interior journal (stanford, ky. : 1905). (stanford, ky...

t i > I Ii i i i Ii Ir I t The Interior Journal I L I Snteredin the PoitQffice at Stanford at twond efaes matter L N TIME TKBLE a No 1 Moutbl1lM r x No f 8outhllttJA I- LNotNortlI4erA M No H North Gt7 p X No 771041 A M No SS 155 PM JOS Se RICE Agont The Truth Every person in this city who issuf t fcring from Eczema Pimples Dand ruff or any form of skin or scalp dis ease can find relief and be permanent ly cured by Zemo a clean liquid foi I external use All durggists sell ZEMO It 1 PENNYS DRUG STORE 1 A S PRICE I tSurgeon Dentist KENTUCKY f 1 ° Office over McRoberta Drug Store in the Owaley Building Tobaccotl t Nothing But Insurance Jesse D Wearen ti The Insurance Min- t STANFORD KY Residence Phone 36 OOlee 95 I fullyl AdoriWs Fox Is a Immlsomo large young Jersey Bull de ¬ scended from a and unbroken line ot the west noted bulls and cows on the Is Innd of Jersey England and America Ills sire Is one of the best bulls ever Imported 7 and his dam la n show cow that undsof rlchl milk In ono dlY If you be I 1io some Anavtorandkbare A itrlitiyngood cow you should avail yourself of bl ser ¬ I vice He wilt be allowed to serve a limited number of approved registered cows out r side of our own herd year a fee of S3 each Make engagement before sending cow to be bred ltBI n AOTTKK Telephone NO Htnnford Ky N n1Pe have to offer three extra choice t Rsbull calves that will be sold at right prices t i Kyi You can find our Standard lUmiwly the greatest blood und liver medicine jct known s In cute of Hlivumntlsm Halt Rheum Kid- ney r Trouble and all diseases nrlslng from Impure blood It has no equal It Is menu ¬ fractured food act of June S 1KH and guaranteed the manufacturer If l tbe is token to direction I and If he or she U not benellted by the use of the Ronuedy we will refund money We can do nothing more KicFi package contains iOI doses with a registered guurau and mailing card with full Insf uctlons 11We send U to any address by mall on re ¬ of It per package or six packages for IV Iletterordorti box today 1111 time OU might save a big doctors Ilememberifyoutake the Hemedy accord Ing to Instructions nod are not benefited you get your dollar back You will not nUll the remedy In drug stores for sale It Is told only by our duly authorized agents HKtTUKN WILLIAMS Agent fimfo r t3- uyFURS il Hides Wool and r > Feathers Tallow BtMWKx Clcsecc t GoldeoScIlYebw Rod M jr Apple J Wild Ginger etc We are deer riulSJxJ ia 856Onr iufaceaerryfa Lei nEeanduadobetterfayouthan- ax a ab ot ccnizmvon mchants Refeieace h icy Duliia LomniHe Write for wally price lid tad dppiastars AlaSabel do Sons 229 E Market SL LOUISVILLE KY 4 JLBeazleyCo n F TJndertaKore and Embalm era Also Dealers in Fur ¬ niture MattingsRugs They will exchange Furniture f9r all Kinds of Stock Give I Rightf STANFORD KENTUCKY J C McClary I Undertaker Embalmer and Dealer inHarnoss Saddler t STANFORD KY ore Phone let HomeJPhone Si J1 V F t y FARMERS DEPARTMENT Kentucky raises onesixth to the to- bacco of the world Thurmond Tudor sold to Richard Ho- tter a milk cow for 50 In the FaslgTipton sale inNew York City 125 horses sold for over 55000 The average yield of an orange tree during its life is about 20000 oranges Senator It L Hubble bought of Shade Wilder a walktrot horse for 22f FOR SALECultivated hemp seed 1908 crop J D Walker Richmond Ky Mark Goms of Marksbnry Garra county had an SOO jack to die of pneu- monia Mason county democrats will noml nate candidates for county offices on May 14 Ben Mattingly of Marion county bought a threeyearold jack of G W Gootce for 500 FOR SALE33 coming two ycar ol mules Good ones J C Robinson Danville Ky Both phones 4t I have 13 coming twoyearold mules for sale Will sell all or by pair Henr Catron R F D No1 Stanford McBrayer Moore of Boyle has bought 1200 acres in Cuba and will raise tobacco on an extensive scale The first crops of Burley tobacco in Virginia were sold at Richmond One farmer averaged 1993 for his crop Sam Forsythe sold to John D Veatch of Jessamine his 350 acre farm 3i miles from Harrodsburg for 30000 Royal Hall the great twoyearold son of Walnut Hall 2081 and Fereno 205 were bought by Madden Bros of Fayette county for 3600 The large stock barn of Brutus Wear en of the Tcatcravillo section of Gar rard burned causing a considerafil loss It is believed that the fire was the result of an accident J B Hoggin the millionaire master of the great Elmendorf Stock Farm in Fayette has contracted for 11 immens tobacco barns to cost 35000 He wit put in a big crop of tobacco this year W B Burton of Lancaster bough of John Creech of East Bernstadt six mules at The per pound Mr Burtoi did not see the animals but took Mr Creechs word for the kind they were KINGSVILLE At out farmers and business mans club meeting held on the 28th C D Evans was elected permanent chairman and M G Murphy secretary The following pupils were neither ab sent nor tardy during six months of the Kingsville Graded School Grade 2Aubrey Gilliland Maggie Dye James Flint Roberta Haggard Grade 3Grace Trimble Dorothy Gooch Malcolm Haggard Ed Hogue Grade 4Gladys Gooch Ollie Gooch Estill Gooch Herman Haggard Loom Francis Luclle Reynolds Earl Mud manGrade 5Clarence Carey Mabe Flint Esther Murphy Russell Thomp son Richard Trimble Grade 6 Pauline Taylor Grade 7 HulCee Acton Oliver Smith Revolts At Cold Steel Your only hope said three dod tors to Mrs M E Fisher Detroit Mich suffering from severe rectaltrou ble lies In an operation then I used Dr Kings New Life Pills she writes till wholly cured They prevent Appendicitis cure Constipa ¬ tion Headache 23c at Pennys Drug- Store Both the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican State Central Commit ¬ tees have agreed to appoint four men from each party to act jointly as a nonpartisan committee at the Lincoln centenary celebration at Hodgenviile February 12 Gov Patterson sent to the Tennessee Senate a special message vetoing the bill prohibitingthe manufacture of in toxicants in Tennessee after January 1 1910 The Senate passed the bill over his veto and it went to the House yes terday Thomas L Lewis of Bridgeport 0- was reelected president of the United Mine Workers of the United States and Canada by a majority of more than 16000 votes over his opponent John H Walker district president of Illi noisBorloighHa ha ha old manl Nail- ing ¬ down a carpet are you Jones who has just struck his thumbNo you fool The carpet was hero all the time Im just putting the thor under it IChicago News Foleys Orlno Laxative cures consti ¬ pation and liver trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regular Orino is superior to pills and tablets as itdoes not gripe or nauseate Why take anything else New Stanford Drug Co a Seven Indictments were returned by the Federal grand jury at Muskogee Okla in the alleged town lot fraud investigation the charges being con GovcrnmentI The Japanese Government is waging a successful war on rats by paying for every dead one brought In and giving each rat slayer a ticket to a lottery with valuable prizes > Io I L s d r U Theolovorest Imitation of lOa 1 CotTe ever yet made is Dr Shoops Health Coffee It Is One In flavor arid Js made In just ono minute No tedious 20 or 30 minutes boiling Made from pure parched grains malt nuts etc Sample free Sold by Pennys Drult Store Mrs Martha Maybelle Dunphy of Boston Mass who has been on trial in Chicago for the alleged theft of 3000 worth of diamonds from Charle E Giles a Dorchester Mass mone lender was acquitted by a jury Pains of women head pains or any pain stopped In 20 minutes sure with Dr Shoops Pink Pain Tablets See full formula on 25c Box Sold b Pennys Drug Store The Czar is paid a monthly salary of 400000 and even this does not sup- port him in the style demanded by his courtI Mrs William Crosby of Colesbur Hardin county was found dead in bed LESLIE ANDERSON Is candidate for circuit clerk ot llncol county subject to the notion of the Demo trade party M F NORTH- Is a candidate for County Attorney of Lin coin county subject to the uctonof tbi Democratic party W L MCARTY Is a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln coun ty subject to the action 01 the democrat party M S BAUGHMAN ti a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln county abject to the action ot the democratic party JOHN J MOSER rl a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln county subject to the action of the Democratic party JAM Eft C HAY Is a candidate for Jailer of Democratic abject to the Motion of the party DINK FARMER Is a candidate for the Democratic nomina tlon for Jailor of Lincoln county subject tc the action or the democratic pary W A CARSON Is n candidate Jailer of Lincoln count subject to the action of the Democrat party JOHN C PEPPLES Is a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun ty subject to the action of time democrat party D C ALLEN Is a candidate for action theIDemocratic ty subject to the of jarty- v J W FOLEY I s a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun lysubject to thu notion of the democrat party J A DUDDERAR Is a candidate for nsseisor of Lincoln Coun ty subject to theaction ofjtho democratic party W D WALLIN Is a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln coun ty subject to the action of the dem cratl party S MOWENS Is a candidate for Assessor Lincoln coun ty subject to the action of theDumocrntl party W W WHITE II n candidate for Asiessorof Lincoln conn y subject to the action of the Democratic party JAMES F HOLDAM Ii candidate for circuit clerk of Lincoln ouaty subject to the action of the Demo ratio party W S BURCH KII candidate rot County Attorney ot Lln coin county subject to the action of the kiiiiocrnllo party JOHN SAM OWSLEY JR Is n candidate for circuit judge of lids the lath district Hiibjevt to action of the Hliiocrutlo party M C 8AUFLEY h n candidate for circuit Judge ot this the- ith I district subject to Liu action of the Democratic putty 300ACRESOFLANDFORSAL preen other Fogle farm y county rod adjacent Llnnle lood nelglslortoale- nd near school IrI acres unolosul tillable Ine tobacco corn and grills land residue rood land well adopted to stout raising mfallng strewn of line water runs through tho farm Dwelling welt und outbuildings Prce J5UOO JK FOUil- Mlddleburg Ky The Joseph PrieD Sanatorium North Lancaster Street Stanford Kentucky for Treatment of Dlionsctt of time Eye Nose Iiront Far OeiiHoUrlimry Ilectul Or inn Nervous Hytteiu and Burgory lotite to Contractors Jnnq Htauford Ky the KUcal Court of Lincoln county Ky Invite sealed pro josnU for the erection mind completion of a new county court house on the public p s toinn eels Frank IMIIburnJc < 01Vlllhlllltoll i0 Plans will be on the Recta mmd with theOol1l1t rkatHtanford l inch Contractor will Ills with Ids hid a ertlfled check made payable to J H OWl > Icy County Judge for I5UOW as evidence of good faith on his and If ode bid Is ac > eptedthat he will enter Into contract at once timid give nn ncceptabloguarunteoconi bond to the county fultimlulperformnnceof tractor will be 80 per cent us irogresacs retaining 20 per cent until final ompletlon All bids to bii sealed and filed with the lountT Clerk on or before 10 A M February OthlWiB + Tho Fiscal Court reserves the right to reo colony or all bids J OWHLEY JR County Judge aEOHClKllOOOlKUOIerk f av r I 0 ARVALLACE Ii a candidate for Coroner of Lincoln coun to the action ot the Democratic primary Feb 5 31100 ZORA P SMITH Is a candidate for magistrate In the Huston vllle district subject to the unction of th Democratic party W M DUDDERAR Is a candidate bur magistrate of the Hus tonvllle district subject to the actlonot tho Democratic party JK HELM SR Is a candidate for magistrate In the Hus tonvllte district subject to the action of tin Democratic party Y FOR SALE I 25horso txiwer bolKtr and engine and lUll mill for sale sell either or both On AH KNSSUX Ottenhelm Ky 1ostoillcp Waynoiburg Ky B D CARTER Now Livery Depot Street Phone 90 5TANFOADKENTUCKLn Are readily cured by Zemo A liquid for external use Zcmo gives instant relief and permanently cures any form jf Itching Skin or Scalp disease All Druggists Write for sample E W lose Med Co St Louis Mo G L PENNYS DRUG STORE FARM FOR SAL- ES I S form of llOacren of good blue grass land lying one mile North of McKlnneyon tho Htanford pike Improvements and fencing good plenty of water nnd fruit Also 1S3 acres of timbered land one mlle East of McKinney half under fences plenty ol water and IIlKJU tobacco land Moo grow ngcrop JAUlVKNHAgent McKinntyKy t Stock of Merchandise for Sale I desire to sell privately my stockof ira ¬ cone anti n goal bust ness Will Invoice about V00 Heason 111 health OHO D110P1EJtHtanfordK- yEczema is Curable ZEMO a scientific preparation for external use Stops Itching instantly and destroys the germs that cause skin diseases Eczema quickly yields and Is permanently cured by this remarkable medicine Druggists Write for sam- ple ¬ EW Rose Med Co St LoulfljM- oIcnnya Drug stow When Ordering Clothes Have your measure taken by n tailor of ex pertence Then your clothes whvthrra low price business suit or the tliiiH evening clothes will have that Individuality and nt which plainly Indicate they wore made to your measure trtake your iwas ure fur oxtrn psts top- coats alai overcoats Fall and Winter semi pies on hand ready for your inspection HO HUILKV The Tailor Htnnford Ky Safeguard the Future I p The what surest und most adequate safe- guard for the future Is n policy In The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance C- ot Is conspicuous for economical manage iicnt liberality of Its policy contracts fair leallng with Its members and large return to policy holden The company Is Just entering tho SIXTY FOURTH YEAR rf u successful business career with more policy holders In Lincoln county than companies combined Write for lartlculnrs stating ago and whether mar rle1 or tingle to 1131 NpeeInlAgtMyers James tPldteHollcitorfor Ilockcastle Oo Ma hpny Rankin INSURANCEFire and Tornado 1 Farm Property a Spe- cialty ¬ KIglit of the lending companies of tho world represented rate with nil the companies of the world Loss puy Ing record unsurpassed Never find n law milblu the history of this agency Losses promptly paid and without discount Ko waiting rO daysfar your money llvfore In nurliiR cull o- mmMAt10NY RANK9N lime Insurance Men of Stanford i Stop That Cold To check wily colds or Grippe with Frerentlcs meant sun defeat for Pneumonia To stop a cold with Prerentlcs safer than to let It run and be obliged to cure It afterwards To be sure Pro Tenucs will cure eren a deeply seated cold but taken mrITa the sneeze wagethey breaK or head on there early colds Thats surely better Thats why they aro called Pnventlcs FrerenUcsare Osndy Cold Cure No Qnln ins no physic notbln sickening Nice for the chi drenand thoroughly rate too It you reel chlliylfyou meeze If YOD ache all over think or IrsTenttcs rromptneu may also save half your usual slcknesi And dont foreot your child If there Is feyorUhness night or day herein prob ebly lies greatest emc onC7 Sold I- nf bOxY for the pocket also In 2So boxes of la rrerentlc Insist on your druggists aiming j- oPrevcntics PENNYS DRUG STORE + 0 + I a Clearance Sale All the Winter Goods must be sold at cost s CRAVENETTES 818 Coat now 811 48 815 Coat now 0 48 812 CO Coat now 8 18 810 Coat now 6 U8 820 Suit 110W Slli 18 17 50 Suit now 12 J8 815 Suit now n U8 812 50 Suits now 8 OS 810 Suit now li 48 87 50 Suit now t IS 85 Suit now 3 48 I ALLWOOL OVERCOATS 815 Coat now 80 48 812 50 Coat now 8 48 810 Coat now 6 08- 8i fiO Coot now 4 OS S 5 Cont now 3 48 Sf JO High Top Shoes 83 48 83 50 High Top Shoes 82 OKr SOc heavy fleeced lined under- wear 30c- Mcnu Pelt Moots Srensnnd Voiu ens Rubbers All reduced accord Ingly SAM ROBINSON t STANFORD KY Next Door to Lincoln County National Bank Buy the OLIVER PLOWe I I OCO33QDB t W H HIGGINS i Stanford Kentucky L the Lincoln eounty national Bank Of Stanford Kentucky Capital 5000000 Surplus 3800000 ResourcesI 34000000- S I H SHANKS PRESIDENT W M BRIGHT CASHIER- J B PAXTON VICEPRESIDENT J O REID ASSISTANT CASHIER j W ROCHESTER TELLER H C CARPENTER BOOKKEEPER DIRECTORS J B Onraloy Stanford S II Shanks Stanford Gco W Carter Stanford John n Foster Stanford W11 Shanks Stanford T C lien kin TraylorGilberts II Cummins Prcnchorsville Lilburn Gooch Gilberts Creek If you wantto keep posted on political doings in Kentucky sub ¬ scribe for the eitucHy State Journal t r The best Democratic Daily in Kentucky Write for price and particulars to l I W P WALTON Frankfort Ky THE SAFEST M O Qlhki SI 1M TS TRANSFER MONEY d IS BY LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE FOR RATES APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER EAST TENNESSEE TELEPHONE OOMPAIIY NCOPOASTxa If you want your Prescriptions carefully fill ¬ ed and made from the Best and Pur ¬ est Drugs Call on me is W B Jr C Rob er ts DRUCOIS1 STANFORD r r s M

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Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY · t i > I Ii i i i Ii Ir I t The Interior Journal I L twond I Snteredin the



I Iiii iIiIr I

t The Interior Journal I

LI Snteredin the PoitQffice at Stanford at

twond efaes matter

L N TIME TKBLEa No 1 Moutbl1lM r x

No f 8outhllttJA I-LNotNortlI4erA M

No H North Gt7 p XNo 771041 A M

No SS 155 PM


The TruthEvery person in this city who issuf

t fcring from Eczema Pimples Dandruff or any form of skin or scalp dis

ease can find relief and be permanently cured by Zemo a clean liquid foi

I external use All durggists sell ZEMO


1 A S PRICEI tSurgeon Dentist

KENTUCKYf1° Office over McRoberta Drug Store in

the Owaley Building

Tobaccotlt Nothing But Insurance

Jesse D Wearenti The Insurance Min-

t STANFORD KYResidence Phone 36 OOlee 95

I fullylAdoriWs Fox

Is a Immlsomo large young Jersey Bull de¬

scended from a and unbroken line otthe west noted bulls and cows on the IsInnd of Jersey England and America Illssire Is one of the best bulls ever Imported

7 and his dam la n show cow thatundsof rlchl milk In ono dlY If you be

I 1iosome Anavtorandkbare A itrlitiyngoodcow you should avail yourself of bl ser ¬

I vice He wilt be allowed to serve a limitednumber of approved registered cows out

r side of our own herd year a fee ofS3 each Make engagement before sendingcow to be bred ltBI n AOTTKK

Telephone NO Htnnford KyN n1Pe have to offer three extra choice

t Rsbull calves that will be sold at right prices

t iKyiYou can find our Standard lUmiwly thegreatest blood und liver medicine jct knowns In cute of Hlivumntlsm Halt Rheum Kid-neyr Trouble and all diseases nrlslng fromImpure blood It has no equal It Is menu ¬

fractured food act of June S1KH and guaranteed the manufacturer If

l tbe is token to direction Iand If he or she U not benellted by the useof the Ronuedy we will refund moneyWe can do nothing more KicFi packagecontains iOI doses with a registered guurau

and mailing card with full Insf uctlons11We send U to any address by mall on re ¬

of It per package or six packages forIV Iletterordorti box today 1111

time OU might save a big doctorsIlememberifyoutake the Hemedy accordIng to Instructions nod are not benefitedyou get your dollar back You will notnUll the remedy In drug stores for sale ItIs told only by our duly authorized agents




uyFURSil HidesWool


r > Feathers Tallow BtMWKx Clcsecct GoldeoScIlYebw Rod M jr Apple

J Wild Ginger etc We are deerriulSJxJ ia 856Onr iufaceaerryfaLei nEeanduadobetterfayouthan-ax

aab ot ccnizmvon mchants Refeieace

h icy Duliia LomniHe Write for wallyprice lid tad dppiastars

AlaSabel do Sons229 E Market SL LOUISVILLE KY

4 JLBeazleyCo

n F TJndertaKore and Embalm

era Also Dealers in Fur ¬

niture MattingsRugs They

will exchange Furniture f9rall Kinds of Stock Give


J C McClary

I Undertaker Embalmer andDealer inHarnoss Saddler



ore Phone let HomeJPhone Si


V Fty


Kentucky raises onesixth to the to-

bacco of the worldThurmond Tudor sold to Richard Ho-

tter a milk cow for 50In the FaslgTipton sale inNew York

City 125 horses sold for over 55000The average yield of an orange tree

during its life is about 20000 orangesSenator It L Hubble bought of

Shade Wilder a walktrot horse for 22fFOR SALECultivated hemp seed

1908 crop J D Walker RichmondKy

Mark Goms of Marksbnry Garracounty had an SOO jack to die of pneu-

moniaMason county democrats will noml

nate candidates for county offices onMay 14

Ben Mattingly of Marion countybought a threeyearold jack of G W

Gootce for 500

FOR SALE33 coming two ycar olmules Good ones J C RobinsonDanville Ky Both phones 4t

I have 13 coming twoyearold mulesfor sale Will sell all or by pair HenrCatron R F D No1 Stanford

McBrayer Moore of Boyle hasbought 1200 acres in Cuba and willraise tobacco on an extensive scale

The first crops of Burley tobacco inVirginia were sold at Richmond Onefarmer averaged 1993 for his crop

Sam Forsythe sold to John D Veatchof Jessamine his 350 acre farm 3imiles from Harrodsburg for 30000

Royal Hall the great twoyearoldson of Walnut Hall 2081 and Fereno205 were bought by Madden Brosof Fayette county for 3600

The large stock barn of Brutus Wearen of the Tcatcravillo section of Garrard burned causing a considerafilloss It is believed that the fire wasthe result of an accident

J B Hoggin the millionaire masterof the great Elmendorf Stock Farm inFayette has contracted for 11 immenstobacco barns to cost 35000 He witput in a big crop of tobacco this year

W B Burton of Lancaster boughof John Creech of East Bernstadt sixmules at The per pound Mr Burtoidid not see the animals but took MrCreechs word for the kind they were


At out farmers and business mansclub meeting held on the 28th C D

Evans was elected permanent chairmanand M G Murphy secretary

The following pupils were neither absent nor tardy during six months of theKingsville Graded School

Grade 2Aubrey Gilliland MaggieDye James Flint Roberta Haggard

Grade 3Grace Trimble DorothyGooch Malcolm Haggard Ed Hogue

Grade 4Gladys Gooch Ollie GoochEstill Gooch Herman Haggard LoomFrancis Luclle Reynolds Earl Mud

manGrade 5Clarence Carey MabeFlint Esther Murphy Russell Thompson Richard Trimble

Grade 6 Pauline TaylorGrade 7 HulCee Acton Oliver


Revolts At Cold SteelYour only hope said three dod

tors to Mrs M E Fisher DetroitMich suffering from severe rectaltrouble lies In an operation then Iused Dr Kings New Life Pills shewrites till wholly cured Theyprevent Appendicitis cure Constipa ¬

tion Headache 23c at Pennys Drug-


Both the chairmen of the Democraticand Republican State Central Commit ¬

tees have agreed to appoint four menfrom each party to act jointly as anonpartisan committee at the Lincolncentenary celebration at HodgenviileFebruary 12

Gov Patterson sent to the TennesseeSenate a special message vetoing thebill prohibitingthe manufacture of intoxicants in Tennessee after January 1

1910 The Senate passed the bill overhis veto and it went to the House yesterday

Thomas L Lewis of Bridgeport 0-

was reelected president of the UnitedMine Workers of the United States andCanada by a majority of more than16000 votes over his opponent JohnH Walker district president of Illi

noisBorloighHaha ha old manl Nail-


down a carpet are youJones who has just struck his

thumbNo you fool The carpet washero all the time Im just putting thethor under it IChicago News

Foleys Orlno Laxative cures consti ¬

pation and liver trouble and makes thebowels healthy and regular Orino issuperior to pills and tablets as itdoesnot gripe or nauseate Why takeanything else New Stanford DrugCo


Seven Indictments were returned bythe Federal grand jury at MuskogeeOkla in the alleged town lot fraudinvestigation the charges being con

GovcrnmentIThe Japanese Government is waging

a successful war on rats by paying forevery dead one brought In and givingeach rat slayer a ticket to a lotterywith valuable prizes


IL sd r


Theolovorest Imitation of lOa 1 CotTeever yet made is Dr Shoops HealthCoffee It Is One In flavor arid Jsmade In just ono minute No tedious20 or 30 minutes boiling Made frompure parched grains malt nuts etcSample free Sold by Pennys DrultStore

Mrs Martha Maybelle Dunphy ofBoston Mass who has been on trialin Chicago for the alleged theft of3000 worth of diamonds from Charle

E Giles a Dorchester Mass monelender was acquitted by a jury

Pains of women head pains or anypain stopped In 20 minutes sure withDr Shoops Pink Pain Tablets Seefull formula on 25c Box Sold bPennys Drug Store

The Czar is paid a monthly salary of400000 and even this does not sup-

port him in the style demanded by hiscourtIMrs William Crosby of ColesburHardin county was found dead in bed

LESLIE ANDERSONIs candidate for circuit clerk ot llncolcounty subject to the notion of the Demotrade party

M F NORTH-Is a candidate for County Attorney of Lincoin county subject to the uctonof tbiDemocratic party

W L MCARTYIs a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln county subject to the action 01 the democratparty


ti a candidate for Sheriff of Lincoln countyabject to the action ot the democraticparty


rl a candidate for Jailer of Lincoln countysubject to the action of the Democraticparty


Is a candidate for Jailer of Democraticabject to the Motion of theparty


Is a candidate for the Democratic nominatlon for Jailor of Lincoln county subject tcthe action or the democratic pary

W A CARSONIs n candidate Jailer of Lincoln countsubject to the action of the Democratparty


Is a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln county subject to the action of time democratparty


Is a candidate for action theIDemocraticty subject to the ofjarty-



I s a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln counlysubject to thu notion of the democratparty


Is a candidate for nsseisor of Lincoln County subject to theaction ofjtho democraticparty

W D WALLINIs a candidate for Assessor of Lincoln county subject to the action of the dem cratlparty

S MOWENSIs a candidate for Assessor Lincoln county subject to the action of theDumocrntlparty

W W WHITEII n candidate for Asiessorof Lincoln conny subject to the action of the Democratic


JAMES F HOLDAMIi candidate for circuit clerk of Lincolnouaty subject to the action of the Demoratio party

W S BURCHKII candidate rot County Attorney ot Lln

coin county subject to the action of thekiiiiocrnllo party

JOHN SAM OWSLEY JRIs n candidate for circuit judge of lids thelath district Hiibjevt to action of theHliiocrutlo party


h n candidate for circuit Judge ot this the-ithI district subject to Liu action

of the Democratic putty

300ACRESOFLANDFORSALpreenotherFogle farm y county

rod adjacent Llnnle lood nelglslortoale-nd near school IrI acres unolosul tillableIne tobacco corn and grills land residuerood land well adopted to stout raisingmfallng strewn of line water runs throughtho farm Dwelling welt und outbuildingsPrce J5UOO JK FOUil-

Mlddleburg Ky

The Joseph PrieD SanatoriumNorth Lancaster Street

Stanford Kentucky

for Treatment of Dlionsctt of time Eye NoseIiront Far OeiiHoUrlimry Ilectul Orinn Nervous Hytteiu and Burgory

lotite to Contractors

JnnqHtauford Ky the KUcal Court

of Lincoln county Ky Invite sealed projosnU for the erection mind completion of anew county court house on the public

pstoinneels Frank IMIIburnJc < 01Vlllhlllltolli0 Plans will be on theRecta mmd with theOol1l1t rkatHtanfordl inch Contractor will Ills with Ids hid aertlfled check made payable to J H OWl >

Icy County Judge for I5UOW as evidence ofgood faith on his and If ode bid Is ac >

eptedthat he will enter Into contract atonce timid give nn ncceptabloguarunteoconi

bond to the countyfultimlulperformnnceoftractor will be 80 per cent usirogresacs retaining 20 per cent until finalompletlon

All bids to bii sealed and filed with thelountT Clerk on or before 10 A M FebruaryOthlWiB +

Tho Fiscal Court reserves the right to reocolony or all bids

J OWHLEY JR County JudgeaEOHClKllOOOlKUOIerk f

av r I


ARVALLACEIi a candidate for Coroner of Lincoln coun

to the action ot the Democraticprimary Feb 5 31100

ZORA P SMITHIs a candidate for magistrate In the Hustonvllle district subject to the unction of thDemocratic party

W M DUDDERARIs a candidate bur magistrate of the Hustonvllle district subject to the actlonot thoDemocratic party

JK HELM SRIs a candidate for magistrate In the Hustonvllte district subject to the action of tinDemocratic partyY


25horso txiwer bolKtr and engine and lUllmill for sale sell either or both

On AH KNSSUX Ottenhelm Ky1ostoillcp Waynoiburg Ky

B D CARTERNow Livery

Depot StreetPhone 90


Are readily cured by Zemo A liquidfor external use Zcmo gives instantrelief and permanently cures any formjf Itching Skin or Scalp disease All

Druggists Write for sample E Wlose Med Co St Louis MoG L PENNYS DRUG STORE



Sform of llOacren of good blue grass

land lying one mile North of McKlnneyontho Htanford pike Improvements andfencing good plenty of water nnd fruitAlso 1S3 acres of timbered land one mlleEast of McKinney half under fences plentyol water and IIlKJU tobacco land Moo growngcrop JAUlVKNHAgent

McKinntyKy t

Stock of Merchandisefor Sale

I desire to sell privately my stockof ira ¬

cone anti n goal bustness Will Invoice about V00 Heason111 health

OHO D110P1EJtHtanfordK-

yEczema is CurableZEMO a scientific preparation for

external use Stops Itching instantlyand destroys the germs that cause skindiseases Eczema quickly yields and Ispermanently cured by this remarkablemedicine Druggists Write for sam-



E W Rose Med Co St LoulfljM-oIcnnya Drug stow

When Ordering ClothesHave your measure taken by n tailor of expertence Then your clothes whvthrra lowprice business suit or the tliiiH eveningclothes will have that Individuality and ntwhich plainly Indicate they wore made toyour measure trtake your iwasure fur oxtrn psts top-coats alai overcoats Fall and Winter semipies on hand ready for your inspection

HO HUILKV The TailorHtnnford Ky

Safeguard the Future I

pThe what surest und most adequate safe-

guard for the future Is n policy In

The Mutual Benefit LifeInsurance C-

ot Is conspicuous for economical manageiicnt liberality of Its policy contracts fairleallng with Its members and large returnto policy holden

The company Is Just entering thoSIXTY FOURTH YEAR

rf u successful business career with morepolicy holders In Lincoln county than

companies combined Write forlartlculnrs stating ago and whether marrle1 or tingle to

1131NpeeInlAgtMyersJames tPldteHollcitorfor Ilockcastle Oo

Ma hpny Rankin


and Tornado 1

Farm Property a Spe-cialty


KIglit of the lending companies of thoworld represented rate withnil the companies of the world Loss puyIng record unsurpassed Never find n lawmilblu the history of this agency Lossespromptly paid and without discount Kowaiting rO daysfar your money llvfore InnurliiR cull o-

mmMAt10NY RANK9Nlime Insurance Men of Stanford


Stop That ColdTo check wily colds or Grippe with Frerentlcs

meant sun defeat for Pneumonia To stop a coldwith Prerentlcs safer than to let It run and beobliged to cure It afterwards To be sure ProTenucs will cure eren a deeply seated cold buttaken mrITa the sneeze wagethey breaK orhead on there early colds Thats surely betterThats why they aro called PnventlcsFrerenUcsare Osndy Cold Cure No Qnln

ins no physic notbln sickening Nice for thechi drenand thoroughly rate too It you reelchlliylfyou meeze If YOD ache all over think orIrsTenttcs rromptneu may also save half yourusual slcknesi And dont foreot your child Ifthere Is feyorUhness night or day herein probebly lies greatest emc onC7 Sold I-nf bOxY for the pocket also In 2So boxes of larrerentlc Insist on your druggists aiming j-


+ 0 +I a

Clearance SaleAll the Winter Goods must

be sold at cost s


818 Coat now 811 48815 Coat now 0 48

812 CO Coat now 8 18

810 Coat now 6 U8

820 Suit 110W Slli 18

17 50 Suit now 12 J8815 Suit now n U8

812 50 Suits now 8 OS

810 Suit now li 4887 50 Suit now t IS85 Suit now 3 48


815 Coat now 80 48812 50 Coat now 8 48810 Coat now 6 08-

8i fiO Coot now 4 OS

S 5 Cont now 3 48

Sf JO High Top Shoes 83 4883 50 High Top Shoes 82 OKrSOc heavy fleeced lined under-

wear 30c-Mcnu Pelt Moots Srensnnd Voiu

ens Rubbers All reduced accordIngly


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John n Foster Stanford W11 Shanks Stanford T C lienkin TraylorGilberts

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