internship certification letter

7/25/2019 Internship Certification Letter 1/1 Ateneo de Davao University School of Arts and Sciences Humanities and Letters Cluster Mass Communication Department September 23, 20! Leoncio M. Rodaje "ublic #elations Division $indanao Development Authority %& SSS 'ld(), Davao City Dear Sir #oda*e, +reetin(s of peace -e, the fourth year $ass Communication students of the Ateneo de Davao University, /loisa ean Aninon, 1ari Charalane /scano, hara ean $er4uita, and Adeline Claire "onteras have informed our practicum instructor that .e applied as "ublic #elation interns in the concluded 5$67+6 '5$" /A+A 'usiness Leaders8 Conference last 9ctober 20%) 5n line .ith this, .e .ere as:ed to supply re4uirements to certify our internship last 9ctober) Certificate of "articipation A si(ned letter of confirmation .hich states the duration of the event .hen the students .or:ed, and their 4uality of .or: durin( pre7production, production, and post7production) -e are loo:in( for.ard for your favorable response to this re4uest) Should you have any concerns or clarifications, please feel to contact me at this number; <0==>? =@ %>> <Smart? or :ariescanoB(mail)com 6han: you and +od bless ours truly, 1ari Charalane A) /scano +roup #epresentative &!3, ! 6H  &L99# &5S6/# HALL, $) #9EAS AF/U/, >0 DAFA9 C56 "H5L5""5/S G 3 <>2? 2272% <connectin( all departments? G human)lettersBaddu)edu)ph

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Page 1: Internship Certification Letter

7/25/2019 Internship Certification Letter 1/1

Ateneo de Davao University

School of Arts and Sciences

Humanities and Letters Cluster

Mass Communication Department

September 23, 20!

Leoncio M. Rodaje

"ublic #elations Division

$indanao Development Authority

%& SSS 'ld(), Davao City

Dear Sir #oda*e,

+reetin(s of peace

-e, the fourth year $ass Communication students of the Ateneo de Davao University,

• /loisa ean Aninon,

• 1ari Charalane /scano,

• hara ean $er4uita, and

• Adeline Claire "onteras

have informed our practicum instructor that .e applied as "ublic #elation interns in the concluded 5$67+6

'5$" /A+A 'usiness Leaders8 Conference last 9ctober 20%) 5n line .ith this, .e .ere as:ed to supply

re4uirements to certify our internship last 9ctober)

• Certificate of "articipation

• A si(ned letter of confirmation .hich states the duration of the event .hen the students .or:ed,

and their 4uality of .or: durin( pre7production, production, and post7production)

-e are loo:in( for.ard for your favorable response to this re4uest) Should you have any concerns or

clarifications, please feel to contact me at this number; <0==>? =@ %>> <Smart? or


6han: you and +od bless

ours truly,

1ari Charalane A) /scano

+roup #epresentative

&!3, !6H &L99# &5S6/# HALL, $) #9EAS AF/U/, >0 DAFA9 C56 "H5L5""5/S G 3 <>2? 2272%<connectin( all departments? G human)lettersBaddu)edu)ph