international solidaryfor imprisoned anarchists in italy

INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARY FOR IMPRISONED ANARCHISTS IN ITALy 20 arrests more than 100 policeraids coordinated all over Italy  and only towards the anarchist movement: This is not the face of Italy under fascism, but the democratic Italy in may 2001. The massive persecution began just few days after the victory of the rightwinged multimillionaire  Silvio Berlusconi  in national elections. His party -  Forza Italia  - got more than 40% of the votes and immediately formed a government with the postfascist Allenza Nazionale, whose leader had promised the voters a purge of the arabic shit . A promise which was rewarded with 10% of the votes. With a coalition of fascists, right-wing populists and fundamentalist christians, Berlusconi placed himself at the forefront of the Italian state, whose true nature was revealed at the G8 summit in Genoa, July 2001. Here, young people from all the world tasted what Italian anarchists taste everyday: severe beatings, planted evidence random arrests and often torture in the small cells of the isolation prison, all while the statepolice painted the walls with teenage blood . Since May 2001 persecution of anarchists has been increased and widened. At the annual international meeting of the  Anarchist Black Cross  it was reported that by the end of july this year, every anarchist from the Italian organization had been arrested except one. Because of this, it was proposed at the meeting to make an international solidarity-day with the imprisoned anarchists in Italy. To mark this we're hosting an info meeting at the following address: ~ TALKS ~ FILM? - COFFEE ~ The meeting will be in english, coffee will be provided. We will also be taking  voluntary contributions to Anarchist Black Cross Italy. The oppressed in Italy have had their network broken with systematic violence and prosecution. i

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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2 0 a r r e s t s m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 p o l i c e r a i d s c o o r d i n a t e d a ll o v e r I ta l y  and on ly

towards the anarch i s t movement : Th i s i s no t the face o f I ta l y under fasc i sm, bu t the

de m ocr a t i c I ta ly in ma y 2001 . Th e m ass i ve pe rsecu t i on be gan j us t few days a f te r the

v i c to ry o f the r i gh tw inged mu l t im i l l i ona i re   S i l v i o B e r l u s c o n i  in nat ion a l e lec t ion s . His

party -  Forza Italia   - go t mo re than 40 % o f the vo te s and imm ed ia te l y fo r m ed a

gov e rnmen t w i t h t he pos t f as c i s t A l l enz a Naz i ona l e , whos e l eade r had p rom i s ed t he

vo te rs a pu rge o f the a rab i c sh i t . A p ro m ise wh ich w as re wa rded w i th 10% o f the

votes .

W i th a coa l i t i on o f fasc i s ts , r igh t -w ing popu l i s ts and funda me nta l i s t ch r i s t i ans ,

Ber luscon i p laced h imse l f a t the fo re f ron t o f the I ta l i an s ta te , whose t rue na tu re was

revea led a t the G8 summi t i n Genoa, Ju l y 2001 . Here , young peop le f rom a l l t he wor ldtas ted what I ta l i an anarch i s ts tas te everyday : severe bea t i ngs , p lan ted ev idence

ra nd om arre s ts an d of ten tor ture in the sm al l ce l l s o f the iso la t ion pr ison, a l l w hi le the

s ta tepo l i ce pa in ted the wa l l s w i th teenage b lood .

S ince May 2001 persecu t i on o f anarch i s ts has been i nc reased and w idened . A t

the annua l i n te rna t i ona l meet i ng o f the   A n a r c h i s t B l a c k C r o s s  i t was

rep or te d that by the en d of ju ly th is year , e very ana rch is t f ro m the I ta lian

organ iza t i on had been a r res ted excep t one . Because o f th i s , i t was

proposed a t the meet ing to make an i n te rna t i ona l so l i da r i t y -day w i th the

imp r i son ed an arch i s ts in Ital y. T o m ark th i s we ' re hos t i ng an in fo m eet i ng

at the fo l low ing ad dre ss :


The meeting will be in english,

coffee will be provided. We will also

be taking  voluntary contr ibut ions to

Anarchist Black Cross Italy.

The oppressed in I ta ly have had thei r

network broken wi th systemat ic

v iolence and prosecut ion.



The ital ien   C roce Nera Anarchica s   (ABC)  homepage was th is summer shut down by

Polizia de Stato,  fo l lowed by more raids and arrests. Anarchists were brought di rect ly

from the street to isolat ion in prison.

This new democracy  at tacks al l who does not swear loyal ty to par l iament and

democracy: The power of fear is s tronger than the power of love. In th is so cal led

dem ocra cy, as in Denm ark, patr iot ism is exp ecte d f rom al l c i t izens. F ascists are - as

me nt ioned - represented in the governm ent , therefore o f f i c ia l ly aproved: W he n beaten up

anarchists, dragged from the squatted houses, wake up in a cel l , they did not know i f theywere hi t by a fasc is ts or a  polizia \  Fa scism is not som ething n ew in Ita ly : in 19 22-4 5

the fascist d ic tator, Beni to Mussol in i ru led I ta ly . Si lv io Berlusconi descr ibed this brutal

tyrant as a  mercyful leader innoce nt of any cr ime, that sent peo ple on  vacation in

internal exile in a recent interview.

Just l ike the fascism repression is not news in Italy. What is new, is i ts scale, i ts

rando mn ess and its bruta li ty . Ana rch is ts are accu sed for everyth ing, myster ious bom bs,

that they do not recogn ize. An arch ists w an ts a f ree society not one of fear, nor do they

want to be label led as terror is ts . However they are prosecuted alongside thei r supporters,

the i r network and comrades, who are a lso impr isoned on fa lse accusat ions . A l l we can

offer is support and sol idar i ty to those behind the wal ls .

A maximum of solidarity is the condition for being able to enjoy

a maximum of freedom.  Errico Malatesta (1853-1932), italian anarchist

Anarchist Black Cross  A B C ) ,  is an anarchist prisoner support

organization which exists in various countries al l around the globe.

i C i T O i Or ig ina l l y i t was founded as Anarchist Red Cross 1luring the czar-

M W l  regime in Russia  about 1904, but changed its name later du rin g the

/ civ i l war to avoid confu sion w ith the Red Cross.

I _ J L >  Th e orga nization spread to Europe after the russian rev olu tion 1917.

? I  The idea and practice was to help political prisoners, especially the

I  . - J  anarch ists, that were persecuted in Russia. In the 1930's the

I I pressure, espe cially fro m fascists, became too great and the

organization closed down unti l 1960, when it was restartet in

England. They immidiately took up the task of helping the pol i t ical prisoners from

4he tigh ts against Franco and the fascists du rin g the Spanish Civ ilw a r, 1936-39. T o

day - as mentioned before, various organizations exist all around the globe. There is

no formal headquarters and al l the local/national groups works completely

independently. An international network does exist. On the homepage   o f  the

network, there is wri t ten:  We work for a stateless, cooperative/classless society,

free of privileges and domination based on race and sex. Because of their

struggle to achieve this, they support all who are imprisoned.

The organization is  not religious  and supports political prisoners that even Amnesty

International turn their back on.

For mo re in form at ion , s ee the hom epa ge o f the ne tw ork:

w w w . a n a r c h i s t b l a c k c r o s s . o r s

f r i h e t I i g . o r g