international relations the peace settlement 1918-1928

International Relations The Peace Settlement 1918-1928 Section 2 Part 1

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International Relations The Peace Settlement 1918-1928. Section 2 Part 1. Lesson 1. How can you stop a war?. Armistice. 2 Mark questions. Make sure you’re explaining the point you made!. Make a point Explain it Give one reason why Germany wanted an armistice. (2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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International Relations The Peace Settlement 1918-1928

Section 2Part 1

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How can you stop a war?Lesson 1

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2 Mark questions• Make a point• Explain it

• Give one reason why Germany wanted an armistice. (2)

• Once you have answered your question swap and mark your partners. They need to have the wording of the question with the reason in the first sentence and have developed the point they made in the second sentence.

Make sure you’re explaining the point

you made!

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6 mark questions

• A bit like 2 mark but with 3 points this time.• Each point needs to be a little longer so aim

for at least 3 sentences for each point this time.

• What were the main terms of the Armistice? (6)

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Applying knowledge

• Set your own 2 mark questions on ending the fighting for your partner to try.

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Lesson 2

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Hot Seat

We need a Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson volunteer to answer questions from the class on what they want from

the Treaty of Versailles.

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Lesson 3

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Write a short speech from the point of view of each character, explaining what they each want from a peace treaty. Think about what each country had particularly suffered during the First World War.

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The ‘Diktat’

At Versailles 27 nations were represented but us defeated countries were not allowed to attend. We are not happy about this and refer to the treaty as the ‘Diktat’ because it had been dictated to us, not negotiated. It gave people Hitler an excuse to ignore it later when he became leader

Why did Germany refer to the treaty as ‘Diktat’? (2)

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What if Germany had been present at The Treaty of Versailles...

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Lesson 4

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Link a Simon Cowell reaction to one of the countries ...

• Britain• France• America• Germany




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• Now write a sentence summing up the reaction.

• Watch the video and read the following slides to see if you are correct...


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Write a front page newspaper article from the country of your

choice on your countries reactions to the Treaty


Vengeance!Another War?

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Predict what you think will happen as an outcome of the Treaty Of Versailles.Explain your reasoning.