intelligencer.(anderson, s.c.) 1916-05-18 [page two]....out, one auto tire 32 extra.11-2 q. d....

MUTT AND JEI CLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCER Want Ad Rates 25 words for 26a, 1 cent per word eacb Insertion for moro than 26 words. Til reo insertions of tho samo ad on consecutive days for the price of two Insertions, If paid in ad¬ vance. No ad less than 26 cents. WANTS WANTED-Salesman. Mum bo ublo to drive Ford truck. Good position for. right men. Apply with refer¬ ence to'room 2¡f, lïotol Chlnucla lu to 12 a.; ni. WANTED-To buy gtood second hand Ford oar. Must bo cheap; with or without- body! Address "X. V. Z." Caro "lutelllgencor. WANTED YOU TO KNOW-That. 1 have just rocôived 3u pair» Diamond Tires and Will sell at thoso prices: Diamond Puncture proof, $3,25. The Diamond Bailey Non-skid, $1.75; Diamond: 400 Camden, $1..' Dlotrfond 1930, Íl.lOjMIuntor, $1.40; Tbe Ironclad: BarcupV $2.00. Agents Smith's Motor Wheel: J. b. E. Jones, 103 Mctmffio street. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Oats, hay, Como dry and -Sweet feed. .Como hen and eliilck.feed j cotton'-seed meal und Mutions, hulls, wUplonalo and rc- tail. Stock on s^rid?. at all timoa. ítOO bushele Lookout Mountain Reed . Irish potatoes, and -100,000 Nanch Hall and Cuwtawba yum potato ¡llvps-^our ow'11 hóddlng-ai $.1.50 per thotifiuud. .-Martin Coal Al¬ wood Co. FO£i SALE- nitre New Era Pow! The great builder of thin lands, nature's Tn ula c. so 'to speak. M. W. Slojn.-* 'Phono 025, FOR SALE-Or trade, ono I. il. C i 12 horse power gasoline engine mounted. APP# to.R. R. Mllum. Sandy Springs, S,; C. toft SALE-A few hundred bushels select rodean ed and graded Fulgbum Seed Oats olzty eight centa. bushel -worth more tor feed purpose. Forman Smith, Seedsman, Phono 484; ?.li I ? I M M HM At this season of the year every one needs a /TV*«**» EVANS\COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPH1TE8 will make you feel . alert and wide . awake at all times. It ls a combination of Iron, Quinine, Manganeso. and- Strychnine and ' mada palatable. by the addition of pure rock candy syrup.' This preparation is,made aceordlng to tho U, S. Pharmacopóea and "we ". recommend lt without hesitation. Jv j * ^ * . "fV-rt. »;,».:,. »..,«-v ». \,'-«V" <?. .' Our telephone ls at your oer- yiçe,:^'^;^.- '^. "' Pharmacy N Vrifca REXALL SèoW" FF-It's Hard ti -!-;-.- FARM.FOR SALE NBAS WALHAL¬ LA, S. C.-Nine hundred ucres, two ml)«» <>f Wullmlla. Six tcnunt howies, ono hundred acres ot branch and creek bottom, one hun¬ dred and twenty acres of up-laml in cultivation. 400 acres in pas¬ turo Somo pine and oak timber. Well suited to stock raising. Trice $15.00 per acre, one-third cash, balance to snit purchaser. For in¬ formation write H. lt. MOBS, Wal¬ linna, S. C. LOST OR FOUND LOST- Oh national highway, 6 miles out, one auto tire 32 extra .11-2 Q. D. casing on rim. Finder please leave at thin office and will IK: poid for trouble. TAKEN UP-At 403 Whltner street, Tuesday, a black cow, owner can get samo by paying expense and for this ad. LOST-A hunch of keys, 2 long keys, 4 short flat keys ami 2 cabinet / keys,; .on corrugated*.ring. Charles 'Gray."810 West End Avenue. STOLEN-Friday night in Greenville county, near Pelzer, bay horse and . Summer's top buggy with rubber tires'and red running gear. Any Information to Joe Rogerd, Pelzer, Route 1, will he appreciated. . M: JLLANEOUS MONEY, TO LOAN-On holli town and 'farm property, from both local and put,oMown sources. Jno. K. Hood, ú AU or noy. HAVE you a keep kool suit made to your measure. From the latoat pat- - terns of wool crash. Palm Beach, Groy pencil stripes, worsteds and Mohair suitings, for $10.00 at Salla Tailoring Co., 107 W. Earle SL DR. SMALL has loft his Komfort Shoutder Brace and ii. H. Alnlcm- Inal Pelvic Suporta with Dr. Carter. Bleckley Building. EASY-Muke life's walk easy byjinv- ing ÜB repair your Khoea. We are hot only prepared to do first class work on short notice, but we meet any legitimate competition when lt comes to prices. Honest -work and best.materials always. -G. E. McKee & Son, 132 East Wbitner street, opposite Tolly's. (LOOK AND LISTEN-Mr. George San¬ ders 1B with the W. j. Manees meat market to sell you all the fresh moats and fish. Mr. Sanders will be glad to have his many friends call at 207 East Whltner street and get their wants supplied. We will have a full supply of Mullett, Red Fin Crokers, Bass, Pike and Spanish Mackerel-al the time. Phone'292, the Sen Food Man, W. J. Maneas. BREAKFAST SAILS AGE-Tl»n An. maud for our all pork sausage ta keeping ns very busy. They surely are tho highest grade on'the mar¬ ket. Mada from fresh pork carefully selected and seasoned with Just - enough fresh ground herba and . pare spices to give that vary un¬ usual and delicious flavor distinc¬ tively Lindsay's. PU on o your cr der to «94, The? Illy White Market. 3. N. Lindsay,. Proprietor. m., II i. A- FEW MORE White Rotary Machinée at $2S.oo. Dont misa thia oppor¬ tunity.- One spring wagon with top, good as new; one Maxwell ante-mo- > bile, first clase abana. "' "Barjainrj and will be rold at once. J. A. Mül- lin ax, 1211-128 Weat Benson Street ¿y .'. *. .v. "* *?_? ., ;. ? SLMiS-For a short time I can supply you with good, clear, thick, low .country slabs at 13.60 per cor<5, do- livered. I will also appreciate yonr orders for cotton seed meal and ,hnlla, B, N. Wyatt, «Phone 18* ?.' :,.. -i- WALL PAPER-It lt Is wall pap« ¿ yon aro looking for, wa-bava it. A large stock going at 26 per cent, below cost. Phono 48, Guest Paint Company. , ) be a Hero, Y FROM 7 A. M.. TO 10 P. M.-Buy your OuBollno and Motor OIIB from il. A. Caudle, the one arm gas mau on tho corner next to Owl Urng Co. He will appreciate your bußlucss and alwayn given the utmoet In value. H. A. Caudle WK ARK handling Home of tho flneft, « choicest beef, pork, veal, mutton, cured meats ot all kinds, country stylo pork sausage, mixed sausage, and plonty of dressed chickens at very lowest prices. Come around, or telephone us. Your trado will be appreciated and wo promise prompt delivery. Dobbins Market. .Phono 7Ü5. BUGGY WHEELS-Wo have a good supply of Buggy wheels, spindles and boxes, that wo can flt on any time. Wheels run in hot oil and spindles set just right to pull true. Paul E. Stephens. HIDES-Bring them to me If you want best prices. I buy and sell more hides tbnn any other dealer |n Ulis section of the state. All hides bought by me . are shipped with ab- batolr hides and command better prices, therefore I can and do pay better prices. Bring them to WU 11- ford's Corner. R. Ü. Henderson, ¿j QUICK WORK-'Phone 822 for Geor^ gta Garage for-quick work. One expert on Fords, and one ex pert"on all other cars and motorcycles. No. 108 South McDufuo street. Op. J. I«. E. Jones Bicycle Shop. PREPAREDNESS ts the order of the day now, while tho Fire Insurance Coin punios aro withdrawing from the state is tho time for yon to have your house, barn, or out-building protected with a BurrisB Metal Shingle Roof. Of course the Initial coat Is Just a trifle more than wood Shingles, but in the. long run they are much cheaper and they are a tremendous protection against Ore. Drop in and let us show yon. No trouble nor .obligation on your part whatever. Respectfully, Jno. T. Burrlss & Sou. DHVOE'S PAINT-The old stand by, ibo oldest paint makers in America and the boat. Paint with DeVoe'n, fewer gallons-, wearâ longer. W. L. nrlssey Lumber Co. POTATO SLIPS-I am guaranteed tho delivery of my plants this sea¬ son, therefore I guarantee to de¬ liver them to yon on the dato you want them. It will pay you to see me before sending your mony off. R. .F. Sassard. 213 South Malo. street PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS Chisholm, Trowbridge & Saggs DENTISTS New Theatre Building ~ W. WhfenerSt Dr. Wade H. Sherard DENTIST 413 Fotarth Floor Bleckley Bldg. Teîcphn»» Zlû WAÍMTEB Ü tiAGS OF ALL KINDS X will pay $1.60 per hundred, cash fer Raga. SSa per hundred far old Scrap Iron. 4c per pound for old Automobile Tires. 10a per pound for old Inner Tubes, -and Tho Highest Cash Price for all kinda of old praaa. Copper, etc. It yon have aa mitch aa 100 pounds ot any of the above'aphone ma and 111 cali tor lt. SAMDISNER Manning Street Near Bino Ridge Tea<Jo, Phono 671» es Indeed, Ver Baseball Results NATIONAL At Plttsimtgh-Philadelphia, caj<1. At Chicago -.Brooklyn 2. At St. Lou!« 3; Nev/ York 9. At Cincinnati 1; Boston 7. AMERICAN At Philadelphia 4; Si Louis 7. Washington 6; Detroit 4. At Boston-Chicago, rain. At New York-Cleveland, wei grounds. SOUTHERN At Atlanta tl; Little Rock 7. At New Orleans U; Chattanooga ;">. (Ten innings.) - At Birmingham, .Memphis IL, ..At-Mobne^^^h^iya f..^ SOUTH ATLANTIC ", At Charleston 2; Columbus ti. At Columbia I; Macon 5. At Jacksonville 7; Montgomery 2. At Augusto «!; Albany 4. COLLEGË~GAMES At Athens, Ga.,:..., Un ive rr. i ty 15: Morcer 7. ..-¿M, - "BODY AMI SOUL" Strong Frohuuin Drama ni ihe lt i ion Tulay. Claire Martin, a rich and lovely New York Bociety girl suffers from loss of memory. In that condition she wanders into the country, whore gthtt seeks shelter iii a cabin- occupied by a young sportsman, -Scott Hough¬ ton. For a week alic accepts his- ho.< p'tallty. »Another man .ir ri vea. and .thora is a quarrel over, the, girl be¬ tween Houghton und the newcomer. Houghton attacks the ganger. Thia alarms the girl. ' Before, sho es¬ capes. Houghton brands her with a knife, v A In ;t;¿w York Claire regains ;i>r memory but loses > alt consciousness bf her ' adventure H vát¿ '. the camp;. Houghton' endeavors)' to reclaim her, <but when ehe rejette.ïaimf he re. véala thé scar on her shoulder. Hb lures her to his boathouse; and de¬ mands her love. She refuses.and kills himself in self-defense. But isa nobody witnessed abb murder, it is thought it ia a caae^of. suicide. :> Claire recovero he* memory .ani health, and tc arriea the man of her choice.-. > .?? - >A- «Olli» sn he vin I n's Tablets lin ve Boab Wonders'Fori Me»** "I have been a suffer er fr cm stom¬ ach trouble for a number of years, and although I have uaed a great num¬ ber of remcd lea recommended for thia; complaint/ Chamberlain'à1 Tablets la the «rat medicine Ont* baa given me positive and lasting relief," writes Mrs. Anna Kadln, Spoheepqrf, - N. Y. ..Cbamberlain'a Tablets "have done wondèrr for me amt" I value them very hghly." Obtainable . Every- MhóreT < * t-'~ ~¿ RTS- STANDING OF CLUBS South Atlantic. Won Charleston.18 Augusta. 17 Montgomery.: .. ..ll» Jacksonville.m» Columbus...1" Albany.ll Macon.0 Lost li 12 12 12 Itt 17 18 19 Southern. Won Lost Nev.' Orleans.. .. .'.21' Nashville.. .. _21 Atlanta.. . .1« Chattanooga.15 ill: mingham.15 Lltilo Rock.12 Mern ph i a.. .Il Mobile.12 American. Won ,: 1 cvelan il..;. .-. ..10 Washington.lil Stew York.'..13 tostón.13'' Jetiolt.13 Chicago. ..12 Philadelphia.10 St. UHllK.9 National. vVon .Brooklyn. .. . .13 Boston.. . .12* Philadelphia.13 Chicago.14 St. I^OUUJ.14 Cincinnati. .. ...12 New York...!) Pittsburgh.. ..ll S 10 16 iii 17 IS IS 21' Lost it .12 12 1G 16 ii; Lost 8 8 10 is 14 17 13 lt» Pct. G21 580 571 571 530' 411 399 321 C. 724 077 500 4SI 4 (itt 400 ^70 364 Pct. I.7Í» «7">. 520 500 448 42» 382 »00 P.C. GI«) Olí) fi G 5 fil?) r.oo 414 40» 407 Nothing better for (he "sweet girl graduate than.NunnaUy's, one j two or three lb. box of candy. Owl Drug Co. Winthrop College. . V SCHOLARSHIP A\I> KNTRAXCK EXAMINATION The examination Tor tho award' ol vacant, scholarships In Winthropi CbV lege and for tba admission of ." new students wilt be held at the County Court House-on Friday, Joly 7, ot 91 a. m. Applicants mast not ho less than sixteen years of age. When Scholarships dre -vacant after July they will be'awarded to those making the highest overage at this examina¬ tion, provided they meet tho condi¬ tions governing the award. Appli¬ cants for Scholarships, should write tb President Johnson, beforo the ex¬ amination for, Scholarship examina- ti on blanks. :. Scholarships are worth $100 ami free tuition. Tho next session.-^ will J open September 20, 1916. For further' ip formation and catalogue, 'address Pies. D..B. Johnson, Rock Hiir.'*3. o'. :*."'?' ' ...' if w far FÛRD-Cars.. Has. capacl\y of seven passengers. ? High grade material. Neat appearance. Reasonable prices. Wealso make commercial bodies and; jitneys to fit any" make car. Writoforillustrations and prices. c . The Rock Hi!! Buggy Co., }?ffifzyi$t Mai, & c. By BUD FISHER COUCH HAMMOCKS Comfort considered, tliere ÍB nothing to equal a couch hammock. Besides they ard highly ornamental and quite substantial. Our couch hammocks aro full length and width with strong iron frames and National springs and thick, soft mattresses-khaki, awning striped and flowered cretonno cov¬ erings. They cnn bo hung from the ceiling of your porch, or you may have them with stand for smull tidltlonal charge. Everything for your porch and every-itpm the best made. G. F. TOLLY & SON Anderson, S. C. SOLID SIL^p^pARE For the J^^.MHád A gift to the bride should preferably combiné with beauty, rather than subordinate service to ornament.,/qr tastos may differ sharply over the merely beautiful, where your choice df silver tableware, a silver tea service,' or a silver coffee pot will meet with inBtant ap¬ proval. '/ The sentiment which servos is the sentiment »which survives, and no gift is more wolcomo to the bride thah COBHAM (Silverware for the homo, which first has-uso to commend it. and next the beauty und distinction of designator which.QÓRHAM productions enjoy al¬ most u century of fame. , Th* bride will ook for the GORHAM trade mark, on any silver¬ ware you may give her. Wc therefore suggest that you'look tor it too. .... MARCHBANKS ^ BABB Noni» aluin Street Jewelers At Ute Sign of tho Ble; Watch Material Well,'?"that's us. We've got now the BEST STOCK, ANÓ MORE Orr IT than any of the other guys. And that's hot url, we,have the best and quickest delivery system in this man's town W. L. BRISSEY LUMBER î A* fi da Adjustableg Screens of all kinds and size?, various sizeiSiÄ. >. psMMa.'iâfTcsmcrt. ,, l^r*« «MW «a «H karil tJ mi fats* levi end dm* ty (tym aden Ott {Tuntel fly ca**}} 150 eíj» geri nu àfiwY] U ukJ te k«> thr* act f Let tis show ygu how cheap yon can screen I jour home,' ' ;i Sullivan ANDERSON BELTON GREENVILLE «8$

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Page 1: Intelligencer.(Anderson, S.C.) 1916-05-18 [PAGE TWO]....out, one auto tire 32 extra.11-2 Q. D. casing on rim. Finder please leave at thin office and will IK: poid for trouble. TAKEN


CLASSIFIEDINTELLIGENCERWant Ad Rates25 words for 26a,1 cent per word eacb Insertion

for moro than 26 words.Til reo insertions of tho samo ad

on consecutive days for the priceof two Insertions, If paid in ad¬vance.No ad less than 26 cents.

WANTSWANTED-Salesman. Mum bo ublo

to drive Ford truck. Good positionfor. right men. Apply with refer¬ence to'room 2¡f, lïotol Chlnucla luto 12 a.; ni.

WANTED-To buy gtood secondhand Ford oar. Must bo cheap;with or without- body! Address "X.V. Z." Caro "lutelllgencor.

WANTED YOU TO KNOW-That. 1have just rocôived 3u pair» DiamondTires and Will sell at thoso prices:Diamond Puncture proof, $3,25.The Diamond Bailey Non-skid,$1.75; Diamond: 400 Camden, $1..'Dlotrfond 1930, Íl.lOjMIuntor, $1.40;Tbe Ironclad: BarcupV $2.00. AgentsSmith's Motor Wheel: J. b. E.Jones, 103 Mctmffio street.

FOR SALEFOR SALE-Oats, hay, Como dryand -Sweet feed. .Como hen andeliilck.feed j cotton'-seed meal undMutions, hulls, wUplonalo and rc-tail. Stock on s^rid?. at all timoa.ítOO bushele Lookout Mountain Reed

. Irish potatoes, and -100,000 NanchHall and Cuwtawba yum potato¡llvps-^our ow'11 hóddlng-ai $.1.50per thotifiuud. .-Martin Coal Al¬wood Co.

FO£i SALE- nitre New Era Pow!The great builder of thin lands,nature's Tn ula c. so 'to speak. M.W. Slojn.-* 'Phono 025,

FOR SALE-Or trade, ono I. il. C i12 horse power gasoline enginemounted. APP# to.R. R. Mllum.Sandy Springs, S,; C.

toft SALE-A few hundred bushelsselect rodeaned and graded FulgbumSeed Oats olzty eight centa. bushel-worth more tor feed purpose.Forman Smith, Seedsman, Phono484;

?.li I ? I M M HM

At this seasonof the yearevery one needsa /TV*«**»

EVANS\COMPOUND SYRUPOF HYPOPHOSPH1TE8 willmake you feel . alert and wide

. awake at all times. It ls acombination of Iron, Quinine,Manganeso. and- Strychnine and '

mada palatable. by the additionof pure rock candy syrup.' Thispreparation is,made aceordlng totho U, S. Pharmacopóea and "we


recommend lt without hesitation.Jv j * ^ *

."fV-rt. »;,».:,. »..,«-v ». \,'-«V" <?. .'

Our telephone ls at your oer-

yiçe,:^'^;^.- '^. "'

Pharmacy NVrifca REXALL SèoW"

FF-It's Hard ti

-!-;-.-FARM.FOR SALE NBAS WALHAL¬LA, S. C.-Nine hundred ucres,two ml)«» <>f Wullmlla. Six tcnunthowies, ono hundred acres otbranch and creek bottom, one hun¬dred and twenty acres of up-lamlin cultivation. 400 acres in pas¬turo Somo pine and oak timber.Well suited to stock raising. Trice$15.00 per acre, one-third cash,balance to snit purchaser. For in¬formation write H. lt. MOBS, Wal¬linna, S. C.


LOST-Oh national highway, 6 milesout, one auto tire 32 extra .11-2 Q.D. casing on rim. Finder pleaseleave at thin office and will IK: poidfor trouble.

TAKEN UP-At 403 Whltner street,Tuesday, a black cow, owner canget samo by paying expense andfor this ad.

LOST-A hunch of keys, 2 long keys,4 short flat keys ami 2 cabinet

/ keys,; .on corrugated*.ring. Charles'Gray."810 West End Avenue.

STOLEN-Friday night in Greenvillecounty, near Pelzer, bay horse and

. Summer's top buggy with rubbertires'and red running gear. AnyInformation to Joe Rogerd, Pelzer,Route 1, will he appreciated. .

M: JLLANEOUSMONEY, TO LOAN-On holli town and'farm property, from both local andput,oMown sources. Jno. K. Hood,

ú AUornoy.

HAVE you a keep kool suit made toyour measure. From the latoat pat-

- terns of wool crash. Palm Beach,Groy pencil stripes, worsteds andMohair suitings, for $10.00 at SallaTailoring Co., 107 W. Earle SL

DR. SMALL has loft his KomfortShoutder Brace and ii. H. Alnlcm-Inal Pelvic Suporta with Dr. Carter.Bleckley Building.

EASY-Muke life's walk easy byjinv-ing ÜB repair your Khoea. We arehot only prepared to do first classwork on short notice, but we meetany legitimate competition when ltcomes to prices. Honest -work andbest.materials always. -G. E. McKee& Son, 132 East Wbitner street,opposite Tolly's.

(LOOK AND LISTEN-Mr. George San¬ders 1B with the W. j. Manees meatmarket to sell you all the freshmoats and fish. Mr. Sanders will beglad to have his many friends callat 207 East Whltner street and gettheir wants supplied. We will havea full supply of Mullett, Red FinCrokers, Bass, Pike and SpanishMackerel-al the time. Phone'292,the Sen Food Man, W. J. Maneas.


maud for our all pork sausage takeeping ns very busy. They surelyare tho highest grade on'the mar¬ket. Mada from fresh pork carefullyselected and seasoned with Just

- enough fresh ground herba and. pare spices to give that vary un¬usual and delicious flavor distinc¬tively Lindsay's. PUon o your crderto «94, The? Illy White Market. 3.N. Lindsay,. Proprietor.

m., II i.

A- FEW MORE White Rotary Machinéeat $2S.oo. Dont misa thia oppor¬tunity.- One spring wagon with top,good as new; one Maxwell ante-mo-

> bile, first clase abana. "' "Barjainrjand will be rold at once. J. A. Mül-lin ax, 1211-128 Weat Benson Street

¿y .'. *. .v. "* *?_? ., ;. ?

SLMiS-For a short time I can supplyyou with good, clear, thick, slabs at 13.60 per cor<5, do-livered. I will also appreciate yonrorders for cotton seed meal and,hnlla, B, N. Wyatt, «Phone 18*

?.' :,.. -i-WALL PAPER-It lt Is wall pap«¿ yon aro looking for, wa-bava it. A

large stock going at 26 per cent,below cost. Phono 48, Guest PaintCompany. ,

) be a Hero, Y

FROM 7 A. M.. TO 10 P. M.-Buyyour OuBollno and Motor OIIB fromil. A. Caudle, the one arm gas mauon tho corner next to Owl Urng Co.He will appreciate your bußlucssand alwayn given the utmoet Invalue. H. A. Caudle

WK ARK handling Home of tho flneft,« choicest beef, pork, veal, mutton,cured meats ot all kinds, countrystylo pork sausage, mixed sausage,and plonty of dressed chickens atvery lowest prices. Come around,or telephone us. Your trado willbe appreciated and wo promiseprompt delivery. Dobbins Market..Phono 7Ü5.

BUGGY WHEELS-Wo have a goodsupply of Buggy wheels, spindlesand boxes, that wo can flt on anytime. Wheels run in hot oil andspindles set just right to pull true.Paul E. Stephens.

HIDES-Bring them to me If youwant best prices. I buy and sellmore hides tbnn any other dealer |nUlis section of the state. All hidesbought by me . are shipped with ab-batolr hides and command betterprices, therefore I can and do paybetter prices. Bring them to WU 11-ford's Corner. R. Ü. Henderson, ¿j

QUICK WORK-'Phone 822 for Geor^gta Garage for-quick work. Oneexpert on Fords, and one ex pert"onall other cars and motorcycles.No. 108 South McDufuo street. Op.J. I«. E. Jones Bicycle Shop.

PREPAREDNESS ts the order of theday now, while tho Fire InsuranceCoinpunios aro withdrawing fromthe state is tho time for yon to haveyour house, barn, or out-buildingprotected with a BurrisB MetalShingle Roof. Of course the Initialcoat Is Just a trifle more than woodShingles, but in the. long run theyare much cheaper and they are atremendous protection against Ore.Drop in and let us show yon. Notrouble nor .obligation on your partwhatever. Respectfully, Jno. T.Burrlss & Sou.

DHVOE'S PAINT-The old stand by,ibo oldest paint makers in Americaand the boat. Paint with DeVoe'n,fewer gallons-, wearâ longer. W. L.nrlssey Lumber Co.

POTATO SLIPS-I am guaranteedtho delivery of my plants this sea¬son, therefore I guarantee to de¬liver them to yon on the dato youwant them. It will pay you to seeme before sending your mony off.R. .F. Sassard. 213 South Malo.street


Chisholm, Trowbridge & SaggsDENTISTS

New Theatre Building ~

W. WhfenerSt

Dr. Wade H. SherardDENTIST

413 Fotarth Floor Bleckley Bldg.Teîcphn»» Zlû


X will pay $1.60 per hundred, cashfer Raga.SSa per hundred far old ScrapIron.4c per pound for old AutomobileTires.10a per pound for old Inner Tubes,-and Tho Highest Cash Price forall kinda of old praaa. Copper, etc.It yon have aa mitch aa 100 poundsot any of the above'aphone ma and111 cali tor lt.

SAMDISNERManning Street Near Bino Ridge

Tea<Jo,Phono 671»

es Indeed, Ver

Baseball Results

NATIONALAt Plttsimtgh-Philadelphia, caj<1.At Chicago -.Brooklyn 2.At St. Lou!« 3; Nev/ York 9.At Cincinnati 1; Boston 7.

AMERICANAt Philadelphia 4; Si Louis 7.Washington 6; Detroit 4.At Boston-Chicago, rain.At New York-Cleveland, wei


SOUTHERNAt Atlanta tl; Little Rock 7.At New Orleans U; Chattanooga ;">.

(Ten innings.)- At Birmingham, .Memphis IL,..At-Mobne^^^h^iya f..^

SOUTH ATLANTIC", At Charleston 2; Columbus ti.

At Columbia I; Macon 5.At Jacksonville 7; Montgomery 2.At Augusto «!; Albany 4.

COLLEGË~GAMESAt Athens, Ga.,:..., Un ive rr. i ty 15:

Morcer 7...-¿M,-"BODY AMI SOUL"

Strong Frohuuin Drama ni ihe lt i ionTulay.

Claire Martin, a rich and lovelyNew York Bociety girl suffers fromloss of memory. In that conditionshe wanders into the country, whoregthtt seeks shelter iii a cabin- occupiedby a young sportsman, -Scott Hough¬ton. For a week alic accepts his- ho.<p'tallty. »Another man .ir rivea. and.thora is a quarrel over, the, girl be¬tween Houghton und the newcomer.Houghton attacks the ganger. Thiaalarms the girl. ' Before, sho es¬capes. Houghton brands her with aknife, v


In ;t;¿w York Claire regains ;i>rmemory but loses > alt consciousnessbf her ' adventure H vát¿ '. the camp;.Houghton' endeavors)' to reclaim her,<but when ehe rejette.ïaimf he re.véala thé scar on her shoulder. Hblures her to his boathouse; and de¬mands her love. She refuses.andkills himself in self-defense. But isanobody witnessed abb murder, it isthought it ia a caae^of. suicide. :>

Claire recovero he* memory .anihealth, and tcarriea the man of herchoice.-. > .?? - >A-«Olli»snhevin I n's Tablets linve Boab

Wonders'Fori Me»**"I have been a sufferer frcm stom¬

ach trouble for a number of years,and although I have uaed a great num¬ber of remcdlea recommended for thia;complaint/ Chamberlain'à1 Tablets lathe «rat medicine Ont* baa given mepositive and lasting relief," writesMrs. Anna Kadln, Spoheepqrf,- N. Y...Cbamberlain'a Tablets "have donewondèrr for me amt" I value themvery hghly." Obtainable . Every-MhóreT <

* t-'~ ~¿


South Atlantic.Won

Charleston.18Augusta. 17Montgomery.: .. ..ll»»Columbus...1"Albany.llMacon.0


Southern.Won Lost

Nev.' Orleans.. .. .'.21'Nashville.. .. _21Atlanta.. . .1«Chattanooga.15ill:mingham.15Lltilo Rock.12Mernph i a.. .IlMobile.12


,: 1cvelanil..;. .-. ..10Washington.lilStew York.'..13tostón.13''Jetiolt.13Chicago. ..12Philadelphia.10St. UHllK.9


.Brooklyn. .. . .13Boston.. . .12*Philadelphia.13Chicago.14St. I^OUUJ.14Cincinnati. .. ...12New York...!)Pittsburgh.. ..ll







C.7240775004SI4 (itt400^70364



Nothing better for (he "sweetgirl graduate than.NunnaUy's, one jtwo or three lb. box of candy. OwlDrug Co.


EXAMINATIONThe examination Tor tho award' ol

vacant, scholarships In Winthropi CbVlege and for tba admission of ." newstudents wilt be held at the CountyCourt House-on Friday, Joly 7, ot 91a. m. Applicants mast not ho lessthan sixteen years of age. WhenScholarships dre -vacant after Julythey will be'awarded to those makingthe highest overage at this examina¬tion, provided they meet tho condi¬tions governing the award. Appli¬cants for Scholarships, should writetb President Johnson, beforo the ex¬amination for, Scholarship examina-ti on blanks.:. Scholarships are worth $100 amifree tuition. Tho next session.-^ will Jopen September 20, 1916. For further'ipformation and catalogue, 'addressPies. D..B. Johnson, Rock Hiir.'*3.o'. :*."'?' ' ...' if w

far FÛRD-Cars..Has. capacl\y of seven

passengers. ? High gradematerial. Neat appearance.Reasonable prices. Wealsomake commercial bodiesand; jitneys to fit any"makecar. Writoforillustrationsand prices. c


The Rock Hi!! Buggy Co.,}?ffifzyi$t Mai,& c.


COUCH HAMMOCKSComfort considered, tliere ÍB nothing to

equal a couch hammock. Besides they ardhighly ornamental and quite substantial.

Our couch hammocks aro full length andwidth with strong iron frames and Nationalsprings and thick, soft mattresses-khaki,awning striped and flowered cretonno cov¬erings.

They cnn bo hung from the ceiling of your porch, or you mayhave them with stand for smull tidltlonal charge.

Everything for your porch and every-itpm the best made.

G. F. TOLLY & SONAnderson, S. C.

SOLID SIL^p^pAREFor the J^^.MHád

A gift to the bride should preferably combiné with beauty, ratherthan subordinate service to ornament.,/qr tastos may differ sharplyover the merely beautiful, where your choice df silver tableware, asilver tea service,' or a silver coffee pot will meet with inBtant ap¬proval. '/

The sentiment which servos is the sentiment »which survives, andno gift is more wolcomo to the bride thah COBHAM (Silverware forthe homo, which first has-uso to commend it. and next the beautyund distinction of designator which.QÓRHAM productions enjoy al¬most u century of fame. ,

Th* bride will ook for the GORHAM trade mark, on any silver¬ware you may give her. Wc therefore suggest that you'look torit too.


MARCHBANKS ^ BABBNoni» aluin Street Jewelers At Ute Sign of tho Ble; Watch

MaterialWell,'?"that's us. We've gotnow the BEST STOCK, ANÓMORE OrrIT than any of theother guys. And that's hoturl, we,have the best and quickestdelivery system in this man's town


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