ABN AMRO Morgans, Cygnet Capital, Vivid Financial, Clime Assessment Management, Austock Securities and APA Financial Services. Contact details: Stuart Holdsworth – Managing Director Level 5, 3 Spring Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9247 7877 F +612 9285 0500

Financial Services


FINTECHNIX PTY LTD F int ech ni x O ne Off ic e: E n d-to -E nd A dm in is t r at i on Pl at fo rm

Transformational change specialists Fintechnix has developed the Fintechnix OneOffice, a functionally rich end-to-end administration platform offering a highly configurable software solution for life insurance, managed investments and superannuation. Fintechnix OneOffice is locally supported, modern, extremely flexible and allows the business to bring new product features to market quickly and with a minimum of fuss and cost. Fintechnix’s services oriented architecture allows seamless integration with existing enterprise application platforms and offers true straight through processing for life insurance (application capture through to Policy Issue). Fintechnix has clients across Australia, including ING Australia, St George Life, IAG, ClearView and BlueInc. Contact details: Philip Fourie – Chief Executive Officer Level 3, 55 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 8234 8200 F +612 8234 8201

IDEADATA GROUP PTY LTD NetF l o w A ud ito r : X- Ra y Vis io n f or IP N et wor ks

IdeaData has developed NetFlow Auditor, a real-time network measurement, profiling and billing tool that provides total visibility, network accountability and business intelligence. NetFlow Auditor collects, compresses and homogenises information from a wide range of devices so it can be accessed as raw data and is not tied to a specific operating system or appliances hardware. It enables customers to comply with external regulations and corporate policy, continuously monitor and analyse network content, security, growth and performance and keep communication service providers honest. NetFlow Auditor appeals to the finance/banking and communications sectors. IdeaData has offices in Australia, Canada, the US and the UK, with clients including CISCO. Contact details: Rafi Sabel – Managing Director Suite 217 National Innovation Centre, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh NSW 1430, Australia T 612 9209 4707

IDEAS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Co mp et it i v e I nt el l i ge nc e To ol

Ideas International has created Competitive Profiles, a set of tools that enable companies to perform competitive analysis on computer storage and servers from a wide range of suppliers and their associated service offerings. Competitive Profiles consists of a 50 million line database that has been created from the ground up from various sources of information, both current and historical, allowing users to easily change configurations and be asured of accurate comparisons. These web-based tools allow companies to better understand the cost and benefits of multiple device configurations and to plan for more efficient allocations of computing resources. Ideas International’s Competitve Profiles is used by a wide range of the world’s largest server and storage companies including IBM, EMC, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Fujitsu and Sun Microsystems. Contact details: Stephen Bowhill – Chief Executive Officer Level 3, 20 George Street, Hornsby NSW 2077, Australia T 612 9472 7701 F 612 9472 7788

Financial Services


IMPEXDOCS Ex po rt Ma n ag e me nt S oft w are S ui te

ImpexDocs software takes the hassle out of importing and exporting by managing the entire process electronically, from the creation and tracking of export documents to connecting with various related parties and their software systems. Information can be entered into the ImpexDocs system once and then used to populate multiple documents, leading to a significant saving in time, cost and reducing the likelihood of errors. The software can automatically request documents and then generate the relevant documentation needed by exporters, freight companies and banks. ImpexDocs clients in Australia include GrainCorp, Transpacific Industries and Williams International. The company has begun selling to Singapore and is developing a module for New Zealand with plans to customise the software for use in other overseas markets including India and China. Contact details: Manish Desai – Manager 38 Eastview Avenue, NORTH RYDE NSW 2113, Australia T 612 9888 1020 F 612 9888 1127

INTEGEO PTY LTD Ma p Int el l i g enc e So ftw ar e

Integeo has developed Map Intelligence, an award winning and patented software merging business and location intelligence offering turnkey solutions for Cognos, Business Objects, Hyperion, MicroStrategy, Excel and BIRT with fully integrated mapping and location analytics. Out-of-the-box there is a large range of spatial visualisation and analytical funtionality enabling better and more agile decision marking by domain experts who need to be focussed on solving their business problems and not technology. A tool is only useful if its usable and Map Intelligence hides the inherent complexity of the underlying mapping technologies. Integeo also has offices in Australia, Singapore, Spain and the UK with clients, including Bendigo Bank, HBA-BUPA, Carrefour, Wurth, Radio Rentals, Australian Federal and State agencies, and the US Army. Contact details: Peter Rossiter – Chief Executive Officer Level 1, 241 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia T +612 8307 5100 F +612 9660 9429

INTERNET SOLUTIONS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Int ern etr i x Aff in i t y: M an a ge C usto m er R el at i ons hi p s

Internet development and consulting company Internet Solutions Australia has developed Internetrix Affinity, a web-based service and client tracking tool that provides professionals with access to critical client information. With a focus on ease of use and automation, Affinity provides instant, searchable access to client interactions, documents and important information. Affinity also has a wide range of optional modules to help manage campaigns, prospects, events, memberships, issues, contracts, invoices, property ownership and more. Provided in either SaaS, hosted or installed modes, Affinity is a proven service and client tracking solution used by professionals in organisations ranging from small companies to publicly listed, as well as in government and education. Internet Solutions has clients across Australia with Affinity tracking over 1M client interactions. Contact details: Geoff McQueen – Managing Director Level 4, 85 Smith Street, Wollongong NSW 2500, Australia T +612 4228 6464 F +612 4226 1985

Financial Services


iOMNISCIENT PTY LTD Int el l i ge nt S urv e i l l a nce V id eo An a lys is Sof tw ar e

iOmniscient’s comprehensive suite of intelligent video analytics software improves safety and security whilst increasing the efficiency of general surveillance operations. iOmniscient’s technology is based on a non-motion detection (NMD) intelligent, heuristic algorithm technology, system which interprets the video information in the same way that a human would. The technology can determine a range of actions in crowded locations, such as a person falling, writing graffiti, loitering or leaving a bag unattended. It also has a nuisance alarm minimisation system which can ignore certain behaviours to reduce false alarms. iOmniscient's products have been incorporated by commercial and government security organisations from around the world including North America, the Middle East, Europe, Australia and Asia. Contact details: Andrew Gyles – Consultant, Business Development Level 9, 815 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia T +612 9499 5356 F +612 9499 5357

LOCK-IT SYSTEMS (AUST) PTY LTD AT M Ra mi n ator : Ant i -R a m mi ng S ec ur i t y De vic e

Manufacturer and distributor of security products Lock-it Systems has developed the ATM Raminator, a shock-absorbing plate that sits underneath the ATM and absorbs the energy of the collision, preventing the ATM from being dislodged and stolen. The design of the Raminator is such that in the event of an impact, the force of the collision is directed down rather than sideways, meaning that the ATM remains in place rather than being knocked over. Use of the Raminator in Sydney has contributed to a 90% reduction in ATM ram-raid theft Other applications include securing planter boxes, perimeter fencing, vending machines, containers or anything needing anti theft anchoring. Lock-it Systems is in the process of going global. Contact details: Richard Gould - Chief Executive Officer 9/52 Holker Street, Silverwater NSW 2128, Australia T +612 9648 4188 F +612 9648 6435

LOCKSTEP TECHNOLOGIES PTY LTD St ep wis e S ol ut i on to C ar d N ot Pr es ent F ra ud

Lockstep develops new solutions to identity theft and online fraud, centred on smartcards and public key infrastructure (PKI). Their product, Stepwise, transforms standard EMV smart credit cards into the best available defence against CNP fraud and ID theft in general. Stepwise provides “safety in numbers”, encapsulating a customer’s credit card details in a tamper proof digital certificate or “seal”. The Stepwise seal can be processed unaided by most e-commerce servers to validate the credit card details. The seal cannot be stolen or replicated by cyber criminals without the card and customer PIN. Current and recent government clients of Lockstep include the National eHealth Transition Authority, Medicare Australia, the Australian General Practice Network, and the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO). Contact details: Stephen Wilson – Chief Executive Officer 11 Minnesota Avenue, Five Dock NSW 2046, Australia T +61 414 488 851

Financial Services


MAGELLAN TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD PJM Stac k Ta g ®: RF I D D ocu m en t Ma n ag e me nt S ys t e m

Developer and manufacturer of RFID systems Magellan has designed the Phase Jitter Modulation technology - PJM StackTag®, a RFID chip inlet and complete portfolio reader that is more than 10 times faster than other existing HF technologies and is compliant with international standards. The PJM StackTag® is capable to identify, read and write to all RFID labelled documents when they stack without any separation, even in stacks of many hundreds or need to be identified reliably in fast moving dynamic situations where tags are presented in all orientations. Applications include document management, document tracking, pharmaceuticals, medical, gaming, jewellery/diamonds and general logistics. Magellan has offices in Australia and the UK with worldwide licensees and distributors. Contact details: Carla Gottardi – Sales and Marketing Representative 65 Johnston Street, Annandale NSW 2038, Australia T +612 9562 9800 F +612 9518 7620

MAX ECOMMERCE PTY LTD Su pe rco nn ect : S u per a nn uat io n Cl e ar i ng H ous e S ys t e m

Max eCommerce has developed Superconnect, a simplified superannuation clearing facility that allows employers to send superannuation contributions with the corresponding employee information electronically to any superannuation fund. Superconnect innovative solutions streamline productivity and lower the impact on the environment by using an electronic straight-through-processing system that is easy to use, affordable and scalable to businesses of all shapes and sizes, i.e. it replaces today’s surplus of paper forms and handles all employee super communications across multiple funds. Financial professionals who would benefit from Superconnect include Payroll Bureaus, Superannuation Funds, Financial Planners, Accountants and anyone who needs a clearing house. Superconnect has clients and partners across Australia, including MYOB, Skandia, Super123, Tradegate Payments and AAPT. Contact details: John Ray - Chief Executive Officer Suite 202, 551 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia T +612 8905 0713 F +612 8905 0716

MCGIRR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PTY LTD MC MS : McG ir r Cas e M an a ge m en t Sys t e m

McGirr Case Management System is a browser based workflow application with business intelligence functionality that can stand alone or integrate with existing business processes. The system automates case management, scheduling both task and resources with alerts for overdue tasks. The workflow functions offer seamless access to relevant case files and provides for electronic lodgement of hearing applications and accompanying documentation. Personal diaries are automatically updated for judges, tribunal members and hearing rooms. McGirr IT clients are made up of Federal, State and local government, such as the NSW Department of Commerce, the Attorney-General’s Department, NSW Department of Corrective Services and the NSW Department of Community Services. Private sector projects in banking and finance, insurance, utilities, retail, manufacturing and distribution. Contact details: Jerry Moher – Managing Director 189 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 T +612 9247 7131 F +612 9247 9590

Financial Services


MIDWINTER FINANCIAL SERVICES PTY LTD Re aso n ab le B as is : F i n anc ia l P l an ni ng Soft w ar e

Financial planning software developer Midwinter Financial Services has created Reasonable Basis, a software system that guides financial advisers through the advice process and aids in providing a reasonable basis for their product and strategy recommendations. Reasonable Basis automates and optimises financial planning strategy during the accumulation, transition and pension phases of the client’s life map thereby saving time and resources when modelling client outcomes. It also enables advisers to take full advantage of the multitude of tax, investment, insurance, superannuation and social security opportunities that exist within current legislation. Midwinter Financial Services has clients across Australia, including Westpac, BT, Count Financial, Millennium 3 and Professional Investment Services. Contact details: Julian Plummer – Managing Director Suite 4, Level 11, 99 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T 1300 882 938 F +612 9233 4485

MILESTONE GROUP PTY LTD pC ontr ol a nd p Qu ant : F un d Proc ess i n g an d In ves tm ent S oft w ar e

Milestone Group has developed a unique investment software solution that automates the fund processing and investment analytic functions, enabling complex business functions to be automated while leveraging existing core technologies. The end-to-end solutions, available under the pControl and pQuant brands, deliver superior functional capability, reduced operational risk, cost savings and enhanced flexibility. Applications include investment managers, banks, life companies, custodians and fund or hedge fund administrators. Milestone Group has offices in Australia, the UK and the US, with clients including the National Australia Bank, Queensland Investment Corporation, JPMorgan and AXA. Contact details: Mark Walsh – Managing Director Level 21, 9 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 8224 2600 F +612 8224 2621

MINT WIRELESS LIMITED Mi nt – P ort ab le P a y me nt a nd In v oic in g Sys t e m

Mint Wireless has developed Mint, a portable payment and invoicing system that allows businesses of all sizes to securely process payments (credit card, cash, cheque, or on-account) and produce an itemised tax invoice on the spot. All Mint’s transactions are recorded and accessible via the user’s online account within the Mint Administration System and can be processed without the need for a fixed telephone line. Mint is integrated with major accounting software (e.g. MYOB) for fast, error-free business accounting and enables integration with any existing business infrastructure. Mint is compatible with most mobile phones such as Nokia, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile smart phones. Mint Wireless has strategic partnerships in place with Optus, Crazy John’s and Motorola, with clients including Cadbury Schweppes, AGL Assist Victoria, Omega Smeg and Jim’s Cleaning. Contact details: Alex Teoh – Chief Executive Officer 91-95 Victoria Road, Rozelle NSW 2039, Australia T +612 8752 7888 F +612 8752 7899

Financial Services


MOBBIEXPRESS INTERNATIONAL Mo bi le EF T POS Tra ns ac t i on Fac i l i t at or

Mobile micro payment facilitator Mobbiexpress has developed a mobile EFTPOS solution making electronic payment, settlement and banking transactions simple for travelling tradesmen, mobile merchants, limousine owners and taxi drivers. Users download the Mobbiexpress software to any PDA running Microsoft Windows Mobile, turning it into a ‘cash-register in their pocket’ that accepts credit cards, cash, smart cards, cheque and on account payments. The system provides immediate authorisation for credit card transactions, prints tax receipt on the spot, optionally sends a customer receipt via email or SMS, as well as generating reports anywhere, anytime, which can be integrated into the user’s accounting and inventory system. Mobbiexpress clients include Pet Bodyworks, Toms Waterhole Wine, Sydney Liberal Party, Balloon Joy Flight, limousine owners and taxi drivers. Contact details: Jace Lai - Managing Director 13 Turbo Road, Kings Park NSW 2148, Australia T +612 9676 2328 F +612 9626 1148


Tyro s Integrated IP EFTPOS offers a faster, more economical and secure payment solution that allows point of sale software vendors to integrate credit, debit, gift and other card processing into their software application using internet broadband web services. The Tyro model allows easy integration without the need for middleware; supports thin client and ASP models; complies with rules regarding integrated EFTPOS over IP; requires zero-configuration; and allows remote diagnostics and downloads. Tyro is the first new entrant into the EFTPOS business in over 10 years, holds a Specialist Credit Card Institution authority under the Banking Act, and operates under the supervision of APRA. Contact details: Jost Stollmann - Chief Executive Officer 125 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 8907 1700 F +612 8907 1777

NETMAP ANALYTICS PTY LTD Dat a Vis ua l is at i on a n d A na l ys is NetMap’s data visualisation and analysis tools help solve fraud and other complex business and technical problems by enabling mining of highly complex collections of disparate data. NetMap identifies natural relationships in data by creating nodes and links from source data which are then manipulated using unique analytical methods and visualised for the analyst to interpret. Using this approach, NetMap discovers the subtle, hidden and indirect patterns that link people, places, objects, actions and outcomes. Applications include crime fighting organisations, banks and insurance companies tracking fraud, retailers scrutinising transactions to discover irregular or suspicious transactions, corporate or governments tracking inefficiencies, pinpointing errors, or increasing performance. NetMap has clients across Australia and global distributors, including Fujitsu Asia (Singapore), dsIT (Israel) and UtilityAP (New Zealand). Contact details: Bruce Stewart – General Manager Unit 16, Level 2, 39 Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065, Australia T +612 9438 5900 F +612 9438 5911

Financial Services


nMETRICS PTY LTD nM etr ic s A pp l ic at i on M on ito r

Software development company nMetrics has created the nMetrics Application Monitor, a purpose built ‘application layer’ monitoring appliance designed to meet operational and infrastructure management requirements. The Application Monitor provides complete visibility of application and network traffic across multiple sites. The appliance improves IT operations by combining real-time troubleshooting, long term trending, availability management, event alarming and reporting in a single integrated enterprise view with zero risk to existing infrastructure. It comes in four models, scaled to suite the needs of SMEs and large corporations. nMetrics has offices in Australia and Malaysia, with clients across the Middle East, the US, Europe and Asia, including (in Australia) the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, St George Bank, Aon and ABN AMRO. Contact details: Steve Urquhart – Managing Director Unit 215, 30-40 Harcourt Parade, Rosebery NSW 2018, Australia T +612 8338 1988 F +612 9700 9071

NOGGIN PTY LTD OCA – On l i ne C ont ac t M an a ge m en t an d Co m mu nic at ions

Online business applications specialist Noggin has developed OCA, an innovative information-sharing and mass-notification system that helps corporations and government agencies plan for and manage incidents, issues and communications in the event of workplace incidents, natural disasters, epidemics, terrorist attacks, or public events. OCA offers powerful tools for managing tasks, workflows and contact/asset repositories and unique analytics functionality for post-hoc analysis or reporting to stakeholders. Furthermore, interoperability makes working with other organisations secure and straightforward. Noggin has been involved in several high-profile events such as APEC 2007, World Youth Day 2008, the Australian equine flu epidemic, and the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Contact details: James Boddam-Whetham – Managing Director Level 8, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010, Australia T +612 9219 8800 F +612 9280 4669

NUIX PTY LTD Fore ns ic Da ta a nd Em ai l An al ys is S oft w ar e

Nuix have developed email and data software, which searches and analyses large amounts of electronically stored information to identify criminal behaviour, pinpoint who was involved and successfully prosecute guilty parties in the detection of fraud, pornography, terrorism and any other illegal activity. The software’s advanced visualisation tools and interactive user interface enable investigators to find information quickly and see relationships between different items of data across every language and character set. Applications include law enforcement professionals, regulatory and government agencies, advisory and litigation support firms and corporate and financial institutions. Nuix has customers in 17 countries and is used by more than 30 law enforcement agencies across the world. Contact details: Edward Sheehy - Chief Executive Officer Suite 79, 89 Jones Street, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia T +612 9280 0699 F +612 9212 6902

Financial Services


PAYMATE PTY LTD Onl i n e P ay m ent an d Cross - Bo rd er Tr ad in g S er vic es

Paymate enables secure, cost effective e-commerce between sellers in Australia, New Zealand and the US and buyers in 57 countries including China. Paymate enables parties of any size to accept credit card payments and cross-currency, cross-border payments. Neural network and rules engine methodologies are used to manage transactional risk, while database and web services are combined within a contemporary IT architecture and a flexible, scalable, reliable technology platform that provides industrial-strength security. The solution enables small to medium enterprises to conduct business-to-business, business-to-consumer e-commerce and export trading, including China via Paymate has offices in Australia and the US, with clients including Ansego, Adland,, NSW Real Estate Training College, Dotcom Netware, and Contact details: Dilip Rao - Managing Director Suite 2501, 31 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9283 6977 F +612 9283 6944

POLICYPOINT PTY LTD Po l ic y an d Co m pl ia nce M a na g em e nt

PolicyPoint has developed an automated online service that manages the whole process of compliance education by ensuring employees actually read and demonstrate understanding of the policies and procedures they must know. PolicyPoint is web and email based, linking into an organisation’s HR system and building a personalised training library for each employee according to their role, location or other key needs. Used by leading financial services, government and other enterprises, PolicyPoint makes it easier for managers, CEOs and boards to meet the requirements of increasingly strict regulatory regimes and heightened scrutiny. PolicyPoint has clients across Australia, including KPMG, the NSW Premier’s Department, Konica-Minolta and Australand. Contact details: Grant Anderson - Sales Director 56 Berry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T +612 9455 0519 F +612 9455 0001

PURE COMMERCE Dyn a mic C urr enc y Co n ve rs io n

Global provider of innovative payment solutions Pure Commerce has developed fxCHOICE, a dynamic currency conversion solution, which allows credit card holders at point of sale (POS) the option of having the cost of a transaction converted to their local currency when making a payment in a foreign currency. fxCHOICE is an EFTPOS system that allows a business to accept credit card payments in a variety of currencies. The operator swipes the customer’s credit card through the standard EFTPOS terminal. fxCHOICE then determines the home currency of the customer and at POS converts from Australian dollars into the customer’s home currency, giving them the option to pay in their home currency. Financial institutions and retail merchants use fxCHOICE enabling them to increase revenues and improve their levels of customer service and retention. Pure Commerce has clients across Europe, Asia Pacific and North America. Contact details: Daniel Lavecky – Chief Executive Officer Level 13, 309 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9091 3888 F +612 9475 0648

Financial Services


PURE HACKING PTY LTD IT S ecu r i t y P en etr at i on Tes t in g

Pure Hacking conducts IT security and network penetration testing, ethical hacking, network security assessment, router penetration testing and application testing and security. The testing process includes mapping an institution’s entire global network, examining the technical controls at all critical points, reviewing the current security posture, measure risk and strengthen protection where warranted. The tests enable prioritisation of critical assets to mitigate and manage risk helping institutions build a solid long-term security foundation and cover legal requirements. Pure Hacking guarantee their results for life. Pure Hacking has offices in Australia, the Middle East and Asia and perform services in 14 countries. Clients include Australian Federal Government, Attorney General’s Department, Victorian Government and four of the five largest Australian Banks. Contact details: Robert McAdam – Chief Executive Officer Suite 304, Level 3, 84 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 9231 1134 F +612 9231 1117

QUIPOZ LIMITED Qui poz Tr ans for m at i on E ng in e (Q- T E)

Quipoz specialises in automating the modernisation of legacy computer systems and has developed the Quipoz Transformation Engine (Q-TE), which takes complex legacy system source code (e.g. COBAL) and using a sophisticated set of tools and processes, automatically transforms and converts the system to new architecture (e.g Java). Quipoz clients, primarily from the financial services and government sectors, operate complex enterprise applications, and choose the Quipoz modernisation as it is a fraction of the cost and time of a manual re-build or package implementation, and preserves thousands of man-years of IP built into current systems Quipoz has clients across Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore and Japan, including Intel, Fujitsu, CSC and Mainframe Migration Australia. Contact details: Don Tonkin – Chief Technology Officer Level 16, 213 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T +612 9919 6700 F +612 9919 6799

REPLICA DATA SECURITY PTY LTD Mo bi le D ata Sec ur i t y

Replica Data Security delivers breakthrough technology for data protection, business continuity and the secure management of enterprise data on servers, laptops, workstations and USBs. Replica provides a comprehensive solution for data leakage prevention and the management of all enterprise data. Replica Closed Information Group provides a truly secure mobile data solution supporting 3-factor user authentication, encrypted USB storage, replication and offsite back-up. All data managed by Replica is encrypted to the 256-bit Rijndael AES and stored within a Common Criteria Level 3 Certified database. Replica has offices in Australia, the US and the Netherlands, as well as a network of international resellers. Contact details: Michael Dickens – Channel Manager Suite 6, 451 Pacific Highway, North Gosford NSW 2250, Australia T +612 4322 8922 F +612 4324 9541

Financial Services


SAASU PTY LTD Sa as m - Onl in e Acco unt in g S ys te m

Sassu has developed an online accounting system that is completely web-based. Saasu is a fast and easy way to manage business finances with all the freedom, convenience and power of the internet with capabilities in sales, purchasing, inventory, payroll, light CRM and workflow management. No installs, back-ups, upgrades, security stress, servers or upfront investment is required. Applications include small businesses, consumers and accounting professionals. Saasu has over 100 partners ranging from accountants, bookkeepers, web developers, software developers to SaaS providers, including Logiro, MyCFO, zfweb and Sqware Peg. Contact details: Marc Lehmann – Chief Executive Officer Level One, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +612 8003 5991

SOPRANO DESIGN So pr an o Mo bi le E nt erp r is e Mess a gin g S uit e

Leading developer of mobile enterprise messaging and wireless software Soprano Design has developed a suite of sophisticated, value-added mobile messaging applications that provides a single portal across the spectrum of SMS, MMS and email. The Soprano Mobile Enterprise Messaging Suite (MEMS) includes an impressive range of ready-built applications and features, including interactive mobile marketing campaigns, automating job offers, providing two-factor authentication to secure online transactions, scheduling appointment reminders and issuing barcodes for product promotion and ticketed events. Soprano MEMS offers customers significant cost savings with a single solution through a single interface for all messaging solutions. Soprano clients include HCF, Accor, Telstra, NRMA and 3. Contact details: Richard Favero – Managing Director Level 11, 132 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia T +612 9900 2200 F +612 9929 6956

STOP SHOT INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Sto p S hot - Bu l l et & Bl as t R es is t ant G l ass S ys t e ms

Stop Shot’s patented blast and ballistic protection solutions are ideal for use in windows, walls, doors, ceilings and counters providing safety from terrorism, crime and accidents. They are tailored to client’s individual security and aesthetic requirements. Installations save money as they don’t disrupt the building workflow, can be retrofitted, are lighter, easily installed, and upgraded as threats change. Projects include cash counters, guardhouses, ticket booths, airports, railways, banks, embassies and jails for ANZ, CBA, Westpac, Qantas and UK Foreign and Office. Australian Government clients include Foreign Affairs & Trade, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Defence Force, Attorney General’s, Police, State Rail, Sydney Ferries and Corrective Services. Contact details: David Scharkie – Managing Director A15, 148 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale NSW 2100, Australia T +612 9905 5322 F +612 9905 9344

Financial Services


STRATEGIC RISK INTERNATIONAL Adv a nce d Ris k M an ag e m ent T ec hn ol og y

Strategic Risk International (SRI) specialises in providing advanced risk management technology and expert advisory services to financial institutions globally. SRI offers sophisticated, but easy-to-use suite of software for balance sheet risk management, data extraction and mapping, ALCO reporting, IAS 39/FAS 133 compliance reporting, financial planning and budgeting, profitability reporting and product design. Key features of the system include action-oriented reporting, fast implementation and high performance execution, which lead to enhanced specialist productivity and better decision-making. SRI has offices in Australia, the UK and the US with over 150 clients in 15 countries including major and regional banks, S&L's, building societies, finance companies, credit unions and statutory authorities Contact details: Prue Powell – Marketing Director Suite 2, Level 11 South Tower, 1-5 Railway Street, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia T + 612 9904 8733 F + 612 9904 8744

THREATMETRIX PTY LTD Thr e at ME TR IX F ra ud Pre v ent io n

Device identification pioneer ThreatMETRIX has developed the ThreatMETRIX Fraud Prevention system to alert clients immediately when a device used in an online transaction has been compromised by a bot. ThreatMETRIX Fraud Prevention provides control over new and existing account transactions without impacting on a customer’s experience. The system targets account hijacks used in phishing and mulling, detecting multiple accounts and/or applications from the same computer, identifying new account/credit application fraud, protecting against a network of known compromised and fraudulent hosts and increasing AML KYC compliance. Technology users include financial institutions, merchants, payment gateways and online services companies. ThreatMETRIX has offices in Australia and the US. Contact details: David Jones – Founder and Chief Executive Officer 16-18 Malvern Avenue, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia T +612 9411 4499

TIER-3 PTY LTD Hunts m an : S ecur i t y Ma n ag e me nt S ys t em

Tier-3 has developed the Huntsman Security Management and Intrusion Prevention System utilising behavioural anomaly detection (BAD) techniques to automatically detect, analyse and respond in real time to security attacks from known and unknown sources. Huntsman provides unprecedented protection for the information assets of the network owner and its partners by sending systematic continuous, comprehensive risk and compliance reports to network managers. Huntsman has been successfully deployed in high-security organisations and government agencies around the world. It also has wider applications including monitoring international financial transactions for money-laundering activities. Tier-3 has xx clients across Australia, xxx, including St George Bank, Australian Defence Force and a joint partnership in place with MONET in Japan. Contact details: Peter Woollacott – Chief Executive Officer Suite 1, Level 2, 11 Help Street, Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia T +612 9419 3200 F +612 9419 3267

Financial Services


TRUSTDEFENDER Onl i n e Tr ans ac t i on Sec ur i t y

TrustDefender is an award winning ‘on demand’ security solution designed to build customer confidence by ensuring a customer’s computing device is secure before they enter their ID, passwords, second-factor code or commence an online transaction. This provides a layer of encrypted security that ensures no third party can intercept information transacted during that session. TrustDefenders unique technology provides real-time audit and reporting capabilities for both the enterprise and the customer, to ensure a maximum level of security is maintained for confidential details within each transaction. TrustDefender customer markets include financial institutions, online merchants and government agencies. Contact details: Ted Egan - Chief Executive Officer 15 Whiting Street, Artarmon NSW 2064, Australia T +612 9011 6516 F +612 9425 0099

WHOCANDO PTY LTD Wh oC an Do - O nl in e Q uo tat io n a nd Pr ocur e m ent S ys te m

WhoCanDo is a one-stop portal for finding, evaluating and managing service providers. The buyer (e.g. consumer, procurement department, insurer, property manager) posts the job that needs to be done on the WhoCanDo platform and simply watches as suppliers bid for the job. The buyer then makes a selection based on qualifications, quote, up-to-date licence and insurance information, as well as previous customer feedback. The WhoCanDo patented platform is based on an efficient and flexible process that caters for open, closed and confidential options for quotations, tenders and reverse auctions. Its 360 member profiling system provides a fully automated, multilayer view of the identity and quality of a transaction partner. WhoCanDo offers instant access to over 18,000 service providers across Australia. Contact details: Robert Finkeldey – Managing Director 11 Florence Terrace, Scotland Island NSW 2105, Australia T 612 8005 1880 F 612 9979 6816

IMPORTANT NOTE The Department of Industry and Investment, trading as Industry & Investment NSW, disclaims any liability arising out of the material contained in this directory. In particular, Industry & Investment NSW cannot guarantee the accuracy of any statement, advice, forecast or referral, nor its suitability for your individual circumstances, and cannot guarantee the outcome of any activity undertaken after receiving such statement, advice, forecast or referral. Before acting upon any material contained in this directory, you should make an independent assessment of same and if necessary, obtain relevant up to date professional advice specific to your circumstances from an appropriately qualified person. Industry & Investment NSW will not accept liability for any loss, claim, demand, cost, damage or expense claimed as a result of your reliance upon any material contained in this directory or any other circumstances or events connected to same. (ATS 11/09)

Financial Services – Research and Development


NICTA is Australia’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Research Centre of Excellence and the largest organisation in Australia dedicated to ICT research. NICTA drives innovation through high-quality research, research training, technology transfer and commercialisation. NICTA’s researchers are located in five laboratories located in four cities around Australia: Sydney (2 laboratories), Melbourne, Canberra and Brisbane. Working in specialised teams, they are focused on a series of specific research themes and business areas.

Proc ess Arc hit ec t ure , M od e l l i ng a nd T ech nol o gi es for Bus i n ess an d G o ver n m ent (Ar M aT ur e) NICTA’s e-Government Performance Assessment for Service Architectures (ePASA) team is part of the ArMaTure Project – a Project which helps create the understanding and technologies that let organisations work together effectively at both business and technical levels. The ePASA is a modelling and simulation technology which allows organisations to confidently build, manage and alter the large complex ICT systems that support the delivery of vital services to customers. It helps users uncover the performance details of large systems and to spot the problem areas that could cause them to fail. The technology can help organisations within the financial services sector to determine whether new customer-facing systems will melt down under heavy load before they are deployed. When used throughout a project lifecycle, ePASA will detect serious architectural flaws to save time and massive re-work costs. G1 2 The G12 software platform helps organisations to optimise complex logistical and resource problems. It helps organisations to work smarter by optimising planning and resourcing. Maximising quality of service, while minimising resource costs is the key to good commercial success. NICTA is developing a software system that can be fed the constraints surrounding any complex logistics schedule, and then optimise it. G12 is a hybrid constraint solving and optimisation platform. It handles:

• Large-scale complex optimisation problems • Flexible, high-level modelling and mapping of languages • Integrates the latest algorithms from artificial intelligence and operations research.

G12 targets improved industrial optimisation by allowing a problem to be stated independently of solving the approach; allows rapid exploration of different solving approaches and results in process efficiencies and cost savings. Ada pt at i on En gi ne A range of technologies already exist to provide system monitoring and alerts when things fail. However, organisations within the financial services sector do not have time to wait for systems engineers to trace a problem and reboot the right servers. Downtime not only costs money but frustrated customers. Financial services organisations need an automatic ‘nervous system’ to plug into their existing environment, sense the performance problems before a disaster arises and adapt in real-time to the ongoing changes in load. NICTA’s Adaptation Engine provides a plug-in which is an automatic nervous system for service-oriented architecture (SOA) environments. It is applied non-intrusively and works at the boundaries of integrated services so no radical alteration to existing systems or their integration points are required. For more information on NICTA visit, or call +612 9376 2089. NICTA is funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government through the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy and the Australian Research Council. NICTA members include the Australian Capital Territory Government, the New South Wales Government, The University of New South Wales and the Australian National University. NICTA partners include the University of Sydney, the Victorian Government, the University of Melbourne, the Queensland Government, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology and the University of Queensland.

Financial Services – Research and Development


The Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC) is a $100 million dollar research facility backed by the Australian Federal Government (Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, DIISR), which involves the collaboration of leading Universities, domestic and international industry research partners and the NSW State Government. The CMCRC positions itself as a bridge between the practical needs of capital markets and

pioneering academic research to build systems and services to address complex financial problems. The CMCRC has three main areas of research and development:

1. Surveillance of security markets to identify market misconduct and abuses to enhance market integrity. 2. Insurance industry business intelligence systems to detect abnormal behaviour and patterns in insurance claims. 3. Special projects that include automated trading algorithm development, automated text mining, market impact cost analysis

and educational learning products (TrADeLab). The primary objective of CMCRC research is to design systems and services to enhance market integrity. While the emphasis has been on the integrity of securities markets, more recently attention has also been devoted to the health insurance and general insurance sectors. Among the achievements in the first 7 year term (2001 to 2007) of the CRC was a new system to assist stock brokers to share the responsibility for security market integrity with exchanges and regulators. The resulting product ( was subsequently commercialised and is now used by 150 brokers in 30 countries. Refunded in 2007 the new CMCRC has set out to design and help implement a fully outsourced cross-market surveillance function. Toward this goal the CMCRC has initiated path breaking research in the mining of textual (unstructured) data, one result of which is the ability to correlate up to 40% of unusual price alerts with information (or related) announcements. Future work will address the specifics within the text with a view to assisting surveillance analysts explaining price behaviour. This is expected to result in economies of scope in the surveillance process. When added to economies of scale, this is expected to provide the impetus for stock exchanges to engage in fully outsourced cross-market surveillance, a major objective of the second term of the CMCRC. CMCRC Research Partners include:

• Stock Exchanges: Australia, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, OMX Exchanges • Regulators: APRA, ASIC, FSA (UK), IRROC (Canada) • Technology: SMARTS, Capital Markets Surveillance Services, Advanced Computing & Communications (ac3) • Industry: ABN AMRO, BPAY, HCF, IAG, Next Financial, Mondovisione, Schroders (Australia), SIRCA • Universities: Macquarie, NSW, Sydney, UTS (Sydney), Wollongong, City (Hong Kong), Reading (UK), York (Canada).

For more information on CMCRC visit, or call +61 2 8088 4200.

Smart Services CRC

The Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre (Smart Services) is the only Australian research centre dedicated solely to developing services, combining expertise in web services/applications and Internet technologies with business, marketing and social sciences. With over $120million in funding over 7 years, Smart Services is a collaborative partnership of 18 leading business and academic organisations, developing solutions that will benefit from and accelerate take up of Broadband in Health, Digital Media, Immersive Education, Financial Services and Government.

Our research work focuses on user-inspired research to achieve major service market breakthroughs. The four main themes within this focus are:

1. Foresight – mapping the future of services 2. Service Delivery Platforms and Management 3. Immersive Services – online collaboration and communication for professionals 4. User-mediated, multi-channel and mobile services – user generated and user controlled services

The National Broadband Network will enable expansion of the Smart Services vision to include the development of more web services/applications involving rich media content, mission critical transactions, many-to-many simultaneous communications, complex dynamic services marketplaces and widely dispersed communities.

As new businesses take advantage of these dynamic market growth, and as consumers embrace the advantages of trading online, and as trust and privacy barriers dissolve under the weight of efficiency and convenience, Australia will see exponential growth in the creation and take up of broadband services across all sectors, fuelling the economy through exports and new job creation.

Innovation in Financial Services

The Smart Services CRC envisions, designs, builds and evaluates near and medium-term innovations for the financial services industry. We do this by combining our expertise in ICT with the deep domain insight provided by our researchers in social sciences and business. Early impact is achieved by trialling innovations with leading Australian financial institutions.

What will the Internet Banking of the future look like? We follow a user-inspired design approach for empowering banking customers to strategically manage their finances and automate financial tasks from the trusted and familiar context of an existing Internet Banking product. We create rich Web 2.0 tools which seamlessly link with the information systems of the banking institution and financial services provided by third parties. Customers can actively manage their wealth creation through personalised use of their financial history and patterns of past spending for better understanding the impact of financial decisions. In addition to promoting responsible management of personal finances, such a tool provides numerous cross-selling opportunities into adjacent financial services of direct acknowledged interest to each customer.

Another avenue for innovation in financial services which we investigate is 'serious gaming' for financial literacy. We design, develop and evaluate “learning through gaming” prototypes and demonstrators for online and mobile contexts. Our objective is to provide improved understanding of how banks can better engage with young people and improve their financial literacy through online environments that allow young people to develop financial competency and make sense of money related matters. We also address the adoption barriers to serious games within an enterprise.

Mobile banking is another point of focus for our innovation efforts. Here again we take a user-centred approach rather than a technological one and source ideas from a number of leaders in Australia and look at how, for example, the evolution of money transfers using mobile phone around the world. This is complemented by a capacity to develop real-life proof-of-concept prototypes on a variety of devices and platform that include Windows Mobile, Apple’s iPhone and Google Android.