internal workshop es6_2015

ES6 (2015) Enterprise Java ECMAScript 6

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Page 1: Internal workshop es6_2015

ES6 (2015)Enterprise Java

ECMAScript 6

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European Computer Manufacturers' Association, ECMA

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What we will see...● Declaration variables with let, var and const

● Template String

● Arrows

● Destructuring

● Default + Rest + Spread

● Iterators

● Classes

● Module Loaders

● Map + Set + WeakMap + WeakSet

● Promises

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Let vs Var

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Using let instead of var prevents variable declarations from being moved to the top of the scope.

Prior to executing our code, JS moves var declarations all the way up to the top of the scope

This is known as: hoisting

var is scoped to the nearest function block and let is scoped to the nearest enclosing block

for(var i = 1; i < 6; i++) {

document.getElementById('my-element' + i) .addEventListener('click',

function() { alert(i) })


//reference to the i object is being stored in the click handler closure, rather than the actual value of i.

We can also use CONST for read-only named contants

● Consts must always be assigned an initial value.● Consts are scoped by blocks.

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Can we safety use let?

● Server side: YES● Transpiled JS: YES● Client-Side + Not

Transpiled JS: Check browsers support

● If you're writing server-side JavaScript code (Node.js), you can safely use the let statement.

● If you're writing client-side JavaScript code and use a transpiler (like Traceur), you can safely use the let statement, however your code is likely to be anything but optimal with respect to performance.

● If you're writing client-side JavaScript code and don't use a transpiler, you need to consider browser support.

● Today, Feb 2016, these are some browsers that either don't support let or have only partial support

● Internet explorer 10 and below (no support)● Firefox 43 and below (no support)● Safari 9 and below (no support)● Opera Mini 8 and below (no support)● Android browser 4 and below (no support)● Opera 36 and below (partial support)● Chome 51 and below (partial support)

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Template Strings


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We can interpolate

Strings easily with

new ES6 standard


var sayHi = "ola " +

"k " +

"ase ";


var sayHi = `ola




let name1 = "JavaScript";

let name2 = "awesome";

console.log(`I just wanna say that ${name1} is


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var data = [{...}, {...}, {...}, ...];


// We treat the element



Imagine a variable with

some data that includes

an array of objects

With arrow function, we

can substitute this code


var data = [{...}, {...}, {...}, ...];

data.forEach(elem => {



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We could also use it

like this...


var myFunction = function(num) {

return num + num;


// ES6

var myFunction = (num) => num + num;

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Destructuring allows

using pattern matching,

with support for

matching arrays and


Destructuring is fail-soft,

similar to standard object

lookup foo["bar"],

producing undefined

values when not found.


The destructuring assignment uses similar syntax, but on the left-hand side of the assignment

to define what elements to extract from the sourced variable.

var foo = ["one", "two", "three"];

var [one, two, three] = foo;

console.log(one); // "one"

console.log(two); // "two"

console.log(three); // "three"

A variable can be assigned its value via destructuring separate from the variable's declaration.

var a, b;

[a, b] = [1, 2];

console.log(a); // 1

console.log(b); // 2

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A variable can be assigned a default, in the case that the value pulled from the array is


var a, b;

[a=5, b=7] = [1];

console.log(a); // 1

console.log(b); // 7

We can ignore same returned values and get them from a function call

function f() {

return [1, 2, 3];


var [a, , b] = f();

console.log(a); // 1

console.log(b); // 3

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var a, b;

({a, b} = {a:1, b:2});

Default values

var {a=10, b=5} = {a: 3};

console.log(a); // 3

console.log(b); // 5

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function drawES5Chart(options) {

options = options === undefined ? {} : options;

var size = options.size === undefined ? 'big' : options.size;

var cords = options.cords === undefined ? { x: 0, y: 0 } :


var radius = options.radius === undefined ? 25 : options.radius;

console.log(size, cords, radius);

// now finally do some chart drawing



cords: { x: 18, y: 30 },

radius: 30


Setting a function

parameter's default value

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function drawES6Chart({size = 'big', cords = { x: 0, y: 0 }, radius =

25} = {}) {

console.log(size, cords, radius);

// do some chart drawing


// In Firefox, default values for destructuring assignments are not

yet implemented (as described below).

// The workaround is to write the parameters in the following way:

// ({size: size = 'big', cords: cords = { x: 0, y: 0 }, radius:

radius = 25} = {})


cords: { x: 18, y: 30 },

radius: 30


Setting a function

parameter's default value

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Take really care with

Browser compatibility!

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Default, Rest + Spread


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We won´t have to do

function(valor) {

value = value ||




function(value = "foo")


(Default) Callee-evaluated default parameter values.

function f(x, y=12) {

// y is 12 if not passed (or passed as undefined)

return x + y;


f(3) == 15

(Rest) Turn an array into consecutive arguments in a function call.function f(x, ...y) {

// y is an Array

return x * y.length;


f(3, "hello", true) == 6

(Spread) allows an expression to be expanded in places where multiple

arguments are expected.function f(x, y, z) {

return x + y + z;




// Pass each elem of array as argument

f(...[1,2,3]) == 6

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for (let … in ...){



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//over an Array

let iterable = [10, 20, 30];

for (let value of iterable) {



//over a Map

let iterable = new Map([["a", 1], ["b", 2], ["c", 3]]);

for (let entry of iterable) {



// [a, 1]

// [b, 2]

// [c, 3]

for (let [key, value] of iterable) {



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var iterable = {

[Symbol.iterator]() {

return {

i: 0,

next() {

if (this.i < 3) {

return { value: this.i++, done: false };


return { value: undefined, done: true };





for (var value of iterable) {



// 0

// 1

// 2

Iteration is based on

these duck-typed

interfaces (using

TypeScript type

syntax for exposition

only) so...

We can also iterate

over an Iterable


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The loop will iterate

over all enumerable

properties of an object.

The for...of syntax is specific

to collections, rather than all

objects. It will iterate in this

manner over the elements of

any collection that has a

[Symbol.iterator] property.

Difference between for...of and for...inObject.prototype.objCustom = function () {};

Array.prototype.arrCustom = function () {};

let iterable = [3, 5, 7]; = "hello";

for (let i in iterable) {

console.log(i); // logs 0, 1, 2, "foo", "arrCustom", "objCustom"


for (let i of iterable) {

console.log(i); // logs 3, 5, 7

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Wanna go deeper?Check Generators!


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class X extends Y {


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This is how a Class

looks like in new ES6

class TechnicalBook extends Book {

constructor(theme, pages) {

super(theme, pages);

this.caps = [];

this.price = "";

// ...


method() {

// ...


_privateMethod() {

// ...



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import * from modules/*

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//File: lib/person.js

module "person" {

export function hello(name) {

return name;



//File: app.js

import { hello } from "person";

var app = {

foo: function() {




export app;

This is like browserfy


We can import

functions from others

scripts with no need

to import scripts from

the HTML

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Map + Set + WeakMap + WeakSet

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// Sets

var s = new Set();


s.size === 2;

s.has("hello") === true;

// Maps

var m = new Map();

m.set("hello", 42);

m.set(s, 34);

m.get(s) == 34;

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// Weak Maps

var wm = new WeakMap();

wm.set(s, { extra: 42 });

wm.size === undefined

WeakMap.prototype.get(key) : anyWeakMap.prototype.set(key, value) : thisWeakMap.prototype.has(key) : booleanWeakMap.prototype.delete(key) : boolean// Weak Sets

var ws = new WeakSet();

ws.add({ data: 42 });

// Because the added object has no other references,

it will not be held in the set


Primitive data types as keys are not allowed

A WeakMap is a map (dictionary) where the keys are weak - that is, if all references to the key are lost and there are no more references to the value - the value can be garbage collected

We can’t iterate over the contents

No clear method!

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When to use what?


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//promise implementationfunction readFile(filename, enc){ return new Promise(function (fulfill, reject){ fs.readFile(filename, enc, function (err, res){ if (err) reject(err); else fulfill(res); }); });}

//using the promisefunction readJSON(filename){ return readFile(filename, 'utf8').then(function (res){ return JSON.parse(res) })}

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What more…?Proxies

Proxies enable creation of objects with the full range of behaviors available to host objects. Can be used for interception, object virtualization, logging/profiling, etc.


Symbols allow properties to be keyed by either string (as in ES5) orsymbol

Subclassable Built-ins

In ES6, built-ins like Array, Date and DOM Elements can be subclassed.

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What more…?Math + Number + String + Array + Object APIs

Many new library additions, including core Math libraries, Array conversion helpers, String helpers, and Object.assign for copying.

Reflect API Full reflection API exposing the runtime-level

meta-operations on objects. This is effectively the inverse of the Proxy API, and allows making calls corresponding to the same meta-operations as the proxy traps. Especially useful for implementing proxies.

Tail Calls Calls in tail-position are guaranteed to not grow the stack

unboundedly. Makes recursive algorithms safe in the face of unbounded inputs.

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