insight · time moves in one direction, ... ing tested and interrupted. ... our annual 32 page...

Celestial Insight Michele Finey PO Box 353 Altona Vic 3018 Web: Email: [email protected] Mob: 0434356534 INsight September 2016 Time moves in one direction, taking us on an amazing ride across the universe. It’s a journey that seems to speed up with every passing year. It’s a bumper issue this month, with two eclipses, Jupiter changing signs and the Libra Equinox. The month kicks off with a dramatic Solar eclipse at 9 Virgo that opposes planet of mystery Neptune. At the same time Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury has just stationed retrograde and is making a very tight conjunction to expansive Jupiter. What does this mean for us here on planet Earth? Jupiter is about to shift into Li- bra, so this conjunction in late Virgo, will prove interesting. This Month… NEW 2017 Calendar! Solar Eclipse Jupiter in Libra Equinox Mercury Retrograde Lunar Eclipse Neptune Retreat Blog (for additional analysis of stellar events) Solar Eclipse -Virgo New Moon

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Celestial Insight

Michele Finey PO Box 353 Altona Vic 3018

Web: Email: [email protected] Mob: 0434356534


September 2016

Time moves in one direction, taking us on an amazing ride

across the universe. It’s a journey that seems to speed up

with every passing year.

It’s a bumper issue this month, with two eclipses, Jupiter

changing signs and the Libra Equinox. The month kicks off

with a dramatic Solar eclipse at 9 Virgo that opposes planet

of mystery Neptune. At the same time Virgo’s ruling planet

Mercury has just stationed retrograde and is making a very

tight conjunction to expansive Jupiter. What does this mean

for us here on planet Earth? Jupiter is about to shift into Li-

bra, so this conjunction in late Virgo, will prove interesting.

This Month…

NEW 2017 Calendar! Solar Eclipse Jupiter in Libra Equinox Mercury Retrograde Lunar Eclipse Neptune Retreat Blog (for additional analysis of

stellar events)

Solar Eclipse -Virgo New Moon

Page 2 September 2016

Solar Eclipse cont...

Jupiter is not comfortable in Virgo, while

Mercury is very much at home. Mercury

is stationary, while Jupiter is moving

quickly. Jupiter and Mercury are very

much at odds with one another, ruling

mutable signs that square and oppose

one another, so this eclipse will have a

number of potentially disruptive effects.

Be prepared for some last minute changes.

Jupiter is associated with the big picture and

tends to see the ‘forest’ and the overall purpose

of things. Mercury on the other hand, is naturally

focused on the ‘trees’. While in Virgo, and sta-

tionary, we could say that Mercury is intensely

examining ‘twigs and leaves’. With Mercury and

Jupiter in Virgo we could become totally ob-

sessed with things that have no importance, and

make a really big deal out of our very small

agendas. This is a useful eclipse for attending to

matters that have been bothering us. We now

have the focus to deal with anything that’s been

in the too hard basket. But added uncertainty

from Neptune will make us think twice before

taking action, as we may be confused about our

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Discover the beautiful

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of Venus and Mars and

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priorities, or our perspective may be warped.

Slowing things down is probably a good option

since Mercury will be retrograde for three weeks

from now, so we have an opportunity to retrace

our steps and untangle any messy situations that

need a tidy up or reorganisation. This is an ex-

cellent time for a pre-spring clean, rearranging

the pantry or weeding out general annoyances.

The eclipse path crosses central Africa, Mada-

gascar and the Indian Ocean. Since Neptune is

now ‘full’ it’s possible that this eclipse may shed

light on what happened to flight MH370 that

vanished two and a half years ago in this region.

See the full range of these fun zodiac designs at

Redbubble where you can also purchase framed

prints of my artwork.

My original artwork is for sale here

Page 4 September 2016

Lunar Eclipse-Pisces Full Moon

A number of factors suggest this lunar

eclipse is a major awakening. The

Moon is closely tied to Chiron,

boosting emotional strength and

wisdom. This combination suggests

soul healing at a very deep level.

Pisces is associated with forgiveness,

empathy and universal love.

That being said, the tight square to Mars

could upset the apple cart. Angry outbursts

could get in the way of amicable relations.

It’s worth mentioning that much of the strife

in the world this year is a manifestation of the

conjunction of Eris (goddess of strife and dis-

Kepler Conference bookings here.

cord) with radical Uranus in Aries, but this pair are

now in a comfortable trine with Mars, (Aries ruler)

which will help us express ourselves creatively and

honestly. Mars is not as disempowered and frustrat-

ed as he has been over the past few months. This

waning Mars square to Sol is a time for Mars to re-

gain energy, grow up and accept responsibility.

Venus in Libra is sextile Mars, so she will stand by

him, boosting his confidence. Jupiter has just

slipped into Libra too, which augurs well for harmony

and fair play in our dealings, fostering consensus

and peaceful resolutions. Jupiter is about to start a

new solar cycle, so wise heads should prevail.

Page 5 September 2016

Libra Equinox

The Sun and Jupiter are together in

Libra, making this an optimistic and

happy ingress. Balance, fairness and

harmony are high on the agenda.

Looking to Venus, Libra’s ruling

planet, we see she is sextile Mars

and the stellar lovers are heading

towards one another. This augurs well for

communication and relationships of all kinds.

Mercury turns direct just before this ingress,

aligning with the North Node of the Moon.

This highlights what we need to discuss and

what we may have misheard, or misunder-

stood. This is a good time to clear the air.

Consistent with the overall stellar picture this

year, we have very little in the way of fixed

energy, only Ceres and Juno are in fixed

signs now. The excess of mutable and cardi-

nal themes is keeping us on our toes. There is

a lot of movement and change this year and

many promises are being made. But deliver-

ing them can be extra challenging as our

staying power and concentration is constantly be-

ing tested and interrupted.

The last quarter is always a busy time of the year as

we try to complete projects. This year looks set to

be especially frantic. Without much in the way of

fixed energy, we will continue to be hit by the bar-

rage of external stimuli and various disruptions.

The versatile Gemini Moon squares Chiron and op-

poses the midpoint of Mars and Saturn, asking us

to examine our emotional investment in what we

are doing and the commitments we have made.

This may mean making some big adjustments to

our schedule to find the work-life balance we need.

Saying no is always an option, but not easy at times

like these. The Saturn-Neptune square has been

draining. If tired or depressed it can be a symptom

of an underlying malaise. If weary of the world, we

should endeavour to focus on uplifting messages

and the beauty of nature. Jupiter and the Sun in

Libra will help us decide our priorities and restore

balance and harmony.

Page 6 September 2016

Celestial Insight’s Services

Celestial Insight Calendar Our annual 32 page astrology calendar is suitable for the beginner or the profession-

al astrologer. Also available for download.

Order online. Bulk discount.

Photo submissions welcome.

Books *Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars

*Secrets of the Zodiac

*Mundane Matters (pdf) *An Assortment of Observations (pdf)

Order books here

Insight Bulletin Now in its 11th year of production. This free

bulletin is emailed to subscribers at the

start of every month.

Webinars and Presentations See website for details.

Zodiac Designs, art prints and products at Redbubble.

Art Original artwork here

Michele Finey +61 (0) 434 356534

[email protected]

Join me at this magical retreat for my watercolour workshop.

These two new volumes feature a range of my published papers. Available for download.