inspection guidance for sail rigging and masts on ... · pdf file1 marc cruder...

1 Marc Cruder – Traveling Senior Marine Inspector USCG Headquarters Inspection Guidance for Sail Rigging and Masts on Inspected Sailing Vessels - 16_sail_rigging.pdf Tall Ships America 2017 - Boston MA

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Marc Cruder – Traveling Senior Marine Inspector

USCG Headquarters

Inspection Guidance for Sail Rigging and

Masts on Inspected Sailing Vessels

Tall Ships America 2017 - Boston MA


Provide guidance specific to sail rigging equipment

To ensure critical components are replaced on routine schedule before they experience complete failure




Tall Ships America 2017 - Boston MA

Rigging Equipment Service Life /

Replacement Interval

• Variables that affect sail rigging components useful life span:

– Mast/Spar construction material and installation

– Sail rig type and/or Standing rig system complexity

– Service route variables & local conditions (e.g., wind/sea state)

– Frequency & duration of operations

– Design safety factor & review process

– Nature of operations (e.g., high performance or low stress)

– Operating area propensity for corrosion (e.g., heat, salinity, etc.)

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Written Preventative Maintenance Plan

• Vessel specific document that addresses the installed sail rigging equipment and components.


General Description:

Including the type of rig, drawing

and/or photographs of the vessel

Exam/Maintenance Schedule:

Establishes routine to detailed

protocols – from daily deck level

rigging checks to the cycle of

regular inspections aloft &

comprehensive annual inspections

Inventory of Critical Components:

Including age, size, type of material

and replacement schedule for

components based on inspection

results, service history, &



Contents of a PMP

Tall Ships America 2017 - Boston MA

Inspection of Sail Rigging

• Maintaining a PMP is objective evidence the owner/operator is monitoring & managing the condition of the sail rigging equipment/components.

• Marine Inspectors will review PMPs during the inspection for certification & each annual; at a minimum.

• If deficiencies are found, requirements for corrective action may be issued.

• CG Marine Inspectors are not expected to go aloft because Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) is not provided

• In the absence of a PMP, the OCMI and/or Marine Inspector may require a third party rigging survey to verify condition of sail rigging and components.

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Third Party Rigging Surveys

• Two types: Voluntary and CG-required for cause. In the latter, the

owner/operator provides a rigging surveyor which the CG will vet.

• The survey report should address the elements of the PMP, and if for

cause (because a PMP is not in place), help the OCMI determine the

suitability of the sail rigging & components for continued service.

• Goal is to provide a comprehensive inspection of the entire rigging

system – aloft and alow.

• When the CG requires a rigging survey for cause, the expectation is

that it include a survey aloft.

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Standing Rigging Replacement Cycles

for Stainless Steel Wire

• Industry guidelines focused to geography and salinity of operating environment

• NAVTECH “Rigging Service Guidelines” notes the following in terms of life expectancy:

* Heat and salinity maximum (FL, HI, Caribbean) : 5 to 10 years

* Heat and salinity medium ( East/West Coast of U.S.) : 10- to 15 years

* Fresh water climate: 15 to 20 years

• Owners should use empirical data such as rig design parameters, manufacturer

recommendations, vessel use, environmental conditions and rig service history to

establish replacement intervals

• OCMI may approve intervals outside these guidelines on a case-by-case basis where

justified based on individual design, condition and service exposure or history.

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Un-stepping the Rig

• Close-up visual inspection of entire rig including mast, mast step and critical attachments of shrouds & stays at both the mast and hull (chain plates).

• Inspection intervals specific to sail vsl rigs: 6 years: Multi-hulls w/ typical extruded aluminum or composite masts w/ inaccessible


6 years: Monohulls w/ deck stepped configurations, determined to be inaccessible by the OCMI

10 years: Vsls w/ wood masts, spars, and appendages

Case-by-case: All non-wood keel stepped rigs

• OCMI may consider alternative time frames in specific cases; however, without compelling justification, the time frame should not exceed 10 years.

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Sailing Vessel Design & Plan Review

• OCMIs should require all rigging systems be reviewed by the Marine Safety Center (MSC) during initial certification or following modifications.

• MSC Plan Review Guide H1-15 : Review of Rigging Systems for Sail Vessels:– Outlines procedures for submitting plans & calculations to the MSC

– Location: CG Homeport

• CG Marine Inspector may consult the Traveling Inspection Staff (CG-5P-TI) or the MSC for assistance with plan review.

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• Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (Program Manager)Commandant (CG-CVC-1): LCDR James Fogle; 202-372-1216

• Traveling Inspection Staff (Field Technical Consult/Support)Commandant (CG-5P-TI): Marc Cruder: 202-372-1200

• Marine Safety Center (Plan Review)(MSC-1): Robert Barra: 202-795-6735

LT Brian Bonomi: 202-795- 6739LT Dan Burke: 202-795-6745

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