internationalisation in post-secondary education

Nick Brieger nick.brieger@etimalta .com Internationalisation in Post-Secondary Education More information about IOA can be found at ioatraining.n

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Materials to support 3-hour training session in Internationalisation for educationalists working in Vocational Education. This file includes a short audio introduction. To hear this, you will need to download the file to your PC.


  • 1.Internationalisation in Post-Secondary EducationNick Brieger More information about [email protected] be found at

2. OBJECTIVES and CONTENTOBJECTIVESTo raise awareness of key issues in internationalisationTo define next steps in internationalisation for you, your colleagues, your students and your organisationCONTENT1. What is internationalisation?2. What is link between internationalisation and culture? Dimensions of culture - national, organisational, etc.3. What is the scope of IC (Intercultural / International Competence)? - knowledge, skills, mindset/attitudes4. Exploring intercultural competence: knowledge and skills5. Next steps in internationalisation and how to do it? 3. 1. What is Internationalisation? 4. What is Internationalisation?Is it . a countrys educational policy? an organisations strategic goal? an activity / a series of activities? a process / a series of steps? a subject of academic study? a body of practical knowledge? a set of practical skills? a mindset? something else? 5. Internationalisation at homeA definitionInternationalisation at home covers activities that help students todevelop international understanding and intercultural skills.It is much more curriculum-oriented: preparing your students to beactive in a much more globalised world.Activities under this at home dimension are: curriculum and programmes to develop interculturalcompetence teaching and learning processes extra-curricular activities liaison with local cultural / ethnic groups research and scholarly activities.From: Internationalisation in Higher Education in Europeand its assessment, trends and issues.Hans de Wit, NVAO (2011) 6. Internationalisation abroadThe second dimension is internationalisation abroad, including: all forms of education across borders: mobility of students and faculty, mobility of projects, programs and providers.However, a significant factor for success is the preparation ofstudents and faculty for their international assignments byincreasing their intercultural competenceThese two contexts of internationalisation (at home and abroad) should notbe seen as mutually exclusive but are intertwined in policies and programmes,eg in the development of intercultural competenceFrom: Internationalisation in Higher Education in Europeand its assessment, trends and issues.Hans de Wit, NVAO (2011) 7. 2. What is Culture? 8. What is Culture?BehavioursRitualsArtifactsAttitudes A shared systemValues orThe way weBeliefsbehave and think round here 9. Where is Culture?THE CULTURE ONION 10. 3. What is Intercultural Competence (IC)? 11. What is Intercultural Competence?Definition of ICIntercultural competence enables you to interact both effectively and in a way thatis acceptable to others when you are working in a group whose members havedifferent cultural backgrounds. dimensions of ICMINDSET/ KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ATTITUDES 12. 4. Exploring InterculturalCompetence: Knowledge andSkills 13. Intercultural Knowledge LOW POWER DISTANCEHIGH POWER DISTANCE [Hierarchy] MONOCHRONIC POLYCHRONIC [Time 1] LONG TERM SHORT TERM[Time 2] LOW RISK AVOIDANCEHIGH RISK AVOIDANCE [Plan] LOW CONTEXT HIGH CONTEXT[Data] INDIVIDUALIST COLLECTIVIST[Working Style] ACHIEVEMENT ASCRIPTION[Status] UNIVERSALISTPARTICULARIST [Systems] NEUTRAL EMOTIONAL [Style]References: Gert Hofstede: Culture and Organisations: Software of the MindE.T. Hall: Understanding Cultural DifferencesFons Trompenaars: Riding the Waves of Culture 14. Cultural PatternLOW POWER POWERHIGH POWERDISTANCEDISTANCE DISTANCELow Power Distance High Power Distancesubordinates and supervisors closercentralised political powersmaller organisational hierarchies tall organisational hierarchiesfewer differences in status, salary, etc differences in status, salary, etc 15. Power Distance Index 104 Malaysia 55 Pakistan 80 Egypt 54 Japan 80 China 50 Italy 80 Kuwait 49 South Africa 77 Nigeria 49 Argentina 68 Hong Kong 40 USA 64 Thailand 35 Germany 64 Tanzania 35 UK 64 Peru 34 Switzerland 60 Korea 31 Sweden 60 Greece 18 Denmark 58 Iran/Taiwan 13 IsraelFrom: Hofstede, G., (2001), Cultures Consequences, 2nd ed. 16. Cultural PatternMONOCHRONIC TIME 1POLYCHRONICMonochronic Polychronicdo one thing at a timedo many things at onceconcentrate on the jobare highly distractible and easilytake time commitments (deadlines,interrupted schedules) seriously consider time commitments anemphasise promptness objective to be achieved, if possiblebase promptness on the relationship 17. Cultural Pattern LONG-TERMTIME 2SHORT-TERMLong-TermShort-Termpatience in achieving resultsdesire for immediate results and and goals achievement of goalsrelationship as source of informationrules as source of informationand credibilityand credibilitycontent focussed on practice content focussed on truthand practical values and certainty of beliefs 18. Cultural PatternHIGHPLANNING; RISK LOWAVOIDANCEHigh Risk AvoidanceLow Risk Avoidancemore formal rulesfewer formal ruleslonger career commitmentsmore easy going/relaxeddislike ambiguous situations cope better with open-endednessexpect organisational structureview differences as curiositiesview differences as threats 19. Cultural PatternDIRECTCOMMUNICATIONINDIRECTDirectIndirectdirect communicationindirect communicationexplicit messages implicit messagessay noavoid nodeal with conflictmaintain harmony 20. Cultural PatternINDIVIDUALIST WORKING STYLE COLLECTIVISTIndividualistCollectivistinterest of individual importance of I interest of group family, clan,loose ties between individuals organisationfreedom to adopt ind. approaches we is source of identityto job people in strong groups whichacceptance of assertiveness, protect and demand loyaltyconfrontation, truth and conflictclose working relationships,challenge from job leads to personal regard for harmonyaccomplishment behaviour regulated through shame or loss of face 21. Are you a peach or a coconut?Susanne M. Zaninelli,What happens when Coconut and Peach communicateor: The worlds greatest misunderstanding 22. Cultural PatternThe Peach Public TERRITORYPrivate The Coconut 23. Intercultural Skills Based on current research and the practical experience of people operating internationally, WorldWork has identified 10 key competencies which enable people to become rapidly effective in unfamiliar cultural settings. These are: Openness Flexibility Personal autonomy Emotional strength (Perceptiveness) Listening Transparency (Cultural understanding) Influencing Synergy TIP: The International Profiler of these do you see as skills that can be developed,eg through training, coaching? 24. 4. Internationalisation for yourorganisation and how to do it? 25. Next stepsWhat knowledge do you need to develop?What knowledge needs to be shared / developed by yourcolleagues and teams, by your students, and within your organisation? 1. 2.What skills do you need to develop?What skills need to be developed by your colleagues and teams,by your students, and within your organisation? 1. 2.What attitudes need to be embedded within your organisation?1.2.How are you going to do it?