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Assessing Intelligence

The Origins of Intelligence Testing

Modern Tests of Mental Abilities

Principles of Test Construction

The Dynamics of Intelligence

Extremes of Intelligence

Assessing Intelligence

Psychologists define intelligence testing as a method for assessing an individual’s mental

aptitudes and comparing them with others using numerical scores.

Alfred Binet

Alfred Binet and his colleague Théodore

Simon practiced a more modern form of

intelligence testing by developing questions

that would predict children’s future

progress in the Paris school system.


Definition of Intelligence

• "It seems to us that in intelligence there is a fundamental faculty, the

alteration or the lack of which, is of the utmost importance for practical life.

This faculty is judgment, otherwise called good sense, practical sense,

initiative, the faculty of adapting one's self to circumstances. A person may

be a moron or an imbecile if he is lacking in judgment; but with good

judgment he can never be either. Indeed the rest of the intellectual faculties

seem of little importance in comparison with judgment" (Binet & Simon,

1916, 1973, pp.42-43)

Alfred Binet

Normal versus Abnormal



Lewis TermanIn the US, Lewis Terman adapted Binet’s test for

American school children and named the test the Stanford-Binet

Test. The following is the formula of Intelligence

Quotient (IQ),introduced by William



Lewis Terman


• Eugenics

• Quantitative

Eugenics (9.5 min, 1st 2 best):

David Wechsler

Wechsler developed the:

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS): 1939, 16+

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

1949, 6-16

Wechsler Preschool & Primary School Scale of Intelligence, 1967, Ages: 2.5 - 7

1896 – 1981


• the global capacity to act purposefully, to

think rationally, and to deal effectively with

[one's] environment


WAIS measures overall intelligence and 11 other aspects related to intelligence that are designed to

assess clinical and educational problems.

WASI Exercise

Principles of Test Construction

For a psychological test to be acceptable it must fulfill the following three criteria:

1. Standardization

2. Reliability

3. Validity


Standardizing a test involves administering the test to a representative sample of future test takers in

order to establish a basis for meaningful comparison.

Representative: Age, Ethnicity, Sex

Normal Curve

Standardized tests establish a normal distribution of scores on a tested population in a bell-shaped

pattern called the normal curve.

Flynn Effect

In the past 60 years, intelligence scores have risen steadily by an average of 27 points. This

phenomenon is known as the Flynn effect.


A test is reliablewhen it yields consistent results. To establish reliability researchers establish different


1. Split-half Reliability: Dividing the test into two equal halves and assessing how consistent the scores are.

2. Test-Retest Reliability: Using the same test on two occasions to measure consistency.


Validity of a test refers to what the test is supposed to measure or predict.

1. Content Validity: Refers to the extent a test measures a particular behavior or trait.

2. Predictive Validity: Refers to the function of a test in predicting a particular behavior or trait.


Extremes of Intelligence

A valid intelligence test divides two groups of people into two extremes: the mentally retarded (IQ 70) and individuals with high intelligence (IQ 135).

These two groups are significantly different.

High Intelligence

Contrary to popular belief, people with high intelligence test scores tend to be healthy, well

adjusted, and unusually successful academically.

Mental Retardation

Mentally retarded individuals required constant supervision a few decades ago, but with a

supportive family environment and special education they can now care for themselves.


• Neurodevelopmental


• Prevalence: 0.2%

• Symptoms

– Social

– Communication

– Self-stimulation


• Steven Wiltshire


1974 -


• Intelligence tests have a long history (Binet

versus Terman)

• Test Characteristics

– Reliability

– Validity