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Page 1: INSIDE - The Hills Shire€¦ · 6 I the hIlls shIre councIl Save biG neWsletter I 7 up to Date What’s on Household Chemical Cleanout Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018 Clean





18 | 9843 0555

N e W s L e T T e R


CHemiCaL CLeaNouT GaRaGe saLe TRaiL

save BiG THis CHRisTmasComposT


Page 2: INSIDE - The Hills Shire€¦ · 6 I the hIlls shIre councIl Save biG neWsletter I 7 up to Date What’s on Household Chemical Cleanout Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018 Clean

2 I t h e h I l l s s h I r e c o u n c I l2 I t h e h I l l s s h I r e c o u n c I l

Do you have householD chemIcals clutterIng your place?

Council’s Resource Recovery Officer undertakes bin inspections across The Hills throughout the year.

The program is designed to help households recycle right. During recent inspections, the two major contamination types that have been found in the yellow lidded recycling bins are plastic bags and polystyrene foam.

Follow these tips to recycle right at your place:

• Plastic bags: Plastic bags cannot be recycled through the yellow lidded recycling bin. Plastic bags may be placed in the red lidded garbage bin for disposal, or check to see if your local supermarket accepts soft film plastic (like plastic bags) for recycling. Remember to place recycling items loosely into the bin so they can be recycled; bagged items are treated as contamination.

• Polystyrene foam: Polystyrene foam may only be disposed of in the red lidded garbage bin; it cannot be recycled through the yellow lidded recycling bin. Before disposing of in the

red lidded garbage bin, place polystyrene into a bag, as loose or large pieces may get wedged in the bin making it difficult for the truck to empty completely.

For more information about the waste service including what can be recycled, see

Over the Christmas period, bins will be collected as normal, even if your bin collection falls on Christmas Day or other public holidays. Please ensure you place your bin out at the kerbside the night before your collection day.

Reminder: Bins must open facing the road, and should be presented

away from parked cars, trees and telegraph/ power poles or other obstacles that may make it difficult for the truck to empty bins.

What if my bin is missed? If your bin has been missed, please call the council Waste Hotline on 1800 623 895.

Recycle Right!

Garage Sale Trail Success!

Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne0448 268 [email protected]

council runs and supports a number of programs that aim to reduce, reuse and recycle waste.most recently, students from three local high schools participated in the annual speaking 4 the planet event in the hills shire council chambers. the focus of the talks and performances was on the un’s World environment Day theme for 2018 – “Beat plastic pollution- If you can’t reuse it, refuse it”.this important event not only provided an opportunity for students to speak or perform on behalf of the planet about environmental issues, but helped students understand the relationship between personal choices and global issues.I want to thank and congratulate all the students who participated and the parents, guardians, teachers and organisers for making this event possible. another important program which highlights the importance of being environmentally conscious is cleanaway’s know Waste education program.this program instils important life-long habits about responsible waste management in our youngest residents.If you’re a school teacher in the hills, and would like to book in a session for your centre or school, contact council’s resource recovery education Officer on 9843 0505.I would also like to thank all the residents who supported and got involved in this year’s garage sale trail weekend event.the initiative, now in its eighth year, provides a novel way to declutter, reduce waste, make money and fundraise for a charity or organisation of your choice.We’ve also teamed up with the nsW epa and Compost Revolution, to offer residents a 50 per cent discount and free delivery on compost bins, worm farms and bokashi bins. they are great for recycling your organic scraps and cutting your rubbish in half. and to add to the programs this council supports, we had 59,000 kilograms of chemicals dropped off, including paint, oil, car batteries and gas cylinders during the nsW epa’s chemical clean out earlier in the year.We have another household chemical cleanout event day planned for saturday 17 and sunday 18 november 2018 at castle hill showground.For more information on chemical cleanout or on any of our other programs, please visit the hills shire council website, of the hills shire, Dr michelle Byrne

S av e b i G n e w s l e t t e R I 3

BIn collectIon over the FestIve perIoD


2047-08_BHSC_Multi Dwelling Waste Campaign_English_A4_4F.indd 1 24/10/2014 9:23 am

The annual Household Chemical CleanOut event is on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November from 9am- 3:30pm on both days.

Drop off your chemicals free of charge at Castle Hill Showground, Showground Road, Castle Hill. Common chemicals found in the home, car or garage are accepted. For a full list, visit our website

If you can’t attend this event, you can drop off your chemicals at another local event or at a Community Recycling Centre. The events and Community Recycling Centres are operated by the NSW EPA in conjunction with local councils. They may be accessed free of charge, even if you live out of the hosting council area. For details of upcoming events and these centres, see

On Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 October, households from across the nation hosted garage sales as part of the annual Garage Sale Trail event.

As per previous years, a number of sales were registered across The Hills as households, schools and community groups got behind the event. The initiative is a bargain hunters dream as savvy shoppers could put together a ‘treasure trail’ unique to them to find items of particular interest.

The successful event encouraged re-use as second hand goodies were re-homes, and the life of products was extended. The initiative also promoted community connectedness as locals came together to reduce waste, fundraise and meet neighbours.

Page 3: INSIDE - The Hills Shire€¦ · 6 I the hIlls shIre councIl Save biG neWsletter I 7 up to Date What’s on Household Chemical Cleanout Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018 Clean

4 I t h e h I l l s s h I r e c o u n c I l

Save biG this Christmas!

Remember to collapse cardboard and squash plastic bottles and aluminium cans before placing into the yellow lidded recycling bin. Please ensure that all containers, bottles and jars are completely empty.

exCeSS PaPeR and CaRdboaRd Clean paper and cardboard may be taken to the SUeZ Resource Recovery Centre (29 Power Road, Seven Hills) FRee of charge. Fees may apply to drop off other recyclables or waste material. Please contact SUEZ before dropping off to confirm fees and charges / acceptance criteria or for more information on 1300 651 116.

If you have a general enquiry about your waste service, or to book in a household kerbside clean-up collection, bin repair or replacement or to arrange a missed service, call the Waste Hotline on 1800 623 895

YeS4 Christmas cards and wrapping paper

(no plastic or foil wrapping paper, or cellophane)4 Glass bottles and jars4 Plastic bottles and containers4 Steel and aluminium cans and tins4 Cardboard and junk mail

no8 Christmas lights8 Toys and clothes8 Bon Bons/ Christmas crackers8 Decorations/ ribbons/ tinsel/ foil8 Broken crockery and drinking glasses8 Plastic bags/ shrink wrap8 Polystyrene8 Disposable plastic plates and cutlery

These items may be placed in the red lidded garbage bin for disposal

‘tIs the season to recycle. can I put It In my yelloW lIDDeD recyclIng BIn?

Are you planing a party or hosting Christmas Lunch? Save yourself time and money with these hints and tips:

MenU Plan and wRiTe a SHoPPinG liSTBefore you start shopping, be prepared and know exactly what’s on the menu. Write a shopping list so you know what to buy and how much to buy; don’t forget to check the fridge, freezer and pantry! Writing a shopping list from your menu will reduce the urge to impulse buy. It will also help to reduce food waste and save you money and time as you only purchase what you need.

leaRn aboUT PoRTion SiZeSCorrect portions can help save time and money as you are more likely to only cook what is needed.

eaT leFToveR FoodThis time of year, there is always a little bit of leftover food. These leftovers can be a great base for a new meal, or become a tasty lunch the following day.

Check out the NSW Love Food Hate Waste website for more information, hints and tips: https://www.lovefoodhatewaste.

‘tIs the season oF FestIvItIes

S av e b i G n e w s l e t t e R I 5

Page 4: INSIDE - The Hills Shire€¦ · 6 I the hIlls shIre councIl Save biG neWsletter I 7 up to Date What’s on Household Chemical Cleanout Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018 Clean

S av e b i G n e W s l e t t e r I 76 I t h e h I l l s s h I r e c o u n c I l

up to Date

What’s onHousehold Chemical Cleanout Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018

Clean Up australia day Sunday 3 March 2019

Recycle your food scraps into rich soil and liquid fertiliser, and keep a valuable natural resource out of landfill!

Council in partnership with the NSW EPA and Compost Revolution are able to offer residents 50% off RRP compost bin, worm farm and bokashi bin kits to Hills residents plus free delivery when a short online tutorial is completed.

To purchase your discounted gear and to get started today, visit

Households are eligible for a discount on one compost bin kit, worm farm kit or bokashi bin kit only.

The annual Clean Up Australia events are back in 2019 and are set to take place over three days:

• Business Clean Up Day on Tuesday 26 February;

• Schools Clean Up Day on Friday 1 March; and

• Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 3 March

The events provide opportunity for volunteers across the nation to band together and clean up the local area. To register a site or join an existing site, visit

Keep up to date with all Resource Recovery programs and join the mailing list. Contact Council on 9843 0555 for more information.

clean up australIa Day

make a DonatIonIf you’re doing a clean out at your place and you have good quality items you no longer need, you may like to consider donating them to a charity organisation.

If you plan on making a donation, remember the following:

Ask yourself whether the item you are donating is something you would purchase at a charity shop- only donate good quality second hand items.

If you are donating bulky items like furniture, be sure to call the charity organisation prior to dropping off to ensure it will be accepted.

Remember; only deliver items to charity stores during business hours or as requested by the organisation.

Book In a householD kerBsIDe clean- up collectIon If you have bulky household waste to dispose of, you can book in a household kerbside clean-up collection.

If you intend to arrange a clean-up collection around the festive season, be sure to book in early as bookings are limited. To organise a clean-up collection and for more information, visit our website.

important: only put waste out on the kerbside if you have booked in a household kerbside clean-up collection. Waste that has been placed out without a booking or prior to the night before your booked in date may be treated as illegal dumping.

RepoRt litteR to the NSW epAIf you see someone litter from their vehicle, you can report them to the NW EPA. Fines from $200 can be issued from your report.

To report litter, or for more information, see

What can I Do WIth Bulky Items I no longer neeD?

look out foR the NeW cAleNdAR

Recycle your food scraps




Get 50% off a compost bin, worm farm or bokashi bin plus FREE delivery from The Hills Shire Council. Cut your waste in half while

making your own soil & fertiliser at home.




compost bin, worm farm or bokashi bin

Call The Hills Shire Council on 9843 0555 for more information. Households are eligible for a discount on one compost bin, worm farm or bokashi kit only.

This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

Council’s annual Resource Recovery calendar will help you keep track of recycling weeks and collection days. It is packed full of information about your waste service and will be delivered in November and December.

If you don’t receive your copy, visit the Council Customer Service centre or the libraries to pick up a copy free of charge.

Did you know you can check your bin day and collection zone any time online? Click here to find out more.

This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy

do the Right binLearn how to Do the Right Bin at your place and view our animations! The animations are filled with information about your waste service, and translated captions are available in Hindi and Chinese. Watch them here.

Page 5: INSIDE - The Hills Shire€¦ · 6 I the hIlls shIre councIl Save biG neWsletter I 7 up to Date What’s on Household Chemical Cleanout Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November 2018 Clean | 9843 0555