interactive response 4.0 release notes

Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes December 2008

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Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes

December 2008

Page 2: Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes

© 2008 Avaya Inc.

All Rights Reserved.


While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information inthis document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, AvayaInc. can assume no liability for any errors. Changes and corrections tothe information in this document might be incorporated in futurereleases.

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Avaya Inc. is not responsible for any modifications, additions, ordeletions to the original published version of this documentation unlesssuch modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya.Customer and/or End User agree to indemnify and hold harmlessAvaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims,lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with,subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentationto the extent made by the Customer or End User.

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Avaya Inc. provides a limited warranty on this product. Refer to yoursales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. Inaddition, Avaya’s standard warranty language, as well as informationregarding support for this product, while under warranty, is availablethrough the Avaya Support Web site:



Avaya grants End User a license within the scope of the license typesdescribed below. The applicable number of licenses and units ofcapacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless adifferent number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in theDocumentation or other materials available to End User. "DesignatedProcessor" means a single stand-alone computing device. "Server"means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to beaccessed by multiple users. "Software" means the computer programsin object code, originally licensed by Avaya and ultimately utilized byEnd User, whether as stand-alone Products or pre-installed onHardware. "Hardware" means the standard hardware Products,originally sold by Avaya and ultimately utilized by End User.

License types

Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use theSoftware on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers,so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and usingthe Software at any given time. A "Unit" means the unit on which Avaya,at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be,without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail accountin the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster orhelpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilizedby the Product that permits one user to interface with the Software.Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server.

Shrinkwrap License (SR). With respect to Software that containselements provided by third party suppliers, End User may install anduse the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the

applicable license agreements, such as "shrinkwrap" or "clickwrap"license accompanying or applicable to the Software ("ShrinkwrapLicense"). The text of the Shrinkwrap License will be available fromAvaya upon End User’s request (see “Third-party Components" formore information).


Except where expressly stated otherwise, the Product is protected bycopyright and other laws respecting proprietary rights. Unauthorizedreproduction, transfer, and or use can be a criminal, as well as a civil,offense under the applicable law.

Third-party components

Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Productmay contain software distributed under third party agreements ("ThirdParty Components"), which may contain terms that expand or limitrights to use certain portions of the Product ("Third Party Terms").Information identifying Third Party Components and the Third PartyTerms that apply to them is available on the Avaya Support Web site:

Preventing toll fraud

"Toll fraud" is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications systemby an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporateemployee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company'sbehalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of toll fraud associated withyour system and that, if toll fraud occurs, it can result in substantialadditional charges for your telecommunications services.

Avaya fraud intervention

If you suspect that you are being victimized by toll fraud and you needtechnical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center TollFraud Intervention Hotline at +1-800-643-2353 for the United Statesand Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see the AvayaSupport Web site:

Suspected security vulnerabilities with Avaya Products should bereported to Avaya by sending mail to: [email protected].


Avaya, the Avaya logo, Avaya Interactive Response, Avaya IVRDesigner, Avaya Communication Manager, CONVERSANT, and AvayaDialog Designer are either registered trademarks or trademarks ofAvaya Inc. in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions.

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2 Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes December 2008

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Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................5Release notes overview....................................................................................................................................5What's new........................................................................................................................................................5

Chapter 2: Known issues..........................................................................................................9Avaya IR installation, upgrade, migration, and security....................................................................................9Avaya IR application development..................................................................................................................14Operations, administration, and management................................................................................................14Backup and recovery......................................................................................................................................15

Performing tape cartridge initialization..................................................................................................16Database........................................................................................................................................................16Telephony........................................................................................................................................................17Speech............................................................................................................................................................17Advanced Reporting........................................................................................................................................19IVR-Designer..................................................................................................................................................20

Chapter 3: Known documentation issues............................................................................21Implementation................................................................................................................................................21

Installing the IR software from the software media................................................................................21Overview of upgrading IR on the same hardware platform....................................................................22Upgrading to IR 4.0................................................................................................................................23IR commands subset for operator privileges..........................................................................................23Hardware platform requirements............................................................................................................24

Sun Netra T2000............................................................................................................................................27Partition sizes for Sun Netra T2000........................................................................................................27Installing an external modem on Sun Netra T2000................................................................................27

Back-up and restore........................................................................................................................................30Restoring a Solaris 10 system with an external tape drive....................................................................30Restoring a Solaris 10 system with an NFS mount directory................................................................32

Disk mirroring..................................................................................................................................................35Call Classification Data Summary report results............................................................................................35VoiceXML........................................................................................................................................................35


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4 Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes December 2008

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Release notes overviewThis document provides important information about the Avaya Interactive Response (IR)system, including known issues and suggested solutions for release 4.0.

Required patchesYou must install all the Avaya certified Solaris patches for IR. For more information about Avayacertified patches for IR, see under IR 4.0 downloads.

Installing IRInformation on how to install IR 4.0 is available in the print guide titled Implementing InteractiveResponse.

What's newThe following table describes the new and enhanced features and key changes introducedin IR 4.0 release:

IR New for this release

Operating system • Supports only Solaris 10update 5.

• Uses the Service ManagementFacility (SMF).

Hardware Supports hardware disk mirroring forAvaya turnkey Sun Fire V245 Dual CPUsystems.

Database Supports PostgreSQL 8.2 database.

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IR New for this release

Speech • Supports MRCP v2 protocol tomanage speech resources.

• Supports configurable IPaddresses for each speechserver.

Telephony • Supports configuring an NFASgroup with a backup D-channel for PRI T1. IRactivates the backup D-channel when the primary D-channel goes down.

Note:Configure PRI T1 beforeconfiguring the NFAS group.

• Supports encrypting CTIpassword to enhance security.

VXML browser • Provides enhanced VXIperformance by tuning theoperating system performanceand using Sun Netra T2000platform.

• Provides enhanced TAS2VXInode to exchange parametersbetween the TAS and VXMLbrowser.

• Supports remote DTMFrecognition using speechservers.

• Supports a channel monitoringsystem that automaticallyattempts to bring hungchannels to active state.

• Supports 256 characters todefine the audio file path.

Operation, administration, andmaintenance

• Provides enhanced reportingthrough Advanced Reporting(Report Viewer) tool.

• Provides enhanced trace utility.This utility now allows runningone trace command at a time.


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IR New for this release

Security Supports privacy property to maskselective data. For example, passwordsand bank account numbers.

Advanced Reporting (Report Viewer) • Supports data logging for call,system, telephony, and VXMLinformation.

• Provides:- User management- Application

configuration andmanagement

- Reports and chartsmanagement(Generate, download,and schedule)

IVR-Designer 6.1 • Introduces MRCPSetParam inthe NLSR external function.MRCPSetParam sends all 9MRCP parameters required bythe ASR server at once.

• Provides enhanced T2V node:- URL attribute can be a

static or a variablevalue.The variable valuemust not exceed 512bytes.

- Passing parametersbetween TAS and VXIapplications. Amaximum of 10parameters can passfrom TAS to VXIapplications andaccept a maximum of10 parameters fromVXI to TASapplications.

- Privacy property in theInline Code node.

What's new

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Chapter 2: Known issues

Avaya IR installation, upgrade, migration, and security• When you install the AVsnmp package, the snmp-sub-agent:default service

goes into the maintenance state due to unavailability of licenses. However, when youadd appropriate SNMP licenses, you must restart the voice system. In the latter case,the start_vs command is aborted, as it fails to clear the snmp-sub-agent:default service and the system displays the following error message at thecommand prompt:

# start_vsAttempting to install RM driver...rm: NOTICE: _init succeededRM driver has been installed successfully.

The Voice System is startingsvc.startd[7]: Avaya/management/IR/snmp-sub-agent:default failed: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)svc:/Avaya/management/IR/snmp-sub-agent:default :service in maintenance stateAborting start_vs#To resolve this problem:

a. At the command prompt, run the svcadm disable snmp-sub-agent:default command to disable the snmp-sub-agent:defaultservice.

b. Run the start_vs command to start the voice system.

c. Run the svcadm enable snmp-sub-agent:default command toenable the snmp-sub-agent:default service.

• After you install the AVsnmp package, perform the following steps to provide executepermissions for root users to the snmpConfig command. It allows you to enableSNMP for IR systems.

# ls -l $IR_HOME/vs/bin/util/snmpConfig-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 677 Apr 22007 /NEWIR/AvayaIR/vs/bin/util/snmpConfig.orig#chmod 0744 $IR_HOME/vs/bin/util/snmpConfig

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# ls -l $IR_HOME/vs/bin/util/snmpConfig-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 677 Jan 206:31 /NEWIR/AvayaIR/vs/bin/util/snmpConfig

• You can ignore the following scrolling messages on the Sun Netra T2000 systems:

SUNW-MSG-ID: SUNOS-8000-1L, TYPE: Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: MinorEVENT-TIME: Mon Nov 24 17:41:06 IST 2008PLATFORM: SUNW,Netra-T2000, CSN: -, HOSTNAME: -SOURCE: eft, REV: 1.16EVENT-ID: e5ee40ce-6f4d-45c2-9dfa-906578d8f5c4DESC: The EFT Diagnosis Engine encountered telemetry for which it is unable to produce a diagnosis. Refer to for more information.AUTO-RESPONSE: Error reports from the component will be logged for examination by Sun.IMPACT: Automated diagnosis and response for these events will not occur.REC-ACTION: Run pkgchk -n SUNWfmd to ensure that fault management software is installed properly. Contact Sun for support.It is safe to ignore these messages, as it does not cause any harm to the IR systems.

• When you install IR 4.0 using cd1 or cd2 on a Sun Fire V245 or Sun Netra T2000system, the following error message appears in the console:

# Nov 25 10:46:50 irt2ksv3 hsfs: NOTICE: hsfs: Warning: file system mounted on /AvayaIR/.airinstall/cdromNov 25 10:46:50 irt2ksv3 does not conform to the ISO-9660 specification:Nov 25 10:46:50 irt2ksv3 hsfs: file len greater than max allowedNov 25 10:46:50 irt2ksv3 hsfs: Due to this error, the file system may not be correctly interpreted.Nov 25 10:46:50 irt2ksv3 hsfs: Other such errors in this file system will be silently ignored.It is safe to ignore this error message and proceed with the IR 4.0 installation process.

• When you restart a Sun Netra T2000 system, the following messages appear in theconsole:

SUNW-MSG-ID: SUNOS-8000-1L, TYPE: Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: MinorEVENT-TIME: Mon Nov 24 17:41:06 IST 2008PLATFORM: SUNW,Netra-T2000, CSN: -, HOSTNAME: irt2ksv3SOURCE: eft, REV: 1.16EVENT-ID: e5ee40ce-6f4d-45c2-9dfa-906578d8f5c4DESC: The EFT Diagnosis Engine encountered telemetry for which it is unable to produce a diagnosis. Refer to for more information.AUTO-RESPONSE: Error reports from the component will be logged for examination by Sun.IMPACT: Automated diagnosis and response for these events will not occur.REC-ACTION: Run pkgchk -n SUNWfmd to ensure that fault management software is installed properly. Contact Sun for

Known issues

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support.Nov 24 17:41:10 irt2ksv3 login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/pts/1 FROM

SUNW-MSG-ID: SUNOS-8000-1L, TYPE: Defect, VER: 1, SEVERITY: MinorEVENT-TIME: Mon Nov 24 17:41:16 IST 2008PLATFORM: SUNW,Netra-T2000, CSN: -, HOSTNAME: irt2ksv3SOURCE: eft, REV: 1.16EVENT-ID: f22e1d45-5e35-e447-8da0-c80aafd9dceeDESC: The EFT Diagnosis Engine encountered telemetry for which it is unable to produce a diagnosis. Refer to for more information.AUTO-RESPONSE: Error reports from the component will be logged for examination by Sun.IMPACT: Automated diagnosis and response for these events will not occur.REC-ACTION: Run pkgchk -n SUNWfmd to ensure that fault management software is installed properly. Contact Sun for support.It is safe to ignore these messages and restart the system.

• When installing IR on a Sun Netra T2000 system, the system displays the followingmessage related to the pmadm command:

error -- device "/dev/term/b" does not existUsage: pmadm -a [ -p pmtag | -t type ] -s svctag -i id -m "pmspecific" -v version [ -f xu ] [ -y comment ] [ -z script] pmadm -r -p pmtag -s svctag pmadm -e -p pmtag -s svctag pmadm -d -p pmtag -s svctag pmadm -l [ -p pmtag | -t type ] [ -s svctag ] pmadm -L [ -p pmtag | -t type ] [ -s svctag ] pmadm -g -p pmtag -s svctag [ -z script ] pmadm -g -s svctag -t type -z script

• If the CD has been mounted manually by using the mount -F hsfs command, then IRinstallation will not continue. To continue, you must unmount the CD drive, and startvold by using the svcadm enable volfs command. This will automatically mountthe CD on /cdrom/cdrom0. This scenario can occur when IR installation has beenaborted. To unmount, determine the mount point on which the CD drive has beenmounted by using the mount command. Then, run the umount <mountpoint>command.

• When you upgrade from IR 3.x to IR 4.0, IR restores the pal.cfg file contents fromIR 3.x and overwrites the IR 4.0 pal.cfg file contents.

After you run the vxmlassign command, all new parameters are available in thepal.cfg file except vxi.fxscheduling.enable, timeout.channelmon.polling, andtimeout.channelmon.threshold. VXI assigns default values to thevxi.fxscheduling.enable, timeout.channelmon.polling, andtimeout.channelmon.threshold parameters in their absence. However, you can

Avaya IR installation, upgrade, migration, and security

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manually edit the pal.cfg file to modify these parameters and restart the voicesystem.

• Ensure that you do not connect a serial modem to a Sun Netra T2000 system wheninstalling Solaris from the CDROM.

If you connect the serial modem, but do not configure to the Sun Netra T2000 systemwhen installing Solaris from the CDROM, the system can hang forever.

• After you upgrade from IR 3.0 to IR 4.0, you must run the agt_config commandbefore connecting to Proactive Contact 4.0.

• After uninstalling IR you must restart the system to avoid respawning of certaincommands.

• For upgrade or migration to IR 4.0 from IR 3.0, the JDBC password field is left blank.You must configure JDBC dip for the password field.

• For the software-only solution, the scripts enableWrappers anddisableServices are not run during installation. To enhance the security of thesystem these scripts must be run. For more information about these scripts, see AvayaInteractive Response Security Whitepaper.

Note:disableServices disables the telnet service. This script must not be run from atelnet session. Run this script when connected through a serial console or throughssh. For turnkey systems, the telnet service is disabled because this script hasalready been run. To enable the telnet service, use the svcadm enable telnetcommand. This command can be run with root privileges only.

• All files installed on IR are not world writable by default. However, some files aregenerated dynamically and they get created with world write permissions. Followingis the list of these dynamically generated files:

- $IR_HOME/speech/talk/*.pl- $IR_HOME/vs/data/ad_channel_table- $IR_HOME/vs/data/ad_dnsani_table- $IR_HOME/vs/data/xfer_allow_table- $IR_HOME/vs/data/xfer_deny_table- $IR_HOME/vs/examples/IRAPI/*- $IR_HOME/vs/spool/log/head/logAPPL.h- $IR_HOME/vs/dpr/logDPR.txt

The file /etc/passwd.em gets created with bin as owner.

• Data files can be edited by root only. Non-root users including those with IR Admin orIR Operator privileges will not be able to edit any IR related data files such asconfiguration files.

Known issues

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• The kermit utility has been replaced by zmodem. This utility is not installed by default. Itis an optional package and it is available in the $IR_HOME/export/optional_features/sfw directory. The SMClrzsz package contains this utility.

• For creating a new Solaris user by using the smc utility, the default shell must be setto /bin/pfksh. This is required if the new user has to be assigned IR Admin or IROperator privileges by using the assign_permissions command.

• Before deleting a Solaris user, the unassign_permissions command must beused to remove any privileges. If this is not done and the user is deleted, then aftercreating the user again, the user would not have the IR Admin or IR Operator privilegesit was earlier assigned. At this stage, if assign_permissions is used to assign theprivileges to the user, then the command will fail. To avoid these issues, adhere to thefollowing order:

a. Create a Solaris user by using the useradd command.

b. Assign the Operator or Admin privileges by using theassign_permissions command.

c. Remove privileges from the user by using the unassign_permissionscommand.

d. Delete the user by using the userdel command.

• Using root user privileges, add set md_mirror:md_resync_bufsz=1024 to add aparameter to the /etc/system file.

• The following commands have not been tested with custom installation in IR 4.0:

- msgadm- sched_croncdh- trarpt- fixLogFile

• SunFire V245 does not come with a 9-pin or a 25-pin serial interface. An RJ45 port isprovided instead. To connect a modem to this system, the modem should beconnected to this RJ45 port with the help of an RJ45-to-serial-interface converter (Thisconverter is shipped with the system). However, a NULL Modem cable/converter mustbe used to connect the modem. A typical connection to a modem would be as follows:V245's RJ45 port <==> RJ45 to Serial interface converter <==> NULL Modem cable/converter <==> Modem.

• After upgrade the card status may not be in the inserve state. To bring the card inthe inserve state, run the restore card <card#> command.

Avaya IR installation, upgrade, migration, and security

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Avaya IR application developmentGeneral application development

• Do not use the obsoleted to link irAPI with the custom applications.Use instead, which is multi-threaded and thread-safe.

• If you plan to use IVR Designer 6.1 or earlier with IR 4.0, make sure that IR is installedin the classical mode.


• Ignore the following VoiceXML error message which gets generated in logCat ortrace: Failed closing cache validator for URL =.

• If the external grammar cannot be accessed by the Speech server then VXI will notthrow error.badfetch. Instead, it will throw connection.disconnect.hangup.This occurs only if the hostname/IP address specified as part of the URL cannot beaccessed.

• DTMF barge-in will work only when DTMF grammar is active. Speech barge-in willwork only when speech grammar is active.

• Certain malformed URLs for transfers throw error.transfer instead oferror.connection.baddestination. For example a URL such as tel:x1234results in error.transfer instead of error.connection.baddestination.

• If the country code in the xml:lang attribute is set to an invalid value, theerror.noresource.tts event is thrown.

• VXI throws error.noresource.asr when duplicate inline grammars are defined.

• With proprietary Nuance ASR 8.5, multiple interpretations are not returned.• If the TTS resource allocation mode is atCallAnswer and if the number of TTS

resources are less than currently required, then VXI does not throwerror.noresource.tts and the call is not dropped.

Operations, administration, and management• For Internet Explorer 6.0.x users

In the Assign Speech Recognition or DPR Type or Assign Text-to-SpeechConfiguration page, changing options frequently in the drop-down lists when the pageis loaded with the selected options, results in a blank page.

After the blank page appears, you cannot open other pages in the IR WebAdministration tool.

You can do one of the following tasks to resolve this problem:

Known issues

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- Click Refresh in the Internet Explorer window or press F5.

IR opens the Home page.

- Click Log Off in the IR Web Administration.

IR opens the Login page.

• IR supports only HTTP protocol for WebLM server connection.

• You can use localhost in the URL only if the WebLM server is installed on the sameIR box.

• You must configure a local WebLM server on an enterprise WebLM server using theHTTP protocol and 80 port.

• Avaya recommends rebooting the IR system once a month.

Backup and recovery• You can select one of the following options as the protocol for NFS recovery:

- I don’t know

- udp

- tcp

However, IR selects the default protocol internally over the option you selected.

During recovery, IR displays the following messages related to UFS mounts and NISservice at the command prompt:

WARNING: Error writing ufslog stateWARNING: ufs log for /unused2/s1mnt changed state to ErrorWARNING: Please umount(1M) /unused2/s1mnt and run fsck(1M)/sbin/install-ui-start: /usr/openwin/bin/xinit : not foundsvc.startd[7]:svc: /network/nis/client : default : Method "lib/svc/method/yp" failed with exit status 96svc.startd[7]: network/nis/client : default misconfiguredYou can safely ignore these warning messages.

• Ensure that you do not connect a serial modem to a Sun Netra T2000 system whenrestoring IR from the Recovery Disk.

If you connect the serial modem, but do not configure to the Sun Netra T2000 systemwhen restoring IR from the Recovery Disk, the system can hang forever.

• Performing tape cartridge initialization on page 16.

Backup and recovery

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Performing tape cartridge initialization

1. At the command prompt, enter echo "This is the last file marker forIR tape backups." > /NO_MORE_ARCHIVES to create NO_MORE_ARCHIVES.

2. Enter mt rewind to rewind the tape cartridge.

3. Enter ls /NO_MORE_ARCHIVES | cpio -H tar -o > /dev/rmt/0n.You can now use the tape cartridge to perform IR backups.


• Perform the tape cartridge initialization process, only if issues arise witha new cartridge on which no backup was taken earlier.

• If the tape cartridge already contains data, performing the initializationprocess erases it.

DatabaseYou can connect to the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database in the same manner as youconnect to the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database. However, you must assign the followingClassname and Database URL values for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database.


Database URL jdbc:sqlserver://domain_name:1433;databaseName=yourdatabasename

• domain_name indicates thedomain name of the MicrosoftSQL Server 2005 database.

• yourdatabasenameindicates the database filename.

Known issues

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For more information about connecting to the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database, see theInstalling the MS SQL 2000 JDBC Driver topic in the Implementing Interactive Responsedocumentation set.

Telephony• The SunFire V245 box installed with a CG6565 card shows spurious interrupt

messages in logCat. Ignore these messages.

• With Avaya Communication Manager, if an attempt is made to perform consultationtransfer from one loop channel to the other channel in the same trunk, which is busy,then the transfer may return the status as noanswer.

• When a new NMS card is configured, the card state may be broken for the first timeafter voice system restart. Use the remove and restore commands to bring the cardin proper state.

• Do not use blind transfer with ISDN QSIG and ETSI.

• Wait time before answer indicates the number of seconds that the system waits toanswer an incoming call, from 0 to 14.

• When using the tone masking feature with barge-in enabled, do not set the DiscardPrevious Touchtones property to True in the Prompt and Collect node of IVRDesigner.

• If the Fax feature is enabled from the web administration, its status remains Yes even ifChange Card is used to turn off the Fax feature. Unassign and assign the card again todisable the Fax feature.

Speech• At the command prompt, when you run the trace ASRPROXYMGR command, you

must provide the required channel parameter.

• Any system that uses multiple IR systems with virtual channel mapping through DialogDesigner (4.0.9 and earlier or 4.1.9) applications have unmatched call tags and cannotresolve channel mapping.

You can:

- Use the client.rec.call_tag to integrate with the Nuance OSDM UPCID field.

- Match every call across multiple IR systems using the Logging-Tag in ASRand TTS MRCP requests and the client.rec.call_tag for UPCID in VXMLapplications.

In IR 4.0, the call tag is changed to be consistent with the MRCP Logging-Tag asNuance speech servers require Logging-Tag in the MRCP requests and


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client.rec.call_tag have identical values to track the same call in different logs andmerge calls using Nuance OSI.

Release Format

Earlier to IR 3.0 SP3 machine_name channel_number timestamp

IR 4.0 hostname —(hyphen)

3 digitchannelnumberleftpaddedwithzeroes

SessionIDgeneratedby IRAPIcomprising 11 hexcharacters

For example, irt2ksv3-00048f830db269 The tokenfollowing the — (hyphen) can also be used to relateto the statements traced out by the processes forthe given call in the trace.

• When you use the Japanese SHIFT-JIS charset in a TAS application, then Text-to-Speech does not work with Nuance RealSpeak 4.5.0 patch 2.

This issue is reported to Nuance (ST: 810010071).

• If you are planning to use Quantum, you must use OSDM 2.0.6.

• When one or more TTS dictionaries are loaded and enabled through the use of vendor-specific parameters, they are automatically disabled and unloaded when the sessionends. There is no need to disable or unload them explicitly.

• While creating a TAS application that performs speech recognition by using the MRCPspeech proxies, you must specify the SRGS grammar file through a URI. Inline SRGSgrammar is not supported in case of TAS applications.

• To make the RealSpeak Voice Mei-Ling 4.0.6 work with NSS 5.0.2/5.0.4, you need tomodify the configuration values and registry values in the NSS configuration fileNssserver.cfg. The configuration values have priority over registry ones.

You must use the following registry values:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ScanSoft\RealSpeak 4.0\Language Resources\Mandarin Chinese B5 (Mei-Ling)]"Gender"="female""LanguageName"="Mandarin Chinese B5""LanguageTag"="zh-guoyu-b5" "VoiceName"="Mei-Ling"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ScanSoft\RealSpeak 4.0\Language Resources\Mandarin Chinese GB (Mei-Ling)]"Gender"="female""LanguageName"="Mandarin Chinese GB"

Known issues

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"LanguageTag"="zh-guoyu-gb" "VoiceName"="Mei-Ling"You must use the following configuration values in Nssserver.cfg:

server.rsspeechsynth.languageid.zh VXIString Mandarin Chinese server.rsspeechsynth.languageid.zh-CN VXIString Mandarin Chinese GB server.rsspeechsynth.languageid.zh-guoyu VXIString Mandarin Chinese B5 With the above mentioned settings, you can set both "Speech-Language" header and"xml:lang" attribute to "zh-CN". As long as the encoding types can be specified, zh-CN can cover both GB and Big5 encoding types. However, if the prompt is from a plaintext file without "encodings" or "xml:lang" attributes, you have to use the "zh-guoyu"for "Speech-Language".

For more information, refer Nuance ST: 809010011.

Advanced Reporting• You must enter the Advanced Reporting URL in the <http://<IR IP address/Advreporting> format to open the Report Viewer tool. Ensure that you enter the IPaddress of an IR system that has the AVadvrpt package installed on it. For moreinformation, see the Interactive Response Advanced Reporting documentation set.

• The Area Code reports do not display Japanese area name.

To display Japanese or other non-English languages, select UTF8 from the encodingoption of your Web browser.

• The enh_area_code_master database table does not support area code starting with0.

To use an area code number starting with 0, you must change the date type for thearea_code column in the enh_area_code_master database table to charactervarying .

• The number of records that a detail report fetches depends upon the system memoryand the Java heap space. You can find a configurable parameter for the maximumnumber of records in the file.

• The System Report data is logged in the database with a difference of 6-7 seconds.

Advanced Reporting

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IVR-DesignerIVR-Designer on Windows VistaYou must turn-off the User Account Control (UAC) security component in Windows Vista forthe Avaya IVR-Designer tool to work properly.

You can refer to the following documentation for directions to turn-off UAC:•••


A_Tran external functionIVR-Designer may fail to get the return code of A_Tran external function node. This behavioroccurs intermittently.

Since the default hang-up handler is active, it quits the TAS script immediately after the transfer.To avoid this:

• Override the default disconnect handler using event. The event instructionmaintains the existing call flow.

• Insert an inline node before the A_Tran node in the call flow. In the inline node, insert anevent (0, TraceATran) line to override the handler. You must change the[TraceATran] argument as per the call flow requirement. Generally, it is a nodeavailable in the success branch of the A_Tran function.

Privacy property for TAS applicationsIf you encounter the ERROR: cannot find <irParams.h> error message while installing aTAS application, use irParams.h without the angle brackets (<>) in the inline code node.

Known issues

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Chapter 3: Known documentation issues

ImplementationThis section contains information that is either missing or not up-to-date in the productdocumentation.

• Installing an external tape drive on the Sun Fire platforms - The command for checkingthe status of the tape drive is stated incorrectly. The correct command is mt -f /dev/rmt/0n status .

• Configuring SSH settings to use the SFTP service - To use the SFTP service fortransferring applications from IVR-D 6.0 and above to IR 4.0, certain SSH-relatedconfiguration changes need to be made to the sshd_config file on the IR system.

Caution:Do not interrupt the installation process, when it is in progress.

Related topics:Installing the IR software from the software media on page 21Overview of upgrading IR on the same hardware platform on page 22Upgrading to IR 4.0 on page 23IR commands subset for operator privileges on page 23

Installing the IR software from the software mediaThis installation process installs the IR software and base packages from the software media toyour IR system. For additional features, you must separately install optional IR softwarepackages.

PrerequisitesMake sure that you have installed the Sun Solaris 10 Update 5 operating system and theSolaris patches that come with the IR software media.

1. Log in to the IR system as root.

2. Insert the IR system software media into the DVD drive.

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Note:If you are upgrading to Solaris 10, contact your local Sun representative topurchase a DVD drive for systems that are equipped only with CD-ROM drives.

3. At the command prompt, do one of the following:

• Install the IR software to the root directory:

Enter/cdrom/cdrom#/avinstall where # is the drive number for theDVD drive (normally 0).

• Install the IR software to a single non-root directory:

Enter /cdrom/cdrom#/avinstall -singledir where # is the drivenumber for the DVD drive (normally 0).


Make sure that you enter an absolute path for installing to a single directory.

4. Press Enter.

5. When prompted, insert the IR system software media (CD2) into the DVD drive.

6. Press Enter.

7. Press Enter again to reboot the system when the installation is complete.

Overview of upgrading IR on the same hardware platformFollowing is an overview of the procedure for upgrading from IR 1.x, 2.x, or 3.x to IR 4.0. Theupgrade is performed in three phases.

1. The first phase is kicked off by inserting IR 4.0 CD1 in the drive and running thecommand /cdrom/cdrom0/upgrade. At the end of this phase, the /upgr_data.tar and /upgrade files get created. You must preserve these filesbecause third phase will not begin in absence of these files. It is advisable to movethese two files to a remote system temporarily.

2. In the second phase, the OS is upgraded (or fresh installed) to Solaris 10 Update 5.


• If the operating system is Solaris 10 and not Update 5, then the operatingsystem can be upgraded. However, it is recommended to perform freshinstallation of the operating system.

• If the operating system is Solaris 8, then it is strongly recommended toperform fresh installation of Solaris 10 Update 5.

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• Installing the operating system from scratch removes the existing datain the system.

• For a fresh install of the operating system, the two files that were createdduring the first phase must be copied to a different system, and copiedback after the operating systems is installed.

3. In the third phase, the two files (/upgr_data.tar and /upgrade, which werecreated in the first phase) must be present on the system. Running /upgradeinstall will start the third phase. Make sure that the file permission of /upgradeis -rwxr-xr-x before executing it in the third phase. Because, when this file istransferred to a remote system, its permission gets changed to -rw-r--r--. Refer tothe help manuals for more details about this phase.

Upgrading to IR 4.0

• If you have Sun Fire V245 platform with software disk mirroring on an IR 3.0 systemand want to upgrade to IR 4.0, IR provides an option to configure hardware mirroring orcontinue with software mirroring. However, if you choose hardware disk mirroring, youmust configure it manually.

Caution:When you configure hardware disk mirroring the data in the disks are lost.

• When you install IR 4.0 during upgrade, IR provides a list of optional packages thatwere installed in the earlier IR releases. You can choose to install none, all, or installthe packages one after the other.

IR commands subset for operator privilegesThe following table lists a subset of all the commands available under IR. A user with IROperator privileges can run only these commands. A user with IR Admin privileges can runthese and all the remaining IR commands. A user with root privileges can run all IR relatedcommands.

ass assign backuph browseSortLogCat

callCost capturePerfRec

ccarpt cddrpt


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cdsrpt dalarm del delete

disp display display_permissions


dspActAlarms dspRetAlarms exp explain

fax faxq faxrpt licenseConfig

licenseQuery listroitcoevents



mode msgadm notifyMrcpClient


renumber res restore retireAlarms

roitco roitcorpt shmview snmpConfig

speech sproxyadm startNmsCards start_vs

tts vs_status vxmlConfig vxmlSetLogs

The following commands cannot be run by users with IR Admin or IR Operator privileges.These commands can be run by root only:

• avinstall• avuninstall• upgrade• assign_permissions• unassign_permissions• mirror_admin

Hardware platform requirementsThe following topics illustrate the back panel for the Sun Fire V245 and Sun Netra T2000platforms:

• Sun Fire V245 back panel on page 24

• Sun Netra T2000 back panel on page 25

Sun Fire V245 back panel

The back panel of the Sun Fire V245 is shown in the following figure.

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Connection type / Indicator Avaya IR system use

Power supplies Dual redundant power supply inlets

System status LEDs The left LED is the System Activity LED.The middle LED is the Service LED.The right LED is the Locator LED.

PCI card slots • Two 64-bit 33/66 MHz 3.3V PCIslots

• Two 64-bit 33 MHz 5V PCI slots

For use of these PCI slots, see the Sun FireV245 PCI slotting rules.

Management ports 10Base-T Ethernet management domaininterfaceUsed for serial management only – Forgeneral serial port usage, use the serial portlabeled "10101"

Ethernet ports All four are 10/100/1000Base-T

USB ports USB1.1 compliant

• Support device speeds of 1.5 Mbits/s and 12 Mbits/s

• Power supply of 5V available ateach connector

Sun Netra T2000 back panel

The back panel of the Sun Netra T2000 is shown in the following figure:


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Item Connection type /Indicator

Avaya IR system use

1 PCI card slots • Three PCI-X slots for 64-bit 133MHz,3xfull-height, 2xfull length and 1x halflength

• One PCI-E (PCI-E) slot for low profilecards (supports x1, x4 and x8 with cards)

2 Power supplies Dual redundant power supply inlets. The extremeleft is Power Supply 0 and right to it is Power Supply1.

3 TTYA serial Port Use the Sun Fire T2000 DB-9 connector with a nullmodem cable for serial devices. It appears asTTYA in Solaris OS and OpenBoot messages.

4 SC serialManagement port

It uses an RJ-45 cable and is always available. Thisis the default connection to the ALOM-CMT systemcontroller.

5 USB ports USB1.1 compliant

• Support device speeds of 1.5 Mbits/s &12Mbits/s

• Power supply of 5V available at eachconnector

6 SC NetManagement Port

It uses an RJ-45 cable for a 10/100 BASE-Tconnection. It is not operational until networksettings for the system controller are configured.

7 Ethernet ports All four are 10/100/1000Base-T.

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Sun Netra T2000This section provides information that is either missing or not up-to-date in the productdocumentation.

Related topics:Partition sizes for Sun Netra T2000 on page 27Installing an external modem on Sun Netra T2000 on page 27

Partition sizes for Sun Netra T2000Following are the recommended disk partition sizes for Sun Netra T2000 platform:

/ 40960

Swap 16384

/voice1 20480

/unused1 20480

/unused2 20480

/export free


• For Avaya turnkey solution, the disk is already partitioned.• For software-only solution, you must follow the recommended disk partition sizes

as described in the table.

Installing an external modem on Sun Netra T2000PrerequisitesFollowing are the external modem requirements for an IR system:

• U.S. Modem - U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6 KB fax modem with a cable andconnectors to connect the modem to the hardware platform (shipped only with Avayaturnkey solution). The dimensions for U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6 fax modem are1.25 inches x 6.63 inches x 3.75 inches.

Sun Netra T2000

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For a Sun Netra T2000 system, you can use a NULL modem cable or a NULL modemconverter and an RJ-45 adaptor.

• International modem – A modem and a cable that are approved for use in specificcountries. The modem must use the standard Hayes command set. The Hayescommand set is also known as the AT command set.

• Location of the modem – Place the modem on top of the hardware platform or on aseparate equipment shelf.

You must set up an external modem to communicate with the Avaya Technical Supportfor remote maintenance and alarming.

1. Verify that the power on both the IR system and the modem is off.

2. Connect the 25-pin remote console connector to one end of the modem cable.

3. Connect an RJ-45 adaptor (with a null modem cable) on the other end of the modemcable.

4. Connect the 25-pin remote console connector to the serial port on the rear side ofthe modem chassis.

5. Connect the other end of the modem cable to the SER TTYA serial port.

6. (For Sun Netra T2000 systems only) Use the following default serial connectionsettings:

Option Description

Parameter Setting

Connector SERT TTYA

Rate 9600 baud

Parity None

Stop bits 1

Data bits 8

7. Connect the telephone cable from the Private Branch Exchange (PBX) to themodem.

8. Ensure that the DIP switch that is on the rear side of the modem chassis has thefollowing settings:

Option Description

Switch Setting

1 Up

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Option Description

2 Up

3 Down

4 Down

5 Up

6 Up

7 Up

8 Down

9. Turn on the modem.The modem initializes when the IR system starts.


By default, the modem configuration file /etc/uucp/Devices has the entry forserial port “b” only on the Sun Netra T2000 system. Avaya recommends using theserial port “a” to connect the modem cable to Sun Netra T2000.If you purchased Avaya turnkey solution, serial port “a” is enabled by default.If you purchased Software-only solution, you must make the following changes forusing serial port “a” on Sun Netra T2000 to connect the modem cable:

• Add the following entry to the end of the /etc/remote file:


Note:9600 is a baud rate. The baud rate can vary for different customers. Youmust set the baud rate in the terminal emulator to the baud rate that iscompatible with the modem.

• Add the following entries for serial port “a” at the end of the /etc/uucp/Devices file:

ACU cua/a - Any hayesDirect cua/a - Any direct

Sun Netra T2000

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Back-up and restoreThis section provides information that is either missing or not up-to-date in the productdocumentation.

Related topics:Restoring a Solaris 10 system with an external tape drive on page 30Restoring a Solaris 10 system with an NFS mount directory on page 32

Restoring a Solaris 10 system with an external tape drivePrerequisitesYou must gather the following information before restoring your system:

• The host name of your system.

• The IP address of your system.

• The subnet mask of your system.

• The IP address of your default router, if applicable.

• If your name service is DNS, your domain name, server IP addresses, and searchdomains.

• The path name to the backup file on the tape drive.

1. Power up your system.

2. If at any point you need to display the open boot (ok) prompt, either:

• Press Stop-A from the Sun console.

• Press Ctrl-Break from a serial port console.

3. Insert the CD-ROM labeled Avaya IR R 4.0 Recovery Software CD into the CDdrive.

4. Enter boot cdrom - install.

5. At the Select a language prompt, enter 0 for English.You must use English for the Language. The Avaya IR system does not functionproperly if you select a language other than English.

6. A prompt asking about your terminal type appears on the Sun Fire 280R, Sun FireV240, and the Sun Blade 150 if the Sun keyboard is not connected to the computer'sUSB port. Choose the terminal type you want to use and press Enter.

7. Press F2 to acknowledge the Solaris Installation Program explanatory statement.

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8. Press F2 to acknowledge the Identify This System explanatory statement.

9. At the Network Connectivity prompt, select Yes and press F2.

10. At the Configure Multiple Network Interfaces, select bge0 and press F2.

11. At the DHCP for bge0 prompt, select No and press F2.

12. At the Host Name for bge0 prompt, enter a host name for bge0, such asirv240dev4.

13. At the IP address for bge0 prompt, enter an IP address for bge0, such as135.27.152.141.

14. Select whether your system is part of a subnet and press F2.

15. If you choose Yes, enter the subnet mask and press F2.

16. At the Enable IPv6 prompt, select No and press F2.IPv6 is not supported in this release.

17. Review the information to make sure it is accurate and press F2 to continue. If theinformation is not correct, press F4 and correct the information. While restoring thesystem, do not modify the host name and IP address of the system. Keeping thehost name and IP address of the system the same prevents problems whilerestoring licenses.

18. Enter the IP address of the default router, if applicable. The system takes a fewminutes to verify the IP address.

19. At the Configure Kerberos Security prompt, select No and press F2.Kerberos Security is not supported in this release.

20. At the confirmation prompt, press F2 to confirm.

21. Select your name service and press F2. Although this is specific to your site, themost common selection is DNS.

22. If you select DNS, the system displays the series of messages to set up the DNSname service.

a. Enter the domain name and press F2.

b. Enter the IP address and press Enter to move to the next field. You can enterup to three IP addresses for DNS servers. When you have entered all the IPaddresses, press F2.

c. Enter the search domain and press Enter to move to the next field. You canenter up to six search domains. When finished, press F2.

d. Review the information to make sure it is accurate and press F2 to continue. Ifthe list is not correct, press F4 and correct the information.

23. Select the region for the system and press F2.

24. Select your country and press F2.

25. Select your time zone and press F2.

Back-up and restore

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26. Verify that these values for year, month, day, hour, and minute are correct. If anyvalues need to be changed, position the cursor in the appropriate field and type thecorrect value. Press Enter to move between fields. When you are finished, pressF2.

27. Review the information to make sure it is accurate and press F2 to continue. If theinformation is not correct, press F4 and correct the information.

28. At this point, the recovery will start. Select Local Tape as the mode of restore andpress Enter.

29. Specify the tape drive (with non rewinding option). For example, /dev/rmt/Xn,where X is the tape drive number (0-7). The tape drive number must be followed bythe letter n. A correct tape drive path example is /dev/rmt/0n.

30. When asked to configure the default router, enter Y and enter the router IP addressat the prompt. If the information in the confirmation message is correct, enter Y.

31. Type the root password and press Enter. Type it a second time and press Enter toconfirm.Avaya recommends creating a root password.

32. When the system boots and displays the console login prompt, log into the systemas you normally would.

33. Restore any partial backups that were made after the last full backup using the WebAdministration interface.

Restoring a Solaris 10 system with an NFS mount directoryPrerequisitesYou must gather the following information before restoring your system:

• The host name of your system.

• The IP address of your system.

• The subnet mask of your system.

• The IP address of your default router, if applicable.

• If your name service is DNS, your domain name, server IP addresses, and searchdomains.

• The NFS path name to the backup file.

1. Power up your system.

2. If at any point you need to display the open boot (ok) prompt, either:

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• Press Stop-A from the Sun console.

• Press Ctrl-Break from a serial port console.

3. Insert the CD-ROM labeled Avaya IR R 4.0 Recovery Software CD into the CDdrive.

4. Enter boot cdrom - install.

5. At the Select a language prompt, enter 0 for English.You must use English for the Language. The Avaya IR system will not functionproperly if you select a language other than English.

6. A prompt asking about your terminal type appears on the Sun Fire 280R, Sun FireV240, and the Sun Blade 150 if the Sun keyboard is not connected to the computer'sUSB port. Choose the terminal type you want to use and press Enter.

7. Press F2 to acknowledge the Solaris Installation Program explanatory statement.

8. Press F2 to acknowledge the Identify This System explanatory statement.

9. At the Network Connectivity prompt, select Yes and press F2.

10. At the Configure Multiple Network Interfaces, select bge0 and press F2.

11. At the DHCP for bge0 prompt, select No and press F2.

12. At the Host Name for bge0 prompt, enter a host name for bge0, such asirv240dev4.

13. At the IP address for bge0 prompt, enter an IP address for bge0, such as135.27.152.141.

14. Select whether your system is part of a subnet and press F2.

15. If you choose Yes, enter the subnet mask and press F2.

16. At the Enable IPv6 prompt, select No and press F2.IPv6 is not supported in this release.

17. Review the information to make sure it is accurate and press F2 to continue. If theinformation is not correct, press F4 and correct the information. While restoring thesystem, do not modify the host name and IP address of the system. Keeping thehost name and IP address of the system the same prevents problems whilerestoring licenses.

18. Enter the IP address of the default router, if applicable. The system takes a fewminutes to verify the IP address.

19. At the Configure Kerberos Security prompt, select No and press F2.Kerberos Security is not supported in this release.

20. At the confirmation prompt, press F2 to confirm.

21. Select your name service and press F2. Although this is specific to your site, themost common selection is DNS.

Back-up and restore

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22. If you select DNS, the system displays the series of messages to set up the DNSname service.

a. Enter the domain name and press F2.

b. Enter the IP address and press Enter to move to the next field. You can enterup to three IP addresses for DNS servers. When you have entered all the IPaddresses, press F2.

c. Enter the search domain and press Enter to move to the next field. You canenter up to six search domains. When finished, press F2.

d. Review the information to make sure it is accurate and press F2 to continue. Ifthe list is not correct, press F4 and correct the information.

23. Select the region for the system and press F2.

24. Select your country and press F2.

25. Select your time zone and press F2.

26. Verify that these values for year, month, day, hour, and minute are correct. If anyvalues need to be changed, position the cursor in the appropriate field and type thecorrect value. Press Enter to move between fields. When you are finished, pressF2.

27. Review the information to make sure it is accurate and press F2 to continue. If theinformation is not correct, press F4 and correct the information.

28. At this point, the recovery will start. Select NFS as the mode of restore and pressEnter.

29. Enter the NFS path name to the backup file, for example, irbackupserver:/nfs_backup/irv240dev4.D111605T090556.

30. Select the NFS version. If unsure, select I don't know. In this case, the defaultversion will be automatically picked up by Solaris mount utility.

31. Select the protocol to be used by the mount utility. If unsure, select I don't know.

32. When asked to configure the default router, enter Y and enter the router IP addressat the prompt. If the information in the confirmation message is correct, enter Y.

33. Type the root password and press Enter. Type it a second time and press Enter toconfirm.Avaya recommends creating a root password.

34. When the system boots and displays the console login prompt, log into the systemas you normally would.

35. Restore any partial backups that were made after the last full backup using the WebAdministration interface.

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Disk mirroringSun Netra T2000 and Sun V245 Dual platforms support internal hardware disk mirroring. Formore information about Sun Netra T2000 internal hardware disk mirroring, see


• Sun Netra T2000 platform does not support software disk mirroring through theAVdm package in IR.

• For Raid hardware control, you must configure Raid before installing Solaris.Alternatively, if you install Solaris and configure Raid, the system clears the diskand you must install the system again. This statement is true for both Sun NetraT2000 and Sun V245 Dual platforms.

Call Classification Data Summary report results

Column name DescriptionAnswer Specifies the number of transfer attempts that were answered.

This number corresponds to call dispositions equal to A, V, or M.

VoiceXMLThis section contains information that is either missing or not up-to-date in the productdocumentation.

vxmlassign command: If you run vxmlassign uri file:///vs/data/vxml/vxmlFeatureTest.vxml tochan 0-23 after vxmlassign ftest as uri file:///vxmlFeatureTest.vxml dtmf_recog remotebackup_uri http:///remotehost:8080/vxmlTest.vxml to chan 10, IR changes the recognitionmode to local.

Enhancing data privacy: TAS applications support the privacy property feature only if theyare particularly configured for this purpose. If you call a TAS application from a VXMLapplication and want to ensure data privacy, you must set the privacy property value to True

Disk mirroring

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before the object tag in the VXML application. For more information about the privacy propertyin TAS applications, see the Avaya IVR Designer documentation set.

VoiceXML capabilities for the AVvoicxml2-0 package: The following sentence of item 10is no longer valid: The AVvoicxml2-0 package supports two-level objects.

VoiceXML changes for the AVvoicxml2-0 package that may affect customerapplications: The following sentence of item 10 is no longer valid: The AVvoicxml2-0 packagesupports two-level objects.

VoiceXML changes for the AVvoicxml2-0 package that may affect customerapplications:

• Item 4 is no longer valid.

• Item 7 should read as follows: It's advisable to set the attribute connecttimeoutto at least 5 seconds, because that is the approximate time to complete one ringbackcycle. A value less than 5 seconds is rounded off to zero in which case a default valueof 25 seconds is assumed. Consequently, a noanswer event will be thrown after 25seconds.

• Item 8.c should read as follows: In all other cases, if the destination is not a legal phonenumber, error.transfer will be thrown.

• Item 16 is no longer valid.

• Item 20 should read as follows: If the src attribute of the <grammar> tag in the rootdocument holds a relative URL, the complete path is constructed by prepending thebase URL as configured through the xml:base attribute of the <vxml> tag. In earlierreleases, the xml:base attribute was ignored and the location of the root documentitself was considered as the base URL.

• Item 25 is no longer valid.

• Remote DTMF recognition does not work for more than 10 digits in single recognition.

Remote DTMF recognition: It takes some time to reflect the changes in the local or remoteconfigurations depending on the number of available channels on the IR system. The INFO:

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Any modifications done through vxmlassign / vxmldelete command havebeen done message appears in logCat for each VXI instance after the changes are reflected.

Using the <log> tag: The last sentence should read as follows: Messages generated by usingthe <log> tag are not stored in log.txt, but they can be viewed by using logCat.

Determining when the VoiceXML log file is saved: The contents of this topic are no longervalid.

Controlling NLSR resources with a voice application: The last sentence of the finalparagraph should read as follows: The audio files need to be copied to the $IR_HOME/voice1/vxml/apps directory.

Controlling NLSR resources with a voice application: The contents of the section titledReleasing NLSR resources for a TAS application are no longer valid.

DTMF grammar support for VoiceXML: The following two statements are no longer valid:

• With the example code of <item>1<tag>?name='one'</tag></item>, a DTMF entry of1 sets name to value one.

• If the following tag element syntax is used: <item>1<tag>name='one'</tag></item>,a DTMF entry of 1 sets name to value name='one'.

VoiceXML logging: The contents of this topic are no longer valid.

VoiceXML Web server must handle non-persistent connections: The second sentenceshould read as follows: Avaya VoiceXML Interpreter (VXI) requires non-persistent connectionsbecause it sends the Connection: TE, close directive to the web server as part of theHTTP header in the request.

Considerations for developing VoiceXML applications: Bullet 1 is no longer valid.

Configuring for transfers: The second paragraph should read as follows: On T1, E1, or VoIPfor bridge transfers, the parameter needs to be configured in theappropriate defaultX.cfg file. This parameter is not used for consultation and blindtransfers.


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Iinstalling IR ...................................................................5IR commands

operator privileges ...............................................23

Kknown documentation issues

back-up and restore .............................................30Call Classification Data Summary report results ....

35Disk mirroring .......................................................35full restore, Solaris 10 with external tape drive ....30full restore, Solaris 10 with NFS ...........................32hardware platform requirements ..........................24implementation .....................................................21partition sizes for Netra T2000 platform ...............27Solaris 10 with external tape drive, full restore ....30Solaris 10 with NFS, full restore ...........................32Sun Fire V245 back panel ....................................24Sun Netra T2000 ..................................................27Sun Netra T2000 back panel ...............................25upgrading to IR 4.0 ..............................................23voicexml ...............................................................35

known issuesAdvanced Reporting ............................................19application development ......................................14backup and recovery ............................................15database ..............................................................16installation ..............................................................9

installing an external modem on Sun Netra T2000 . .27

IVR-Designer .......................................................20migration ................................................................9operations, administration and management .......14security ..................................................................9speech .................................................................17telephony .............................................................17upgrade ..................................................................9VoiceXML .............................................................14

Llegal notices .................................................................2

Nnew in release ..............................................................5notices, legal ................................................................2


upgrading on same hardware platform ................22

Pperforming tape cartridge initialization ........................16

Rrequired patches ..........................................................5

Ssoftware-only solution

installing IR system software from software media . .21

Wwhat's new ....................................................................5

Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes December 2008 39

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40 Interactive Response 4.0 Release Notes December 2008