integrated system implementation and apics (darwin widjaja)

Integrated system implementation and APICS Darwin widjaja d [email protected] PT. IRIS SISTEM INFORINDO

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Integrated System Implementation and APICS


Integrated system implementation and APICSDarwin [email protected]. IRIS SISTEM INFORINDOCommon reasons for Integrated system implementation Integrated database Customer responsiveness Faster end of month process Real time information Inventory reduction Productivity improvementERP implementation survey shows : More than 50% projects experienced cost overruns More than 60% Projects experienced schedule overruns 22% achieved 33%-50% of anticipated project benefits 27% realized less 33% 11% realized no benefit at all 40% satisfaction from Implementation service Ability to meet business needs: 49% satisfaction Employee adoption: 35% satisfaction Overall implementation experience: 44% satisfactionReasons for failed implementation No dedicated team Lack of management support We are unique Customization mind set Data are not ready Not the right solutionERP implementation can be very detail Compare forecast versus sales accuracy per SKU Define promise date and monitor customer delivery accuracy Integrate capacity, production load, material purchase plan Inventory aging control and traceability Monitor detail supplier performance Control detail production cost and variance monitor down time, resource utilization Control and monitor distribution planning Finance consolidation process per product line, per branch, etc. Software Implementation Hardware Customizations Post implementation support Annual maintenance Version upgrades Hardware upgrades Intangible costs : staff leaving their daily workERP implementation can be very costly Use a standard global definition Define your implementation objectives Manage your expectations Managed expectations = cost control = risk control Implement standard practice Measure implementation resultsAPICS can help to Top management Managers Implementation team IT departmentAPICS concept is for Dedicated team, data readiness, management involvement are key SIMPLIFICATION and STANDARDIZATION Software fitness and costs must be realized Technology blue print must be establishedAPICS is a foundation, but