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This is the most recent print catalog for International Internships, LLC, a US based provider of internships around the world and now also in the USA!


Page 1: International Intenships


Work the Planet


Page 2: International Intenships

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates

Table of Contents & General Information Australia & New Zealand

Tel. (941) 375-2214 • www.International-Internships.com2

APPLiCATiOn PROCess: To apply, please visit to complete the online application (non-refundable USD $65 applica-tion fee). Once completed, you will be asked to send in supporting documents. Once all of your information has been received, your application will be processed and a decision returned to you within two to three weeks. Acceptance to the Internship Program is at the sole discretion of International Internships LLC.

GeneRAL eLiGibiLiTy:Undergraduates, recent graduates, and graduate students of any nationality may apply. However, visa regulations or your academic standing may affect your ability to secure an entry clearance into the host country. Undergraduates need a 2.8 GPA and must have completed 2 years of college to be eligible.

VisAs:We will assist you in the processes required for securing your visa but make no guarantee regarding your entry clearance or the timeliness of visa issuance. International Internships LLC is not responsible for any problems arising at Immigration Control upon arrival in the host country due to citizenship or visa status. Euro-pean Union citizens applying for an internship in the E.U. will not have to secure an entry visa for their program. Graduate students and recent graduates are eligible, in most cases, to participate. Non-U.S. citizens are eligible to participate but may have additional visa issues to contend with. Contact our office for further advice.

ACAdeMiC CRediT: For an additional $450 fee, students may request a Framingham State College (MA) transcript (some majors are ineligible) and transfer up to 8 academic credits to their home university. A weekly journal and a 10-page Term Paper are required. All transcripts are Pass/Fail and do not carry a letter grade.

PLACeMenT GuARAnTee: Placements are commensurate with your education, experience and background. Assignments usually take from 2-10 weeks to secure and International Internships LLC will not undertake a placement search until a program deposit is received (approx. 20% of the total program fee.) If we don’t find you a placement within your field commensurate with your education, experience and background, your deposit will be refunded in full.

dATes And COsTs CAn be fOund On The CATALOG inseRT OR websiTe. Plan to apply 4-6 months in advance. Most internships are 8-10 weeks and take place in the summer - although many of our programs now offer longer term placements up to 12 months or even customized to your availability. All locations have onsite 24/7 emergency contacts.

1Tel. (941) 375-2214 •

inTeRnshiP fieLds: Accounting • Advertising • Architecture • Banking & Finance • Business Administration • Busi-ness Consulting • Customer Service • Education • Engineering - Civil / Mechanical / Electrical • Environ-mental • Event Management • Fashion • Graphic Design • Hospi-tality • Human Resources • Interior Design • IT - General / Software maintenance / Hardware mainte-nance / Web Design • Journalism • Law • Logistics • Marine Biology • Marketing • Media • Non Profit Or-ganizations & Volunteers • Recruit-ment • Trade • Travel & Tourism

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Between 18-30 Years of Age• Minimum of 2 years Undergraduate •

Study CompletedRelevant Academic Background •

and/or Work Experience in Desired Field


Customized Internship Placement in • the Host City

Accommodation in Shared • Apartment or Homestay

Visa Assistance• 24/7 Oversight•

Pre-departure • Packet

On-site • Orientation

An inTeRnshiP in AusTRALiA OR new ZeALAnd PResenTs A RARe OPPORTuniTy TO be COMPLeTeLy iMMeRsed wiThin The CuLTuRe And wORk enViROnMenT dOwn undeR! Work-ing and learning alongside native Australians and New Zealand-ers provides a unique insight into the beauty of the culture and customs of the Aussies and Kiwis, as they are affectionately known. In addition, the issues of language will not obstruct the experience for English speakers. The experience of interning in Australia or New Zea-land will enrich your professional career in a way that just travel and study alone cannot.

8 or 12 week programs, various locations

Australia & New Zealand 1• China 2• France 3• Germany 4• Ireland 5• Britain 6• India 7• Mexico 8• Argentina 9• Brazil 10• Spain 11• Italy 12•

“I have really learnedthat being here and doing this on my own, I can really achieve anything and do anything I put my mind to.” - Joe H.

Page 3: International Intenships

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates


2 3Tel. (941) 375-2214 • www.International-Internships.comTel. (941) 375-2214 •

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Advertising • Agriculture• Art • Business• Communications• Computer Science/ IT• Culinary Arts• Design• Drama/ Theatre• Fashion• Finance/ Banking• Graphic Design• Healthcare• Hotel/ Hospitality/ Tourism• Journalism • Law• Marketing • Psychology

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:18-35 Years Of Age• Undergraduate or Graduate Standing •

in a University, with a Minimum of 2 years of Undergraduate Study Completed

4 Semesters of College-level French• Relevant Academic Background and/ •

or Work Experience in Desired Field


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation in Shared • Dormitory Room

Visa Assistance• 24/7 Oversight•

Pre-departure Packet• On-site Orientation•

The CiTy Of LiGhTs, As PARis is knOwn, is One Of The wORLd’s LeAdinG business And CuLTuRAL CenTeRs. Its influence in politics, education, entertainment, media, fashion, science, and the arts make it one of the world’s major global cities. An internship in this city will enhance any resumé. France’s location in Europe allows you to easily travel to other countries, to experience different customs and cultures. On-site staff is available 24/7 to assist you as you adjust to your new city.

8 -12 week programs, Paris9-week or 3-12 month programs, Beijing or Shanghai

inTeRns CAn ChOOse TO be PLACed in eiTheR beijinG OR shAnGhAi. The inTeRnshiPs ARe wiTh MuLTinATiOnAL, fOReiGn OR Chinese COMPAnies. Interns can undertake vari-ous duties during the internship period, depending on their own background, experience and Chinese language ability. Most of the

internships are in the Business Development, Research, Human Resources or Marketing departments of

various industries. With new client companies every year, we are expanding the breadth

of industries and fields in which we can secure placements.

inCLusiOns:Customized Internship Placement •

in the Host CityPre-departure Packet• On-site Orientation• 24/7 Oversight• Airport Pick-Up/ Drop Off• Mobile Phone for Incoming •

Calls and EmergenciesWelcome Dinner• Visa Assistance•

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Accounting• Advertising• Asian Studies• Business• Communications• Computer Science/ IT• Economics• Education• Engineering• International Studies• Law• Marketing• Public Relations• Real Estate

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:18-30 Years of Age• Fluent in English (Chinese •

language knowledge is not required, but is a definite plus)

Minimum of 60 hours of • Undergraduate Study Completed

Relevant Academic Background • and/or Work Experience in Desired Field

Interested in adding a Chinese language course to your program? We offer courses for every language level.

“I really believe that this intern-ship did help me get more of the experience that I needed for my future career along with getting me in the swing of the ever-changing global advertising.” – Emily S.

“It is true that the work world of France is very different than that of the United States, but I don’t feel out of place here and am always treated like a valued equal. We have a good time and sometimes work and communica-tion is just as funny and strange as an episode of The Office, but in French, bien sûr.” – Jordan B.

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Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates


4 5Tel. (941) 375-2214 • www.International-Internships.comTel. (941) 375-2214 •

inTeRnshiP fieLds: Accounting • Advertising • Archi-tecture • Art • Business • Child Care • Communications • Computer Science/ IT • Culinary Arts • Design • Drama/ Theatre • Economics • Education • Engineering • Envi-ronmental Science • Fashion • Film • Finance/ Banking • Gender • Graphic Design • Healthcare • Ho-tel/ Hospitality/ Tourism • Human Resources • International Studies • Journalism • Law • Marketing • Photography • Political Science • Psychology • Public Relations • Real Estate • Recreation • Social Science • Sports Management • Television/ Radio • Veterinary Studies

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Between 18-30 Years of Age• Minimum of 2 years Undergraduate •

Study CompletedRelevant Academic Background •

and/or Work Experience in Desired Field


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation in Shared • Apartment

Visa Assistance• Pre-departure Packet•

On-site Orientation• 24/7 Oversight•

iT’s sAid ThAT iReLAnd, OnCe VisiTed, is neVeR fORGOTTen, And fOR OnCe The bLARney RinGs TRue. The Irish landscape has a mythic resonance, the country’s history is almost tangible, and its people seem to exist on earth expressly to restore faith in humanity. The weather may sometimes give you the impression that you’re swimming through an airborne ocean, but the truly luminous greens, luxuriant wildflowers, and weekends spent enjoying yourself will more than console you as you undertake an internship in this great land.

8-week programs, various locations

iMMeRse yOuRseLf in A LeAdinG euROPeAn eCOnOMy. The area of Dusseldorf and Cologne lies in the heart of many im-portant industries including Film, Media, Telecommunications and Fashion. It is also known as a cultural center for the whole of Ger-many. You will find yourself in a high population density area with

a lot of opportunities for internships. Placements are customized to each individual. While reasonably

close to the borders of Holland and Belgium, a German internship provides an excellent

opportunity to visit neighboring countries and sample their cultures.


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation in Shared • Apartment

Visa Assistance• 24/7 Oversight• Pre-departure Packet• On-site Orientation•

8-week programs, Dusseldorf or Cologne

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Child Care• Culinary Arts• Drama• Design• Education• Fashion • Film / Television• Healthcare• Hotel/ Hospitality/ Tourism• International Education• International Studies• Sports Management

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Fluent in English• Two years of college-level •

German requiredMinimum of 2 years •

Undergraduate Study CompletedRelevant Academic Background •

and/or Work Experience in Desired Field

“The best part of the internship was not working with just one cul-ture, but may different ones and understanding how to do business in their country. I am pleased to be able to have this opportunity and will bring my knowledge that I have gained abroad to help con-tinue my career in international business.” – AJ P.

“Doing an internship this past summer was the best decision I have made. I was able to get work experience in a field that I was interested in and had the opportunity to live in another country for two months. I gained so much confidence from being abroad; I realized things I was capable of doing that I never imagined I would.” – Katie R.

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bOLLywOOd fiLM & MediA inTeRnshiP 4-week program, MumbaiThe program is an immersion into the Hindi film industry and will emphasize the inner workings and logistics of film in Mumbai and incorporate visits and lectures from writers, producers, directors, actors, film directors and art designers.

RuRAL heALTh inTeRnshiP 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week program, Pen (Outside Mumbai)This program gives students a chance to learn about health problems faced by rural communities. Students work with local doctors in the areas of public health, HIV/AIDS, and rural medicine. The program combines work with a mobile health van, local hospitals, and health camps for children and HIV/Aids project run by a local non-profit organization. This program offers great opportunities for pre-meds, medical students, public health students and nursing students.

CLiniCAL ROTATiOn inTeRnshiP 4-week program, Mumbai This program gives students a chance to learn about health care problems faced by urban poor. Students work one on one with local doctors in local hospitals and small community clinics. This program offers great learning opportunities for pre-meds, medical students, public health students and nursing students who are interested in International health. This program can be combined with Rural Health or Traditional Medicine Program.

GRAssROOTs COMMuniTy deVeLOPMenT inTeRnshiP 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week program, Pen (Outside Mumbai) Live and work in a small village and support the development of the children in this area through work with a grassroots organization. The service component is reinforced with learning opportunities for the volunteers/interns. Interns are placed with a local non-profit organization that is working in the rural and tribal belt of Raigad District for the last 15 years which serves approximately 4000 households. Their interventions have been focused in the areas of health, education, community development and educational sponsorship for deserving children.

Please see our website at for more information on any program you see below.

inTeRnshiP fieLds: Accounting • Advertising • Anthropol-ogy • Architecture • Art • Biology • Business • Child Care • Communica-tions • Computer Science/ IT • Crimi-nal Justice • Culinary Arts • Design • Drama/ Theatre • Economics • Educa-tion • Engineering • Environmental • Science • Fashion • Film • Finance/ Banking • Gender • Graphic Design • Healthcare • Hotel/ Hospitality/ Tour-ism • Human Resources • International Studies • Journalism • Law • Marketing • Photography • Political Science • Psy-chology • Public Relations • Real Estate • Recreation • Social Science • Sports Management • Television/ Radio

inTeRnshiP fieLds: Accounting • Advertising • Architec-ture • Art • Business • Child Care • Communications • Computer Science/ IT • Culinary Arts • Design • Drama/ Theater • Economics • Education • Engineering • Environmental Science • Fashion • Film • Finance/ Banking • Gender • Graphic Design • Health-care • Hotel/ Hospitality/ Tourism • Human Resources • International Studies • Journalism • Law • Market-ing • Photography • Political Science • Psychology • Public Relations • Real Estate • Recreation • Social Science • Sports Management • Television/ Radio • Veterinary Studies

An inTeRnshiP in LOndOn is A PRe-PROfessiOnAL, fieLd-bAsed exPeRienCe whOse GOALs ARe TO deVeLOP PROfessiOnAL And CuLTuRAL skiLLs And PROVide PeRsOnAL And CAReeR AwAReness. London is an international leader in finance, and its involvement in politics, education, entertainment, fashion, media and the arts contribute to its status as a major global city. Changes in UK visa regulations now require all interns to undertake an academic course as part of their internship program. Coursework will be undertaken during the first half of the program and the second half will be spent solely at the internship placement.

*A new program is under development offering a spring semesterstudying at a local university followed by a summer internship.

new deLhi inTeRnshiP 8-week program, New Delhi An internship in New Delhi provides a unique opportunity to experience working life in a rich and diverse country and challenges preconceived notions of Indian culture and their professional world. Interning in the capital city of India gives you a chance to work in a variety of fields unlike our more structured programs in Mumbai and Pen. New Delhi is known for its wide, tree-lined boulevards and houses numerous national institutions and landmarks.

edinbuRGh is COnsisTenTLy RAnked As One Of The MOsT desiRAbLe PLACes TO LiVe And wiLL PROVide yOu wiTh A unique And VibRAnT bACkdROP ThROuGhOuT yOuR inTeRnshiP heRe. One of the greenest and most architecturally beautiful cities in Europe, approximately 50 per cent of the city is open space. Over 2 million visitors come to Edinburgh each year, not just for its architecture, but to stay in a city rich in social, cultural, learning and sporting facilities. Edinburgh will provide you with an incredible opportunity to build your resume whether pursuing an internship in business or in the theater arts.

London, England: 8-week program*

Edinburgh, Scotland: 8 week program

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates

Page 6: International Intenships

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates


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4-week to 12-month programs, Buenos Aires


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Airport Pick-up• Pre-departure Packet•

24/7 Oversight• Visa Assistance•

Farewell Dinner• On-site Orientation•

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:At Least 18 Years of Age• 2-4 Semesters of College-Level •

Spanish Minimum of 2 years •

Undergraduate Study CompletedRelevant Academic Background •

and/or Work Experience in Desired Field

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Arts and Culture• Building Projects (Groups)• Community Development• Education and Youth• Gender Issues• Health Care and Nutrition• Human Rights and Law• Indigneous Communities• Institutional Support• Sustainable Development

The LAnGuAGe & inTeRnshiP PROGRAM is ideAL fOR sTudenTs wiTh jusT 2 seMesTeRs Of sPAnish, whiLe ThOse wiTh 4 seMesTeRs Of sPAnish MAy OPT fOR The inTeRnshiP-OnLy PROGRAM. Language students begin their program with 4 weeks of intensive group language lessons for 20 hours each week. The internship placement begins on week 3 and lan-guage lessons continue until a total of 80 hours have been completed. Internship-Only participants will begin their placements immediately after orienta-tion. All placements are with Argentine not-for-profit organizations in Buenos Aires.

8-week program, Cuernavaca


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation with three • daily meals

24/7 Oversight• Pre-departure Packet• On-site Orientation • Visa Assistance•

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Minimum of 2 years •

Undergraduate Study CompletedRelevant academic background •

and/or work experience in desired field

4 Semesters of College-Level • Spanish

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Business• Criminal Justice• Economics• Education*• Hotel and Restaurant Management• Social Work

*Education internships cannot take place during the summer months or during December.

MexiCO is A MixTuRe Of OLd And new - TRAdiTiOnAL CuLTuRe And ARChiTeCTuRe COinCidinG wiTh A RAPidLy MOdeRniZinG eCOnOMy. This is the perfect time to intern in a country that is developing into a 21st century leader; a country that is a bridge between the North and South American cultures.

While interning in Cuernavaca you will be surrounded by some of the most beautiful and culturally rich

regions of the country. During the initial four weeks you will have the opportunity to

undertake a language course while you are interning. The final four weeks will be internship-only.

Cuernavaca is located about 53 miles south of Mexico City and is known as “the city of eternal spring” due to its 80°F year-round weather. You will find bus services to Mexico City every fifteen minutes, as well as services to Puebla, Tepoztlan, Taxco, Acapulco and other destinations within the state of Morelos.

The majority of the “Portenos,” the name citizens of Buenos Ar-ies call themselves, have Euro-pean roots. The city is so strongly influenced by European culture it is sometimes referred to as the “Paris of South America”.

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates

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Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates


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8-week program, Sevilla

inTeRninG in seViLLA wiLL PuT yOu RiGhT in The MiddLe Of The ARTisTiC, CuLTuRAL, And finAnCiAL CAPiTAL Of sOuTheRn sPAin. Sevilla is famous for flamenco dancing, bull-fighting, and the picturesque Guadalquivir River. It’s location in Southern Europe allows it to have the perfect climate for most of the year, which provides for plenty of time for outdoor activi-ties. During the initial two weeks you will undertake 15 hours of business Spanish to help you prepare for your internship. The final six weeks will be internship-only.


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation with three • daily meals

24/7 Oversight• Pre-departure Packet•

On-site Orientation• Daily activities •

and study visits Visa Assistance•

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Minimum of 2 years •

Undergraduate Study Completed Relevant academic background and/ •

or work experience in desired field4-5 Semesters of College-Level •


inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Finance• Healthcare• Insurance• Law• Music• NGO’s• Retail• Tourism

8-week program, various locations


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation • 24/7 Oversight• Pre-departure Packet• On-site Orientation• Visa Assistance•

bRAZiL is The LARGesT COunTRy in sOuTh AMeRiCA And hAs One Of The MOsT diVeRse LAndsCAPes And CuLTuRes Of Any COunTRy in The wORLd. Each region of the country offers something different; from the amazing biodiversity of the Amazon in the north, to the Afro-Brazilian culture of Salvador de Bahia in

the Northeast, to the cosmopolitan cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in the Southeast, there is a little

something for everyone. During the initial four weeks you will have the opportunity

to undertake a language course while you are interning. The final four weeks will be internship-only.

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Administration• Anthropology• Architecture• Biotechnology• Chemical Engineering• Engineering• Environmental and Conservation• Gastronomy• International Relations• Social Work• Teach English• Technology• Tourism• Web Design

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Minimum of 2 years •

Undergraduate Study Completed Currently enrolled as a student• 18-30 years old• Relevant academic background •

and/or work experience in desired field

Basic knowledge of Portuguese is • recommended and may be needed on a case by case basis, fluency of English and/or Spanish is beneficial

Brazilians are crazy about soccer. The Brazilian National Team is the most successful soccer team in World Cup history, having won five championships.

”I have benefited the most from simply gaining the experience of living and working in a foreign country. It has opened my eyes to different ideas, ways of seeing things, and beliefs.” – Jonathan J.

“The experience was rewarding and my resume will benefit as well. I would recommend interning abroad to anyone who is willing to travel. Not only do I have some work experience, but I have made several new friends as well.” – Lena J.

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General InformationItaly

12 13Tel. (941) 375-2214 • www.International-Internships.comTel. (941) 375-2214 •

10-week programs, Florence, Lucca and Rome


Customized Internship Placement • in the Host City

Accommodation in a single room in • a shared apartment or a homestay

24/7 Oversight• Pre-departure Packet• On-site Orientation• Visa Assistance•

inTeRninG in iTALy ALLOws The OPPORTuniTy TO exPLORe One Of The OLdesT CiViLiZATiOns On eARTh, whiLe GAininG VALuAbLe wORk exPeRienCe. Florence and Lucca are located in Tuscany, which is known for its majestic landscapes, food, and artistic legacy. The historical center of Florence has been

declared a protected city by UNESCO. Rome is a cultural capital of Europe, with an important music scene

and the center of the Italian cinema. During the initial two weeks you will undertake an

intensive Italian language course to help you prepare for your internship. The final eight weeks will be internship-only.

sTudenT eLiGibiLiTy:Minimum of 2 years •

Undergraduate Study Completed2-4 Semesters of College-Level •

Italian Relevant academic background •

and/or work experience in desired field

inTeRnshiP fieLds: • Commerce• Fashion• Hotel/hospitality/tourism*• Informatics• Social work• Tourism• Vocational education and training• Welfare services* Students interested in completing an intern-ship in the hotel/hospitality/tourism field are eligible to do so in Italy’s capital city of Rome. By completing an internship in Rome, you will have the opportunity to visit many historical Roman sites, along with the Vatican City. Hotel/hospitality/tourism interns in Rome must be native English speakers.

Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany. The city is often considered the birth-place of the Italian Renaissance. You can view various art galleries and churches throughout the city. Lucca is a city in Tuscany located 44 miles west of Florence and 22 miles north of Pisa. Lucca is famous for its intact Renaissance-era city walls, which has been converted into a pedestrian promenade.

PAyMenTs:Payments can be made to International Internships, LLC by check, money order, PayPal, MasterCard, Visa or American ExpressFinancial aid is not available through International Internships LLC. You may apply for financial aid through your home institution or seek out loans elsewhere. (All payments are to be made in U.S. Dollars. Late payments will be assessed a $25 late fee unless prior arrange-ments have been made with our U.S. office.)

fees And PAyMenT due dATes:• Time of application: Non-Refundable $65 Application Fee/ Late application $100• Application Deadline: Varies by program• A Deposit of 20% of the total program fee is due immediately upon acceptance• Balance of the program fee is due approximately 8-10 weeks prior to program start date

wiThdRAwAL/ CAnCeLLATiOn/ Refund POLiCy:All refunds are based on written confirmation of participant with-drawal received by the International Internships LLC U.S. office. Telephone messages do NOT constitute proper notification. Program start dates begin at 12:00am on the date listed on the website unless a date change has been made and participants have been duly notified by email or letter. Placement search begins immediately at the time the deposit is received.

Withdrawal after placement search has begun: Loss of DepositWithdrawal 30 days or less from the program start date: 50% of Program FeeWithdrawal after program start date (or arrival in-country): No RefundDismissal from Program: No Refund

Withdrawals from the program must be submitted in writing to the Florida office.

PRiCes, PROGRAMs & dATe ChAnGes: All prices, program offerings and dates are subject to change without notice. International Internships LLC reserves the right to change or cancel any program at any time for any reason. All applicants will be notified of any changes. Changes may be, but are not limited to: un-foreseen housing, orientation, or exchange rate increases; visa fees; visa regulation changes that force modification of the program; cell phone, housing or other security deposits; course additions, etc.

uniVeRsiTies Of PAsT PARTiCiPAnTs:

Alliant International UniversityAmerican University of Sharjah Andrews University Bard CollegeBrooks Institute of Photography Brown UniversityCalifornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis ObispoCalifornia State University, FullertonCalifornia State University, Long Beach Case Western Reserve University Clark University Clemson University Colorado State UniversityColumbia University Eastern Michigan UniversityEmory University Fairfield University Florida Gulf Coast UniversityFlorida State University Fordham UniversityGeorge Washington UniversityHamilton College Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de MonterreyLasell CollegeLewis University Miami University, OhioSan Diego State University San Francisco State University Springfield College State University of New York Stockton College Suffolk University Texas State University The Ohio State University The University of Leeds University of ArkansasUniversity of California, Berkley University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Santa BarbaraUniversity of Delaware University of Georgia, AthensUniversity of IowaUniversity of Miami University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Saint Andrews, ScotlandUniversity of Southern California University of West FloridaUniversity of Western Ontario University of Wisconsin, StoutVermont Law SchoolVillanova University Washington and Lee UniversityWest Chester UniversityWest Virginia University Western New England CollegeWheaton College Whittier College Worcester State College

Consult the insert or website for pricing and program dates

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international internships, LLCP.O. box 3604Placida, fL 33946


International Internships, LLC was formed in 2004 to provide university lev-el students of all nationalities an opportunity to gain work experience abroad by undertaking an internship in a foreign country. We are dedicated to find-ing you an internship that will not only compliment the knowledge you have acquired thus far in your chosen field, but that will give you a global perspec-tive as you seek a competitive edge in achieving your career goals.

Our knowledgeable staff have all interned or studied abroad themselves and are available to advise you on the program that best suits your needs. They will guide you through the simple online application, send you a pre-depar-ture packet and advise you on visa regulations as we search for your custom-ized placement abroad. Most fields can be accommodated and many pro-grams don’t require a foreign language. Our onsite coordinators secure your housing and provide you with an orientation once you arrive – available for you throughout your stay. Soon, you will be working alongside international counterparts while you travel on weekends to explore other destinations!

Check us out on: Mailing Address:Facebook & International Internships, LLCTwitter P.O. Box 3604 Placida, FL 33946 Toll Free in the USA: (866) 403-0448Tel/Fax: (941) 375-2214Website: www.International-Internships.comEmail: [email protected]
