instrumentation and controls-intro

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  • 8/3/2019 Instrumentation and Controls-Intro


    Instrumentationand ControlsDefinition and Examples of


  • 8/3/2019 Instrumentation and Controls-Intro



    }Measurement and control involve a

    system in which there are several physicalvariables.

  • 8/3/2019 Instrumentation and Controls-Intro


    Introduction} In a control system or measuring system, there

    exist some energy converting processes.

    } In each process, there is one or more thanone physical variables to be measured.

    } Measuring process is to determine quantity ofsuch physical variables.

    } For a process control system, it is veryimportant to know the quantity of a physicalvariable to be controlled at every time, andcompare the measured value to thedesirable value.

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    } If there is a difference between the

    measured value and the desirable one,the operator will determine to adjust thecontrolled variable as desired.

    } However, no measuring system is perfect.The operator should know the limits of the

    measured variablesand characteristics ofthe measuring equipment.

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    Systems (SISO, MIMO)

    } System: A system in general is referred toas a composition of elements in which

    there exists a relationship between theinput signal(s) and output signal(s).

    }A system with a single input signal and asingle output signal is called single input

    single output (SISO) system. A system withinput signals and output signals is calledmulti-input multi-output (MIMO) system.

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    } Process: Process is the manipulation ofthe signals within a system. Process

    involves in an energy conversion.

    } The physical system to be controlled maybe electrical, thermal, hydraulic,pneumatic, gaseous, mechanical, or any

    other physical type.

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    } There are several types of processes.

    } (a) electrical, (b) hydraulic, (c) pneumaticand (d) thermal.

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    Open and Closed-loopControl Systems} Open-loop Control Systems (Non-feedback Systems):

    Those systems in which the output has no effect onthe control action are called open-loop controlsystems.

    } In other words, in an open-loop control system theoutput is neither measured nor fed back forcomparison with the input.

    } One practical example is a washing machine.Soaking, washing, and rinsing in the washer operate

    on a time basis. The machine does not measure theoutput signal, that is, the cleanliness of the clothes.

    } In any open-loop control system the output is notcompared with the reference input.

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    Open and Closed-loopControl Systems} Closed-loop Control Systems (Feedback Systems): A

    system that maintains a prescribed relationshipbetween the output and the reference input bycomparing them and using the difference as ameans of control is called a feedback controlsystem.

    } An example would be a room-temperature controlsystem.

    } By measuring the actual room temperature and

    comparing it with the reference temperature(desired temperature), the thermostat turns theheating or cooling equipment on or off in such a wayas to ensure that the room temperature remains atacomfortable level regardless of outside conditions.

  • 8/3/2019 Instrumentation and Controls-Intro


    Definition and Needs forInstrumentation

    } Instrumentation is the application ofinstruments for monitoring, sensing, and

    measurement. Its purpose may be:} product testing and quality control;

    }monitoring in the interest of health, safety,or costing;

    } part of a control system;}maintenance and repair; or

    } research and development.

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    General Structure of aMeasuring System

    } Transducer: is an energy converter whichreceives the physical quantity being

    measured (referred to as the measurand)and converts it into some other physicalvariable; e.g. flow to pressure, speed tovoltage, strain to resistance.

    } Signal Conditioner: rearranges thetransduced signal into a form which canbe readily recorded or monitored.

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    General Structure of aMeasuring System

    } Recorder or Display: is the recorder,display or indicating device.

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    Static Performance

    } Sensitivity: have a wide variety of units,depending on the instrument or

    measuring system being considered.

    } The platinum resistance thermometer, forexample, gives a change of resistancewith increase of temperature and

    therefore its sensitivity would have units ofohms/oC.

  • 8/3/2019 Instrumentation and Controls-Intro


    Static Performance

    } Linearity: is a term associated from alinear input/output relationship, usually

    expressed as a percentage of full scale.

    } In other word, it is the ratio of themaximum deviation from a linearrelationship between the input and

    output to the full scale.

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    Static Performance} Scale Factor: is derived by taking the span of the

    variable being measured and dividing it into (or

    by) the span of the converted value, eachexpressed in its own appropriate engineering units.

    } Range: Therange of a variable is simply anumerical statement of the minimum andmaximum values that the variable may assume.

    } Span: is simply the numerical difference between

    two range values. For example, if the range oftemperature for a given period were 18 to 23oC,the span would be 5 Celsius degrees.

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  • 8/3/2019 Instrumentation and Controls-Intro


    Static Performance

    } Precision: The term precision, whileassociated with accuracy, does not

    mean the same thing.

    }Where, for the same input, applied on anumber of occasions, an instrumentprovides reading which are very close in

    value, it is said to have high precision.

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    Static Performance} Reproducibility: is a general term used with

    regard to precision and provides a measure

    of the closeness of readings given for aconstant input.

    } Repeatability: refers to reproducibility when aconstant input is repeatedly applied for shorttime intervals under fixed conditions.

    } Stability: concerns repeatability when the

    constant input is applied for a long timecompared with the time required to take areading under fixed conditions.

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    Static Performance} Constancy: refers to reproducibility when the

    constant input is provided continuously but

    the conditions during the measurement arepermitted to vary within specified limits.

    } Tolerance: is the term used for maximumpossible error, in particular with regard tomeasurements of length.

    } Resolution: The smallest change of input to an

    instrument which can be detected withcertainty, expressed as a percentage of fullscale.

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    Static Performance

    } Dead-band: The largest change of inputto which the system does not respond

    due to friction or backlash effects,expressed as percentage of full scale.

    } Hysteresis: The maximum differencebetween readings for the same inputwhen approached from oppositedirections i.e. when increasing anddecreasing the input expressed as apercentage of full scale.

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