intelligent information retrieval based on simple implicit learning

{!ctf} Intelligent information retrieval based on simple implicit learning Dr Gavin Ruddy [email protected] 17 Feb 2016

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Page 1: Intelligent information retrieval based on simple implicit learning


Intelligent information retrieval based on simple implicit learning

Dr Gavin [email protected]

17 Feb 2016

Page 2: Intelligent information retrieval based on simple implicit learning

Imagine we have some content in a database.


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A user runs a query …


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which finds some results …



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and returns them, sorted in some way.



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The user chooses some of them ...



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which adds to our existing click data.


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When we use this data to help sort results ...



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users can learn from each other ...



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and returns can converge on a consensus.



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We can take this simple idea a step further.


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A user’s clicks happen in a sequence ...



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connecting things intelligently as they make choices.

q1 q2


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Integrating over queries, sessions, users, time etc ...


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maps out the connections users are moving along.


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So when we run our query ...



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we can identify dynamically connected secondary items ...



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and use them to modify or extend our returns …



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or to make intelligent recommendations ...



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or to put ads in the right place at the right time etc.



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These returns get a click response ...



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which adds to our existing click data ...


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so the next time our query runs ...



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new things have been learned.



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We don’t need to actually map all this complexity …


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just query relevant click data at query time ...



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but the effect is intelligent query returns …



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that share the right things in the right places …



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and learn continuously via an implicit feedback loop.



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No need for machine learning, complex processing or masses of metadata.

To see how this behaves on real data, take a look at