installation guide 16.6

 SPB16.6 Installation Instruction This document describes SPB16.6 (OrCAD and Allegro) installation procedure. It includes License Manager, USB or Parallel Dongle, Products and Hotfix installation process steps. Before you begin installation, please verify that you get: 1. Installation DVD for version 16.6 2. License file (usually EDAis sends it by email) 3. USB or Parallel plug, in case your license is plug depended. Usually license file name contents license flexid (in case of USB or parallel plug, for example FLEXID9-1766A4CA license ORCAD 05 07 11 02 YourCompanyName.txt) or hostid (in case of network adapter MAC address, for example 0019b9df0767 license ORCAD 23 06 11 39 YourCompanyName.txt) 4. Hotfix file for version 16.6. Hotfix is the version update file (example: Hotfix_SPB16.60.001_wint_1of1.exe)  In case you haven't received that within the Installation DVD, send email to [email protected] and we will provide the EDA ftp site download location, login and password.  

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Post on 17-Oct-2015




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  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6


    SPB16.6 Installation Instruction

    This document describes SPB16.6 (OrCAD and Allegro) installationprocedure.It includes License Manager, USB or Parallel Dongle, Products and Hotfixinstallation process steps.Before you begin installation, please verify that you get:

    1. Installation DVDfor version 16.62. License file(usually EDAis sends it by email)3. USB or Parallel plug, in case your license is plug depended.

    Usually license file name contents license flexid (in case of USB orparallel plug, for example FLEXID9-1766A4CA license ORCAD 05 07 1102 YourCompanyName.txt) or hostid (in case of network adapter MAC

    address, for example 0019b9df0767 license ORCAD 23 06 11 39YourCompanyName.txt)4. Hotfixfile for version 16.6.

    Hotfix is the version update file (example:Hotfix_SPB16.60.001_wint_1of1.exe)In case you haven't received that within the Installation DVD, send email [email protected] we will provide the EDA ftp site download location,login and password.

  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6



    Prior to License Manager Installation make sure the USB orParallel Plug is connected to the computer. This will ensure aproper driver installation.

    1. License manager Installation1.1 Insert the installation disk, the Product Components screen opens. Ifit is not appearing, double click on setup.exe of installation DVD.

    1.2 Click License Manager button. The InstallShiled Wizard opens with

    a Welcome note. Click "Next"

    1.3 Accept the license agreement and proceed

    1.4 Choose destination location. Default settings C:\Cadence\LicenseManager - recommended. Use "Change" button to select anotherlocation if required.

  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6



    1.5 Select features: the Licensing selected by default

    1.6 Proceed to the "Ready to Install the Program" screen and click"Install"

    During the installation process the setup status will be updated.1.7 The License files location screen opens:

    Use "Browse" button to specify the location of the license file that youhad received from Cadence (usually it is sent you via email by EDAis),then click "Next".

    1.8 License Server Data screen opens. Verify the following fields:

    Port Number: 5280 by default; Host Name: the local computer name and Log File path isC:\Cadence\LicenseManager\debug.log

  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6



    1.9 The License Server Utility allows installing the USB or Parallel dongledriver during the License Manager Installation. Click "OK" to continue

    1.10 Click Yes to allow driver installer

    1.11 Click Next to begin driver installation

    1.12 Check FLEXid 9 Driver if you are using USB Plug or FLEXid8 Driver in case of Parallel Plug, then click Next

    1.13 Click Next to accept plug type

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    1.14 In case the Installer asks for restart machine, choose No (wewill restart it later) and click Finish

    1.15 Check the configuration Status screen for the success notes andclick "Finish" to exit Server Configuration screen

    1.16 Click "Finish" to exit the InstallShield Wizard. License Manageris successfully installed

    1.17 Restart computer, in case you have been asked in paragraph1.14.

  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6



    2. Product Installation2.1Return to AutoPlay Product Selection screen, and click ProductInstallation (Local Installation: USB Plug is on the same computer asOrCAD/Allegro Tools)

    ORInsert the installation disk to the workstation computer, the Product

    Components screen opens (Network Installation: Workstations get thelicense from the server where License Manager is installed)

    2.2 The InstallShiled Wizard opens with a Welcome note. Click "Next"

    2.3 Accept License Agreement and click Next

  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6



    2.4 Choose installing setup type:In case of Complete, click Next

    Important! : verify that the "anyone who uses this computer (allusers)" check box selected.

    2.5 Verify Installation Directory and Working Directory (also known asHOME directory). In License Path dialog box use port and

    computer/host name as set during license manager installation (seeparagraph 1.8 of this document)Then click Next

    2.6 Begin installation process by clicking Install

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    2.7 Click "Finish" to exit the InstallShield Wizard. Products aresuccessfully installed

  • 5/27/2018 Installation Guide 16.6



    3. Hotfix InstallationHotfix is the version update file.In case you haven't received that within the Installation DVD, send email [email protected] we will provide the EDA ftp site download location,login and password.

    Once you have received the Hotfix installation file:

    3.1 Double click on the file to start the installation

    3.2 The InstallShield Wizard loads automaticallyThis setup will update the installed version 16.50.000 to XXX.Y. Click"Next" to proceed.

    3.3 Accept the license agreement and proceed

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    3.4 Installation location screen opens;The location of the installation latest version is detected automatically.Do not change the destination location!Proceed to the next step

    3.5 Installation Summary window opens. Verify the information in CurrentSettings field is correct. Go "Back" if changes needed. Click "Next" toproceed.

    3.6 Click "Finish" to complete the installation