integrated pest management. identifying and managing plant pests and diseases in the greenhouse and...

Integrated Pest Management

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Integrated Pest Management

Page 2: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on


Page 3: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed!

• WHST.9‐12.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self‐generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (HS‐LS2‐7),(HS‐LS4‐6)

• RST.11‐12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a HSS‐IC.B.6problem. (HS‐LS2‐6),(HS‐LS2‐7),(HS‐LS2‐8)

• HSS‐IC.B.6 Evaluate reports based on data. (HS‐LS2‐6)

Page 4: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Bell Work / Student Objectives:

• 1. Identify the major categories of pests found in a greenhouse.

• 2. Discuss pest control techniques used in a greenhouse.

• 3. Describe the different practices of integrated pest management used in the greenhouse.

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• Abiotic diseases• Biological pest

control• Biotechnology• Biotic diseases• Chemical pest

control• Cultural pest


• Genetic pest control

• Insect• Mechanical pest

control• Nematodes• Pathogens

Page 6: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Interest ApproachHow Do People Get Colds?

• Drinking after others at the water fountain!

• Not washing hands before eating!

• Sharing a soda!

• The cold virus comes from infected individuals.

Page 7: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Interest Approach cont.How Do We Get Diseases in the


• One plant drinking after another?!?

• What are some ways that pests are introduced into the greenhouse?

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Page 9: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
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Page 11: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
Page 12: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Major Categories of Pest in Greenhouses.

• Greenhouse pest - anything that causes injury or loss to a plant! Such as;

• Insects• Nematodes• Weeds• Plant diseases• Animals

Page 13: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
Page 14: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
Page 15: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
Page 16: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
Page 17: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!
Page 18: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Diseases (2 Groups)

• Abiotic diseases are noninfectious or disorders.

• Biotic diseases are caused by parasites or pathogens that are infectious and transmissible.

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Pest Control Techniques Used in Greenhouses

• Cultural pest control• Biological pest control• Mechanical pest control• Chemical pest control• Genetic pest control

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Cultural Pest Control

• Management techniques to control pests; includes proper maintenance programs, sanitation, and resistant varieties.

Page 21: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Cultural Pest Control

1. Improve the soil or media

2. Select pest-resistant plants

3. Purchase quality seeds and healthy plants

4. Use sterile growing media when potting

5. Plant at recommended times

6. Mulch plants7. Remove dead and

diseased plant foliage

8. Water at proper time

9. Use insect traps10. Use proper

pruning techniques11. Set up physical


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Biological Pest Control

• Uses living organisms that are predators to control pests.

• Many insects are beneficial in controlling other insects.

• Pests have natural enemies in the environment.

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Mechanical Pest Control

• Includes using tools or equipment for control.

• The most common example of mechanical pest control used in a greenhouse is the removal of un-wanted plants by hand.

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Chemical Pest Control

• Includes using pesticides, such as herbicides, insecticides, nematicides, and fungicides.

• A pesticide is a chemical used to control pests.

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Page 26: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

Genetic Pest Control

• Utilizes biotechnology by gene transfer or genetic manipulation to make plants resistant to specific pests.

• Resistance means that the plants have some trait that repels the pest.

• Biotechnology is the management of biological systems for the benefit of humanity.

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IPM Practices Used in the Greenhouse.

• Pest Entry Prevention• Weed Control• Sanitation Practices• Crop Inspection• Environmental Manipulation• Pest Eradication

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Page 29: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

List the Major Categories of Plant Pests.

• Insects• Nematodes• Weeds• Plant diseases• Animals

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• A pest is any thing that reduces the production or quality of the crop.

• Causes injury or loss!

Page 31: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

What Are the Pest Control Methods?

• Cultural pest control• Biological pest control• Mechanical pest control• Chemical pest control• Genetic pest control

Page 32: Integrated Pest Management. Identifying and Managing Plant Pests and Diseases in the Greenhouse and on landscaping!

List IPM Practices Used in the Greenhouse?

• Pest Entry Prevention• Weed Control• Sanitation Practices• Crop Inspection• Environmental Manipulation• Pest Eradication

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The End!