intelligence ap psychology 2012 chamberlain mod 31

Intelligence AP Psychology 2012 Chamberlain Mod 31

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Page 1: Intelligence AP Psychology 2012 Chamberlain Mod 31


AP Psychology 2012Chamberlain

Mod 31

Page 2: Intelligence AP Psychology 2012 Chamberlain Mod 31

Reading: How resilient are you?1. Take the quiz2. Identify with your highlighter new findings in

neuroscience that debunk the old belief that emotions are purely created in and regulated by the limbic system

3. Identify with your highlighter the steps and findings of the experiment that tries to answer: “Why are some people more resilient than others?”

4. Identify with your highlighter experiments that demonstrate neuroplasticity through thought and imagery

5. What is mindfulness?6. What are the 6 key elements of emotional style (or EQ)?

Page 3: Intelligence AP Psychology 2012 Chamberlain Mod 31

Mystery intelligence test 11. Who designed the test

that would have generated these results?• Howard Gardner!

2. What is the name of this theory/test?• Multiple intelligence


3. What are criticisms of this perspective of intelligence? • Are athleticism

(kinaesthetics) and musicality talents or forms of intelligence?

• Is EQ (inter- and intra-personal smarts) intelligence or more related to emotional stability vs. neuroticism?

4. In what classes should this person have excelled in high school/college?

5. What classes may have been difficult for this person?

Page 4: Intelligence AP Psychology 2012 Chamberlain Mod 31

Mystery intelligence test #21. Who designed the test that would have generated the results on

the right?– Sternberg

2. What is the name of this theory/test?– Triarchic theory (AKA Theory of successful intelligence)

3. Of the 3 domains, which part(s) of the test look at convergent thinking and which part(s) look at divergent thinking?– analytic measures convergent (1 right answer)– creative and practical look at divergent (assessing novel thought)

4. What are criticisms of this perspective of intelligence? – Are the 3 factors independent (as Sternberg asserts) OR is one’s

ability in all based on g?– How does one objectively measure creativity and practicality?

Analytic score:

Creativity score:

Practical core:

Analytic score:

Creativity score:

Practical core:

Page 5: Intelligence AP Psychology 2012 Chamberlain Mod 31

Mod 31 Study Guide Questions KEY

1. What is meant by the following: “People who think a person’s IQ is a fixed trait are falling prey to the mental error of reification.” That intelligence is a tangible thing rather than fluid and abstract

2. What is the objective of factor analysis? Give an example of how it is used in

intelligence testing. statistical analysis of common factors (abilities being measured) on intelligence tests allows intelligence test scores to broadly categorize different skill sets under verbal, spatial, or reasoning

3. What is g? a general intelligence underlying all forms of intelligence in a

person; developed by Spearman

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Mod 31 Study Guide Questions KEY4. What are 3 human behaviors that, according to Satoshi Kanazawa, do NOT seem

to correspond with a person’s g? social and survival skills like parenting, choosing a mate, navigating without a map

5. (See individual results)6. Compare and contrast Thurstone’s, Gardner’s, and Spearman’s ideas about

intelligence. (You may make a chart or bulleted list of sims and difs)a) Thurstone: 7 primary abilities—no g– SIMILAR TO Gardner but focuses on processing speed, memory, inductive

reasoning (taking a bunch of details and coming to generalization)b) Gardner: 8 intelligences including traditional AND kinesthetic, nature,

social/emotionalc) Spearman: g Differs from Thurstone and Gard. because does not separate out

different skill sets into different scores but rather looks for general underlying intelligence that is basis for all types of thought

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Mod 31 Study Guide Questions KEY7. What are 3 concrete correlations that have been made between one’s g and

one’s future? (p. 433)– predicts graduate school success– predicts job success– predicts longevity of life

8. Apply Sternberg’s triarchic theory Creativity, practical, analytical 9. Emotional intelligenceRate yourself in the 4 areas of emotional intelligence designed by Mayer,

Salovey, and Caruso (p. 435) perceive, understand, manage, use emotions

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Mod 31 Study Guide Questions KEY10. Which of the following are intelligence scores a better predictor of? WHY?A. landing a good job because lacks understanding of social competenceB. being successful in a job 11-13. Matching11. imagination A (Frontal lobe)12. convergent thinking B (left parietal)13. emotional intelligence A (frontal) 14. Creativity What are the 5 components of creativity? expertise, imaginative thinking skills, venturesome personality, intrinsic

motivation, creative environment

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Mod 31 Study Guide Questions KEY15. What did Amabile’s experiment demonstrate about what happens to creativity

if people expect their work will be evaluated? creativity decreases (this also happens if people think their work will be done for a reward)

16. What are 8 factors that have shown positive correlation with intelligence based

on studies of post-mortem brains and brain scans of the living? (pp. 439-440)– brain size relative to body size +0.4 correlation– # of synapses– amount of gray matter (neural bodies as opposed to white matter which is the

axons and dendrites)– larger parietal lobe (at least in Einstein)– neurological speed– neural plasticity– perceptual speed– thicker, heavier cerebral cortex

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Mod 31 Study Guide Questions KEY17. Which of the following was shown to have +0.4 correlation with

intelligence?a) brain volume/size (adjusted for body size)b) # of synapsesc) amount of gray matter

18. The ___________ becomes active in people when they consider verbal questions while both sides of the frontal lobe become active in people when they consider ___________ questions.

A. parietal lobe; divergentB. temporal lobe; difficultC. left frontal lobe; spatial

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Mods 29-31 Open-note partner quiz

• Instructions:1.Do the quiz once through just based on

memory2.Talk with 1 partner to discuss any questions

that stumped you3.Open-note ON YOUR OWN with your own
