integration of ictinteaching_learning _april 2008

1 Integrating ICT in the Teaching-Learning Process Christian Li Luen Ching Department of Computer Education Mauritius Institute of Education

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Integrating ICT in theTeaching-Learning


Christian Li Luen Ching

Department of Computer Education

Mauritius Institute of Education

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Presentation Contents

Introduction to ICT

Constructivist approach to teaching/learning

Traditional and New teaching environment

Benefits of ICT integration in the classroom

General trends in the use of ICT in education

Research findings ICT and Primary Mathematics

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Introduction to ICT

ICT stands for Information and CommunicationTechnology (ICT)

ICT generally relates to those technologies thatare used for accessing, gathering, manipulatingand presenting or communicating information

The technologies could include hardware (e.g.,

computers and other devices), softwareapplications, and connectivity (e.g., access to theInternet, local networking infrastructure,videoconferencing)

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Constructivist approach to

teaching/learning According to the constructivist theory, the

learners form or construct what they learn

and comprehend in their own way, andactively participate in lessons

Can ICT be used to enhance the learning


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Use of ICT tools

ICT tools can be used by teachers in order 


 – Support learners (with respect to learningactivities)

 – Create a constructivist learning environment

 – Contribute to the relevant learningcommunities

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Traditional and New teaching

environmentsTraditional learning



Single sense stimulation 

Single path progression 

Single media 

Isolated work 

Information delivery 

Passive learning 

Factual knowledgebased learning 

Reactive response 

Isolated, artificialcontext 

Constructivist approach

to teaching Student-centred learning Multisensory stimulation Multi path progression Multimedia Collaborative work Information exchange Active/exploratory/inqui

ry based learning

Critical thinking andinformed decision-making

Proactive/planned action Authentic, real-world


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Benefits of ICT integration in the

classroom Different learning styles are incorporated

into teaching 

Learners play an active role in learning ICT increases the attention span of 


ICTs can provide real-life experiences

ICT encourages collaborative learning ICT improves presentation of work

ICT supports higher order thinking skills

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education1. Generally, full integration of ICT in

education is still very rare.

Highly interactive multimedia or hypermedia arenot yet widely used. Online activities involving

an intranet or the Internet are used for 

information and communication purposes rather 

than tools for interactive education

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 2.  New, mixed modes of learning are


• Face-to-face and online learning activities,lectures,videos, multimedia and

telecommunication purposes rather than tools for 

interactive education

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 3. Distance education is now being

delivered in two different ways

• Synchronous mode where participants are usingICTs to communicate at the same time

• Asynchronous mode where participants are

learning or communicating independently, i.e. at

different times whenever they are online

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 4. ICTs have become a driving force of 

education reform and they are an

integrative part of natural education policies and plans

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 5. The introduction of ICTs in schools has

 brought about a more positive attitude to

school among learners• ICT and web-based learning offers greater 

diversity of learning goals, projects, activities,

and exercises than traditional classroom

offerings, student interest and motivation

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 6. Online classroom tend to be more

successful if ICT is combined with an

appropriate pedagogy• Successful experiences showed that there has

 been a decrease in teacher-led activities as well

as a decrease in the amount of frontal instruction

and a move toward more project activities andindependent learning as a result of ICT use.

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 7. Online learning enables learners to have

more control over educational content

and activities.• Online environments put the learner at the centre

of the educational experience

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 8. The interactive feature of learning

resources enables learners to become

increasingly engaged in the constructionof content

• Teachers have access to vast amounts of 

information and teaching resources posted on the

Internet and has helped teachers handle day-to-

day teaching challenges

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 10. ICTs help to break the professional

isolation from which many teachers

suffer.• ICTs open a whole world of lifelong upgrading

through distance education, asynchronous

learning, and training on demand

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 11. The use of networked computers to

 promote group learning activities is

 becoming more and more popular • Computer technologies in education are moving

from individualized self-learning to distance-

delivered group learning methods.

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General trends in the use of ICT in

education (Cont’d) 12. ICTs are altering the function of libraries

and are intrinsically changing the role of 

librarians.• Reference to the wealth of learning resources that

are readily available on the Internet

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Research Project

Ways forward with ICT:

Effective Pedagogy using Information

and Communications Technology forLiteracy and Numeracy in PrimarySchools

Conducted by a team from Newcastle University, DurhamUniversity and CEM Centre, Durham University

(Curriculum Evaluation and Management Centre)

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The research was commissioned with the aim of helping practising teachers in existing classrooms tackle particular teaching and learning issues in literacy andnumeracy with the aid of ICT.

It therefore reports on how existing technology, alreadycommonly available in schools, can support this goal in amanner which is consistent with the National Literacyand Numeracy Strategies.

The intention is to describe effective pedagogy with ICT 

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Aims of the Research

The project investigated the contribution

that ICT can make to effective teaching

and learning in literacy and numeracy in primary schools.

This project was a two year research and

development project funded by the Teacher Training Agency (TTA).

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Report Contents

Section 1: An outline of the project

Section 2: Describing and illustrating

examples of effective pedagogy using ICT forliteracy and numeracy in primary schools

Section 3: The initial survey and questionnaire

Section 4: Observing what happens in

classrooms, with and without ICT

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Report Contents (Cont’d) 

Section 5: Some relationships between

teachers’ thinking and their practice 

Section 6:Supporting the development of effective practice

Section 7:Conclusions and implications

Section 8:References

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Overall findings

ICT offers the potential to improve

standards of attainment in literacy and

mathematics. In making effective choicesabout when, when not and how to use ICT

to strengthen their teaching the crucial

issue is how teachers can harness ICTeffectively.

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Factors which teachers need to

take into account clear identification of how ICT will be used to meet

specific objectives within subjects of the curriculum to

improve pupils’ attainment; 

ensuring that pupils have adequate ICT skills to achieve

those subject specific objectives;

a planned match of pedagogy with the identified purpose

of ICT activities and learning outcomes (e.g. by the use of 

 ICT to demonstrate or model learning by a teacher or  pupil);

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Factors which teachers need to

take into account (Cont’d)  finding appropriate starting points for development for 

 particular teachers in accordance with their teachingstyles and approaches;

adequate access to, and intensity of use of, the necessaryequipment by pupils and teachers;

effective technical back-up and support to overcome anydifficulties encountered (e.g. for printers on networks)and the provision of adequate resources (including apparently trivial issues such as supplies of ink cartridges).

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In Mathematics, ICT can enhance teaching

and learning by enabling pupils to:

explore, describe and explain number patterns

 practise and consolidate their number skills

explore and explain patterns in data: for example, by accessing, displaying and interpreting ready-

made sets of data, displaying quickly a bar chart

or pictogram

estimate and compare measures of length or 

distance, angle, time, and so on

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In Mathematics, ICT can enhance teaching

and learning by enabling pupils to:

experiment with and discuss properties of 

 patterns in shape and space

develop their mathematical vocabulary,logical thinking and problem-solving skills

(National Numeracy Strategy Framework)

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Research findings in ICT and

Mathematics learning “Current digital technologies have the

 potential to enhance primary children's

mathematical learning. Calculators andcomputers can be used as tools in

mathematics to perform routine processes

or to explore mathematical ideas” (Way & Beardon, 2003)

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Research findings in ICT and

Mathematics learning (cont) “The preponderance of research evidence

supports the fact that calculator use for 

instruction and testing enhances learningand the performance of arithmetic concepts

and skills, problem solving, and attitudes

of students”(Hembree & Dessart, 1992, p. 30)

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Research findings in ICT and

learning (cont)

Pupils consistently displayed high levels

of interest, motivation and enjoyment wheninvolved in ICT-related activities. They

remained on task for sustained periods of 

time in meaningful activities.

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Research findings in ICT and

Mathematics learning (cont)

Pupils responded well to opportunities to

take more personal responsibility for their own learning

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Research findings in ICT and

learning (cont) Pupils displayed high levels of 

collaboration and co-operation when

working in pairs or groups on shared tasks

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Tasks that have variety and diversity are

more likely to facilitate an interest in

learning and mastery orientation. Studentsare more likely to approach and engage in

learning in a manner consistent with a

mastery goal when they perceive ameaningful reason for engaging in the

activity (Ames, 1992).

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Broadly speaking, educators, policy

makers and researchers all seem to agree

on the potential of ICT to have asignificant and positive impact on
