instagram analytics – what to analyze


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Page 1: Instagram Analytics – What to analyze

Instagram Analytics – What to analyze? – Sid Chaudhry

In this post I am going to discuss on what metrics one need to look in Instagram. Before

we start to dive deep let’s go through some facts for Instagram as of April 2016.

Instagram Facts 1) It has more than 400 million monthly active users.

2) More than 75% of those users are from outside U.S. 3) More than 40 billion photos have been shared. 4) The users generate 3.5 billion likes per day.

Sources: Statista, Sprout Social Metrics for Instagram post and ads:

Average post frequency for per week and per month: This is a good metric to see what

is your average post number for weekly post and monthly post. When your engagement has been increased or decreased this is the first line of defense to see week over week, month over month if anything has changed. Average # of likes & comments: You should always count the total average number of likes and comments of past 5, 10 and 15 post. Media Posted: There are two types of post Photo and Video. We are not going to discuss the Carousel Ads this post. Combination of all 3 metrics above will provide you with a deeper insight on your engagement.

Most liked ever: One should always try to figure out what were the key segments for

your post that received the most like, whether it was the picture, the time of the day, the hashtags.

Follower Growth: You should keep count of how many followers you have gained in the last day, 7 days, 15 days and 30 days. This metric needs to be used along with Media Posted metric to get a clear picture on how your posts are performing. If everytime you post a video and you see growth in your followers compared to a still image you are able

to make a business case that your followers love video more than still image. If image is the one where you are able to increase followers, you need to analyze the image

component such as color of image, filter used, what message does the image conveys etc.

Hashtag Posts: This is to be used to see the impact hashtags have on your posts on

Instagram. Most of the companies use hashtags on their posts on Instagram but the important part is to figure out the impact they have. Use media posted, follower growth

and hashtag posts together.

Page 2: Instagram Analytics – What to analyze


Engagement Rate: Engagement rate is based on the likes and comments received

divided by the number of followers at the time of the post.

Likes received: Calculate the number of likes you have received in past week, 15 days and 30 days.

Comments received: Calculate the number of comments you have received in past week, 15 days and 30 days. Best Time to Post: Discover what is the best time to post by analyzing the engagement when the posts were published. Tag Usage: Find out which tag you use the most frequently for your posts.

Most liked & commented media: Find out which media has received the most amount of likes and comments and analyze to find out what was the secret sauce for it whether it was the image, video, hashtags, or time of the post Gained & Lost Followers: Calculate how many followers you have gained and lost through your post.