internship report

Internship Report 2013

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My internship report for Agence RADAR in Paris, 2013. ENSNP.


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Internship Report 2013

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mark radford - Masters of Landscape Architecture -

Fourth Year Student

L’ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Nature et du Paysage - Blois

Victoria University - Wellington

April - June 2013

Agence RADAR 13 rue Chaudron 75010 Paris


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- Introduction - Philosophy - Team - Projects - Stains - Calais - Mare Huguet - Extra Curricular - Site Visits - Conference

- Conclusion

- Life in Paris








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From We


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Agence RADAR Paysagiste

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Agence RADAR was established in 2011 in merging together L’agence Laurence Cémel Paysagiste and L’agence Degré Zéro Paysageiste. This brought together the two directors of Agence RADAR, Sabrina Hiridjee and Laurence Crémel. The agency is located in the North of Paris, positioned next to Canal Saint-Martin and a short walk to Parc de la Villette and Parc des Buttes Chaumont.

The agency has a particular interest in public spaces and the relationships the existing built form, resulting in the majority of their designs containing multi-use spaces. Nevertheless, RADAR has completed limited work in larger private landscapes which has proved very successful results. This places a strong prominence on the vast amount of knowledge the agency contains in the public landscape sector.



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Agence RADAR has a passion and focus on creating innovative and hybrid solutions to achieve their vision of the landscape. This vision integrates landscape within the built environment, while SODFLQJ�D�ODUJH�HPSKDVLV�RQ�UHODWLRQVKLSV�EHWZHHQ�WKH�VFLHQWLÀF�and artistic, social and subjective, and most important is the real and the imaginary.

The agency is not based solely on native landscape created by plantations but more focused on the hardscape of raw materials and how these combined withstand the test of time. This creates many conceptual tools and techniques to break the divide between todays landscape and architecture and infrastructure and the environment. Agence Radar has a depth of knowledge about the complexities of the landscape and how they consist in multiple OD\HUV��7KH�EDODQFH�EHWZHHQ�ÀQDQFLDO�OLPLWDWLRQV�DQG�WKH�SRHWU\�RI�WKH�VLWH��HFRORJLFDO�VLJQLÀFDQFH��DQG�WKH�UHODWLRQVKLS�EHWZHHQ�WKH�human and the landscape articulate these complexities.

8OWLPDWHO\��5$'$5�FRPELQHV� WKH�QDWXUDO� DQG�DUWLÀFLDO� WKURXJK�D�series of matrices and techniques to form these innovative and hybrid landscapes at a human scale.

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Sabrina Hiridjee

Sabrina Hiridjee

Paysagiste DPLG Versailles_Associée

Née le : 20 novembre 1975 (Paris, France)

1999 – 2003 Diplômée de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Paysage (ENSP) de Versailles, France [Directeur d'étude : Françoise Crémel]

1996 – 1999 Cursus de Biologie – Ecologie à Paris 6


2008 – 2011 Gérante de l’agence Degré Zéro Paysagistes, Paris, France

� Maîtrise d’œuvre espaces publics du quartier des Chevreux à Soissons Espaces Publics / Maitre d’ouvrage : Ville de Soissons et l’ODES / Equipe ; Territoires, Sites et Cités (urbaniste mandataire), SNC Lavallin, Sépia Conseils / Fonction assurée : Paysagiste cotraitant / MT : 4M€ / Date : Concours restreint juillet 2011- 1er Ex aequo

� Ecoquartier des Bayonnes à Herblay Grand paysage, Urbanisme, Espaces Publics, Espaces Privés_73Ha / Maitre d’ouvrage : Ville d’Herblay / Equipe ; Aménageur mandataire Sodéarif, Agence François Leclercq urbaniste, Agence Riquier Sauvage architectes / MT : 3M€ espaces extérieurs Tranche 1 / Concours restreint

� Zac Ecoquartier de la Mare Huguet, à Rosny Sous Bois. Urbanisme & Aménagement // Maître d’ouvrage : Sodéarif + Semro // Mission de paysagiste conseil + moe promenade belvédère + moe des lots privés

� Place des Droits de l’Homme Espace public // Maître d’ouvrage : Ville de Clermont Ferrand ; Equipe : Degré Zéro mandataire, Atève Ingénierie, Sépia Conseils cotraitants //MT : 3,7M€ ( + 1M€ sites adjacents)

� Aménagement du Parc de la Fosse aux Carpes Parc Parc / Maître d’ouvrage : Agence des Espaces Verts d’Ile de France ; / Equipe : Degré Zéro mandataire, OGI, Biotope, DVVD cotraitants / MT : 1M€ / Date : concours restreint 2010_classé 2nd

� Camping du Bois de Boulogne Master plan et aménagement du parc/ Maître d’ouvrage : SAUR et Octo ; / Equipe : Degré Zéro mandataire, Philippe Bonneville, cotraitant_ DSP Ville de Paris / MT : 4M€ (sans les bâtiments) Date : 2010 en cours de négociation

� Espaces publics du quartier Paul Bert, Villeneuve Le Roi Espace public_2ha / Maître d’ouvrage : Ville de Villeneuve Le Roi / Equipe : Degré Zéro mandataire, Sogreah, Agathe Argod, LS Projets, cotraitants / MT : 10 M€ /Date : Avril 2010 concours restreint

� Ministère de l’agriculture et de la pêche, Paris 12ème Equipement administratif et aménagement des espaces extérieurs. / Maitre d’ouvrage : Ministère de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la pêche ; Avec XTU architectes mandataire_ ex aeu=quo . MT : 83 M€ dont 3,2M€ pour les espaces extérieurs

In 1999, Sabrina graduated with an “Mastery in Ecology” from the University of Paris VI and then continued her studies in a “Diploma of Landscape” from the famous L’ecole National Supérieure du Paysage at Versailles Marseille.

Once Sabrina graduated in 2003, her career started as landscape architect at Agence Mosbach in Paris and then her career took her worldwide. In 2005, she worked in Sydney to improve her (QJOLVK�VNLOOV�DQG�JDLQ�IXUWKHU�NQRZOHGJH�LQ�WKH�ÀHOG�RI�ODQGVFDSH�architecture from a different cultural perspective. She returned in 2008 to start her own agency in Paris called “L’agence Degré Zéro paysagiste” until 2011, when she merged Degré Zéro with her business partner Laurence Crémel to form Agence RADAR.

Since, Sabrina has been a director of a landscape architecture course at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand in 2012.

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Laurence Cémel

:LWK� D� GLSORPD� RI� DUFKLWHFWXUH� �IURP� /·(FROH� G·$UFKLWHFWXUH� GH�1DQF\�� DQG�DQ� VHFRQG�GLSORPD�RI� ODQGVFDSH�DUFKLWHFWXUH� �IURP�L’ecole National Supérieure du Paysage at Versailles Marseille), Laurence has a strong input into the team in RADAR.

Once she graduated from Versailles, she worked alongside J. Osty at Agence Mosbach during a three-year period until 2000. Over the following ten years she established L’agence Laurence Cémel paysagiste and become a valued member of the jury at the L’ecole National Supérieure du Paysage. In recent years she has become a director numerous of courses at L’ecole National Supérieure du Paysage and become director of Agence RADAR.

Throughout this time, Laurence has become recognized for her VW\OH� RI�PDSSLQJ� DQG� FDUWRJUDSK\� ZLWKLQ� WKH� ÀHOG� RI� ODQGVFDSH�architecture. Shown on the left are three examples of this particular style of mapping. Placing yourself in the centre of the ‘radar’, the map explores a 360° view and the distance of the line of sight from that centre point. This is where the agency gains its name and this style of mapping has been used in copious projects by RADAR.

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There is another full time landscape architect, Claire Munier, who graduated from L’ecole National Supérieure du Paysage at Versailles Marseille in 2011, accompanies them throughout all the design stages. Claire has a great understanding of the Adobe Suit computer programs and has a very strong graphic style that is seen WKURXJKRXW�WKH�ÀUPV�ZRUN��

Clair Munier

Personal Development

The size of the agency has many advantages to develop my personal philosophy and understanding about what landscape architecture is, and what it means to me. By gaining a more ‘hands on’ experience with projects and having large responsibilities, I feel RADAR has pushed my thought process and understand. This is what prompt my application to RADAR and I believe it has surpassed my expectations.

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Office Life30m

Sabrina HiridjeeDirector, LA

Laurence CémelPresident, LA

Claire MunierFull time, LA

Freelance Desk

Mark RadfordIntern, LA


Phillip Independent, Architect

Discussion Table

The team at RADAR is very welcoming and free to help if there are any questions at any stage. The team often goes out for lunch WRJHWKHU� �-DSDQHVH�� &KLQHVH�� ,WDOLDQ�� %DNHU\�� &DIH��� HDW� E\� WKH�&DQDO�6DLQW�0DUWLQ�RQ�D�QLFH�GD\��RU�HDW�VRPHWKLQJ�LQ�WKH�RIÀFH��




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18 = Images completed by Mark Radford

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Located in the northern most suburb of Paris, Stains houses the PDMRULW\�RI�3DULV·V�¶ORZ�LQFRPH·�UHVLGHQWV��2Q��ÀUVW�LPSUHVVLRQ��LW�quickly becomes evident how complex and dynamic the site is due to the large amount of immigrants, run down dwellings, homeless camps, and a general lack of maintenance. Naturally this creates many design challenges to overcome.

Nevertheless, the site of this project is located in two centre ¶FRXUW\DUG·� OLNH� SDUNV� RI� WKH� *DUGHQ� &LW\� GHYHORSPHQW� �$V� VHHQ�below). This made the project very unique experience as the site produced copious amount of history and theory behind it. It was very important to bring this into the design process and into structure of the design.

In addition, the garden city had a very particular style of architecture that consisted of various brick patterns and bright orange colours. Also, we could not forget that this park must be very robust and KDUG\�DQG�EH�DEOH�WR�ZLWKVWDQG�RI�JUDIÀWL�DQG�RWKHU�DEXVH�

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Yet with these limitations in mind, this project had a very successful result and is going to be constructed in the near future. The structure of the site heavily relationship to form of the garden city, the strong lines of axes produced grid form, and the limited access into the centre courtyards. What proved to be the most major design challenge was how to design a system to open up these centre parks from what is currently very private and looked upon, to being a vibrant open and public space.

Involvement in Stains:

As I entered the agency directly before the AVP stage was due, I was not involved in the design process of this project. However, I was set the task of completing a series of sections for my initial week that allowed me to make small design decisions. In the following week I have to do two large panorama “competition like” SHUVSHFWLYHV� �$V� VHHQ� EHORZ��� $IWHU�the project was presented, I was asked to complete an additional two perspectives of the entrances to and IURP� HDFK� FHQWUH� SDUNV� �DOVR� VHHQ�below).




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The brief for the project stated that there must be a football/basketball court, open picnic space, tables for eating, petanque ÀHOGV��DQG�WDEOH�WHQQLV�WDEOH�WR�EH�XVHG�E\�WKH�SXEOLF��7KH\�SODFHG�a large emphasis on the relationship and connections between HDFK�SDUN�DQG�KDG�D�ODUJH�LQÁXHQFH�LQ�WKH�ÀQDO�GHVLJQ��

Lot 2

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This section gives a good idea of the types of materials used and the scale of the site. All the plans and sections for the entire project have only been produced and presented directly from AutoCAD as they are constantly changing. Also, as they already KDYH�WKH�FRQWUDFW��LW�LV�QRW�QHFHVVDU\�WR�GR�ÀQDO�UHQGHUHG�GUDZ-LQJV�XQWLO�WKH�ÀQDO�VWDJH��

Lot 3


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This perspective is located in the northern point and looking back towards the entrance inside Lot 3. The buildings surrounding the park and many of the trees already exist on the plot. This was LPSRUWDQW� WR� H[SUHVV�DV� WKH\�KDG�D� ODUJH� LQÁXHQFH�RQ� WKH� ÀQDO�design.

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Looking towards the entrance of Lot 2, this perspective gives a large open view of the football/basketball courts, playground, and RSHQ� ÀHOG�� 7KH� DFWLYLWLHV�ZLWKLQ� WKH� SDUN� DUH� YHU\� G\QDPLF� DQG�brings together all ages groups.

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The entrance into both of the parks was a major design challenge as they are the bridge between the public and private space. This LPDJH�VKRZV�WKH�RSHQQHVV�DQG�XVH�RI�PDWHULDOLW\�WR�GHÀQH�WKHVH�different spaces, while keeping a vibrant atmosphere.

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Calais is located along the far northern coast of France and is one of Europe’s busiest ports due to its close connection to England. As a result, Calais has a vigorous history as the main port and soldier camp throughout both wars resulting in the township suffering a lot of damage. Yet today the port sustains a large amount of residents and accommodates a large amount RI� WRXULVW� ÁXFWXDWLRQV� WKURXJKRXW� WKH� \HDU� FUHDWLQJ� WKH� SUHIHFW�opportunity for a campground development. As this project was a tender application, it includes the initial response given from WKH�VLWH� �WKH�KLVWRU\�� FRQQHFWLRQV�� FLUFXODWLRQ�� FXUUHQW�PDWHULDOV�conditions, structure, programs, and more) through to producing a ÀQDO�PDVWHU�SODQ��7KLV�HQWLUH�SURFHVV�WRRN�WKH�DJHQF\�D�SHULRG�RI�three weeks to complete.

Involvement in Calais

I was very fortunate to be so heavily evolved and relied upon for this design. I worked alongside Laurence Cémel throughout the process but I started this project and followed it to through to the completion. With guidance from Laurence, I established all the design with a series of diagrams, maps, and conceptual drawings IRU�WKH�ÀQDO�GRFXPHQW�DQG�ZDV�KHDYLO\�LQYROYHG�LQ�WKH�RUJDQLVDWLRQ�and designing of the site. This experience was a very intense but an exciting process that I value and I am very thankful to have been given.

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e Sites Connection to:

Sea and Beach

Seaside Village




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The form of the site has a triangle nature and is located 300m from the beach to the North, 1km from the town centre and the port in the East, a war cemetery and monument to the South, and the site boarder’s farmland in the East. The site is currently a storage lot for cars that need to travel across the ferry. This large concrete lot has a canal running through one side and has a good connection to the closest motorway.

The structure of the design pulled from the existing lines of access or to reconnect certain views to the seas or canal. The open space was strongly related to the canal and lines of view from the exterior.

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gn elements Site Boundry


Secondry Connections

Primary Connections



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The brief for the tender requires a more natural setting for a park/promenade, while designing a four-hectare campground. This consisted of 150 places for tents and caravans, 100 places for motor homes, 100 places for parking, playground, utility GZHOOLQJV��DQG�D�RIÀFH�EORFN��

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Mare Huguet

This project is situated within a newly established eco-village in the North of Paris, which RADAR has been involved in over the last two years. This eco-village accommodates consists of apartments, VWXGHQW� UHVLGHQFH�� SXEOLF� DPHQLWLHV� DQG� RIÀFHV� DQG� IHDWXUH�geothermal energy, heat pumps, and positive energy public amenities. In terms of the landscape design, the project must be DEOH� WR�ÀOWUDWH�DQG�FOHDQ� UDLQZDWHU�QDWXUDOO\� WKURXJK�D�VHULHV�RI�almost still ponds and streams.

Focusing on Lot Three, it proved to have many design limitations and guidelines to overcome, such as the underground parking not leaving enough space for soil for planting. However, with these design challenges overcome, the non-accessible and non-public parks form derived from the surrounding lots and the minimalist form of the architecture. It has three water storage ponds to look upon with dense vegetation against the edge of the site to shelter the site.

Involvement in Mare Huguet

RADAR has worked on all the other lots on this development, so in the initial week on this project I was working on a different lot. Then I was asked to come up with a design for Lot Three. I developed a design with the assistance of Sabrina Hiridjee and then had to ZRUN�RQ�GHWDLOLQJ�WKH�ÀQDO�GHVLJQ��7KLV�FRQVLVWHG�RI�GRLQJ�JUDGLQJ�plans, organizing levels, soil amounts, planting plans, diagrams DQG�SUHVHQWLQJ�WKH�ÀQDO�SUHVHQWDWLRQ��

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ial concept

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It was important to understand the different levels of the site and organize WKH�ZDWHU�ÁRZ� WKURXJKRXW� WKH�VLWH�� ,W�ponds had to hold a minimum of 52m FXEHG�WR�HQVXUH�WKHUH�LV�QR�RYHUÁRZ��

The entrance to the park is located in the center of the two dwellings, and is just for maintenance of the lot. There is an existing bank and retaining wall along the southern edge of the lot.

The larger vegetation has limited space on the edge of the site integrat-ed with the existing planting on the site and the existing topography.

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Along the ground plain, small plants and grass is planted to provide walkways for maintenance and to underlie the canopies above.

The amount of space taken up by the car parking limited the design in many ways. The ponds had to be located RQ�WKH�ÁDW�SDUW�� OHDYLQJ� LW� OHIW� OLPLWHG�room along the edge for vegetation.

The levels are complicated due to the underground parking and the water storage ponds. Due to the length of the windows, mini retaining wall had to be designed to hold vegetation is certain parts.

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Section Aa

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Extra Curricular Activities:

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Site Visit to Stains and Public


During my spare time I visited Stains for a project in the North of Paris for a project the team had RADAR were working on. It was very interesting to go the suburbs and visit the ‘other’ side to Paris. The region was very run down and the architecture was nothing like other parts of the city.

Nevertheless, it was interesting to visit the site and then attend a public presentation by Sabrina Hiridjee and Laurence Cémel, where they presented the project on-site. This was a good experience to see how the public reacts to different design discussions made by RADAR and how they argued their point. It had many similarities to present within a university studio environment.

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Public Conference Garden Cities

In the middle of April, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend a three-day conference about Garden Cities worldwide. This was because RADAR had just completed a project in Stains, which is a garden city. The conference was held in the WZR�PDLQ�*DUGHQ�&LWLHV�RI�3DULV� �6WDLQV�DQG�6XUHVQHV��DQG�ZDV�LQ�ERWK�(QJOLVK�DQG�)UHQFK� �ZLWK� WUDQVODWRU�DFFRXQWLQJ� IRU�HYHU\�word).

The conference explored the history of garden cities and how they formed into the ghettos in many parts of the world and then come back through to be redesign as successful places for town planning. There are 34 garden cities within the Paris Region that hold 22,000 homes. The conference comprised of table discussions with expects who study urban planning, landscape architects, architects, psychiatrists, artists, and even local residents who were passionate about the garden city movement. It is believed WKDW�F\FOH�RI�XUEDQ�SODQQLQJ�DQG�GHQVLÀFDWLRQ�LV�FRPLQJ�EDFN�WR�the garden city concept established by Ebenezer Howard in 1898.

I found the points raised in the discussions about how to account for the future of existing garden cities and how use this concept for future town planning developments very intriguing. There are a lot of unanswered questions. The conference inspired me to look into focusing on garden cities in New Zealand for my thesis year.

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This agency has given taught me a lot and made me think in a different way about the design process and what is important DV� D� ÀQDO� UHVXOW�� 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ� WKDW� D� JRRG� GHVLJQ� PXVW� EH�imbedded into the context and into the site and how to achieve this is critical skill to gain. Working alongside the RADAR team KDV�JLYHQ�PH�D�QHZ�FRQÀGHQFH�LQ�P\�ZRUN�DQG�KRZ�,�QRZ�GHÀQH�landscape architecture as a practice. In the initial stages of the internship I felt reluctant to show my work before completion, as I was scared getting it wrong. Yet, now I have learnt throughout WKLV�H[SHULHQFH�WKDW�KDYLQJ�FRQÀGHQFH�LQ�P\�ZRUN��DQG�WUXVWLQJ�P\�design decisions is a vital component to in working in an agency.

This has been an irreplaceable experience. In terms of my career in Landscape Architecture, I have learnt more then an entire year at university in three months. The experience I have gained from Agence RADAR have given me a huge amount of hands on design knowledge and professional practice skills that I know will help me become a better landscape architect in the future. I hope that in return I gave it my all and that the work I completed in this internship was at a high standard.


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PARISPhotos taken by Mark Radford

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Three months! It’s been just about three months since we moved to Paris and I can’t believe it. Moving here was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

People always ask what it is like to live here and honestly, it is better than I imagined. Not to say there aren’t hard things. The language barrier has proved to be one, but this is something that I have been working hard to overcome! Yet, in general I’m an optimist who tends to brush over the bad parts of things so I have decided made a list of my 10 things I love and don’t love about OLYLQJ�LQ�3DULV���<RX�NQRZ��WR�EH�IDLU�DQG�EDODQFHG��

Climate,Q�3DULV�� WKH� UHVLGHQWV�ZLOO�HQMR\�D� WHPSHUDWH�FOLPDWH� LQÁXHQFHG�both by the Atlantic Ocean in the West and the vast land masses of the continent in the East. Despite recent the recent cold wave with record low temperatures, Parisians usually don´t need to worry about overly hot summers or excessively cold winters. In general, weather conditions in this part of France are rather changeable, so the only real constant of life in Paris is – rain.

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Despite the rainy weather, most Parisians enjoy living in Paris, especially due to its many cultural offerings. The city is famous for its theatres, and lovers of classical music and dance have the choice between the Opéra national de Paris, the Opéra Comique, and many other less well-established stages and companies.

A completely different kind of musical performance, which used to enchant theatre-goers, is the art of cabaret. However, former trendy and avant-garde establishments, which tempted an international crowd of artists and bohemians during the inter-war period, are now merely serving the tourist industry.

Going to the cinema is a favourite pastime among locals, though. There is a wide array of both commercial and art-house cinemas available to cinéastes living in Paris.

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1. Cheese. There is nothing like the quality and the variety of choices.

2. Bread. Fresh warm bread is available on most streets to the average person for about 1 Euro.



5. It is the tourist capital of the world so meet other foreign people is easy.

����+DYH�\RX�D�KDG�D�FURLVVDQW�IURP�WKH�EDNHU\�ÀUVW�WKLQJ�LQ�WKH�morning? It is life changing.

��� �3HRSOH�DUH�ZHOO� WUDLQHG� IRU� WKHLU� MREV��(YHQ�D�YRFDWLRQ� OLNH�D�ÁRULVW�KDV�\HDUV�RI�WUDLQLQJ�EHIRUH�WKH\�ZRUN�8. The French average 10 weeks of vacation a year. New Zealand average 3.

9. The Eiffel Tower sparkles. It sparkles!!!

10. The night life is just something else. There are amazing bars throughout the city which cover every theme and country imaginable. There is always a place to go out!

10 Awesome things about

Living in Paris

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1. Laundry Matts!!! Washers and Dryers take forever. And the dryers don’t really dry, so you have to iron everything. ���7KH�ZHDWKHU��$OWKRXJK�LW�LV�QRW�QRUPDO��

3. Customer Service involves power struggles and pouring out your heart about a personal drama.

4. The Metro is far too hot, smelly and packed 99% of the time.


6. I have a hard time drinking milk that doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

���7KH\�GRQ·W�OHW�\RX�VLW�RQ�WKH�JUDVV�DW�SDUNV���,W·V�VR�SUHWW\�DQG�green and you can’t touch it.)


9. Stores close early and have inconsistent hours.

10. I have a renewed compassion for anyone who moves to a new country without speaking the language. You feel powerless.

11. There is no TOILET ROLL HOLDERS attached to the wall ANYWHERE in France!

10 Hard things about Living in
