integers & absolute value introduction.pptx


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copyrightamberpasillas2010 Introduction ToIntegersandAbsolute Valuecopyrightamberpasillas2010 Whole Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...Number SystemsWhole Numbers start with zero. copyrightamberpasillas2010 Natural Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4...Also known as Counting NumbersNumber SystemsNatural Numbers start with one.copyrightamberpasillas2010 IntegersIntegers include positive whole numbers, negative whole numbers, and zero.!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number Systemscopyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number Systems!5 !4 !3!2 !1012345PositiveIntegersNegative IntegersOriginThe integer zero is neither positive or negative.copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsHint: "# $ou don%t see a negative or positive sign in #ront o# a number it is alwa$s positive.& 'copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsHint: "# an integer is negative, $ouwill alwa$s see the negative sign.5!copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsIntegers are used to measure temperature. (ero degrees )elsius is a #reezing point. *o negative integers represent reall$ cold weather or ver$ cold wind chills+ ,- above zero +,-copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsIntegers are used to measure sea level. .hen $ou step into the ocean $ou are stepping below sea level.30 above zero +3050 below zero!50copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsIntegers are used in the game o# #ootball. A gain o# 10 $ards would be '10 A penalt$ o# 15 $ards would be /15copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsIntegers are used with mone$ 0 banking.A deposit o# 125 would be'25 A withdrawal o# 140 would be /40A pro#it o# 1-& would be '-&copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number SystemsIntegers are used with mone$ 0 banking.2et%s sa$ $our parents bought a car buthad to get a loan #rom the bank #or 15,000..hen counting all their mone$ the$ add in /15000 to show the$ still owe the bank.copyrightamberpasillas2010 Integers!3, !2, !1, 0, 1, 2, 3Number Systems"ntegers include whole numbers and their opposites.copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number SystemsOpposite Numbers are numbersthat are the same distance from zero in theopposite direction!5 !4 !3!2 !1012345!3 and 3 are opposites3he opposite o# 0 is 0. 4ou can%t have a negative zero.copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number SystemsOpposite Numbers are numbersthat are the same distance from zero in theopposite direction-!152&0Integer Opposite5ame the opposites./ -'15/ 2&0copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number SystemsAbsolute value o# an integer is the distance a number is from zero on a number line.3he absolute value o# -5 is 5 spaces from zero.To vertical bars around the number means find the absolute value.!5 !4 !3!2 !1012345-5= 5copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number SystemsAbsolute value o# an integer is the distance a number is from zero on a number line.!5 !4 !3!2 !1012345!implif".1626364656762=, =10=1- =4 =0=2,101-40copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems3o compare number s$stems sometimes we use ine#ualit" s"mbols rather than an e8ual sign. $eans larger or greater than $eans smaller or less than$eans e#ual to%&'(arge)!mall ) The hungr" alligator eats the larger number.copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems3o compare number s$stems sometimes we use ine#ualit" s"mbols rather than an e8ual sign. $eans larger or greater than $eans smaller or less than$eans e#ual to%&'5 45 is greater than *copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems3o compare number s$stems sometimes we use ine#ualit" s"mbols rather than an e8ual sign. $eans larger or greater than $eans smaller or less than$eans e#ual to%&'5If this method confuses "ou+tr" this,4 copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems5If this method confuses "ou+tr" this,4 %&reater thaness than (eft hand' (ess thancopyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems162636465676,6-is greater than or e#ual to.-is less than.-is e#ual to.-is less than or e#ual to.-is greater than.-is appro/imatel" e#ual to.-is not e#ual to.copyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems05 0*0102 03 4321*5(arger!maller16 01 *264 03360550*546350656* 0347602 05,607 0*-6024 054Use < , >,or = to comparecopyrightamberpasillas2010 Number Systems05 0*0102 03 4321*5(arger!mallerUse < , >,or = to compare162636465676