integumentary/ skeletal/ muscular systems. i. integumentary system a. functions 1. covers &...


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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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I. Integumentary SystemA. Functions

1. covers & protects body –

a. from bacteria

b. from drying out

c. from harmful light rays;

Ex. UVA – causes aging, wrinkles

UVB – causes sunburn, skin cancer, damages immune system

SPF = sun protection factor

SPF = 10 min. to burn x SPF;

ex. 10 min. x 15 SPF = 150 min.

apply new/thick

1 oz.

80% damage

done by age 20

2. helps control body temp.

3. keeps materials in

4. receives stimuli

5. excretes water, salt, urea (sweat)

6. makes vit. D –

in presence of UV light

B. Structures

1. epidermis – outer 4 or 5 layers; melanin (skin pigment)

2. dermis – inner layer: cells, nerves, blood & lymph vessels, & fat

- glands:

a. oil – keeps skin & hair soft & pliable;

- blackheads: enlarged oil glands (melanin & oil) and

- pimples: oil + bacteria

b. sweat – regulates body temp. (evaporative cooling) & eliminates waste

SKIN (4:33)


A. Functions

1. supports body

2. protects delicate structures –

ex. heart, lungs, spinal cord, brain, kidneys, reprod. organs

3. place of muscle attachment

4. makes blood cells (bone marrow) – r.b.c. & w.b.c.

B. Structures – see diagram

1. cranium

1b. maxilla

2. mandible

3. clavicle

4. scapula

5. humerus

6. radius

7. ulna

8. carpals

9. metacarpals

10. phalanges

11. sternum

12. ribs

13. vertebrae

14. coccyx

15. pelvis

16. femur

17. patella

18. tibia

19. fibula

20. tarsals

21. metatarsals

22. phalanges

C. Bone Compact bone – osteocytes

(bone cells)

Spongy bone – red bone marrow

: r.b.c. & w.b.c.; yellow – stores


Epiphysis (epiphyseal plate) –

place where bones grow

Ossification – process by which bones harden

D. Joints – place where 2 bones meet

1. immovable – fixed (skull)

2. semi-movable – vertebrae

3. movable –

- gliding (wrist, ankle)

- hinge (elbow, knee)

- pivot (neck)

- ball-and-socket (shoulder & hip)

E. At Joints 1. cartilage – cushions bones

2. ligaments – connect 2 bones together

3. tendons – connect muscle to bone

4. arthritis – inflammation of the joints

F. Differences between male & female skeletons

1. Fe – pelvis larger in diameter (width)

2. Fe – pelvis opening more oval; M – heart-shaped & narrow

3. Fe – sacrum wider & shorter; M – longer & narrow

4. Fe – pelvis smaller & structurally weaker (overall)

5. Fe – femurs slanted in; M - straight

Skeletal System Overview – 3:20


A. Functions

1. provides movement

2. usually function in pairs

ex. biceps & triceps

3. contraction results from actin & myosin filaments sliding together

** Lactic acid – chemical produced when not enough oxygen; makes muscles sore

B. Muscles – see diagram: biceps, tripceps, pectorals, deltoids, trapezius, rectus abdominis, gastrocnemius


Rectus Abdominis



C. Muscles Types

1. Skeletal (striated or voluntary) muscle – (found on bones) - voluntary, striped; quick; tire easily; ex. biceps, triceps

2. smooth muscle – involuntary; not striped; slow; continuous; ex. digestive system, blood vessels, urinary bladder, uterus

3. cardiac (heart) muscle – involuntary; striped; medium speed; continuous; ex. heart

Muscular System – 4:28

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