inside high achievers

Newsletter 20/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 1 INSIDE Diary 2 K-6 Athletics Carnival 2 Mid-Richmond PSSA Athletics Carnival 2 Road Safety - Your Child’s Safety Depends on You 2 Aladdin Jr 2 Premier’s Reading Challenge Author Profile 2 CLO News 3 Canteen Roster 3 Science Trivia 3 Zone Athletics Carnival Results 7-12 2015 3 Holiday Activities 4 P&C News 4 Issue 20 25th June 2015 High Achievers Once again we are celebrating high level achievements by our students - the article below describes the excellent results achieved by students at the Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Titration Competition which students of our school have won the North Coast division once again, one student receiving a perfect score. There are also high achievements on the sporting front, including Aidan Yourell’s naming in the Pacific School Games team - well done Aidan. I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy change of routine over the next two weeks. All students K-12 return to school on Tuesday 14 July. Happy NAIDOC Week! Rob Walker – Principal RACI Titration Competition 2015 This year Evans River entered two HSC Chemistry teams in the annual Royal Australian Chemical Institute titration competition, once again hosted by the Southern Cross University in Lismore. Our students joined 30 other regional teams to compete in this prestigious event, some of whom were similarly dedicated and devoted a Saturday morning to advance their skills in Chemistry. Our students’ patient attention to detail and excellent team work did not go unrewarded. The ER Chemical Comrades received a Merit award (139 points) and 6 th position (Georgia Hart, Peter Weekes and Bryce Trustum), while ER Alpha gained an Excellent award (50 points) and 1 st position in the regional event (Alec Barker, Connor Drechsler and Kai Tosomeen). Congratulations to all competitors on their consistent results, particularly to Bryce Trustum, who successfully managed a ‘perfect’ score of zero! Once again, a special thanks to the work of the Chemistry Faculty at SCU and especially Dr Lachlan Yee, for continuing to host this event and stimulating interest in tertiary studies of Chemistry in our ER Stage 6 cohort. Best wishes also go to our Alpha team in the ensuing competition at State level early in Term 3. Karen Warwick- Science Teacher Youth Scholarship for 2016 The Youth Scholarship Program helps young people living in social housing (studying Year 11-12 in 2016) to complete their HSC or TAFE equivalent by providing a one-off payment of $1500 to be spent on education related items. More information and application forms available now at The Learning Centre. Applications close at 5:00pm on July 2015. CHS Open Boys Volleyball Coffs Harbour On the 16th June the CHS Open boys Volleyball team competed in the

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Newsletter 20/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 1

INSIDE Diary 2

K-6 Athletics Carnival 2

Mid-Richmond PSSA Athletics

Carnival 2

Road Safety - Your Child’s Safety

Depends on You 2

Aladdin Jr 2

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Author Profile 2

CLO News 3

Canteen Roster 3

Science Trivia 3

Zone Athletics Carnival

Results 7-12 2015 3

Holiday Activities 4

P&C News 4

Issue 20

25th June 2015

High Achievers Once again we are celebrating high level achievements by our students - the

article below describes the excellent results achieved by students at the

Royal Australian Chemical Institute National Titration Competition which

students of our school have won the North Coast division once again, one

student receiving a perfect score. There are also high achievements on the

sporting front, including Aidan Yourell’s naming in the Pacific School Games

team - well done Aidan. I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy

change of routine over the next two weeks. All students K-12 return to school

on Tuesday 14 July. Happy NAIDOC Week!

Rob Walker – Principal

RACI Titration Competition 2015 This year Evans River entered two HSC Chemistry

teams in the annual Royal Australian Chemical

Institute titration competition, once again hosted by the

Southern Cross University in Lismore. Our students

joined 30 other regional teams to compete in this

prestigious event, some of whom were similarly

dedicated and devoted a Saturday morning to advance

their skills in Chemistry. Our students’ patient attention

to detail and excellent team work did not go unrewarded. The ER Chemical

Comrades received a Merit award (139 points) and 6th position (Georgia Hart,

Peter Weekes and Bryce Trustum), while ER Alpha gained an Excellent

award (50 points) and 1st position in the regional event (Alec Barker, Connor

Drechsler and Kai Tosomeen). Congratulations to all competitors on their

consistent results, particularly to Bryce Trustum, who successfully managed a

‘perfect’ score of zero!

Once again, a special thanks to the work of the Chemistry Faculty at SCU

and especially Dr Lachlan Yee, for continuing to host this event and

stimulating interest in tertiary studies of Chemistry in our ER Stage 6 cohort.

Best wishes also go to our Alpha team in the ensuing competition at State

level early in Term 3.

Karen Warwick- Science Teacher

Youth Scholarship for 2016 The Youth Scholarship Program helps young people living in social housing

(studying Year 11-12 in 2016) to complete their HSC or TAFE equivalent by

providing a one-off payment of $1500 to be spent on education related items.

More information and application forms available now at The Learning

Centre. Applications close at 5:00pm on July 2015.

CHS Open Boys Volleyball Coffs Harbour On the 16th June the CHS Open boys Volleyball team competed in the

Newsletter 20/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 2


This Week - Week 1 Term 3 - Week A

Jul 13 School Development Day Staff Only

Jul 14 First day Term 3 Students K-12

Jul 16 Bond University Indigenous Students Gold Coast

Next Week - Week 2 Term 3- Week B

Jul 21 2016 Year 9,11,12 Subject Selection Evening

Year 9&10 Ag Excursion Tropical Fruit World

Year 12 Tertiary Expo Trinity Lismore

Jul 24 Mid Richmond Athletics Carnival Evans Head

Coming Event

Jul 27-31 Education Week

Jul 30 Senior Music Task Performance Night 6pm

Years 3-12 Maths Competition

Jul 31 CHS Regional Athletics Coffs Harbour

Aug 02-08 Sydney Snow Excursion Year 10

regional final against Wauchope High School at

Coffs Harbour. The boys trained every available

lunch time to improve their skills leading up to the

event, which showed their dedication and hard work

ethic. The Evans River team lost the first two sets

and almost took out the third, however fell just short

as Wauchope took the game in three sets. Congratulations to Jack Baker,

Alec Barker, Tyley Mackney, Tyler Lewis, Adam Hart, Jake Stevens, Kai

Tosomeen, Jalon Hadley & Connor Uebergang for making it through to Evans

River’s first Regional final Open boys final. Well Done!

Robyn Mather - Teacher

K-6 Athletics Carnival Over the last couple of weeks, K-6 held their Athletics Carnival over 2 days; a

field events day and a track events day. Competition between the houses

was extremely close and students participated with excellent sportsmanship

and enthusiasm. Congratulations to all who participated on these 2 days and

to the following age champions:

Senior Boys – Victor Roberts Senior Girls – Jessica Bodley

11yr Boys – Cooper Hinton 11yr Girls – Tahlia Howard

Junior Boys – Tyson Horseman Junior Girls – Nicola Manning

Four records were broken at the carnivals:

Jessica Roche broke the Senior Girls discus record held by Hannah

McKendrick with a throw of 19.16m

Zan Manning broke the 5 year old girls 70m record held by Matilda Wornes

with a time of 17.29 seconds.

Savannah Semple broke the 6 year old girls 70m record held by Leesy

Forsyth with a time of 14.82 seconds.

Jack Semple broke the 9 year old boys 100m record held by Hamish

McKendrick with a time of 16.15 seconds.

Congratulations to these students! Your name has been added into the

record book!

Thanks so much to the wonderful parents who assisted at the carnivals. We

appreciated your help and it couldn’t run as well without you!

The house points as usual were super close... The winning house was

Stingrays, followed closely by Marlins, Sharks and Dolphins.

Mid-Richmond PSSA Athletics Carnival The Mid-Richmond PSSA Athletics Carnival will be held at Evans River

School oval on Thursday 16th July (week one, next term), from 10am until


Students (8 years old and above) coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd overall in their events

at our school carnival will be eligible to go. Notes have been handed out to

students involved.

Isaac Fields - Sports Coordinator K-6

Road Safety - Your Child’s Safety Depends on You When Driving: Make sure your children are in an appropriate child car seat that is fitted and used correctly. Make a rule that every child passenger must be securely buckled into a seatbelt or child car seat before you start the car. A sleeping child must remain firmly buckled up while the car is in motion. Always give way to pedestrians particularly when entering and leaving driveways. It’s safest for children to get out of the car on the kerb side of the road to be away from passing traffic. Remember, drive safe - our child’s safety depends on you!

Aladdin Jr Last Thursday, twenty students from Year 9 and

Year 10 Drama and Music, attended Lismore

Community of School’s production of Aladdin Jr,

the musical. It was a spectacular production with a

cast of 150 singers, dancers, musicians and

circus performers. Congratulations to Maddison

Gordon (5/6E) for her fantastic performance as a


Kerri Daly - Drama Teacher

Premier’s Reading Challenge Author Profile

Enid Blyton: was born on

11th August 1897 in East

Dulwich, London, UK and

died on the 28th November

1968 in Hampstead,

London. Enid Blyton was a

teacher and one of her

passions were poetry.

Some of her books on the Premiers Reading

Challenge list are: Secret Seven collection,

Famous Five Collection, The Enchanted Woods,

Magic Faraway Tree, The Folk of the Faraway.

I have read the Enchanted Woods. This book is

about two girls and a boy and their adventures

into the woods. Where trees talk and an old oak

tree leads the children to different magical worlds

in the clouds. One day the children get stuck

above the oak tree. To find out what happens

borrow The Enchanted Woods by Enid Blyton.

Tahlia Howard - Year 6

Newsletter 20/2015—Be a Learner, Be Respectful, Be Safe Page 3

Science Trivia! This Week’s Question: What name is given to

the condition created by too much bile in the

bloodstream creating a yellowing of the skin?

Last Week’s Question:What type of tree is

often found in churchyards?

Answer: YEW

Zone Athletics Carnival Results 7-12 2015

Emily Miller 3rd 200m

Chloe James 1st High Jump

Rachael Redman 2nd 12-15 yrs Triple Jump

Billie Trustum 3rd Javelin Michael Lock

Kia Waters 2nd 800m

Fletcher Rayner 3rd 800m

Rhiley Butler 1st High Jump

Lindsay Morgan 3rd High Jump

Mick Bussell 1st Shotput

Mick Bussell 1st Discuss - New Record this is an outstanding achievement

Mick Bussell 2nd Javelin

Brodie Olive 3rd Javelin

Helpers: Narwunda Roberts, Jasmine Clarke, Toby Felsch, Sam Robson, Zac Armstrong, Tyler Mackney, Mick Bussell, Alisha & Tamika Wynne

5 Students have qualified to attend the regional trials

Monday 13 Jul SDD

Tuesday 14 Jul Donna Moore

Wednesday 15 Jul Molly Forsyth

Thursday 16 Jul Von Pickens

Friday 17 Jul Charmayne Stevens

Canteen Roster - Week A


Lyn Thomson CLO 6682 6666 [email protected]

Welcome to NAIDOC Day. The Green Team under the

leadership of Mr Gillespie have built a fabulous fire pit,

which was christened today; it will also be utilized as a

yarning circle. Mr Cook supervised the making of the

damper and Mr Mulherin was in charge of the cooking.

Thanks to the staff and students who made the damper it

was delicious.

Congratulations to all our talented water people. First off, Mr Fields, Year 5/6 teacher who

last weekend won the Open Log division at the NSW Longboard State Titles at Yamba surfing on a traditional longboard. At the

same Longboard State Titles Jay Thomson (Year 9) was selected in the under 18 State Team to compete at the Australian titles in


Another up and coming shortboard surfer Zac McMahon (Year 8) competed in the NSW Junior Regional Surfing Titles and

earned a place in the Shortboard State Team. He will compete in the NSW Junior State Titles in the U16 division in July.

Meanwhile in the pool, Aiden Yourell (Year 10) has been powering, named the CHS State Swimming 16-19 male multi-class

swimmer of the meet, next he will swim in the Pacific School Games in November, as well as making it onto the Swimming

Australia Paralympics Development Squad. Congratulations to everyone.

Jay Thomson at the NSW Longboard Titles

Photo from the Pacific Longboarder Magazine

Zac McMahon

Photo from the Northern Star

Photo from the Northern Star

Have a happy and safe Have a happy and safe

holiday holiday

Don’t worry

be happy

Proof is in the tasting

Aiden Yourell

Principal: Rob Walker B.Ed., M.Ed. Cypress Street, Evans Head NSW 2473 Email: [email protected] Phone: 02-6682 6666 Website: Fax: 02-6682 6777

P&C News Our next meetings will be held on Monday 20th July. Our morning meeting

takes place at 9:00am in the Administration Building and the second meeting

is held in the Library at 4:30pm. Please join one of our meetings and bring

along your ideas.

Rileys Hill Car Boot

Market Day When: Sunday 28th June

Time: 8:30am – 1:00pm

Where: Rileys Hill Hall

$10 a stall (Funds raised for the community)

To register for a stall please contact:

Corrinne on 0402932227 or

[email protected]

Evans River Handmade Market WHERE: RSL Club

WHEN: Saturday 4th July

TIME: 9:30am - 2pm

Gold Coin Donation

All proceeds to charity

BALLINA NRL HOLIDAY CLINIC Thursday 9th July, NRL will be conducting a fun holiday clinic at Kingsford

Smith Oval , Ballina.

Day starts at 11am ( registrations from 10:30am )

Day ends by 2:30pm .

Cost $40 ( inc. fruit break, lunch, NRL gift pack and lots of fun skills.)

Available for boys and girls of primary school age.


Log on to register.

Go to NEWS , Select Ballina clinic , then click on “Click here” to register. Best

Option is First time user.


Kelvin Menchin 0407 069 101

E. [email protected]