intelligence bureau - kerala police bureau i ministry of home affairs } ... sp marg, both at new...

No. 10/Trg/2016(S)- y~qo Mv Intelligence Bureau I Ministry of Home Affairs } " h p Government of India r "1./ New Delhi, the 2.9 .i2.\\, ~,t,L ~ ~ Restricted/Most Immediate i I. n l JAN 1011 /' / 1. DGPs: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, WaIa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. A&N Islands, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar Nagar Haveli, Lakshadweep, Mizoram and Puducherry. Delhi. BPR&D, BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, NCB, NSG, RPF and SSB.· . CBI, CEIB, NCB, NIA, NTRO, WCCB and SPG. Director, Parliament Security Service, Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi ~~ r 2. IGPs: 3. CP: % 4. DGs: ~\~ S. Director: 6. Additional Subject: Annual Training Calendar - 2017. Sir ~ , Kindly find enclosed the Calendar of Training Courses to be conducted during the year 2017 by IB at National Intelligence Academy, Dwarka, 18 Central Training School, SP Marg, both at New Delhi and its zonal training centres. 2. The training calendar may be used for nominating suitable officers. Their names, however, should be sent to us only after we call for nominations for specific courses. Our circulars are normally issued two months in advance. Further, nominated officers should be sent to respective training units only upon confirmation of their nominations by us. 3. The following additional guidelines may kindly be kept In mind while processing nominations: Restricted

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Page 1: INTELLIGENCE BUREAU - Kerala Police Bureau I Ministry of Home Affairs } ... SP Marg, both at New Delhi ... Counter Terrorism Sis toSPs 5days 25 20 -Mar to 24Mar

No. 10/Trg/2016(S)- y~qo MvIntelligence Bureau I

Ministry of Home Affairs } " h pGovernment of India r "1./

New Delhi, the 2.9 .i2.\\,~,t,L



Restricted/Most Immediate

iI . n l JAN 1011/'/

1. DGPs: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar,Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, HimachalPradesh, J&K, Jharkhand, Karnataka, WaIa, MadhyaPradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya,Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, TamilNadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradeshand West Bengal.A&N Islands, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Dadar NagarHaveli, Lakshadweep, Mizoram and Puducherry.Delhi.BPR&D, BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, NCB, NSG, RPFand SSB.· .CBI, CEIB, NCB, NIA, NTRO, WCCB and SPG.Director, Parliament Security Service, Lok SabhaSecretariat, New Delhi


r 2. IGPs:

3. CP:

% 4. DGs:~\~

S. Director:6. Additional

Subject: Annual Training Calendar - 2017.

Sir ~,

Kindly find enclosed the Calendar of Training Courses to beconducted during the year 2017 by IB at National Intelligence Academy,Dwarka, 18 Central Training School, SP Marg, both at New Delhi and itszonal training centres.

2. The training calendar may be used for nominating suitable officers.Their names, however, should be sent to us only after we call fornominations for specific courses. Our circulars are normally issued twomonths in advance. Further, nominated officers should be sent torespective training units only upon confirmation of their nominations byus.

3. The following additional guidelines may kindly be kept In mindwhile processing nominations:


Page 2: INTELLIGENCE BUREAU - Kerala Police Bureau I Ministry of Home Affairs } ... SP Marg, both at New Delhi ... Counter Terrorism Sis toSPs 5days 25 20 -Mar to 24Mar

Restricted/Most Immc _ I.e

..Ji) . Officers nominated for courses should have adequateknowledge of English / Hindi.

(ii). If, for any reason, the nominated officer cannot be relieved, thereserve nominee may be relieved under intimation to us.

(iii) Nominated officers should carry valid photo identity cards.(iv) One room accommodation is available for trainees on nominal

rates within the campus and trainees seeking hostelaccommodation maybe advised to ascertain its availability andaccordingly report to Hostel Warden in sufficient advance.

4. There have been instances of officers reporting for training withoutour confirmation which create uncertainty for us, and we like todiscourage it. Further, it is requested to nominate only those officers whoare eligible for specific course.

5. Copy to the training calendar may be circulated to competentauthority overseeing training and those recommending and selecting thenominees.

Yours faithfully,

(Manoj Kumar Lall)Joint Director


Page 3: INTELLIGENCE BUREAU - Kerala Police Bureau I Ministry of Home Affairs } ... SP Marg, both at New Delhi ... Counter Terrorism Sis toSPs 5days 25 20 -Mar to 24Mar




Page 4: INTELLIGENCE BUREAU - Kerala Police Bureau I Ministry of Home Affairs } ... SP Marg, both at New Delhi ... Counter Terrorism Sis toSPs 5days 25 20 -Mar to 24Mar

RESTRICTEDTitle of the Course Eligibility /OurationlCapl DatesNational Intelligence Academy, Dwarka, New DelhiImmigration and Sis to DySPs and ACIOs to 5 Days 40 13-Feb to 17-FebForeigners DCIOs (Exe)VIC on National Security SP and above 5 Days 20 13-Feb to 17-FebChallenges and the PoliceResponseIndustrial Security Senior Management 3 Days 30 20-Feb to 22-FebSeminar Officials of PSUsIntelligence Gathering and IRS Officers 5 Days 1BO 14-Mar to 1B-MarIntelligence TradecraftVIP Security Sis to Inspectors and 5 Days 30 27-Mar to 31-Mar

ACIOs (Exe)Airport Security and Sis to DySPs and ACIOs to 5 Days 25 27-Mar to 31-MarCounter Terrorism DCIOs (Exe)Industrial Security Security Heads of PSUs 5 Days 30 27-Mar to 31-MarAirport Security and Sis to DySPs and ACIOs to 5 Days 25 22-May to 26-MayCounter Terrorism DCIOs (Exe)VIP Security Sis to Inspectors and 5 Days 30 12-Jun to 16-Jun

ACIOs (Exe)Intelligence Orientation DySP to DCP level officers 5 Days 20 19-Jun to 23-JunProgramme of CPOs/SPOsIndustrial Security Senior Management 3 Days 30 03-Jul to 05-JulSeminar Officials of PSUsTraining of Trainers on Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 25 24-Jul to 2B-JulImmigration and ACIOs/oGIOsForeignersAirport Security and Sis to DySPs and AGIOs to 5 Days 25 07-Aug to 11-AugCounter Terrorism oGIOs (Exe)VIC on National Security Senior IPS Officers 5 Days 20 04-Sep to OB-SepChallenges and the PoliceResponseIndustrial Securi!Y_ Security Heads of PSUs 5 Days 30 11-Se_pto 15-SepTraining of Trainers on Inspectors/DySPs 5 Days 30 11-Sep to 15-SepVIP SecurityImmigration and Sis to DySPs and ACIOs to 5 Days 25 11-Sep to 15-SepForeigners DCIOs (Exe)Airport Security and Sis to DySPs and ACIOs to 5 Days 25 30-0ct to 03-NovCounter Terrorism DCIOs (Exe)Intelligence Orientation Defence Officers 5 Days 20 13-Nov to 17-NovProgramme

Immigration and Sis to DySPs and ACIOs to 5 Days 25 13-Nov to 17-NovForeigners DGIOs (Exe)

VIP Security Sis to Inspectors and 5 Days 30 20-Nov to 24-NovACIOs (Exe)


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Title of the Course Eligibility IOurationlCapl Dates

Intelligence Bureau Central Training School, New DelhiBriefing on Bombs and Delhi Police Officers 3 Days 180 02-Jan to 04-JanIEDsTraining of Trainers on ASls to Inspectors 5 Days 30 27-Feb to 03-MarBombs and IEDsInteraction on JS in Gol 1 Day 50 03-MayDepartmental SecurityBriefing on Bombs and Delhi Police Officers 3 Days 180 17-Jul to 19-JulIEDsBriefing on Departmental US, DS, JS and Directors 1 Day 50 20-SepSecurity in GolHandling of VIP Security Sis to SPs 5 Days 30 06-Nov to 10-NovEquipmentsEast Zone Regional Training Centre, KolkataImmigration and Sis to DySPs and 5 days 25 06-Feb to 10-FebForeigners ACIOs/DCIOsCounter Terrorism Sis to SPs 5 days 25 20-Mar to 24-MarLeft Wing Extremism Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 27-Mar to 31-MarBomb and IEDs Sis to SPs 5 days 25 08-May to 12-MayImmigration and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 25 29-May to 02-JunForeigners ACIOs/DCIOsIntelligence Capsule CISF Personnel 5 Days 40 10-Jul to 14-JulCourseLeft Wing Extremism Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 17-Jul to 21-JulCounter Terrorism Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 24-Jul to 28-JulImmigration and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 25 31-Jul to 04-AugForeigners ACIOs/DCIOsInterrogation Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 28-Aug to 01-SepLeft Wing Extremism Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 11-Sep to 15-SepAirport Security and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 25 18-Sep to 22-SepCounter Terrorism ACIOslDCIOsIntelligence Capsule CISF Personnel 5 Days 40 09-0ct to 13-0ctCourseBomb and IEDs Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 23-0ct to 27-OctImmigration and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 25 11-Dec to 15-DecForeigners ACIOsfDCIOsSouth Zone Regional Training Centre, ThiruvananthapuramBasic Intelligence Course HCs to ASls of Kerala Police 5 Days 30 09-Jan to 13-JanAirport Security and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 30 30-Jan to 03-FebCounter Terrorism ACIOsfDCIOsIntelligence Tradecraft Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 13-Feb to 17-FebCounter Terrorism Sis to SPs 5 Days 30 27-Feb to 03-MarImmigration and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 40 06-Mar to 10-MarForeigners ACIOs/DCIOsInterrogation Sis to SPs 3 Days 30 20-Mar to 22-MarBasic Intelligence Course HCs to ASls of Kerala Police 5 Days 30 27-Marto 31-Mar


Page 6: INTELLIGENCE BUREAU - Kerala Police Bureau I Ministry of Home Affairs } ... SP Marg, both at New Delhi ... Counter Terrorism Sis toSPs 5days 25 20 -Mar to 24Mar

RESTRICTEDTitle of the Course Eligibility IDurationlCap DatesSouth Zone Regional Training Centre, ThiruvananthapuramHandling of VIP Security Sis to SPs 5 Days 30 03-Apr to 08-AprEquipmentsIntelligence Tradecraft Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 17-Apr to 21-Apr

Immigration and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 40 29-May to 02-JunForeigners ACIOs/DCIOsInterrogation Sis to SPs 3 Days 30 05-Jun to 07-JunBasic Intelligence Course HCs to ASls of Kerala Police 5 Days 30 19-Jun to 23-JunCounter Terrorism Sis to SPs 5 Days 30 17-Jul to 21-JulIntelligence Tradecraft Sis to SPs 5 Days 25 07-Aug to 11-AugBomb and IEDs Sis to SPs 5 Days 30 04-Sep to 08-SepAirport Security and Sis to DySPs and 5 Days 30 11-Dec to 15-DecCounter Terrorism ACIOs/DCIOs

TRAINING INSTITUTES(i) National Intelligence Academy, Sector 9, Dwarka, NewDelhi.(ii) 18Central Training School, Gate No.4, 35 - S. P. Marg, New

Delhi.(iii) South Zone Regional Training Centre, Police Training

College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.(iv) East Zone Regional Training Centre, 5 Esplanade Row

(West), Kolkata, West Bengal.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS(i) Non-family Hostel accommodation is available within each

campus. The courses are non-residential. Trainees seekinghostel accommodation will report to Hostel warden one dayin advance.

(ii) Nominations for the course should be furnished ONLYAFTER receipt of Specific Course Circulars, which isnormally sent 2 (Two) months in advance. Eligibility criteriashould be followed strictly.

(iii) Nominees should be relieved ONLY AFTER CONFIRMATIONOF NOMINATION from the Institute. Officers reportingwithout confirmation would not be accepted in any courseand WILL BE RETURNEDto their respective units. Confirmednominated officer should bring with him valid Identity Card Imovement order.

(iv) All correspondence may be addressed to the AssistantDirector (Trg), IBCTS, 35 S.P. Marg, New Delhi - 110 021,Tele/Fax No. 011-26116780.
