integrated pest management understanding ipm. warm up what do all these have in common?

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  • Slide 1
  • Integrated Pest Management Understanding IPM
  • Slide 2
  • Warm Up What do all these have in common?
  • Slide 3
  • Essential Question What is integrated pest management?
  • Slide 4
  • I P M Definition: pest management strategy that uses a combination of best management practices (BMP) to reduce pest damage with the least disruption to the environment. Why? Over time pests become resistant. IPM is able to adapt over time
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  • IPM To keep pest populations below the economic or aesthetic injury level the point at which plant losses due to the pests are equal to the cost of control. Provide: protection against hazards to humans, domestic animals, plants and the environment.
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  • IPM Ecologically based pest control strategy Includes natural factors Climate, Natural enemies of pests
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  • IPM Phase 1 Involves pest identificatio n, monitoring, and action thresholds.
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  • Action Threshold The predetermined level at which pest control is needed. ET= Action Threshold Based on $!!
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  • IPM Phase 2 Evaluate all possible control methods If action threshold is met, try out what works until you fix the problem!
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  • IPM Option 1: Biological Ladybird larvae eating wooly apple aphids
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  • IPM Option 2: Chemical
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  • IPM Option 3: Mechanical
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  • IPM use BMPs Best Management Practices (BMP) practices that combine scientific research with practical knowledge to optimize yields and increase crop quality while maintaining environmental integrity.
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  • BMP Help protect sensitive environmental areas. Examples Currently Used: Management of surface/subsurface run off Erosion control b. Cultural control of pests c. Soil testing d. Timing and placement of fertilizers e. Controlled release fertilizers f. Irrigation management g. Biological control of pests h. Pesticide selection i. Correct pesticide use
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  • Basic Elements IPM A. Peoplesystem devisers and pest managers B. Knowledge and information needed to devise the system and make sound decisions C. Program for monitoring the ecosystem elements D. Pest densities at which control methods are put into action E. Techniques used to manipulate pest populations F. Agents and materials G. Scouting: monitor plants regularly to determine current levels of pest activity
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  • Vocabulary Action threshold Best management practices (BMPs) Economic or aesthetic injury level Integrated pest management (IPM) Scouting
  • Slide 21
  • Activities Review Quiz Book work Pg 159 Read Chapter Define vocabulary Complete Self Eval Questions COMPLETE SENTENCES
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  • Copy this for your notes!
  • Slide 23
  • Integrated Pest Management Determining Types of Pesticides
  • Slide 24
  • Warm Up Which would you eat?
  • Slide 25
  • Essential Question What are the major classifications of pesticides?
  • Slide 26
  • Pesticides are the materials used to control pests. Pests are anything that causes injury or loss to a plant. natural or man-made. now often done only when absolutely necessary. must be done safely to reduce potential injury to people and the environment.
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  • Pests Cause Damage! Damage Plant Parts Compete for space and nutrients Weeds Reduced quality of harvested product Contamination Decreased production crop
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  • What are the major classifications of pesticides? Insecticides are used to control insects, which are a group of animals with an exoskeleton and three body parts. Killed by body contact, by swallowing, or through the respiratory system.
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  • What are the major classifications of pesticides? Miticides are used to control mites and ticks. They are usually killed by coming in contact with the chemical.
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  • What are the major classifications of pesticides? Fungicides are used to control fungal disease. Prevent a plant from becoming infected. Applied before the disease is present.
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  • What are the major classifications of pesticides? Herbicides are used to kill unwanted plants. Rodenticides kill rodents, such as rats and mice. Usually applied as bait. Eating the chemical poisons the rodents.
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  • What are the major classifications of pesticides? Nematocides kill nematodes, which are tiny hair-like roundworms that feed on the roots of plants. Usually applied in the form of a fumigant A substance that produces a smoke, vapor, or gas when applied.
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  • What are the major classifications of pesticides? Molluscicides are used to kill slugs and snails. Applied as bait, which attracts the slugs and snails and poisons them.
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  • Herbicides Herbicides are classified by selectivity contact versus translocation timing mode of action. Herbicides are classified as being selective or nonselective. Selective herbicides act on certain plant species and not others. Nonselective herbicides kill all vegetation.
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  • What are the major classifications of herbicides? Herbicides may act on contact with plants or be translocated in the plant. Contact herbicides kill the parts of a plant to which it is applied. Translocated or systemic herbicides are absorbed by the roots or other plant parts and moved throughout the plant by vascular tissues.
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  • What are the major types of herbicides? Growth Regulators: kill weeds by altering growth or metabolic processes. Soil sterilant: a compound that prevents the growth of plants in the soil. most commonly used along ditch banks and fence rows.
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  • What are the major classifications of herbicides? Timing - stage of the crop or weed development. Preplanting applications are made before the crop is planted to control annual weeds. Preemergence applications are made before the crop or weeds emerge. Postemergence applications are completed after the crop or weeds have emerged.
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  • What are the major classifications of herbicides? Mode of action refers to how herbicides kill weeds. The mode of action- the effect on metabolic processes or enzyme systems that result in a lethal or toxic action in the plant. Herbicides may have a single mode of action or a multiple mode of action.
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  • What are the major classifications of insecticides? Insecticides are classified by how they enter an insects body. Three general groups contact, stomach, and respiratory. Contact insecticide is absorbed through the skin or exterior of an insect. The chemical must be applied directly on the insect and is normally used with sucking insects.
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  • What are the major classifications of insecticides? Stomach insecticide is effective when eaten. Applied to the plant parts, which are eaten by the insect. Most effective on chewing insects. Respiratory insecticide is an insecticide that enters the respiratory system of the insect. It is commonly called a fumigant. Used in enclosed places.
  • Slide 41
  • Vocabulary Contact herbicide Contact insecticide Fumigant Fungicides Growth regulators Herbicides Insecticides Insect Miticides Molluscicides Nematocides Nematodes Non-selective herbicide Pest Pesticide Respiratory insecticide Rodenticides Selective herbicide Soil sterilant Stomach insecticide
  • Slide 42
  • Activities Review Quiz 2 Book Work Unit 18 Unit 19 Unit 20 Complete Self Eval in Complete Sentences
  • Slide 43
  • Integrated Pest Management Using Pesticides Safely
  • Slide 44
  • Warm Up What is this? What do we use it for? Where do you find this?
  • Slide 45
  • Essential Question What are the 4 types of exposure to pesticides?
  • Slide 46
  • Classification of Pesticides Toxicity: degree of poison in a material Amount of active ingredient and chemical nature determines toxicity Classified into 2 categories General Use Restricted Use
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  • Measuring Toxicity (oral and dermal) LD 50+ LD= Lethal Dose - amount necessary to case death 50= 50% of test animals are killed at that dose Lower the LD 50+ the more poisonous the chemical
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  • Measuring Toxicity (inhalation) LC 50+ LC= Lethal Concentration Measured in milligrams per liter Lower the LC 50+ the more dangerous the chemical
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  • General Use Pesticides Widely used Just follow the label Less harmful to the environment No special training required for use
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  • Restricted Use Pesticides More toxic than General Use High risk to humans and environment Must have training to use the poison
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  • Types of Pesticide Exposure Oral Exposure: Through the mouth or digestive system Wash hands to avoid oral exposure
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  • Types of Exposure Dermal Exposure: Through the skin Severity depends on: Toxicity, Absorption rate, Size of exposure area, Length of contact time
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  • Types of Exposure Inhalation Exposure: Through nose and respiratory systems Breathing in vapors, sprays, or dust
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  • Types of Exposure Eye Exposure: Through the eye Very sensitive Wear eye protection!
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  • Be Creative! Draw on your own: An advertisement explaining the different exposures and the dangers of pesticide exposure. Individual assignment on a separate piece of paper. Please turn in when finished Eye Exposure: Eyes are VERY sensitive! Wear protective eyewear ! Oral Exposure: Through the mouth. Wash your hands after handling pesticides
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  • Safety Procedures Pesticides are helpful but can be pollutants Must follow simple safety practices Passed Worker Protection Standard Law that provides a set of rules to help prevent pesticide related injuries
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  • Simple Safety Procedures 1.Only used approved pesticides 2.Know the pesticide 1.Applicator must be informed about the chemical by reading labels 3.Use pesticide with low toxicity 1.Should only perform its job, not too strong 4.Use pesticides only when needed 1.When pests need to be controlled!
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  • Simple Safety Procedures 5.Do not contaminate resources 1.Never dumped into stream etc. 6.Wear protective clothing 1.Rubber gloves, respirators etc 7.Proper Disposal 1.Rinse and send to proper waste facility
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  • Simple Safety Procedures 8. Apply in good weather Wind and rain can carry pesticides 9. Use the right equipment Control spray levels, and keep equipment clean and in working condition 10. Know emergency procedures What will happen in case of an accident?
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  • Vocabulary Applicator Dermal exposure Eye exposure General-use pesticides Inhalation exposure LC50 LD50 Lethal dose Oral exposure Restricted-use pesticides Toxicity Worker Protection Standard (WPS)
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  • Activities Review Quiz 3
  • Slide 62
  • Integrated Pest Management Understanding Pesticide Labels
  • Slide 63
  • Warm Up What information can you gather from this yard label?
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  • Essential Question List information you find on a pesticide label?
  • Slide 65
  • Labels Provide info on active ingredient Active ingredient is what kills the pest Steps to understanding your labels Read (and reread) the label Before handling the product Understand the label May require special training Follow label directions Criminal and Civil charges could result from misuse
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  • Label Break Down Has 2 sides Front side contains the following information 1.Use Classification 1.General or Restricted 2.Trade Brand Name 3.Formulation 1.Ingredients 4.Common Name
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  • Label Break Down 5.Ingredients Inert : inactive but needed for safety 6. Net Contents Lbs, quarts, gallons, etc 7. Signal Words DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION (based on toxicity level
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  • Label Break Down 8. Precautionary Statements First Aide, Potential hazards, Flammability 9. Establishment Number Where the product was made 10.EPA Registration number 11.Name and Address of manufacturer
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  • Label Break Down Back label contains: Hazardous materials Warnings Directions for use 1. sites which can be treated with the pesticide 2. target pest(s) the product will control 3. amount of chemical to use per acre 4. type of equipment and application methods that can be used 5. proper mixing procedures 6. when the pesticides should be applied 7. reentry limitations 8. guidelines for storage and disposal 9. limitations on its use Limitation guidelines
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  • Reading a Label Activity Answer the Following Questions about the label: 1.Is it Restricted or General Use? Define answer 2.What signal word is used? 1.What does this tell you about toxicity levels? 3.What type of pesticide is this? (powder, granular) 4.What % of the ingredients are inert? What % are active? 5.Who makes this product? Where are they located? 6.What is the EPA number of this product? 7.What precautions/warnings are given concerning the product? 8.What is the name of the product? 9.What is the Net contents/weight of the product? 10.What is the active ingredient?
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  • PAY CLOSE ATTENTION As an applicator (user of the pesticide) you should pay special attention to : the signal words precautionary statements directions.
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  • When do you read the label? 1.Before buying the pesticide 2.Before mixing the pesticide 3.Before applying the pesticide 4.Before storing the pesticide 5.Before disposing of your pesticide
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  • Vocabulary Active ingredient Common name Formulation General-use pesticide Inert Restricted-use pesticide Signal words Toxicity Trade (brand) name
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  • Activities Review Quiz 4
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  • Integrated Pest Management Applying Pesticides
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  • Warm Up What safety precautions are being taken while applying these pesticides? Why do you think these precautions are being taken?
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  • Essential Question What are the types of application areas?
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  • Time of Application Definition: when pesticides are applied relative to the stage of growth of the crop Three Types Preplant Preemergence Postemergence
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  • Applications Preplant Application Before the crop is the planted Seedbed is prepared then pesticide is applied Preemergence Application Before the crop has emerged Broken through the soil Applied during planting or shortly after Postemergence Application Applied after crops are growing and pests are ID-ed
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  • Area of Application Definition: the extent of coverage of a crop or turf. Areas: Band Application Broadcast Application Directed Application Spot Application
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  • Areas Defined Band Application: treating narrow strips with pesticides, 10-12 inches wide, places pesticides close to plants Broadcast Application: treating an entire area, no area is left untouched by pesticides Directed Application: treating only selected plants, apply where pests are present, saves $ Spot Application: treating only certain areas within a field or pasture, target high concentrations of pests, protects environment
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  • Represent Application Areas Follow your worksheet. On a separate piece of paper you can define the different areas of application This will help you on your test. Turn in when finished Dont forget your name!
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  • Calibrating Pesticides Helps maximize performance! Definition: setting equipment to meter the exact amount of herbicide needed. Purpose: insure that the sprayer applies the correct amount of pesticide uniformly over a given area
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  • Variables that Effect Calibration Nozzle Flow Rate: Changes the size of the nozzle tip and nozzle pressure Larger tip larger flow rate To double flow rate, pressure must increase 4x Ground Speed: rate of travel across the ground Inversely related to spray application rate Doubling ground speed decreases application by 1/2 Spray width per nozzle
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  • Vocabulary Area of application Band application Broadcast application Calibration Directed application Economic threshold Emerged Ground speed Injury threshold Postemergence applications Preemergence applications Preplant applications Spot application Time of application
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  • Activities Review Quiz 5
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  • Integrated Pest Management Managing Environmental Impact of Pesticides
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  • Warm Up Projected Pesticide Run Off Where is the highest level of run off? Why is this a major environmental problem?
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  • Essential Question What are the main environmental concerns involved with pesticide use?
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  • Pesticides A major concern Problem Areas Nontarget Areas Biodegrading Disposal
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  • Non target Areas Area where the pesticide was not intended A result of drift movement of a pesticide through the air Surface Run off Leaching
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  • Biodegrading Ability to be decomposed by biological action Results in accumulation in groundwater, plants or animals (tissues) Collect Pesticides with these characteristics should be avoided if possible
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  • Disposal Most destructive Easiest to solve! Applicators responsibility to make sure pesticides are properly disposed of Where do we find this information!?
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  • Pesticide Persistence Amount of time it takes for a pesticide to biodegrade or break down More persistent a pesticide= more likely to enter groundwater Persistence Classifications Rapid Accumulative Persistent
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  • Rapid Decomposers Break down quickly Remain in target area for short time Little adverse effect on environment When used properly Should be first option to use as a pesticide
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  • Accumulative Pesticides Build up in the bodies of Animals, Humans Potentially can build to a dangerous level Harms the organism Harms the consumer of that organism
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  • Persistent Pesticides Break down slowly Desirable for long term pest management Do not react to light, heat, or oxygen Slightly water-soluble Do not always accumulate In organisms
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  • Disposal Quick and proper disposal is a MUST Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for the management of hazardous toxic materials and their containers illegal to store or dispose of pesticides in ways that would likely harm humans or the environment
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  • Disposal Procedures Based on amounts of pesticides needing to be disposed Small amounts: like those found in houses, buried in state-approved landfills Large amounts: considered hazardous waste, disposed by licensed facilities
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  • Triple Rinse Method Recommended procedure as follows 1. Drain the container into the spray tank. Hold container upside down for30 seconds. 2. Add water until the container is about full then close 3. Shake or roll the container to rinse all interior areas; then drain the remaining liquid 4. Repeat the rinse and drain procedure two more times. 5. Puncture plastic or metal triple-rinsed containers to prevent reuse. 6. Crush the container to reduce volume.
  • Slide 102
  • Activities Review Quiz 6 On the back of your review quiz: Represent the 3 types of pesticide persistent levels in the form of a graph. Each type should be represented by a different color. Provide a KEY for your graph. Label your graph and both axis.
  • Slide 103
  • Activities Design a Review Guide Due 1:50 Table 1: Fill in the Blanks Table 2: Design a Crossword puzzle Using vocabulary Table 3: 10 Short Answer Questions Table 4: 15 Multiple Choice Make a KEY for your study Guide! Keep your key in your notes! Test on Friday!!!!!!!