insider harper the · 2020. 3. 9. · the harper insider volume 2 number l0 harper's...

The Harper Insider Volume 2 Number l0 Harper's Evaluation Results in Maximum Accreditation Afler o threedoy visit, o six-person evoluotion teom mode the preliminory recommendotion for Horper to receive occreditotion for the moximum time period of 10 yeors from the Norlh Centrol Associotion of Colleges ond Secondory Schools. Mony months of preporotion ore involved to produce the required self-study document which wos prepored ond submit- ted to the teom members before their visit. Vice president of Acodemic Affoirs Dovid Willioms ond the Steering Committee composed of John Muchmore, Roger Mussell ond Joonn Fowell, under the odvisement of the Compus Response Commifiee. rep- resenting most compus committees ond groups, hove been working on this project for more thon two yeors. ln oddition to sotisfying occreditotion requirements. the self study gives the College community on opportunity for on honest ond criticol self-evoluotion, The self study focused on the College ond its mission, the orgonizotion ond resources of the College, - the impoct of the progroms ond services ond the future of Hor- per College.Ihe 143-poge report will be thoroughly reviewed by the evoluotion teom prior to their submision of o finol report. the teom met with the Eoord of Trustees, the Foculty Senote, Closified Stoff officers, student representotives, the Compus Re- sponse Committee ond with individuolfoculty ond stoff mem- bers, The evoluotion teom choir, Dr. Christine Grom, commented on the spirit of collegiolity ond coring which she ond teom members observed in every oreo of Horper College. Members of the North Centrol Associqtion Visiting Teom repre- sent vorious educotionol disciplines ond geogrophicol oreos of the country. ln oddition to Dr. Grom. President of Ooklond Community College in Michigon, the teom includes Dr. Rolph Duncon. Deon of Science, Heolth ond Business qt Front Ronge Community College in Colorodo; Dr. Williom Guither, profesorof chemistryot Dr.Chrlstine6rom (center),choir of theNofthCen rol Associotion of Cotteg* ond Secondory SchooB Evolwtion Teom, conlen wlth teom memben 6nd Harper repre*ntotfues. Norember 1987 the University of Wisconsin Center-Fox Volley, Wisconsin; Donold Holog, ossociote professor of English ot Delto College, Michigon; Dr. Jomes Lohr. Deon ot St. Louis Community College, Misouri; ond Mrs. Arnette Word, provost from Chondler/Gilbert Com- munity College, Arizono. lhe officiol letter of occreditotion stotus will onive following finol oction by the North Centrol Associotion in the spring oi 1988. fhe 1967-66 Clossified Council. Seoted ore otrrcen (from left to righr) D* J-ohnson, Wce Cloirp*son; Endo Pones, Choirperson ond Dobbye Levine, Ircrelory. Slondi1r9 from Ieft to tight ore reprcsentotives Julie Hlnne, tim body, B.ridget Colendo, Dennis Aythen toon Droke, pete Goft on{Aety Cords. Not pictured, Bill Nanmann. Classified Employee Council A 53 percent voter turnout resulted in the election of the 19gg Clqssifi ed_Employee Counci I representotives. Followi n g the elec- tion, the CEC elected officers for the yeor. They ore: Choirperson Lindo Fones, Reseorch ond Plonning; Vice Choirperson Dee {ohnson, Bus/SS; ond Secretory Bobbye Levine, Word processing. Other incumbent council representotives who were returned td office ore Betty Cords, Bookstore ond Feter Gort, print Shop. They join new memberJulie Hennig, SP/S ond continuing council members Bridget Colendo, Student Development Joon Droke. Finonce; Jim Foody, Computer Services; Bill Neumonn, Medio Ser- vices ond Dennis Ryther, PEAR.

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Page 1: Insider Harper The · 2020. 3. 9. · The Harper Insider Volume 2 Number l0 Harper's Evaluation Results in Maximum Accreditation Afler o threedoy visit, o six-person evoluotion teom



Volume 2 Number l0

Harper's Evaluation Results inMaximum Accreditation

Afler o threedoy visit, o six-person evoluotion teom mode thepreliminory recommendotion for Horper to receive occreditotionfor the moximum time period of 10 yeors from the Norlh CentrolAssociotion of Colleges ond Secondory Schools.

Mony months of preporotion ore involved to produce therequired self-study document which wos prepored ond submit-ted to the teom members before their visit. Vice president ofAcodemic Affoirs Dovid Willioms ond the Steering Committeecomposed of John Muchmore, Roger Mussell ond Joonn Fowell,under the odvisement of the Compus Response Commifiee. rep-resenting most compus committees ond groups, hove beenworking on this project for more thon two yeors.

ln oddition to sotisfying occreditotion requirements. the selfstudy gives the College community on opportunity for on honestond criticol self-evoluotion, The self study focused on the Collegeond its mission, the orgonizotion ond resources of the College,

-the impoct of the progroms ond services ond the future of Hor-per College.Ihe 143-poge report will be thoroughly reviewed bythe evoluotion teom prior to their submision of o finol report.

the teom met with the Eoord of Trustees, the Foculty Senote,Closified Stoff officers, student representotives, the Compus Re-sponse Committee ond with individuolfoculty ond stoff mem-bers, The evoluotion teom choir, Dr. Christine Grom, commentedon the spirit of collegiolity ond coring which she ond teommembers observed in every oreo of Horper College.

Members of the North Centrol Associqtion Visiting Teom repre-sent vorious educotionol disciplines ond geogrophicol oreos ofthe country.

ln oddition to Dr. Grom. President of Ooklond CommunityCollege in Michigon, the teom includes Dr. Rolph Duncon. Deonof Science, Heolth ond Business qt Front Ronge CommunityCollege in Colorodo; Dr. Williom Guither, profesorof chemistryot

Dr.Chrlstine6rom (center),choir of theNofthCen rol Associotion of Cotteg*ond Secondory SchooB Evolwtion Teom, conlen wlth teom memben 6ndHarper repre*ntotfues.

Norember 1987

the University of Wisconsin Center-Fox Volley, Wisconsin; DonoldHolog, ossociote professor of English ot Delto College, Michigon;Dr. Jomes Lohr. Deon ot St. Louis Community College, Misouri;ond Mrs. Arnette Word, provost from Chondler/Gilbert Com-munity College, Arizono.

lhe officiol letter of occreditotion stotus will onive followingfinol oction by the North Centrol Associotion in the spring oi1988.

fhe 1967-66 Clossified Council. Seoted ore otrrcen (from left to righr) D*J-ohnson, Wce Cloirp*son; Endo Pones, Choirperson ond Dobbye Levine,

Ircrelory. Slondi1r9 from Ieft to tight ore reprcsentotives Julie Hlnne, timbody, B.ridget Colendo, Dennis Aythen toon Droke, pete Goft on{AetyCords. Not pictured, Bill Nanmann.

Classified Employee CouncilA 53 percent voter turnout resulted in the election of the 19gg

Clqssifi ed_Employee Counci I representotives. Followi n g the elec-tion, the CEC elected officers for the yeor. They ore: ChoirpersonLindo Fones, Reseorch ond Plonning; Vice Choirperson Dee{ohnson, Bus/SS; ond Secretory Bobbye Levine, Word processing.Other incumbent council representotives who were returned tdoffice ore Betty Cords, Bookstore ond Feter Gort, print Shop. Theyjoin new memberJulie Hennig, SP/S ond continuing councilmembers Bridget Colendo, Student Development Joon Droke.Finonce; Jim Foody, Computer Services; Bill Neumonn, Medio Ser-vices ond Dennis Ryther, PEAR.

Page 2: Insider Harper The · 2020. 3. 9. · The Harper Insider Volume 2 Number l0 Harper's Evaluation Results in Maximum Accreditation Afler o threedoy visit, o six-person evoluotion teom

From the ChairInstitutional Planning C ommittee

The North Centrol Evoluotion teom thot recently visited thecompus described Horper's plonning process os dynomic. Thelnstitutionol Plonning Committee ls on integrol port of thot pro-ces. Choired by Pot Mulcrone, the committee of 18 meets twiceo month with more fiequent meetings of subcommlttees.

Durlng 1984-85 the Long Ronge Plonnlng Committee wosreorgonlzed to become the lnstltutlonol Plonning Committee.The primory gool of the plonning process ond one of the mostdlffrcult to ochieve is to involve oll members of the institutlon.

The commlttee's most recent tosk wos to ploce into cotegorlesond prlorlty order 83 different gools proposed by deportments,dlvlsions ond lndlviduols. Before recommendotions qe mode, ollfoculty ond stoff members ore invited to qitend o serles of fouropen hecings scheduled for the specific purpose of ellcltlng oresponse to the gools submltted through comments or questions.

ln oddltlon to lPC, the Boqd of Trustees is involved in stroteglcplonnlng every other yeor ond there is continuous plonnlngwlthln diMslons ond deportments.

Choirperson Fcf Mulcrone comments thotthe process isnecessorily on ongolng octlvity; if plonning stonds still, stognotlon results. Although the vrorklood is heolry, Mulcrone enjo,ya herlnrolvement in the plonning process ond feels thot it is o noturolevolution fiom her ossoclotion with odult educqtion, wttich inihelf is o commitmentto llfelong leorning,

Admissions CommittreA recommendqtion to requlre ACTtest scores for incoming

students ls cunently on the ogendo of the Admisions Commit-

tee. Choirperson Dennis Brokke e{cloins thot the test scores orenot to be used os o bosis for odmission but os o tool for retention.ACT meosures ochievement in moth, English, sociol science ondscience ond olso provides o composite overoll score. Ihe use ofthis informqtion os on odvising tool will result in proper ploce-ment of students ond therefore will provide eoch student thebest opportunity for success.

The committee of eight persons meets monthly, or more ifnecessory, to review ond evoluote the odmision policies,requirements ond procedures ond to moke necessoryrecommendotlons,

hatitutional CalendarBoord of TrusteesMonthly Meetings8:00pm, Boord Room

Committee Meetings7:30om, Boord Room

Generol lnterest

thursdoy.Nowmber 19Ihursdoy, December 17

Acodemic ond Student AffoinWednesdoy, December 2FouMotion Boord MeetingTuesdoy, December 8Finonce/Buildings & GroundsWednesdoy, December9FollSports BonquetTuesdoy, November 24,Dining HollCollege Closed - Thursdoythrough Sundoy, Norember26-29Regionol Trustees DinnerMeetingMondoy, November 30,6:30pm, Dlning HollCollege Closed - Ihursdoy,December through Sundoy,Jonuory 3

lnsider's Mew ofFrank Solano

It is the bonking world's loss ond Horper's goin thot FronkSolono took the first job he wos offered os coordinqtor for studentderelopment of Northeostern lllinois University. Working withstudents ond "weoring mony different hots of the some time"got hlm hooked on helping students through counseling ondultimotely through finonclol oid. As the new Dkector of FinonciolAid, Solono is oble to deol directly with the students ond olsowith foculty ond stoff representing vorious oreos of interest. Hisgool is to compile o brochure which would include oll the dif-ferent types of scholorships ond finonciol oid ovoiloble to Horperstudents. Solono is hoppy in his new environment ond finds theHorper community "friendly, worm ond welcoming,"Eorn; Michoocon, Mexico (where he returns qt leost once o yeor

to visit fomily members).Educqllon: University of lllinois, B,S. Finonce ond Economics

Northeostern lllinois University, M.A. Guidonce ond CounselingFamily: Monied, wife is o bonking officer, son (oge 11).Hobbies: Cooking, feels thot he invented fojitos (grilled steok

sondwiches) before Toco Bell cought on. Enjoys Mexiconfolklore music.

Fwoilte lbod; Grilled steok ond peppers, spicyfood.lonrctne book Cunently the Federol Register (listing of gronts

ond finonciol oid sources).Lost movie seen; "Little Shop of Horrors."I would llke lo slop: Smoking.I crlnT sland: Feople who ore thoughtless or inconsiderote.Bt adi@ my molhet gave me: Keep the foith.n money ond tlnlc vrelte no ohtrcle: l'd be rich ond live forever

ond trovel,Orcthlnglhor lW leamed ln lltb; You ore born olone ond you

die olone.

Frak Solono


Page 3: Insider Harper The · 2020. 3. 9. · The Harper Insider Volume 2 Number l0 Harper's Evaluation Results in Maximum Accreditation Afler o threedoy visit, o six-person evoluotion teom

Focus on lhe

Parks and Grounds/ Horticulture DepartmentTiming ploys o big role in the science of horticulture. The ort of

growing fiuits, vegetobles ond ornomentol plonts con beleorned but, in the end, mother noture ploys o big role.

Tiry1ng ond destiny olso ployed o rote in getting Ed Metcotfond Rondy lllg together in Horper's Porks ond Grounds/Horticulture Deportment. Neither Metcolf nor lllg plonned to beteochers or plonned to spend so much time together in thekprofessionol lives, Both men come to Horper trom tne StoteUniversity of New York (SUNY) in upstote New york.

ground.up yvos very oppeoling. Metcolf occepted the chollengewith enthusiosm ond come to Horper College. When he dis-covered the scope of the Horper progrom. he knew he neededon osociote to shore the duties. Ihe Metcolf/lllg portnership wosborn simultoneously with Horper's porks ond OrouhOs/Horticultureprogrom,

Both ventures hove succeeded well. Ihe Horper progrom isone of the most comprehensive in the oreo, offering h6nds-one4cerience to the students through instruction ond demonstro-tion bytheir octively involved instructors. Both Metcolf ond lllgore enthusiostic obout the progress thot rccurs in mony of thlstudents in the progrom. They olso hwe high proise for ihe Hor-per odministrotion which hos supported the progrom monetorilyond philosophicolly.

lhere hove been mony success stories fiom the progrom. Areoemployers ond pork district coordinotors ore often'in t6uch withMetcolf ond !!lg for their expertise os well os for employee recom_mendotions. The cooperotion between the former ieobher onOstudent hos grown into o succesful profesionol workingrelotionship wtrich benefits the Forks ond Grounds/Horticulturedeportment ond the students enrolled in the progrom.

Ed ltletcolf

. \Mren Ed Metcolf groduoted from college, he wos employedby o reseorch compony, Reseorch jobs become scorce'in the'6G which chonged Metcolfs coreer direction, After receiving oPh.D. degree fiom Ohio Stqte University ond doing postdoctoToiwork ot Michigon Stote, he wos offered the oppoiunity todevelop o. progrom in the plont science field ot SUNy. Along withlgmeone to develop it, the progrom requked o teocher. So-EdMetcolf met the new chollenge ond discovered thot he enjoyeddeoling with the students. One of these students, who likedioengoge in spkited discussion in the clossroom, wos Rondy lllg.. After he "borely mode it out of high schoot', ond ofter tiyin! nishond ot o voriety of jobs. lllg reportsthot he decided to givelheplont science course ot SUNy o try. He discovered totentJhot henever before knew he hod ond eventuolly become o technicolosistont in the Conservotion Deportment ot SUNy.

ln 1974, Metcolf heord obout o community college in theChicogo oreo thot wos interested in storting o hortiLufture pro-grom. The chollenge to develop on entire progrom from thb



Crozy Socks Conbst Winnerc ore runner-up Herb hlueht lr. ond winner of thef9vlling lrcphy (the rubber chicken in o stunning crocheted covering) is SueWolken About 2O memben of the occounting deportrnent, businessJervlces,purchosing ond poyroll deportments potticipote in the onnuol event bydesigning or buying crozy sock, just for fun.

Page 4: Insider Harper The · 2020. 3. 9. · The Harper Insider Volume 2 Number l0 Harper's Evaluation Results in Maximum Accreditation Afler o threedoy visit, o six-person evoluotion teom

Department DevelopmentsWelcome to new employees Jonice Molris, Wlliom Klokow,

Jomes Houser, Juliq Wesl, Jenniler Moris ond Ronold Busch,Physicol Plonl Mory Quornslrom, LRC Librory Pomelo Biermonnond Kolhleen Cornmqn, Admissions; Michoel lftudsen, LRCGrophics; Donno Moylrul, Testing Center JoAnn Dovenporl, LS/HS; Myriom Hegy, Purchosing; MoryAnn Buckner, Registror'sOffice ond Morgorel Smilh, DSS. Look for Mory Belh Weiss in hernew position os security guord . Physicol Plont ond con-grotulotions to Eric Ryon for his promotion to AVTech lll, LRCMedio. Congrotulotions to Mory Belh Busserl, counselor for newstudent orientotion, Student Development F, who is getting rovereviews for her role of Amolio in Orchord Theohe's current musi-col, She Loves Me, Bussert hos recently oppeored in o series ofleod roles qt Des Ploines ]heotre Guild, There is still time to seeher in person. She Loves Me continues ot 8:30 Fridoys ond Sotur-doys. 2:30 Sundoys through December 13 ot Old Orchord Coun-try Club in Mount Prospect. Gene Kimmet, Bus/SS, hos beenkeeping busy since his return from London. Two of his poems willbe published in the foll issue of Spoon River Quorterly ondonother poem will be included in Annuol Review of Americanfuew. Not long ogo. Gene wos seen ot o book signing forrecent publicotions of lcwn House Books in St. Chorles. PresidentMcGrqlh hos been chosen by the Notionol Council of CollegeRelotions (NCCR) os the Pocesetter of the Yeor. The oword isgiven eoch yeor to on outstonding community college presidentwho hos excelled in contributions to the odvoncement of com-munity college educotion ond to the community in which heresides. Morlho Bolt, PEAR, ossisted in the development of o text-book, Dimensions of Communif Heolth. Purchosing ogent TheoKeshovolzi completed the College Business Monogementlnstitute Progrom held ot the University of Kentucky. Pol Mul-crone, SP/S hqs recently odded to her duties by octing os coor-dinoting editor ond contributing outhor to the NewGEDpublished by Contemporory Books, lnc. She received help ftomport-time foculty members Bruce Blown, Koren Fox ond JonlcePhllllps. Congrotulotions to the Child Leqming Center which isomong the first 20 child core centers in the stote of lllinois toochieve occreditqiion by the Notionol Acodemy of EorlyChibhood Progroms,

Condolences to Bev Slrouss, recently retked personnelossociote, on the sudden deoth of her husbond Horry, Ourthoughts ond proyers ore with you, Bev. Condolences olso toBorb Schmellz, SP/S whose mother recently possed owoy,

Bill ond Audree Wolsh wish to thonk everyone for expressionsof sympothy on the deoth of her mother,

Get well soon wishes to Audrey Inbody, Student DevelopmentJohn Collohon, LRC; ond Lorry Olson, Physicol Plont, whohove been recently hospitolized.


Drop by the Student Activities office ond soy hello to PouloTobor. recently oppointed by Brothers ond Sisters in Christ(B.A,S.|.C.) os Compus Minister for the Horper student orgonizo-tion. Foulo, o Tennessee notive, is o 1987 groduote of MiddleStote University in Murfteesboro. She believes thot coming to workot Horper with B.A.S.|.C. soon ofter being o student herself will oidher work. She understonds the pressures of college life ond theneeds of the students, She will olso work with foculty ond stoffmembers. Foulo con be contocted through the StudentActiMties Office, extension 2242 or ot home, 358-3562.

Tbys forTotsOnce ogoin, help bring the fun ond joy of the holidoy seoson

to o needy child by contributing brond new or mint conditiontoys to this yeor's Toys for Tots collection sponsored by the FoodService stoff. Christmos toys ore needed for children of oll ogesup to oge 14. The U.S. Morine Corps, cosponsor of the collection,will pick up toys from o collection bin (provided by the PhysicolPlont) in the cofeterio from November 20 through December 11.where toys moy be letf by employees, students ond oreoresidents. Toys should not be gift-wropped to focilitote motchingthe gitt to the child who will receive it. The generosity of the Hor-per foculty ond stoff is opprecioted. For informotion, coll KorenMllono of Food Service ot extension 2250.

Ihe Hoper lnsider, o monthly publicotion of the lnstitutionolCommunicotions Office, hos been developed os port of theCollege Relotions Deportmentol progrom of informotion forthe college community ond produced with ossistonce fromLRC Medio Services,

Employee groups ond individuol odministrotors, foculty ondstoff members ore cordiolly invited to contribute stories ondinformotion before the first of the month for the issue pub-lished ot midmonth. Pleose contoct Potty Roberts. lnstitu-tionol Communicotions, A302, extension 2628.

Sta/e Unioersitg Retirement Sgstem Notefu o result of o recent lllinois Supreme Court ruling, ony

individuol who wos o porticipont in SURS prior to 911174 ond whodid not file o letter of intent to preserve his/her right to purchoseSURS credit for time in militory service moy now do so. All youneed is to send SURS o letter stoting thot you wont to purchoseyour militory service olong with o copy of your militory seporotionpopers (DD-214) or some other document showing your octivelgtV Qo1es. lf you hove ony questions, pleose coil SURS ot (217)24/'4342.
