intergenerational mission trip to dominican republic june 25 - july 4, 2014 informational meeting...

Intergenerational Mission Trip to Dominican Republic June 25 - July 4, 2014 Informational Meeting December 1, 2013

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Page 1: Intergenerational Mission Trip to Dominican Republic June 25 - July 4, 2014 Informational Meeting December 1, 2013

Intergenerational Mission Trip to

Dominican RepublicJune 25 - July 4, 2014

Informational MeetingDecember 1, 2013

Page 2: Intergenerational Mission Trip to Dominican Republic June 25 - July 4, 2014 Informational Meeting December 1, 2013

Agenda for Today

What is Foundation For Peace?

Some thoughts to consider about Mission Trips

When is the trip and what will we do there?

Expectations for participants and schedule of future events

Q & A

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DR 2014 Planning Team

Pastoral Leader: Aisha Brooks-Little

Youth Ministry Leaders: Andrew Hostetter and Sarah Hostetter

Global Mission Leaders: Carol Diehl and Michelle Butler

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Foundation For PeaceMission Statement

FOUNDATION FOR PEACE is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to education in the United States and to working hand in hand with people in materially impoverished communities in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Kenya to provide educational support, healthcare access, economic opportunity and hope. We work together as long-term partners in solidarity to enable personal success and community achievement. We believe this will result in sustainable and successful initiatives that relieve the effects of poverty, encourage personal growth, and overcome injustice.

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Foundation For PeaceHistory

1989: Dr. Ken Culver co-leads youth mission trip from National Presbyterian Church to the Dominican Republic (DR)

After such a positive experience, leads more youth trips to the DR, and expands it to all ages with the help of his wife and kids

2002: Foundation For Peace (FFP) incorporates to accommodate the growing number of volunteers

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Foundation For PeaceHistory (cont’d)

2005: Started DominiKids, a student sponsorship program

2006: Expanded ministry into Haiti

2007: Expanded ministry into Kenya

2008: FFP begins collecting donations of medicine, furniture and vehicles to ship to the island twice/year

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Some FFP Stats

Since members of FFP began working in the DR, short term mission teams have built:

• 30 Churches• 13 Schools• 8 Community Gardens• 14 Water Purification Facilities• 6 Medical clinics

More than 5,000 volunteers from hundreds of mission teams!

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Key components to FFP Ministry

Medical Outreach includes nursing clinics, one-day medical clinics, home health visits, medical training, hearing assessment and disease prevention education

Ministry Outreach includes worship, children’s ministries (e.g. vacation Bible school) and evangelism efforts

Community Development includes building latrines, gardens, houses, basketball courts and playgrounds, distributing food and clothing, and providing special assistance to individuals and families.

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Why Go on an International Mission Trip?

Serving, living, and loving people of other cultures and contexts helps us better see the world through God’s eyes.

Acts 1:8 says “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

God never intended his people to be insular, but interconnected

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Why Go on an International Mission Trip? (cont’d)

II Cor. 8:14-15 says “At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality, as it is written: “The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little.”

God has given us plenty, but most nations and communities have not been as blessed, monetarily, as oursThere are ways that God wants to bless us through the people of the DR

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Why Go on an International Mission Trip? (cont’d)

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Why the Dominican Republic?

Same time zone.

A ten day trip is easily done.

Already existing connections in the DR (CURE International and PCUSA Missionaries.)

Awesome first hand testimonials on FFP and DR.

An ongoing relationship with FFP and the community in the DR is expected and maintainable.

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Why an Intergenerational Trip?

We are one church – not children ministry, youth ministry, young adult ministry, and adult ministry

There are so many things people of all ages can learn from each other

The Bible is full of stories where God works through teams of people where the young and adults worked side by side

Jesus and disciples, Paul and Timothy, Moses and Joshua, Eli and Samuel, Elijah and Elisha, etc.

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Why You?

Fellowship with believers from our own congregation

Fellowship with new friends and believers in the DR

Use our God-given gifts and talents to help out others and to share Jesus’ love, as Jesus commands us to do

Deepen our personal relationship with Christ

Broaden our understanding of privilege and generosity

Stretching ourselves to learn about and experience life in another country

Understanding the Faith-Journey of Christians outside USA

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Dates of the Trip

June 25th: Depart Philadelphia at 1:20pm, arrive in Santo Domingo at 7:10pm

June 26th-July 3rd: Work with Foundation For Peace partners in the DR

July 4th: Depart Santo Domingo 7:20am, arrive in Philadelphia at 4:35pm

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Details about the Trip

Open to all WPC church members and affiliates

All ages are welcome; anyone under 16 yrs will need an accompanying adult relative

Stay at accommodations near the FFP partner community

Lodging, food, in-country transport, security, and construction supplies are included/provided by FFP

Flights to/from Philadelphia have been arranged by WPC

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Sample Mission Trip Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive, evening devotion

Day 2-3: Construction project at work site

Day 4: Vacation Bible School

Day 5: Medical Clinic

Day 6: Construction project

Day 7: Tour of Santo Domingo / VBS

Day 8-9: Construction project

Day 10: Trip back to USA

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Your Cost to Participate

$1930 per person ($750 for flights, $1180 for all FFP expenses)

⅓ of this total (approximately $640+) should be received as financial support from others

⅓ of this total (~$640) will be met through group fundraisers

⅓ of this total (the remainder) will be your family’s responsibility

Other expenses may include immunizations, passport, insurance, luggage fees (extra bag), personal, etc.

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Expectations of each Participant

Attend and participate in training classes (see next slide for tentative schedule)

Actively participate in fundraising activities

Meet all deadlines for application and payments

First Due Date: Complete an application with a deposit of $250 on or before January 5th, 2014.

Pray for our hearts, our team, our church, and our brothers and sisters in the DR

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Tentative Schedule of Training Sessions (11am Sunday Mornings)

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What Happens Next?

• Pray about your participation in this Intergenerational Mission Trip

• Fill out an application and provide $250 deposit to Mary Lou Kendus before Jan 5th, 2014 (First come, first serve basis for group flight arrangements and pricing)

• Applications will be reviewed between Jan 5-17, 2014

• Feb 2nd first group meeting!

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Other Ways to Participate

• Become a prayer partner with one person or several people who will be going on the DR Mission trip

• Help organize and then support the fundraising efforts

• Help team learn Spanish, about DR and about mission

• Help collect items for medical, educational and project needs.

• Write articles for newspaper – before and after trip

• Drive team to airport and pick up from airport

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Questions?Thank you for coming

and we hope to see you on the Intergenerational Mission Trip

to the Dominican Republic!