instructional design (id) an overview fkip – unsri june-july 2014 1

Instructional Design (ID) An Overview FKIP – UNSRI June-July 2014 1

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Instructional Design (ID)An Overview


June-July 2014

Page 2: Instructional Design (ID) An Overview FKIP – UNSRI June-July 2014 1


What Is ID… and What It Isn’t

Is it…technical writing?

information design? interface design?

graphics and animation design?teaching?

having subject matter knowledge?multimedia authoring?

web programming?all of the above and more?

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What Is ID… and What It Isn’t

None of it!

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So What Is It?

Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the

entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery

system to meet those needs. It includes development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all

instruction and learner activities.


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SIX BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ID(Gagne, Wager, Golas & Keller, 2005)

1. Aiding the process of learning , Intentional not incidental learning. Target goals and desired learning outcomes guide the design and selection of learning activites.Meaningful learning outcomes are a starting and ending point for most design processes

(The chosen learning activities depend on the type of outcome desired)

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SIX BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ID(Gagne, Wager, Golas & Keller, 2005)

2. Learning is a complex process affected by many variables.Five major variables affecting the degree of learning :- learner perseverance- time allowed- quality of instruction- aptitude- student’s ability to learn

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SIX BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ID(Gagne, Wager, Golas & Keller, 2005)

3. ID models can be applied at any models.Principles of ID can be made of immediate value to a teacher or trainer (a lesson for a day’s activity or preparing a three-day workshop) or a curriculum developer designing a course of study. ID can be an individual effort, can involve a team of designers, subject matter experts, evaluation experts, and production personnel on a large scale project

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SIX BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ID(Gagne, Wager, Golas & Keller, 2005)

4. Design is an iterative process. (instructional materials and activites must be tested to determine what works and what doesn’tdesigners don’t design to perfect instruction; they perfect instructional designs.

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SIX BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ID(Gagne, Wager, Golas & Keller, 2005)

5. ID itself is a process consisting of a number of identifiable and related subprocesses. At the simplest level, ID is aligning desired outcomes, instructional methods, and student assessments.More elaborate process models include processes for determining desired outcomes, developing learning activities involving students in authentic tasks, and designing alternative forms of practice, assessment, and feedback.

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SIX BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF ID(Gagne, Wager, Golas & Keller, 2005)

6. Different types of learning outcomes demand different types of instruction.

There is no best way to teach everything.Conditions of learning appropriate to the type of desired outcomes affect the design of learning activities and materials. (eg. Problem-solving skills cannot be developed without having learners engaged in solving problems)

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ID Process

1. Analysis 2. Design

3. Development

4. Implementation5. Evaluation

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1. Analysis

• Training Needs Analysis• Learner Analysis (Learning Styles)• Performance Analysis• Job-Task Analysis

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1. AnalysisTraining Needs Analysis

• Define scoring and grades• Identify prerequisites• Understand learning context:

– What training is relevant to your employees’ jobs– What training will improve performance– Distinguish between training needs from

organisational problems– Link improved job performance with the

organisation’s goals and bottom line• Through surveys, interviews, focus groups,

performance feedback

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1. Analysis Learner Analysis

• Personal characteristics – Age– Profession– Gender– Culture…

• Purpose and application of learning• Prior knowledge of subject• Computer or web expertise, if applicable• Learning style

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1. Analysis Learning Styles

Three primary learning styles:

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

As many as 12 or 13 types of intelligences

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1. AnalysisPerformance and Task Analysis

Performance Analysis

Are the goals of teaching being met?

Task Analysis

What tasks does the learner have to do?

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2. Design

• Learning objectives • Course content • Instructional strategies and

methods • Evaluation and design plan • Resource requirements

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2. DesignLearning Goal and Objectives

• Determine overall learning goal• Determine specific objectives• State in a clear and measurable

manner• Use performance-oriented words

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2. DesignAdult Learning

• Focused rather than general• Application rather than theory• Build on existing concepts• Self-directed and self-paced• More than one medium

It is harder for adults to retain and recall information that conflict with prior experience and previously formed ideas and beliefs. Lessons will at times affect change in belief systems and values.

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2. Design ID Models

Choose a design model to follow or design your own using established instructional principles.

Instructional theory describes a variety of methods of instruction (different ways of facilitating human learning and development) and when to use--and not use--each of those methods. 

It is about how to help people learn better.

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2. Design ID Models


1. Gagne's Theory: Behaviorist view  

2. Ausebel's Theory: Cognitivist view 

3. David Merrill: Component Display Theory

4. Dick and Carey: Systems approach

5. Jerrold/ Kemp: Holistic approach

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2. Design ID Models


6. Gerlach and Ely: Prescriptive model suited to higher education.

7. Hannafin and Peck: 1) Needs assessment 2) Design 3) Development and implementation

8. Knirk and Gustafson: 1) Problem determination 2) Design 3) Development

9. Tripp and Bichelmeyer: Rapid Prototyping suited for research

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2. DesignID Models

How do you pick an ID model? Depends on the instructional goal.

• Concept learning information gathering and organization

• Cognitive skills problem solving and critical thinking

• Procedural skills practice and hands-on experience

• Behavioral changes role play and situational practice

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3. Development

• Course materials • Learning activities • Lesson plan and instructor's guide • Delivery system • Tests and assessments

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3. DevelopmentCourse Materials

• Provide active learning activities • Provide meaningful experiences to

apply course concepts • Allow for differing ways of learning • Plan for differing media • Chunk information

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3. Development Delivery System

Synchronous or asynchronous?Blended approach?

Is multimedia appropriate? Should I use audio and text?

What tools should I use?Is video necessary?

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3. Development Assessment: Blooms Taxonomy

Bloom identified a hierarchy of six levels of cognitive learning:

1. Knowledge (recall, least complex) 2.Comprehension

3. Application

4. Analysis

5. Synthesis

6. Evaluation (most complex)

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3. Development Assessment: Blooms Taxonomy (A Revision)

A revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy:

1. Remember

2. Understand

3. Apply

4. Analyze

5. Evaluate

6. Create Anderson et al (Eds.) 2001

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4. Implementation

• Usability test • Production • Train-the-trainer • Delivery

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4. Implementation Production Tools

Macromedia Authorware

Macromedia Coursebuilder


Multimedia tools

Web authoring tools

Database programming tools


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5. Evaluation

A. Formative evaluation: learner assessments, communication with learners, periodic evaluations

B. Summative evaluation: analysis of formative assessments, examinations, surveys, interviews

C. Evaluation should closely link to the course objectives

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ID Supporting Cast

1. Technical writer/Course Developer

2. Editor

3. Graphics designer/Illustrator/Animator

4. Web designer

5. Web programmer

6. Multimedia author/integrator

7. Sound recorder/editor

8. Database designer/programmer

9. Project manager

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ID Competencies

• Knowledge of Instructional Design Theories and ability to create model

• Knowledge of Education and Training• Knowledge of Adult Learning Principles• Chunking Information • Building Interactions• Preparing Quizzes• Creating Evaluations• Knowledge of Standards:AICC, SCOR• Knowledge of Copyright Issues

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A Few Other Good Books to Read

Basics of Instructional Systems Development, Chuck Hoddell

Training Design Basics, Saul CarlinerThe Systematic Design of Instruction, Walter

Dick and Lou CareyThe ID CaseBook, Peggy A.Ertmer and James

QuinnA Practical Guide to Needs Assessment, Kavita


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