ins 22 glossary

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  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary



    A bsolu te liability (strict liab ility) - Lcgal liuh ilirv rl ;II arises from inhcr-enrly Lbn ge rtlu -; , lL rj vil ie, , ; PI' d an ge ro usly ,k fc cril'l' 1 1 1 " \,dllCTs that h n n uanorher, reg,Hdk-~s uf the: degree uf care used, d,ll'~ nor require prullf \ I fnegl igenee,

    A cciden tal death benefit - Prov ision in

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    -- ~2 P e r s o n a l I n s u r a n c e . . .i.> _ '.'_._K..",..,-'

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    - ' G l o s s a r y 3r I _"- ~ _ - _~: Common stock - Represents an ownership interest in a corporation ,\ltd

    gives stockowners certain rights and privileges, such as the lighi ttl voteon corporate matters.

    Comparative l1egligenl:t': law - L1W r h ar re qu ir e- h l 1 t h part ies ro n 11lS~ 1 < 1sh are th e h n ,m c ial bu rden uf th e in ju ry ,KC l1 rd m /- ! ttl th eir rcsp xtiv c\. 1'grn'" p I " hldr. For example, un der (me rvpc l f comparative l1l'glq,,!l'nn'law, It r\iv\.'r !\ is judged to h c 20 p erc en t rc sp on sih lc fur an uccidcn r,m J L Jm 'cr I~bjudged to h e 80 percen t respon sib le, D riv er A can cpllcnfu r lu s ,H ltC I in jurv , but th e J ,lInagcs ro \.vhidl Driver A w()lIkll!then\ 'I~l'b e e n ti tl ed ,11"(: reduced by 20 percen t. IIi ;1 numbe r o f states, If Dr i vC l ' . 4 .IS ') 0 !,l'rll'l1 or more n:spmhlhlc ( 0 , 'I' [h e :!CU', le n t, Ill' Ill' sh l' c .m c'llkclno t h im ; f r . 1 I 1 1 D riv er B .


    Compensatory damages - l);lI)),lgc, indlldill ,~ bULIl : .pcci 'l ll ld IYI' lg l .' '' '; . 111 ,1gCill'r;11lbl11'lgl'.~, rhar arc interulcd r,) c\uupcnsutc cl v icr i III f \ Ii' 11~IITn,ICfU:llhslltkrl'~l.

    Compulsory auto insurance law - La\\' th,n I'l'qllirl';; thl' owner- or (lj1L'I,ll'lI"( I f H u t\ 1 11 1U h ik~ to cn rrv autn rnobilc I i:1 hil irv in su ra nce n r lcnsr L'qU;t! rnc erta in m in im um limits before th e v eh icle can h e licen sed or reu isrcred .

    Concurrent causation - A In,s involv in,~ two or InUiT perils, occurri ngc i r h c. ~imul ru n e. lllSly \ir sequenriallv

    Conditionally renewable policy - rnlicy thur .l!lldf;intccs fCIlC\\:lI to a :-;~'l'ci-tied t ime , P I- \l \'i dc d th e in sured m eers certain qualification s.

    Condorn in iu m - A hu i k! i11g ,lr C'lJ11['[c\ fu r \\, 11ich the lin it owner :1 sq'

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    . . . .-4~~'P e r s o n a l I n s u r a n c e " ~ '.~ ,~ - ~ - , '- - ,=: - ....,'

    Coordination-of-benefits provision - Provision that indicates the order ofp;rym en r w h en an in sure -1 is cov ered un der tw o or m ore gn )UP heal thin sur.m cc plan s; lim its th e in sured 's rornl recov ery un der all applicablel'lllic ie " tl \ 10 0 percent (If covered expenses

    C orridor deductib le - M e iical in su ra n ce d ed uc tib le amount ;11) insuredmus t [l;IY un der a supplem en tal m ajor m edical insu rance I,Lul u tte r th eilNIl'ell's m ed ic al e xp en se s l'XCL'l'Li th e limits uf th e urulcrlviru; basicm e lical expense plan,

    D am ages - Monetary aw ard rh .u on e l'

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    - - _ G l o s s a r y 5.~ .~ M~~ ", __ _ ~~~~ __ ~~_.... , , " - , ~_

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    ~.-,-~ ~ .,.....,,.---- ~ ~-y"'" - ~ -6 . P ers cnallns urane .~ r o .~ . _ h _ _ _ ~


    Hospital expense insurance -lnsurance that covers medical expenses whileth e pan en r IS In th e h U SPlt81, such as dai t y rocm-au.l-lx )elrel an dIII iscc 11< .l neous expenses incurred during the hospital St

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    - G lo s s a r y 7- .>r_-... .. .:r - ,":;' -.. . " .... .."...~.,__J_.__ ~ _ _ ~J. "_ ~ _ _ _Loss .:ontrol- Risk m an ag em en r tech n iqu e to reduce the frequen cy or

    sev erity o f lo sses,Loss exposure - Any condition or situation that presents the possibil i ty of a

    tin an cia l lo ss, whether (11' nor luss OCCUI'S,Maintenance of underlying insurance condition - CJl1l1iti"" in personal

    umbr el la p ol ic ie s rh. it require- rh e in sured to keep C l l l reqllirl'd l I n c l e r l y i n g(UVerages in force Juring The pcllicy p erio d; a lso feq tires ih c insured[ll nu t i fy the in su re r p ro mp r] y if un y under lying policy is ch .mgcd or1-t:I~hceLl h y an oth er policy.

    Major medical in suran ce - lusuruucc that covers medical expense ,rc -u ltiru ; fro m illness or in iurv rh ar ~HC n ot covered h y a h~IS ic medical'__'\j'l 'IlSl'l 'bn-

    Managed care - Medicll iusur.uu;c plans that provide coverage CurCLlS[-, _ , f i ' L ' ( f ivc mCll i ( ,11 scrv i cv - 11h"-Illed ro plan members.

    M arket v alue - Price ut \\-h ich a particular property ucm cuuld h ~ ~ (\ k\'Material misrepresen tation - /\ ( 1 1 : : ; ( ' .tatcment by an insured [ ) f (111 important

    (material) LlC t on wh ich rh c insurer relies to make an underwritin,gCkl i,ion.

    Medicaid - Federal-sr,1tc 11't.: I f , l r e program that covers rhc medical expensesllf low-income person:" indullmg thust' who are aged, blind, or lli~;lhled;members n f tam ilics w ith dependent c h i l d r e n ; a n d pregnan t 1I'11111cn as\1 L ' l I ; 1 : - > certain children

    Medical paym en ts to oth ers - A h om eown ers cov eraue fllr n ecessary:lll'lli(;lleXI'Clbl'~ incurred h y l,rhcr:-; (no r an iusurc.l] \\'i[;1in r h r . - c year:;" f .m i n iu r y _

    Medicare + Choice - MCllic;lI'l ' nlrcruar iv c that i ll J nws hcnc fl ci ,l ri l' s tn sclccri l H . ' prigil1.d ~k,lil~nl' i,I,I1I, ')!-lg11l:dl\:l'dicll"t' plan \\'irh ' lq'! ,bl lem~lry1 ' l l l i C \ ' , iVIL'lliGliT Ill,IlI:lgl'cI l:lrl' l,bn, p ri v .m ; f l. 'c -f n r- sc n 'i cl ' plan, orMed ie1 r c m e dic al S

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    -" ~8 P e r s o n a l I n s u r a n c e ~ ~ "

    -, ... :_ _' ... ~ _ .; :: _ ~

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    _ " G l o s s a r y 9_' . - "

    N oninsurance transfer - A risk m an agem en t tcch niq L 1 L ' rl laT tra ns fe rs lo ssexposures from on e party [\1\\il:.J,', :->lllj, ;I~ 111"lJ11 l " 1 " l ') ' 1 1 1 , ll j " h i li l Y , '""llllpll'" 1,1" i':l

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    . . . . . . -,-.~-.,.~,~,- _ ... , ,.-- - - - .. . -1 0 P e r s o n a l I n s u r a n c e , _ ' , ~. - -_ ~.- - - - -Personal injury - In jury urisin g n ut of specified offenses, t yp ic al ly i n cl ud in g

    l ib el , s la n de r, llnll in v asion of privacy.Personal injury protection (PIP) endorsement - Endorsement to an auto

    in su ra nc e p ulic y J esc rih in g the no-fault benefi ts (hat are provided./ Personal insurance - In suran ce th at cov ers th e fin an cial con sequen ces of

    1,)SSl'S r o i n d iv i dua ls and flmilks caused h y d ea th , illn es s, in ju ry , disahiliry,; n d un cm plov m cn r

    Per:;onalloss exposure (human loss exposure) - An y condition or situationthat p re se nts th e p ossib ility uF tin an cial loss to

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    Preferred stock - A n investment h,wing characteristics l l f borh commonSHleks an d h on ds.

    Pre j udgmen t interest - Interest on damages that accrues between thetim e' th e acciden t ur su it 1l(LIfS ,m d wh en a judgm en t is ren dered

    /Indicclting that (h e in su re d i~respon sib le [or dam ages: subject to th epili ic y lim it of liah ilitv ,

    Premature death - Early l h " , l r h llf;1 person with t)ut,!,mding (\I" unfulfilledhuanc i a l obligations, such < lS ch i IJ reo to support o r 1l10rt,t.:,lgepayments.

    Preserv ation of cap ita l - Practice n f en surin g th at th e v alue ( I f a ss ets d oe s11III Licereuse.

    Pro rata refun d - UnuM',! premium, returned to rhc policvhoklcr when thef~ \ di. . . .y i s c ance led , calcul.rn.d in .l irccr I'mpU]"[l! In [\1rill' ~"\lll"till1l~l[h e[lulic\, term tlu n 1 1 < 1 ~ n ut ht:L'11 used For exam ple, I f , I one-ven t (365-day)premium is "165 and th e f1\lliC) i s c ance led 1 0 0 lays before H wouldexpire (w ith 100 uC d c 3 (1 ) ..lays u C coverage un used). th e in sured w illI..ccciv e ,) refun d ot $100 . Rdthcr [han calculnri n g unearned premiumrctunds on ,I pnl raw hlsis, ~(Imcmsurnnce policies apply ,1 "short-rarepenal ry ' ' when the insured can cels th e p ,)licy .

    P r o o f o f l o s s - L " " kcumcnr [ h n t describes the derails o( t h e IIlS~, propertyv alu es, n n d interest(s) in th e pru~1e[ry.

    Property dam age (PD ) (as used in H O polic ies) - Physical in jury ro ,destruction of, or loss of use (J f tan . t. : ib le p roper ty .

    Property dam age (PD ) (as used in th e PA P) - Physic,li injury ro o r dcsn uc-film ofranaiblc propcrrv , It" ;ds(l in cludes Ioss d us e of t

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    > ~

    1 2 P e r s o n a l I n s ur a n c e~ ,,- -~ ~~" ...... .I...-~.~ -

    Regular program - Second phase of the Nat iona l Flood insurance Programin wh ich th e 0)111 m un ity agrees to adopt fimlLi-conrrnl a nd la nd -u serestrictions ,Uld in which property owners purchase higher amounts ,iflood insurance than under the emergency pr ) g r , l l 1 1 .

    Rejp.1tatement clause - Claus that gives the policvowuer the right t )rcinsrarc ;1 hl'~,-'~llif,: insurance policv if certain requirements are mer.

    Reinsurance facility - . '-\ state-wide reIl1SUriH1CL'~l(l\llto which insurerscan assign prem ium - an d losses for high-risk dri.vers; original insurersservice the pill icit'~, hut all insurers in the ]loul sh

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    Sch edule - L ist I)t in su r . ..~ll~f\IPl'rty i tems th ur are cov ered, w ith each itemspecifically described ,~ n J h av in g its ow n cov erage lim it.

    Self-insured retention - Amount of loss the insured must puy if the loss cov-crcd h y an um brella r'olicy i : ; n ot c ov ere d b y an y undcrlviru; insurance.Settlement o{tioos - V , l I " i " U S ways of [lilying life insurance policy proceeds

    tn th e b en eh cin ry.Severability of insurance condition - Policy condition that applies insur-

    u n cc s ep ar ar ely tIl c,lch in sured; does n or increase th e in su re r's limit (I f1 i~lbi 1 ity fm an y uric (lCCU[[l':I1Ct!.

    Single l imit -lvhl),imllill .unuunr ,111 insurer willl"l) ' to r th e insured's liahilityr ; ) r horh h ll d il v i n jl l l " y .mc l p roper tv d ; - l l 1 1 n g e pe r accident.

    Special damages - l;11111l'ells,lwfY darnages allowed t~lrspccit, our-of-pocketU,[~l'nS 'S, such ,I.' d\ l!.:t, -r ,mel hospi tal hills.

    Special-form cov erage - Cl\l:ragc Fl)[

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    1 4 P e r s o n a l I n s u r a n c e - , _ , ~ , I_:_rc~"""""" , ~"-~~t-~~""""'''~~ _'Z:""....::..,=ti-~-' -- _ _ _ _ .:f_'

    Surgical expense insurance - insurance that covers part or all of a physician 'sfee for a surgical operation

    Tax-deferred retirement p lan s - Plans that receive favorable income-taxtreatm en t, such ;IS cruployer-sponsorcd Section 4 01 (k ) plans.

    Temporary subs~te vehicle (as used in the PAP) - A nonowned UUtUl1ftr,\i ler rhnr the iIN 1red is lls in g h e c1 l1 se L1t rh c l-re.ikdown, repmr, servicing,loss, or destruction uf i) covered vehicle.

    Term insurance -lnsll!"(ll1ce that provides rernporurv protection (for a certainperiod D f rime) with n u cash value; usually renewable an d convert ible.

    Third party - Someone not party t the insurance contract who mightassert n;d 11I1lhrl'II;~jl( I I it'\" I (l h. ivc , lI ld 1 \ \ : 1 1 1 1 1

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    Unfair discrrmination -lnvulves applying ,Jif(LI-

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    ~ r- -, -

    1 6 P e r s o n a l I n s u r a n c e _ , - _ , -~ _ -_, 3 -~ .>- _ ~ I ~_ ~-... ~ ~__ _., ~l ::;L' ~ ~ ~. _

    Warranties - l'romiscs made b y an insured thar guarantee compliance withthe insurer's conditions.

    Whole lite insurance - Level-premium insurance that provides lifetimeI~ n 11eel i(Ill an L l h u ilds cash v, l l ues .

    "Write- Your-Own" (WY01flood insurance program - Cooperativeundcrrak 1 I l _ L ' : (I f th e m sur.m cc in,llI;,rry un.l th e F ederal In suran ceA c l l l 1 I I I Hratillil that a ll ows pa rt ic tpn t ir u ; private insurers to sell arulSerYI LL' ill l( 11I I neil trance under rhci r (1Wn names,

    Your covered auto (as used in the PAP) - Any vehicle shown in tilede c 1

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    P"gc n umbers in j. , lldtacc r efe r r o d di ni [i "n ~ llf Kl:Y W"fl!:; : ln d P h r< l~ es _ P ag e n um b er" III imlics refer to exh ibit _

    AAA]S (Amcrit;all ,'\""Li,niun (I f

    lnsur. incc Sc I' I(C"), 7.)AA]S (LIWI" , 'ge t ;l rl 1l ., . 7 , I ' i- 7- L 7AAIS farmowners prll~ral\\, 0.19-tU 1/',/\IS Ihlln':l>\\'nn, 1"i'l1I', 1 .1 3 -7 ,17AA]S IllL,hi!

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    - -- ~1 8 Index ._- - - ~Elilllln"ll( >11 1>[:fi\ "I , 12.16Em cr ), !l 'n n p r" ~m l1 l (flood insur.mce],

    ~.21Elllpl'\Y~L \'" u '~LI ill J- lO pol icies], 6.8F. J1 1l'h '\,l',", rL'si,lenCl',6 .8End"wI\ILI1[ insurance, I J .1 4En~llil1~I,"" 'i.16Ern n ; .u lei. "tli."j, HI, (E&l j), I.Jl)EI'idc'l1Lc' "I msuruhil it), Il.I0Ex c Ill' in' 1'" 11'i, icr , ' r~an bHion (EP,")) ,


    Fi " -AI IZ'Ihm A,'",, I" ln-urnnrcReclllirc'ltlCllh) pian:; , 8.29htrnll" r.' 1"'\"" 111, Ii I i:lhi Iirv cll,lm"'l'IllC:lll,

    ~,211 : " r 1 1 . ' '\\'1 "'I"' 1'[' '.~"'Ill,AA I~, 0,I'J_t.,~ IFarms ISOIH' I ll~Ll\\ 'n" ' l ' i t:n,I"lwllwllt,

    t;", l'.2~-0,21hrlll" allel r.mche, 1 ' C ! 1 " ' ; ' ) I l , t i in-urunce

    (,'I" . - i . ,I0 -0 .2 1Fill~11 ,~i~II.~,"Ii-. illl'L:,',l ill~ r,' .ur.un,

    1 ,1 .0 - 1 , \ 1 )F i 1 1 ; 111c'i;!! 1'1:Ill, ,k \ (. ' I"l ' inr-::I, 1 ( 1 . ( ,Fin;[llc:i:d pl.uminu, 10.6Fin: InL ' i: II resp' 1 1 1 , i h i I i rv 1,1" '" 2.7Fir-! ! ' 1 r 1 \,6. :;Fhlln,9.4Fl~.~l~1 ill_"'Ur;Hh, v . 8_~;-tSJ l~

    Gl;c 1 1 ~ r ; 1 1 , 1 '1 1 1 1 : 1 / - : " ." :I.Ml ;, w cr nm cn r health,: :m d

    hculrhc.uc l'r,,)!r:lllb, I_I,l,'\-I L Hn,:lC h k m s in I i l l " LJl1il~\1

    ;;':lr('" I~.I I~.'iII, \I1W, \ \, '1 1 < " 1 " t n r n .\\I;-;,IIII.I~


    1S t1:;~~I:;l) h " ' 1 1 < : , '\I'ncr, 1 1 1 1 l ' , 'Wiler, I" . 1 1 ( v . ~ ~ " I I , ) , j (Sf" ' ( i;II

    F < 1 ,- lI l) I h ,1 iLl,I iL.nWI \\\'11 l'i"' pre! 111un I, dc',",' IL'l"ng :L,7,15-7. j7Il"llIt"II'Il~[S l : 1p c'u ,d h o i'l l! . : ; , ' r ;

    110-) pullC V.Hospirnl t'XP

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    ,- . Index 1 9'; -- --~-

    prdin"l), Idc', II.HJpcrs\Hl:II,I.3personal \II lhll:lb liahility,

    '1.11-').20I ' c ' [,,,n:'( lI":m:n.:ra(1 , I). 1 :l - 9 . L )1'11Y'!CI;Ill" vi-ar-, 12.71 ' ,< 1 [ ( ', 1 " " \ .:n,1 i l l , ! , : 1 1 1 n l r y (P&J),

    9.12. 1' : , n-], In;an:".':l'1I1L'llt technique,i.rc-r.u~llr).!U;id n,pL'lbC, 12. 7rcrrn, I L .9 -1 1 .1 01 \'1'1.:' '1 , I IL L I I 10undcr lvinu. 9.15\ \ h " i v Ilk, 11 . 1 oliN11 " , , , 1 I', 1Q.2 7

    I nsu rc 1" " " 1 " ' ( \ . 1 1 rv , 2 1 Sl u r e IHI. '11,11 II - r r , 1 .7I n v v sr : n '. !. IO,K

    au.rinm cur ,,[ 11!1:l11l [,II ).!11;11;.;:1l111,Ill.ti-IO.11

    11b jL ' ui l' l" 1 , (, 10. 8-10 . 9rcurcmcnr ,L I1 , I , 1 0 I ~-ll\ 17

    1 1 1 1 ~"II\\LIII ri-k, 10.9Irr1 'LlrIlls, 8.22

    I S O m o b ile h o m c cllclllr>CIlll'n[",H 1 6 - C l. lt I

    jI, ' 1 1 1 1 lll1cic:l'lI'ri (il1g ;,ss< 'L i:1ri"il' tllI.A,,),


    L1,:111,civil, 1.7Liahitiry

    ,I],,, , 1 1 I f C ' (srricr). 1 .8ulnrr~lCttd, 1.9-r.n uu nv. 1 .9u - r r . U-LoS

    I. ia bilit v in su ra nc e, p crso na l urnbrcllu.'J, I 1 - < .J . 2l 1

    L':II'lli[I'I,,,,, 1, 7l . r . r l - i l i r v I , , " 0;1" '" 1'

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary



    Ule insurance contractual provisions.1115-1UO

    Lilllit~J-I",ymcIH life' iusurnncc, 11.11limits, split (as used in the PAP)' 3.t!Liquidity, 10.9UI'111';111< r, 1 2. , 2 . . I ~. i1~ : 1 i " ' ; " ' I : = n ~ ' l n c " 1 1 i ~lr: .~~.~ 'r ...t'\ ~~r'1~-1"1~~lLI 1 .1 h

    Mobilchomc covcruge, D , H-$IBMuhilehlllne t'lld')fst.'lllll1r" ISl!,

    KI6~.HI1 \ 1 , ihile- h l nncowncrs pn ') ..~: \in ,r \A1S,8.18

    Mobilchomcsexposures \l, 8.14-8 .1 ( ,,bcriprion o], t '.1 4-b .1 ~

    M " d i l i (' d no-tiulr b,", 2 , I ;M, me r.iry thresh, ,I,l, 2. 12I v 1t ln 11l unu n l, 7 .1 1M : e .P E F (p ersm l,1 1 c l l e c ' r , n . iarcr]. 9. 71'& 1 (protection '\ '1 "" '1 '. - 11 7

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    I '~II"I"t ,!Il,1 F-pcrs( ,n;1[ alit" pol icy( (, n dl lI I , n " 4 .1 5- 4. 2J

    Pl'r~'i1d ("fl '"i.",", lloarcr (PEF), 9.71\~r">I1~iI1 n ) l I r \ " 7.27[\['''11,'[ i11Iurv 1 ' [ < ,{'cel ion (P J I') ell-

    ,j.'[SCI1WI1l, 2.14Pe ls . ' ll ; !1 II"UL II'C,', 1.3

    1 , > [ l . inu- ; l l l c l r~ 'IKh~ ' ." 0 . 1 0i"ns"Il,,11I1'UI'.IIKl pnlicics, rYI"" ,1[,

    J_ [ >-1.1 'il'cP.o(' 1 1 , , 1 [ , " . ' ex P I isu re (huma lossI', I" l'l 1I'l,l, Ill. 3-10. 'j

    PI.r"lI1:tll'f> 'p""ry, 1. 5-1.n1't-r'''l1all'I'I.'fIall"Il,'! (;ll'il;l1. 10.9l\ill\;l1\ h\'Ih'lir i.uv, [ 1 , 1 ( ,I'ril :l1,I,...tI,h ilNIr:lIll ".1,,.,\\;,11'1'" ,I.

    I ~; I ~(l1'111.111' I '< "11>11111 1,1:.11', I ll. I ~ I l1 .~ I1 ' 1 " , . 1 " 1 1 . " , , i. H( 'h I 1' ,'\ ,1 1','1IIIh\. 6.27l'r,'I"'r! \

    1"'[" 111,11, I. 'J -1.('f""1, I'+-I.~

    1'1'''1'''1'1\ ,blll,I:.!l' (1'[))\,1' """ IIII Ill) I" ,Ii, " . ,1, ( , .. . J .(:1' "",,1 III rill' 1 '/ \1 '1 , 1 .711"1( '11 I 'l',hlll\",lll.('

    1 '1 'll; \ IlU.~I\'~\

    s'c, ,1\ II" i l l .K~ I' 111~ "" 'h . ~ 1 1 11 1 11 - , , ] 11 1 1 . . . . . . \ Ill:.!, in....uu

    " " ' 1 1 1 ' , 1 , 1 . 1 1. . . . , 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 . , 7 . 1 : - ;" II 1I\'IIII\IIIilll\ 111.1 '1",1'1'11" Ii " , 1 2 . 2 ( ) - i 2 . 2 1 - >

    -;1~":Li;11 computer

  • 8/8/2019 Ins 22 Glossary


    ul;~1 (urtill"iU!"l,\l n'hjl~,ri~b,)1,.' j\ '-'I dg",," ,2.10-2.1 !l Indcr imUI" , " t im ' > 1 , , 1 ' ; ' " ~"Vd;]!-!L, 2. ., I1!Y1'TIYlo~;insur.urcc, 9.! '5I :n,icrll'r;ling. ~ 1 9\ 'I",I \ ' 1 " 1 1 ' r r nng I ,,,~, 2..4i iIll'1HI,I"Ylllem, l O.+-1 L1.)1 llwrilp], '1 ' l11el11cumpcns.mon I' ' ' ' 'gn'!TI',

    1 0 . 4l I n ! ; 1 i r ,Ii,;nim 1 1 1 ; 11;,1Il , 2.21\ nlll'lIr('