institution research for horror

Institution Research The Numbers The Top-Grossing genre from 1995-2011 is Comedy. It is the Top 14 and Horror is number 7 having only had 320 films that have been out in cinema. The average gross for horror is $28,206,215 whereas Comedy only makes $25,851,971. This could be due to the fact that more comedies use big names actors, but in horror films, big names are not always used so horror films make more money back. Although horror films on average make more, the total gross for horror films is $9,025,988,866 which is no where near as much as what comedy makes- $44,517,094,663. This could be due to the fact the there has been 1722 comedy films in cinema against horror which only has 320. In 2007 we can clearly see that ticket sales boomed and this could be due to the movies that were released. We can see that in 1997 and 1999 ticket sales almost reached 100,000,000 and this could be because of the most popular titles that year such as Scream & Scream 2 (1997) and The Blair Which Project & The Sleepy Hollow (1999). The most popular horror film in 2007 was I Am Ledged and this is what probably boosted ticket sale the most. Sales dropped dramatically in 2008 and this could be due to the fact that the most popular titles in 2007 had continued on into 2008, still at the top ranked. In 2009 sales lifted off again with the release of Paranormal Activity. This went on to making Paranormal Activity 2 which was top ranked in 2010 and Paranormal Activity 3 released in 2011, which was also number one for best selling. 2010 was also the start of 3D horror films being released and these were rather popular amongst the shasher/thriller horror films. To this date, Jaws is still the top rated movie and this has been out since 1975. Jaws was produced by Universal and had made a total gross of $260,000,000.

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Page 1: Institution research for horror

Institution Research The Numbers The Top-Grossing genre from 1995-2011 is Comedy. It is the Top 14 and Horror is number 7 having only had 320 films that have been out in cinema. The average gross for horror is $28,206,215 whereas Comedy only makes $25,851,971. This could be due to the fact that more comedies use big names actors, but in horror films, big names are not always used so horror films make more money back. Although horror films on average make more, the total gross for horror films is $9,025,988,866 which is no where near as much as what comedy makes- $44,517,094,663. This could be due to the fact the there has been 1722 comedy films in cinema against horror which only has 320.

In 2007 we can clearly see that ticket sales boomed and this could be due to the movies that were released. We can see that in 1997 and 1999 ticket sales almost reached 100,000,000 and this could be because of the most popular titles that year such as Scream & Scream 2 (1997) and The Blair Which Project & The Sleepy Hollow (1999). The most popular horror film in 2007 was I Am Ledged and this is what probably boosted ticket sale the most. Sales dropped dramatically in 2008 and this could be due to the fact that the most popular titles in 2007 had continued on into 2008, still at the top ranked. In 2009 sales lifted off again with the release of Paranormal Activity. This went on to making Paranormal Activity 2 which was top ranked in 2010 and Paranormal Activity 3 released in 2011, which was also number one for best selling. 2010 was also the start of 3D horror films being released and these were rather popular amongst the shasher/thriller horror films. To this date, Jaws is still the top rated movie and this has been out since 1975. Jaws was produced by Universal and had made a total gross of $260,000,000.

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Box Office Mojo

Here we can see that there is a range of different types of horror films. We can see how many have been released in cinema, which movie was found to be the most popular, and you are told the Gross. We can see that Horror Supernatural has made more money at the cinema even though the Horror Comedy genre has had more releases.

With the Horror Supernatural genre we can see that the top ranked movie is The Sixth Sense, which was released in 1999. Since it had been released at cinema it had made $293,506,292 and on its opening weekend it had made $26,281,262. Paranormal activity 3 however has made more money on the opening weekend and had been released in 3,321 theater’s. This is because the first one was a success with it only being released in 12 cinemas for the and it made $77,873. The first one was only a limited release because they wanted to see if it was

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going to be good. It clearly was because it made $107,918,810 throughout theatre lifetime.

With the Horror Comedy genre we can see that the most popular film id Ghostbusters and that was made in 1984. On its opening weekend it made $13,578,161 and was released in 1339 theaters. Throughout the lifetime in theaters it had made $238,632,124 and was released in 1506 theaters. Horror comedy is obviously a very popular genre because it had the most films released and none of them were limited releases. One of the biggest trends noticeable is that different people like differe nt types of horror films. Supernatural makes more money so that gives the impression that people like to be scared by the films or they like how imaginable the films are. The same as Terror in the water, it doesn’t have as many films but they do make more money than the other really popular genres at the box office. Comedy thought it has had more releases than any other horror genre, it is only the third highest for the most money made. This gives the impression that people like to be amused by the ways in which the characters act towards the monsters/ghosts/ghouls, etc. The average gross for horror is $28,206,215. To make sure you can make money back, you could put out offer deals with popular companies (McDonalds) to win 2 tickets to go and see the film. More advertising could be done and we could drip feed information to the general public but not give away the film. More realistic effects so the film is more realistic, posters and billboards showing the victims or a destination. The biggest produces for Horror films are Universal, Warner Bros, MGM, Artisan, 20th Centaury Fox, Paramount Pictures.