intensified pulse polio immunization 2016

[IPPI 2016-DTFI] January 13, 2016 District Medcial and Health Page 1 Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization 2016 17 th January 2016 _ SUNDAY to 19 th January 2016 ANANTHAPURAMU District Medical and Health Officer Andhra Pradesh Medcial and Health Services ANANTHAPURAMU

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[IPPI 2016-DTFI] January 13, 2016

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Intensified Pulse Polio




January 2016 _ SUNDAY

to 19th

January 2016


District Medical and Health Officer Andhra Pradesh Medcial and Health Services


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District Profile

Population 42,62,808 Target benefeciaries (0-5 years Children)


Number of Planning units 93 Number of Mandals covered 63 Number of PHCs as Planning units 80 Number of CHCs as planning units 12 Number fo Cold Chain points 86 Number of Municipalities 07 Number of Booths planned 3609 Number of booths in rural area 3306 Number of booths in urban area 414 Total manpower involved 15,503 Number of Vaccinators 14,944 Number of ANMs 984 Number of ASHA 2998 Others 10,462 Number of Medical Officers 135 Number of Deputy DMHOs 15 Number of core group officers 10 Number of routes 361 Number of route supervisors 449(with mobile) Number of Mobile teams 88 Number of Transit teams 133 Number of High risk areas 160 High risk population 2,362 Number of Households to be covered


Urban households 2,01,971 Rural households 7,25,951 Number of Vaccine doses supplied 6,20,000 Number of buffer cold chain points 18 Miking days 16th and 17th January Booth activity 17th January 2016 House to House activity 18th and 19th January 2016

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Why should we support the Pulse Polio Immunization Programme? The last case of polio in India was reported in 2011 in Howrah district of West Bengal.

Thereafter no polio case has been reported in our country.

On 27th March, 2014, India was declared as a “non-endemic” country for polio. In

simple words, India was declared polio free in 2014.

It was a historic day as far as an Indian citizen is concerned. This great achievement has

been made possible in India by successfully implementing the Universal Immunization

Programme (UIP) and the Pulse Polio Programme.. This information will be helpful

considering the fact that, Pulse Polio Immunization programme of 2016 is due in a few

days time. We need to strive for GLOBAL ERADICATION because POLIO SOMEWHERE


What is Polio? Polio aka Poliomyelitis is a deadly incurable disease. It is caused by a virus which

transmits from person to person through contaminated food and water. Once infected,

the virus affects the motor nerves and other parts of the central nervous system which

finally ends up in paralysis of one or more limbs. It usually affects young children. As the

disease is incurable, prevention is our best bet. Vaccination is the only proven method

by which this disease can be prevented.

What is Pulse Polio Immunization Programme?



Mass administration of

Two doses of polio vaccine

To all children in age group of 0-59 months( 0-5 years)

On a fixed day

Throughout the nation

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What is Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization

Programme? Pulse Polio activity

Followed by

Intensive House to House search

With Immunization of missed children

Immunization of children in HRGs/HTRAs

Immunization of children in transit

The Pulse Polio Immunization is a vaccination programme launched with the aim of

eradicating Polio from this world. The Government of India conducted the first ever

round of Pulse Polio Immunization on 9th December 1995 and 20th January 1996. The

beneficiaries of the first 2 rounds of Pulse Polio Immunization in India were all children

under the age of 3 yeas, irrespective of their immunization status. All children under 3

years of age were given 2 drops of oral polio vaccine on those Pulse Polio Immunization

days. Later on, the age group of the beneficiaries was increased to 5 years, based on the

recommendation of World Health Organization (WHO). The pulse polio immunization

programme was launched to supplement the UIP. No other vaccine preventable

diseases had an additional national level programme aimed at it’s eradication in those


Now, you might be thinking that why Polio alone is given so much emphasis

compared to the other vaccine preventable diseases? Here is why :-

With the help of vaccines, we have eradicated Smallpox from this world. Polio is one of

the few diseases that can be completely eradicated from this world. Polio can be

eradicated by vaccination as was done for small pox. Polio vaccines used in Pulse Polio

Immunization are oral polio vaccines. The ease of administration of these oral vaccines

makes it possible for large scale simultaneous application. It can be even given in the

remotest parts of a community. These two facts are the reasons why healthcare

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providers and WHO are giving such high emphasis on polio eradication compared to

other diseases.

Today, pulse polio programme in India has become the largest public health campaign

conducted in a country. All children up to the age of 5 years are given 2 drops of oral

polio vaccine nationwide irrespective of their previous immunization status. Two such

pulse vaccination days are conducted four to six weeks apart, usually in the months of

November to February.

Why should I give repeated doses of polio vaccine

to my child?

If you’re familiar with the UIP, you’ll realise that every child has to take 5 doses of oral

polio vaccine before the age of 5 years. In addition to that, the Pulse Polio Immunization

programme vaccinates every child two more times every year. So, the obvious question

that rises in everyone’s mind will be related to the repeated dosing of oral polio vaccine.

Repeated doses of vaccination do not have any adverse affects. In fact, repeated doses

helps to increase the level of protection of your child from polio infection. Wild polio

virus are still at large in many parts of the world including Pakistan and Afghanistan.

There are chances of re-emergence of polio infection in India if we stop the pulse polio


Oral polio vaccines might not be able to impart enough level of immunity in some

children. Such children would be either immune compromised or will be suffering from

repeated diarrhoea or severe malnutrition. Such children can be protected from polio

virus by giving the injectable polio vaccine (IPV) or by making the whole community

immune against polio. The latter is being done through pulse polio programme by

improving the “herd immunity”. By making sure that your child is given repeated doses

of polio vaccine, you are indirectly helping those children who are at risk of developing

polio even after they get vaccinated.

The anti-vaccine ideologists who boast of their children not getting infected with polio

viruses should realise that their children are being protected from the disease only

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because of the “herd immunity” developed by national programmes like UIP and Pulse

Polio Immunization.

Soon this basket of vaccines is being expanded soon with introduction of IPV and


Is my child eligible for Pulse Polio Immunization?

Oral polio vaccine (OPV) given in the Pulse Polio Immunization programme are actually

extra doses of polio vaccine given to children in India. These vaccines do not replace the

oral polio vaccines given during the routine immunization programme (UIP). Please read

the following points carefully to decide whether you need to participate in the Pulse

Polio Immunization programme or not.

1. All children up to the age of 5 years are eligible. This includes newborn babies too.

2. You are supposed to give oral polio vaccines to your child (below 5 years) even if your child had

received the same oral polio vaccines the previous day as part of the UIP. In short, there is no

minimum interval between Pulse Polio Immunization dose and scheduled OPV doses.

3. Bring your child to the Pulse Polio Immunization special booth even if your child has mild fever,

cough or cold. These conditions are not a problem as far as oral vaccines are concerned.

4. You may not bring your child for Pulse Polio Immunization doses if your child is suffering from a

known “immune compromised” condition or is taking immuno-suppressant medicines like


What to expect on Pulse Polio Immunization days?

Special immunization booths will be setup all around your locality. These booths may

function in either Anganwadis, health clubs, private and public clinics,

libraries,schools,health sub centres etc.

If you find it difficult to find a Pulse Polio Immunization booth, contact your ASHA or

AWW or MPHA(ANM) (multi purpose health assitant) or your nearest health centre.

Transit booths will be in place at all railway stations, bus stations, .

You will find two or more trained volunteers at every such booths where the Pulse Polio

Immunization are being carried out.

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You just need to take your under 5-year-old child to any one of these booths to get

vaccinated. After administering the 2 crucial drops of OPV to your child, the healthcare

volunteers will put a mark on your child’s little finger with a marker. This is to make sure

that your child has been vaccinated during the Pulse Polio Immunization programme.

You can clarify any doubts related to the vaccination programme by asking the

volunteers. They will inform you about the second round of Pulse Polio Immunization

(usually conducted one month after the first round).

Pulse Polio Immunization booths will function from 8 am to 5 pm on 17th January (first

round) and 21st February (second round). The transit booths will function till 8 pm.

Why conduct Pulse Polio Immunization even after

India has been declared Polio free?

One must understand that the transmission of polio virus is still going on many parts of

the world. India is particularly at high risk of re-infection with the polio virus. This is

because of it’s close proximity with Pakistan and Afghanistan where polio cases are still

at large. India was declared a polio free nation only very recently. Before that time, there

would have been free transmission of polio virus from India to other parts of the world.

This is true considering the large number of Indian citizens working in other countries.

Therefore, chances of re-infection through the same route is possible. Programmes like

routine and pulse polio immunization have to be continued until this deadly incurable

disease is eradicated globally.

Two drops for Life In a few days time, you will hear mic announcements, watch TV commercials and read

newspaper notifications about the biggest health programme in the world. Make sure

that you participate in this programme and help the coming generations from the

deadly polio virus.

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Provide facilitatory guidance for efficient & effective implementation

Ensure all senior officials are accountable for their areas

Ensure involvement and ISC of all departments in the district for

mobilization of manpower, transport & social mobilization

Participate in Rally

Launch IPPI


Government workers may be part of vaccination teams and at least

help to cover their own residential colonies.

Government offices should display IEC materials like posters and


All Officials talk Polio till in every meeting


Mobilize the SHGs, IKP members at every village for social mobilization

Sensitize the Mandal & Zilla samakya members about IPPI

Ensure their active participation in social mobilization of all children

in the village to booth

Ensure their active participation in H2H search activities.

Work in close collaboration with the IPPI team members

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Polio booths may be located at ICDS centres.

ICDS workers must be part of vaccination teams.(Booth & House to

House activity)

Anganwadis should distribute and display IEC materials .

ICDS workers should help in contacting local community leaders /

mothers /groups to raise community awareness about NIDs/SNIDs.


To closely supervise all the activities of IPPI

Ensure social mobilization

Ensure all staff under their control and jurisdiction participate in the IPPI

Ensure wide publicity through the PROs

Ensure NGOs participate

Ensure MROs visit booths

Ensure wide publicity for the IPPI

Provide support to the MOs/SPHOs

Ensure all cinema halls put up their own flexis publicizing IPPI

Ensure “tallaries” provide support on both the Booth & H 2 H search


Village secretaries & other grass root workers participate

Drum beating

Participate in Rally

Launch IPPI- Visit HRAs

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Supervise & Visit the booths & IPPI activities

Ensure all the functionaries under his control

participate in IPPI activities

Gear up all the machinery under his control for social mobilization

Ensure all the MDOs visit & participate in the booth & IPPI activities

Participate in Rally

Launch IPPI


Visit & Supervise booth activities

Ensure all the teachers are part of team members

Ensure schools identified as booths are opened on the day of booth activity

All teachers/HMs actively take part in social mobilization

Conduct rallies in every village

Motivate/Sensitize children about IPPI & Polio

Ensure schools are open early(SUNDAYS)


Ensure wide publicity of the IPPI programme

Ensure all Print media & Electronic media attend the press conference

Effective media plan

Control of rumors

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Ensure all the functionaries under his control actively

take part in social mobilization

Ensure quality coverage of all children in the slums, settlements,

periurban areas.

Ensure wide publicity is done.

Ensure social action

Mobilize NGOs/Local philanthropists to contribute for publicity

Participate & Conduct rallies

Launch IPPI

Chair the Urban planning task force meetings


Provide uninterrupted power supply to all institutions with ILRs

Promote participation of all his functionaries

Visit facilities & booths

Publicize the IPPI activities

Participate in Rally

Launch IPPI


Help setting up transit booths

Provide seating arrangement and hospitality to all the team members

Ensure mike announcements in all bus stations on all 3 days

Ensure mike announcements few days prior to the booth activity

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Involve and sensitize his functionaries about IPPI

Polio spots/Banners

Sensitize Drivers and Conductors

ROLE OF Railways & NHAI

Help setting up transit booths

Railway health staff should vaccinate all target children in railway staff colonies.

Polio spots should be shown on closed circuit TV at all railway stations

before and during the activity.

Miking should also be done from fixed sites at these places.

Polio hoardings should be displayed on all railway coaches,

Railway stations,and bridges/Toll gates to create awareness.


Telephone exchanges to play messages regarding the programme

when subscribers make or receive telephone calls.

Explore possibility of Hello tune

Ensure all the functionaries are sensitized and participate in the IPPI

Citi cable networks

TV Spots


Live talks

Part of local news

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Provide support in HRAs/HRGs

Involve all functionaries in creating community awareness

Provide support during H2H search

Social mobilization

ROLE OF DTW, DSW, District fisheries

Social mobilization of HRGs

Help in identifying high risk populations/interior inaccessible

populations/fishermen populations


Provide social mobilization from the traffic points by miking

Provide support during rally

Participate in Rally

Sensitize all functionaries


Take up activties for festive look at booths

Publicize the activities

Participate in the rally

Provide water/snacks to all participants in the rally

Print handbills and provide wide publicity

Mobile teams_adopt areas

Mobility support in Urban areas

Coverage of HTR areas _Adopt areas

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Transit points _ Adopt areas

Provide material support for publicity during rally _ caps, jackets,

Provide water during rally

ROLE OF PD Adult Education

Sakshara bharathi members for Social mobilization

Adult education volunteers


Participate in Rally

Provide wide coverage

Provide support in case of adverse rumors


Ensure all employees actively participate in the activities

Provide water during rally

Ensure all hotels/cinema halls/shopping malls put up

their own banners with IPPI message

Ensure all the HRAs are covered 100%

Ensure good urban planning

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Vaccine Vial Monitor

Please participate in this national

programme and help us eradicate Polio from

planet Earth.

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