interesting usa facts

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  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts



    USA facts

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    USA facts The Pilgrim Fathers

    America was named

    after an Italian

    businessman called

    Amerigo Vespucci, whosailed to South America

    between 1499 and 15!

    "olumbus called the

    #ati$e AmericansIndians because he

    thought that he had

    reached India

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    The War of Independence

    %he names &nited States of

    America were first used at

    the time of the 'ar of


    %he American flag, %he Starsand Stripes, also first

    appeared at that time( It has a

    stripe for each of the first

    thirteen states and a star isadded when a new state

    )oins, so there are now fift*


  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    The Civil War

    A $er* important battlewas won b* the #orth at

    +ett*sburg in

    enns*l$ania in 1-./(

    0incoln spoe thereafterwards about the bra$e

    soldiers who had died(

    %his became nown as the

    +ett*sburg Address andcontains the famous

    words, government of

    the people, by the people,

    for the people.

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    The Wild West

    2rom 1-. to 1-.1, the mail

    was carried from 3ast to 'est

    and bac again b* the famous

    on* 3press( orses wereept at different places6 one

    man rode with a bag of letters

    for about 1! ilometres and

    then ga$e it to another man(In this wa*, letters onl* too

    about ten da*s to cross the


  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    7ne $er* well8nown riderwas uffalo ill "od*( e

    later became a soldier and a

    hunter6 the* sa* that he shot

    4,!- buffalo in one *ear: Inthe 1--s, uffalo ill

    started his 'ild 'est show,

    a ind of tra$elling theatre,

    with the famous cowgirl

    Annie 7ale*(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    New Americans

    Immigrants from 3uropearri$ed at 3llis Island in

    #ew ;or, where the*

    were checed for illness

    and other problems( %he*were welcomed b* the

    Statue of 0ibert*, which

    was gi$en b* 2rance to

    America in 1--.( 7n it are

    written these words< +i$e

    me *our tired, *our


  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    %oda*, the biggest numberof immigrants to the &SA

    come from Spanish8

    speaing countries such as

    >eico and uerto ?ico(>ore than si million ha$e

    arri$ed since 19- and

    Spanish has become the

    second language in the

    &nited States(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    Black Americans

    A stor* about the hard life of

    sla$es called Uncle Toms Cabin,

    b* arriet eecher Stowe, was

    one of the most popular boos of

    the mid8nineteenth centur* and

    made a lot of people see that it

    was wrong to eep sla$es(

    arriet %ubman and 2rederic

    @ouglass were famous sla$eswho helped man* other sla$es

    escape from the South to the

    #orth using a route called the

    underground railroad(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    The government of the USA

    %here are onl* two important

    political parties< the ?epublicans

    and the @emocrats( %he

    ?epublicans want people to wor

    to help themsel$es, and so the*

    thin that taes should be low(

    %he @emocrats thin that the

    go$ernment should help the poor

    and so it needs taes( ut thedifference between the two is not

    alwa*s clear and it is not alwa*s

    eas* to sa* that one part* is on the

    left or on the right on the other(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    Living in the USA

    %he mone* in the &SA is

    the dollar, which contains ahundred cents( Some coins

    ha$e special names< 5 is a

    nicel, 1 is a dime, and

    !5 is a uarter(

    "oca8"ola was first made in

    1--. b* an American called

    Bohn emberton( %oda* it issold in 195 countries and

    "oe is one of the best8

    nown words in the world(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    2rom 19! to 19//,during rohibition,

    it was against the

    law to drin alcohol

    in the &SA, butman* people still

    wanted to drin it(

    So criminals lie Al

    "apone becamerich b* bringing

    alcohol into the


  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    Cities, lakes and rivers

    If *ou dri$e all the wa* down the Atlantic

    coast from #ew ;or past hiladelphia to

    'ashington @", *ou pass from cit* tosuburb and bac again6 it almost seems to

    be one big cit*< a megalopolis(

    #iagara 2alls, between 0aes 7ntario and

    3rie, is 51 metres high(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    >ar %wains real name was Samuel

    "lemens and he too the name >ar

    %wain from special words used b*sailors on the >ississippi( >ar

    %wain means that the water is about

    two fathoms, or four metres, deep(

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts



    0as Vegas, in the desert state of

    #e$ada, is a centre forgambling( eople mae and

    lose thousands of dollars there,

    pla*ing cards or other games(

    %he lac ills of @aota arefamous for >ount ?ushmore,

    where the faces of four

    American presidentsontana

    is famous for the hot

    water ge*ser that shoots

    up into the air, up to 115

    metres high(Salt 0ae "it*, the chief

    cit* of &tah, is net to a

    lae that is much saltier

    than the sea( 3$en if *ouha$ent learned to swim,

    *ou could probabl* swim

    in this lae:

  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    %here is more than three million laes in Alasa(

    @og mushing is the official state sport( %he Alasa 0egislature adopted itin 19C!(

    AlasaDs name is based on the 3simo word Alasha meaning great lands

    or peninsula(

    1C of the ! highest peas in the &nited States are located in Alasa(

    %he first settlement in Alasa was established b* ?ussian whalers and fur

    traders on Eodia Island in 1C-4(

    %he Alasa ighwa* was originall* built as a militar* suppl* road during

    'orld 'ar II(

    In 1-.C &nited States Secretar* of State 'illiam ( Seward offered ?ussiaFC,!,, or two cents per acre, for Alasa(

    In America Alasa is also called the D0ower 4-D(

    Southwest Alasa is popular for its storm* weather, tundra landscapes, and

    large populations of marine mammals(

    #earl* one8third of Alasa lies within the Arctic "ircle(


  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    %heres no place on earth lie awaii( 3$er*oneDs dream $acation( ere *ouDll find 1

    interesting facts about awaii(

    awaii has eight main islands< #iihau, Eauai, 7ahu, >aui, >oloai, 0anai, Eahoolawe,and the Gig IslandG of awaii(

    awaii is the most isolated population center on earth( awaii is !,/9 miles from

    "alifornia6 /,-5 miles from Bapan6 4,9 miles from "hina6 and 5,!- miles from the


    awaii is the onl* &(S( state that grows coffee(

    >ore than one8third of the worldDs commercial suppl* of pineapples comes from awaii(

    2rom east to west, awaii is the widest state in the &nited States(

    %he awaiian Islands mountain range tops are the biggest in the world(

    onoluluDs Henith star the star that rises directl* abo$e itJ is named Arcturus( %he

    awaiians called it ouleDa oo oo la* uhJ(

    %he first Asian8American in the &(S( Senate was awaiiDs iram 2ong( Senator 2ong was

    descended from "hinese immigrants(

    awaii was the 5th state admitted to the &(S( union on August !, 1959(

    awaii has its own time Hone awaiian Standard %imeJ( %here is no da*light sa$ings

    time( awaiian time runs two hours behind acific Standard %ime, and fi$e hours behind

    3astern Standard %ime(


  • 8/9/2019 Interesting USA Facts


    %eas is the second biggest state after Alasa(

    It is popularl* nown as G%he 0one Star StateK(

    %he lightning whel is the official state shell(

    %eas is the onl* state to ha$e the flags of . different nations fl* o$er it(

    %he* are< Spain, 2rance, >eico, ?epublic of %eas, "onfederate

    States, and the &nited States(

    CL of the population of %eas li$es within ! miles of Austin(

    >ore wool comes from the state of %eas than an* other state in the

    &nited States(

    Austin is considered the li$e music capital of the world(

    %eas is the onl* state to enter the &nited States b* treat* instead of

    territorial anneation(

    %he state was an independent nation from 1-/. to 1-45(

    %here are still cowbo*s who wor with cattle, but the modern state of

    %eas, lie Alasa, is rich because of its oil(
