inspire at statistics netherlands pieter bresters efgs october 2009

Inspire at Statistics Netherlands Pieter Bresters EFGS October 2009

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Inspire at Statistics Netherlands

Pieter BrestersEFGS

October 2009


•How is SN involved?•Activities so far•Activities in the future•Costs and benefits•Problems encountered

How is SN involved?

•Data owner•Data user (mainly national)

SN as data owner

Annex 1:– Administrative units: NUTS

regions: VoidableAnnex 3:

– Land use: Land use statistics (“Bestand Bodem Gebruik” in Dutch)

– Statistical units:population clusters ordistricts and neighbourhoods (“Wijken en Buurten” in Dutch)

– Production and industrial facilities

– Agricultural and aquaculture facilities

– Population distribution - demography

SN as data userAnnex 1:

– Administrative units– Addresses– Coordinate reference systems– Transport networks

Annex 2:– Land cover– Ortho imagery

Annex 3:– Statistical units– Buildings– Others?

Activities so far (1)

•Create Inspire compliant metadata

•Upload metadata to Dutch National Georegister (NGR)

Activities so far (2)

•Test bed participant user annex I themes•Meetings organized by Geonovum (LMO)•Project management•Cost benefit analysis•Study on creating web services

– Organized a workshop at SN with ESRI-NL–– Installed ArcGis Server in test environment

Activities in the future

•Update metadata

•Map data to the Inspire data specifications

•Create Inspire WEB services – view (WMS), – download (WFS)– search (CSW) ??

•Apply for thematic working group “land use”

Costs and benefits

Benefits:– own (meta)data in order– accessibility to other national data– push for new technology within SN– better image of SN– better dissemination of data

– Europe– national– internal!

Costs and benefits

Costs:– installation costs

(hard- and software)– education– organisational costs

– change work processes

– organise maintenance

– communication– internal– external (Geonovum)

– transform our data– coordinate reference

system– other data models

– creation of metadata

K€ 560 until 2014

Problems to be solved

•Mixed ownership

•Copy right

•Necessary SN security policy

•Data specifications overlap

•Annex II+III: no data models yet

•Standards: iso 19115 or SDMX

Thank you for the attention

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