international standards for online publishing of macedonian journal of medical sciences

23 International Standards International Standards for Online Publishing for Online Publishing of Macedonian Journal of Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences of Medical Sciences ( ( mk) mk) Mirko Spiroski, MD, PhD ([email protected]) Mirko Spiroski, MD, PhD ([email protected]) Institute of Immunobiology and Human Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University "Ss Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of "Ss Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Macedonia

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Page 1: International Standards for Online Publishing of Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences

International Standards for International Standards for Online Publishing of Online Publishing of Macedonian Journal of Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences Medical Sciences ( ) Mirko Spiroski, MD, PhD ([email protected])Mirko Spiroski, MD, PhD ([email protected])Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics, Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University "Ss Kiril and Faculty of Medicine, University "Ss Kiril and Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Metodij", Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Page 2: International Standards for Online Publishing of Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences

Biomedical Publications Biomedical Publications Issued in the Republic of Issued in the Republic of MacedoniaMacedonia• Selected medical journals:Selected medical journals:

– Makedon Med Pregl– God Zb Med Fak Skopje renamed into Maked J Med– Prilozi – Acta Chir Maced – Acta Morphol– Physioacta – Maced J of Med Sci

• Regional or international medical publications:Regional or international medical publications:– Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics – BANTAO Journal

• Medical journals that not fulfil the inclusion criteria:Medical journals that not fulfil the inclusion criteria:– Paediatrics:Review– Epilepsy– Acta Orthopedica et Traumatologica Macedonica– Vox Medici– Medicus

• Biomedical journals from related fields:Biomedical journals from related fields:– Makedonski Stomatoloshki Pregled– Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin– Revista Stomatologjike Apolonia [Journal of Dentistry Apolonia]– Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation

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Selection of Macedonian Selection of Macedonian Medical JournalsMedical Journals• Eight Macedonian medical journals Eight Macedonian medical journals

((Makedon Med Pregl, God Zb Med Fak Makedon Med Pregl, God Zb Med Fak Skopje, Maked J Med, Prilozi, Acta Chir Skopje, Maked J Med, Prilozi, Acta Chir Maced, Acta Morphol, PhysioactaMaced, Acta Morphol, Physioacta and and Maced J of Med SciMaced J of Med Sci) were selected based ) were selected based on the following criteria: national periodical on the following criteria: national periodical publication; quality of the professional publication; quality of the professional and/or scientific content; consistent and/or scientific content; consistent editorial policy; regular peer review of the editorial policy; regular peer review of the submitted papers; and high level of submitted papers; and high level of bibliographic and printing standards.bibliographic and printing standards.

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Characteristics of the Characteristics of the Selected Macedonian Medical Selected Macedonian Medical Journals Journals

Makedon Med Pregl

God Zb Med Fak Skopje

Maced J Med Prilozi Acta Chir


Morphol Physioacta Maced J Med Sci

Format B5/A4 B5/A4 A4 B5 A4 A4 B5 A4

First number 1946 1954 1999 1980 2002 2004 2007 2008

Last number 2007 1998 2007 2008 2004 2008 2008 2008

Papers language Mac

Mac/ Ser /Eng/ Fra/

GerMac/ Eng Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Eng

Abstracts language Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Mac/ Eng Eng

Frequency Semi-annual Annual Semi-



Semi-annual Semi-annual Quarterly

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International Standards Fulfilled by International Standards Fulfilled by Selected Macedonian Medical Selected Macedonian Medical Journals Journals

Makedon Med Pregl

God zb Med Fak Skopje

Maced J Med Prilozi Acta chir


morphol Physioacta Maced J Med Sci

Print ISSN 0025-1097 0065-1214 0065-1214 0351-3254 1409-5181 1409-9837 1857-5587 1857-5749

Online ISSN No No No No No No No 1857-5773

WEB site Yes No No Yes No No No Yes

Online Papers No No No Yes No No No Yes

Online submission No No No No No No No Yes

Medline/ PubMed

Old medline PubMed

Medline v11, 1964-v25, 1979PubMed

v11, 1964-v25, 1979


Medline v25n1-2,

2004-PubMed v25n1-2,


No No No No

Index Copernicus No No No No No No No Yes

ICMJE No No No No No No No Yes

WAME No No No No No No No Yes

COPE No No No No No No No Yes

doi> No No No No No No No Yes

OASPA No No No No No No No Yes

ISSN, International Standard Serial Number; ICMJE, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors; WAME, World Association of Medical Editors; COPE, Committee on Publication Ethics; doi>, Digital Object Identifier; OASPA, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association.

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WEB Site of Macedonian WEB Site of Macedonian Journal of Medical SciencesJournal of Medical SciencesMJMS is a top-tier open access medical science journal published by the Institute of Immunobiology and Human Genetics at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. MJMS is an international, modern, general medical journal covering all areas in the medical sciences, from basic studies to large clinical trials and cost-effectiveness analyses. We publish mostly human studies that substantially enhance our understanding of disease epidemiology, etiology, and physiology; the development of prognostic and diagnostic technologies; trials that test the efficacy of specific interventions and those that compare different treatments; and systematic reviews. We aim to promote translation of basic research into clinical investigation, and of clinical evidence into practice.

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Flow Chart of Submitted Flow Chart of Submitted Papers in Manuscript CentralPapers in Manuscript Central

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Complete Follow up of the Complete Follow up of the Papers in Manuscript CentralPapers in Manuscript Central

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International Committee of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Medical Journal Editors

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About COPEAbout COPE• The The Committee on Publication EthicsCommittee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is a charity (COPE) is a charity

registered in the UK. It is concerned with the integrity of peer-registered in the UK. It is concerned with the integrity of peer-reviewed publications in science, particularly biomedicine. It was reviewed publications in science, particularly biomedicine. It was established in 1997 and meets in London but its over 5200 established in 1997 and meets in London but its over 5200 members are from all continents. Its membership is composed members are from all continents. Its membership is composed mostly of Editors-in-Chief of scientific journals, with some other mostly of Editors-in-Chief of scientific journals, with some other companies and individuals who are interested in publication companies and individuals who are interested in publication ethics as Associate Members. Indeed, some publishers (ethics as Associate Members. Indeed, some publishers (ElsevierElsevier, , Wiley–BlackwellWiley–Blackwell, , SpringerSpringer, , Taylor & FrancisTaylor & Francis and the and the BMJ Publishing GroupBMJ Publishing Group) have signed up their entire catalogue of ) have signed up their entire catalogue of journal titles as COPE members.journal titles as COPE members.

• COPE provides a forum for publishers and Editors of scientific COPE provides a forum for publishers and Editors of scientific journals to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work journals to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work submitted to or published in their journals, both print and online. submitted to or published in their journals, both print and online. Examples include Examples include conflicts of interest, falsification and conflicts of interest, falsification and fabrication of data, plagiarism, unethical experimentation, fabrication of data, plagiarism, unethical experimentation, inadequate subject consent and authorship disputesinadequate subject consent and authorship disputes. It . It encourages its members to seek investigation into suggested encourages its members to seek investigation into suggested misconduct by the employing universities, hospitals or other misconduct by the employing universities, hospitals or other founders of prima facie cases.founders of prima facie cases.

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Membership of MJMS in Membership of MJMS in COPECOPE

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Code of Conduct of COPECode of Conduct of COPE• COPE aims to define best practice in the ethics of scientific COPE aims to define best practice in the ethics of scientific

publishing and to assist authors, Editors, editorial board publishing and to assist authors, Editors, editorial board members, readers, owners of journals and publishers. One members, readers, owners of journals and publishers. One of the ways in which it fulfils this mission is by the of the ways in which it fulfils this mission is by the publication of its publication of its Code of ConductCode of Conduct and and Best Practice Best Practice Guidelines for Journal EditorsGuidelines for Journal Editors..

• The principle followed is that editors have a prime duty to The principle followed is that editors have a prime duty to maintain the integrity of the scientific record. This must maintain the integrity of the scientific record. This must take precedence over their other duties, for example, take precedence over their other duties, for example, making sure their publication is readable and profitable (or, making sure their publication is readable and profitable (or, at least not a financial burden for the society, academic at least not a financial burden for the society, academic institution, governmental body or publisher to whom they institution, governmental body or publisher to whom they are responsible). Editors must take final responsibility for are responsible). Editors must take final responsibility for everything in the publication they edit. Therefore, it is their everything in the publication they edit. Therefore, it is their duty to do their utmost to identify publication misconduct duty to do their utmost to identify publication misconduct in submitted or published articles. All members of COPE in submitted or published articles. All members of COPE are expected to abide by Code of Conduct. A mechanism is are expected to abide by Code of Conduct. A mechanism is outlined in the Code to complain about Editors who are outlined in the Code to complain about Editors who are COPE members and transgress the Code. COPE members and transgress the Code. 

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Mission and History of Mission and History of CrossrefCrossref

• Mission statement: "CrossRef is a not-for-profit membership Mission statement: "CrossRef is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to enable easy identification association whose mission is to enable easy identification and use of trustworthy electronic content by promoting the and use of trustworthy electronic content by promoting the cooperative development and application of a sustainable cooperative development and application of a sustainable infrastructure."infrastructure."

• CrossRef's general purpose is to promote the development CrossRef's general purpose is to promote the development and cooperative use of new and innovative technologies to and cooperative use of new and innovative technologies to speed and facilitate scholarly research. CrossRef's specific speed and facilitate scholarly research. CrossRef's specific mandate is to be the citation linking backbone for all mandate is to be the citation linking backbone for all scholarly information in electronic form. CrossRef is a scholarly information in electronic form. CrossRef is a collaborative reference linking service that functions as a collaborative reference linking service that functions as a sort of digital switchboard. It holds no full text content, but sort of digital switchboard. It holds no full text content, but rather effects linkages through Digital Object Identifiers rather effects linkages through Digital Object Identifiers (DOI), which are tagged to article metadata supplied by the (DOI), which are tagged to article metadata supplied by the participating publishers. The end result is an efficient, participating publishers. The end result is an efficient, scalable linking system through which a researcher can click scalable linking system through which a researcher can click on a reference citation in a journal and access the cited on a reference citation in a journal and access the cited article.article.

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OnlineFirst (Forthcoming articles OnlineFirst (Forthcoming articles Published Ahead of Print)Published Ahead of Print)• "OnlineFirst" are peer-reviewed, accepted articles that "OnlineFirst" are peer-reviewed, accepted articles that

have not yet appeared in a printed issue of MJMS. have not yet appeared in a printed issue of MJMS. "OnlineFirst" versions include authors' corrections. "OnlineFirst" versions include authors' corrections.

• The print version of the article will usually remain The print version of the article will usually remain unchanged, with the possible exception of late unchanged, with the possible exception of late corrections. When an article is assigned to an issue of corrections. When an article is assigned to an issue of the journal, the "OnlineFirst" version will be removed the journal, the "OnlineFirst" version will be removed from this section and will appear in the associated from this section and will appear in the associated journal issue. journal issue.

• "OnlineFirst" do not have all bibliographic details, such "OnlineFirst" do not have all bibliographic details, such as volume and page numbers, but can be cited by their as volume and page numbers, but can be cited by their DOI (eg, doi:10.3889/MJMS.1857-5773.2008.0004). DOI (eg, doi:10.3889/MJMS.1857-5773.2008.0004).

• More details, including how to cite OnlineFirst articles More details, including how to cite OnlineFirst articles can be found on the can be found on the MJMS_OnlineFirstFactSheetMJMS_OnlineFirstFactSheet. .

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Example of an Article Example of an Article Published OnlineFirstPublished OnlineFirst

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Definition of Open AccessDefinition of Open Access

Definition of Open AccessDefinition of Open Access• Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences

(MJMS)(MJMS) endorses the definition of open endorses the definition of open access publication drafted by the access publication drafted by the Bethesda Meeting on Open Access Bethesda Meeting on Open Access Publishing. However, Publishing. However, MJMSMJMS has chosen has chosen to apply the less-restrictive Creative to apply the less-restrictive Creative Commons Attribution License (CCAL) to Commons Attribution License (CCAL) to all works we publish. Unlike the all works we publish. Unlike the Bethesda Convention, the CCAL allows Bethesda Convention, the CCAL allows commercial re-use of all commercial re-use of all MJMSMJMS journals' journals' content. content.

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Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution License (CCAL)Attribution License (CCAL)

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Open Access PublicationOpen Access PublicationAn Open Access Publication is one that meets the following An Open Access Publication is one that meets the following

two conditions: two conditions: 1. The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant(s) to all users a

free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship, as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use.

2. A complete version of the work and all supplemental materials, including a copy of the permission as stated above, in a suitable standard electronic format is deposited immediately upon initial publication in at least one online repository that is supported by an academic institution, scholarly society, government agency, or other well-established organization that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving (for the biomedical sciences, PubMed Central is such a repository).

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Open Access License Open Access License No permission requiredNo permission required • The The Macedonian Journal of Medical Macedonian Journal of Medical

Sciences (MJMS)Sciences (MJMS) applies the applies the Creative Commons Attribution LicenCreative Commons Attribution Licensese (CCAL) to all works we publish (CCAL) to all works we publish (read the (read the human-readable summaryhuman-readable summary or the or the full license legal codefull license legal code). Under ). Under the CCAL, authors retain ownership the CCAL, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their article, but of the copyright for their article, but authors allow anyone to download, authors allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles in and/or copy articles in MJMSMJMS journal, journal, so long as the original authors and so long as the original authors and source are cited. source are cited. No permission is No permission is required from the authors or required from the authors or the publishers.the publishers.

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Example and Sign of Open Example and Sign of Open Access Publication in MJMSAccess Publication in MJMS

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Mission and Purpose of Open Access Mission and Purpose of Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)(OASPA)The mission of OASPA is to support and represent the interests of The mission of OASPA is to support and represent the interests of

Open Access (OA) journal publishers globally in all scientific, Open Access (OA) journal publishers globally in all scientific, technical, and scholarly disciplines. To accomplish its mission, the technical, and scholarly disciplines. To accomplish its mission, the Association will:Association will:– Exchange Information - Provide a forum for the exchange of

information and experiences related to OA delivery of scientific content.

– Set Standards - Promote a uniform definition of OA publishing, best practices for maintaining and disseminating OA scholarly communications, and ethical standards.

– Advance Models - Support the development of business and publishing models that support OA journal publishing.

– Advocate for Gold1 OA - Promote Gold OA journals, and policies that support their viability.

– Educate - Educate the research community and public on the benefits of OA journals, on the value publishers bring to the publication process and on various policies that enhance and support the delivery of OA publications.

– Promote Innovation - Contribute to the development and dissemination of innovative approaches to scientific communications pertaining to OA and of related activities that leverage the opportunities afforded by OA to scholarly content.

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Information Resources of Information Resources of OASPAOASPA

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• Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) is the youngest medical scientific (MJMS) is the youngest medical scientific journal in the Republic of Macedonia.journal in the Republic of Macedonia.

• MJMS fulfils almost all criteria for online MJMS fulfils almost all criteria for online journal.journal.

• MJMS needs national and international MJMS needs national and international support for inclusion in the most support for inclusion in the most important databases for scientific important databases for scientific information (PubMed, PubMed Central, information (PubMed, PubMed Central, and similar).and similar).