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  • 8/9/2019 InstructionBook_KHT200_KHT220



    Heated ThrowSuits models KHT200/KHT220


    Instruction Booklet

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    Please retain your instructionbook or uture use.

    In the event that you need some assistance with yourKambrook appliance, please contact our Customer ServiceDepartment on 1300 139 798 (Australia) or 09 271 3980 (NewZealand). Alternatively, visit us on our website

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    ContentsKambrook Recommends Saety First p4

    Features o your Snugasabug p6Heated Throw

    Quick Start Guide p7

    Using your Snugasabug p8Heated Throw

    Care and Cleaning p10

    Warranty Details p12

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    Kambrook Recommends Safety First

    IMPORTANT: Please retain yourinstruction book or uture use.Heat Throw Type: KHT200

    At Kambrook, we believe that sae perormance is the frst priority in anyconsumer product, so that you, our valued customer can confdentlyuse and trust our products. We ask that any electrical appliance thatyou use be operated in a sensible ashion with due care and attentionplaced on the ollowing important operating instructions.

    Important Safeguards For Your KambrookSnugasabug Heated Throw

    Careully read all instructions beoreoperating the Kambrook heated throwand save or uture reerence.

    Remove any packaging material andpromotional stickers beore using theKambrook heated throw or the rst time.

    Use the heated throw only with thedetachable controller BPC140 provided.Reer to the markings on the heating unitor the model number o the controller.

    Connect only to a 230V or 240V poweroutlet.

    Do not pull the heated throw by thefexible cord or use the cord to carry theheated throw. Do not attempt to exposeinternal wires.

    Extended application at the high setting

    may result in skin irritation or burns.

    Do not use on areas o sensitive skin, orareas insensitive to heat.

    Do not use the heated throw with anincapacitated person, an inant or aperson insensitive to heat.

    The heated throw is not to be used on orby an invalid, a sleeping or unconsciousperson, or a person with poor bloodcirculation unless careully attended.

    This appliance is to be used as a wraponly.

    This appliance is not an electric blanketor over blanket.

    This appliance is not intended ormedical use in hospitals.

    This appliance is or household use only.

    Do not use this appliance or anythingother than its intended use. Do not useoutdoors.

    Avoid sharp objects. Do not insert pins orany sharp objects into the heated throwas they may damage the electricalwiring.

    Do not use the heated throw in a olded,rucked or rolled state.

    Do not insert pins.

    Do not use with wired area tucked in.

    Do not sit on, crease or crush the heatedthrow.

    Do not use the heated throw i it is wet.

    Do not use under clothing, wraps orblankets.

    Do not use the heated throw as anelectric blanket. It is not designed or all-night use.

    This heat throw must not be used over awater bed.

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    I any abnormality or deect inoperation o this heat throw is observed,discontinue its use immediately andconsult the manuacturer or licensedelectrician.

    Do not all asleep when using the

    heated throw. This product is notintended or use while sleeping.

    Do not use the heated throw or animalor pet care.

    Switch the heated throw control to theO position switch o at the poweroutlet and remove the plug rom thepower outlet when the heated throw isnot in use and beore storing.

    Do not dry clean the heated throw.Dry cleaning may have a detrimentaleect on the heated throw. Follow theinstructions in the care and cleaning

    section when cleaning and storing theheated throw.

    Regularly inspect the heated throw,power supply cord, plug and controlleror any wear, damage or misuse. I signso these are detected, immediately

    cease use o the appliance and returnthe entire unit to your nearest KambrookService Centre or examination,replacement or repair.

    It is recommended that a qualied andregistered person inspect your heated

    throw ater each 3 years o use.When storing the heat throw, allow it to

    cool down beore olding.

    When storing, old neatly but not tightly(or roll) in the original packaging withoutsharp bends in the heating elementand store where no other object will beplaced upon it.

    There are no customer serviceable partsinside. The heated throw is tted with aspecially designed controller and noattempt should be made to repair it orto replace the protective use. Have

    the heated throw serviced only by aqualied service agent at your nearestKambrook Service Centre.

    Important Safeguards For All Electrical

    Appliances Fully unwind the power cord beore use.

    Do not let the power cord hang overthe edge o a bench or table, touch hotsuraces or become knotted.

    The appliance is not intended or useby persons (including children) withreduced physical, sensory or mentalcapabilities, or lack o experience andknowledge, unless they have been givensupervision or instruction concerning useo the appliance by a person responsible

    or their saety.Children should be supervised to ensure

    that they do not play with the appliance.

    It is recommended to regularly inspectthe appliance. To avoid a hazard do notuse the appliance i power cord, powerplug or appliance becomes damagedin any way. Return the entire applianceto the nearest authorised KambrookService Centre or examination and/orrepair, or contact Customer Service on1300 139 798.

    Any maintenance other than cleaningshould be perormed at an authorisedKambrook Service Centre.

    This appliance is or household use only.Do not use this appliance or anythingother than its intended use. Do not usein moving vehicles or boats. Do not useoutdoors. Misuse may cause injury.

    The installation o a residual currentdevice (saety switch) is recommendedto provide additional saety protection

    when using electrical appliances. Itis advisable that a saety switch witha rated residual operating currentnot exceeding 30mA be installed inthe electrical circuit supplying theappliance. See your electrician orproessional advice.

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    Your Snugasabug Heated Throw

    1. Machine washable and tumbledry throw rug

    2. Microbre abric or extrawarmth and comort.

    3. Auto-o saety protection willheat or up to 10 hours, and aterthis time the heated throw willautomatically switch o.(not shown)

    4. Flexible heating wire allows orthe abric to drape around you.

    5. Waterproo control socket

    and heating element, sae tomachine wash and tumble dry(not shown)


    6. Detachable controller is easilyremoved rom the heated throwsocket so that the heated throwcan be washed.

    7. Digital control button with 9 heatsettings or choosing the idealcontrolled warmth

    8. Illuminated LED indicates theheat setting selected.

    9. Red indicator lamp, indicatesthat the heated throw is

    connected to the power outletand the switch is in the ONposition.

    10. ON/OFF slide switch

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    Quick Start Guide

    Turning the

    heatedthrow on


    the heattemperature

    Turning the

    heatedthrow o

    Plug the cord intoa 230V or 240Vpower point andswitch on.

    To turn on theheated throw,slide the controlswitch to the ONposition.

    Adjust the digitalcontrol button bychoosing a heatsetting between 1and 9.

    Slide the controlswitch to the OFFposition. Switchthe power o atthe power outletand remove theplug.

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    Auto-O Saety Protection

    The heated throw has Auto-O SaetyProtection, and will heat or up toten hours. Ater this time, the heatedthrow will automatically switch o andthe digital display will fash with thenumber 0. To continue to use theheated throw, switch the controller tothe OFF setting and turn the heatedthrow on again.

    Sensor Heat Technology

    Your Kambrook Snugasabug

    Heated Throw eatures Sensor HeatTechnology which senses thesurrounding temperature and adjuststhe heated throw temperatureaccordingly to provide you withadded comort and saety.

    This innovative technologyautomatically regulates thetemperature o the heated throw sothere is no need to constantly makeadjustments to the level o heat


    Sensor Heat Technology providesthe additional benet o keepingyour saety in mind by preventingthe heated throw rom overheatingi it is misused (by olding, etc). I theheated throw is misused, the heatto the heated throw will turn o andthe numeric display will fash with thenumber 0. The heated throw mustthen be switched o and allowed to

    cool beore turning on again.

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    Care and Cleaning

    Removing the Detachable

    ControllerThe heated throw is suitable orwashing; however the detachablecontroller is not. Thereore, it is essentialthat the detachable controller isremoved rom the heated throwsocket prior to washing.

    Step 1

    Slide the control switch to the OFFposition, switch o at the power outlet,

    and remove the plug rom the poweroutlet.

    Step 2

    The heated throw socket has a tabwhich orms a lock with a small pin onthe plug o the detachable controller.To remove the detachable controller,pull back the tab to separate the pinrom the lock (see Fig.1). While the tabis being pulled back, pull on the plug

    o the detachable controller so thatit is completely separated rom theour prongs in the socket (see Fig.2).Once the detachable controller isremoved ollow the care instructionsor washing.

    Step 3To replace, reconnect thedetachable controller, and reseal thetab over the plug.

    Washing Instructions Heated ThrowOnce the detachable controller isremoved, (see Fig. 2) the heated throwmay be hand or machine washed ona delicate setting. It may be line or

    tumble dried on low or a maximum o15 minutes. DO NOT twist or wring dry.DO NOT bleach, dry-clean, iron, usemoth balls or sprays, or pegs when linedried.

    StoringLay the heated throw fat or oldloosely when storing. Do not oldtightly. Do not store when wet. Store ina dry place away rom dust or oil.

    WARNING: Neverimmerse thedetachable controllerin water or any otherliquid.

    Fig. 1

    Fig. 2

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    In Australia, this Kambrook Replacement Warrantydoes not aect the mandatory statutory rightsimplied under the Trade Practices Act 1974

    and other similar State and Territory legislationrelating to the appliance. It applies in additionto the conditions and warranties implied by thatlegislation.

    In New Zealand, this Kambrook ReplacementWarranty does not aect your mandatory statutoryrights implied under the Consumer GuaranteesAct 1993 in relation to the appliance. It applies inaddition to the conditions and guarantees impliedby that legislation.

    This Kambrook Replacement Warranty is valid onlyin the country o purchase, but other statutorywarranties may still apply.

    This Warranty card and the purchase receipt or thisproduct are to be retained as proo o purchaseand must be presented i making a claim underthe Kambrook Replacement Warranty. Please notethat under any applicable statutory warranty youare not required to produce these documents, butmay be required to provide a proo o purchase.

    Kambrook warrants the purchaser against deectsin workmanship and material or a period o 36months domestic use rom the date o purchase(or 3 months commercial use).

    The Kambrook Replacement Warranty does notapply to any deect, deterioration, loss, injury ordamage occasioned by, or as a result o, misuse

    or abuse, negligent handling or i the product hasbeen used other than in accordance with theinstructions. The Kambrook Replacement Warrantyexcludes breakables such as glass and ceramicitems, consumable items and normal wear andtear.

    This Kambrook Replacement Warranty is void ithere is evidence o the product being tamperedwith by unauthorised persons.

    I the product includes one or a number oaccessories only the deective accessory orproduct will be replaced. Subject to your statutoryrights, in the event o Kambrook choosingto replace the appliance, the Kambrook

    Replacement Warranty will expire at the or iginaldate, i.e. 36 months rom the original date opurchase.

    In the event that you need some assistancewith your Kambrook appliance, please contactour Customer Service Department on 1300 139798 (Australia) or 09 271 3980 (New Zealand).Alternatively, visit us on the website

    Kambrook 36 Month Replacement Warranty

    Your Purchase Record (Please Complete)

    Date O Purchase ________________________________

    Model Number ___________________________________

    Serial Number ____________________________________

    Purchased From __________________________________

    Attach a copy o the purchase receipt


    (Please dont return purchase record

    until you are making a claim)

    Register your warranty at

    Kambrook - Australia

    Building 2, Port Air Industrial Estate

    1A Hale Street

    Botany NSW 2019


    Customer Service Line 1300 139 798

    Customer Service Fax 1800 621 337

    Kambrook - New Zealand

    Private Bag 94411

    Botany, Manukau

    Auckland 2141

    New Zealand

    Customer Service Line/Spare Parts0800 273 845 or 09 271 3980

    Customer Service Fax 0800 288 513

    Due to continual improvement in design or otherwise, the product you

    purchase may dier slightly rom the illustration in this book. Issue 1/10

    Kambrook 36 Month Replacement Warranty