insulin is needed to regulate glucose content in blood

INSULIN IS NEEDED TO REGULATE GLUCOSE CONTENT IN BLOOD Should be injected at thigh or stomach (The way of insulin intake) If a diabetic doesn’t take insulin, glucose content will be higher and gone uncontrollable If a diabetic take insulin, insulin regulate glucose by burning glucose. When low glucose level, will eat more if he is used to eat a lot Phenylketonuria (read to know more about a disease) Muscle cramp due to unbalance of solute content / muscle overwork during the day Do not drink too much Excess vitamin B can cause disease Creamer has a bad effect on health Antioxidant is substance that can attack OH- from attacking H+ Harmful substance : alkylating agent (

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Post on 24-Sep-2015




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Some notes regarding insulin


INSULIN IS NEEDED TO REGULATE GLUCOSE CONTENT IN BLOOD Should be injected at thigh or stomach (The way of insulin intake) If a diabetic doesnt take insulin, glucose content will be higher and gone uncontrollable If a diabetic take insulin, insulin regulate glucose by burning glucose. When low glucose level, will eat more if he is used to eat a lot Phenylketonuria (read to know more about a disease) Muscle cramp due to unbalance of solute content / muscle overwork during the day Do not drink too much Excess vitamin B can cause disease Creamer has a bad effect on health Antioxidant is substance that can attack OH- from attacking H+ Harmful substance : alkylating agent (