internship report presentation 1


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Page 2: Internship Report Presentation 1

Project Description:-

My Project included:-1.Channel efficiency for the distribution of Ice

cream in New Delhi Schools.2.Labor Efficiency in the Mongolpuri Ice Cream

storage unit3.Supply chain management of Mother Dairy.

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Project A

Channel efficiency for the distribution of Ice cream in New

Delhi Schools.

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Major Problem identified:-

The major problem in the research was the fact that the number of schools where Mother Dairy Ice creams were sold were very less thus leading to less revenue from school business.

Poor co-ordination with the canteen contractor in case of the malfunctioning of the deep freezer, no proper knowledge about the maintenance of the Deep Freezer by the Canteen Owners.

No proper model defined to find the way of rectifying the malfunctioned Deep Freezers.

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It is advisable to get these freezers

repaired and assure the concerned authority canteen

contractor that any such further

issue will be tackled


A proper channel of

communication between the

contractors and Mother Dairy is


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It is essential to make follow up calls to the prospective schools by visiting the concerned authorities. The sales representatives should contact the schools directly in order to convert the leads. This requires a diligent and highly motivated sales force.

The higher the salesperson’s motivation, the greater the effort and the resulting performance and satisfaction. This can be ensured by rewarding them with incentives when they convert a lead.

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Minor Issues:-

Few Tanks were standing idle anytime. (Not full utilization of the tanks)

The testing of the samples of milk while procurement was taking a long time (Nearly 35-40 min).

Recommendations:-No idle time for the tank should be there, a

proper scheduling of the tanks departure should be maintained.

The testing of the milk should be fully automated.

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Labor Efficiency in the Mongolpuri Ice Cream storage


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Mangolpuri Ice Cream Facility

The stocking facility of Mother Dairy located at Mangolpuri in West Delhi has a capacity of stocking 55000 crates of ice cream. The stock is dispatched from two docks. The loading and unloading of the vehicles is done manually by labourers with the help of trolleys with each trolley capable of carrying six crates.

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The total number of trolleys at work was six. The total number of labourers working in a 12 hr shift is 27. There are five types of vehicles with different capacities which are loaded/ unloaded there - A large refrigerated van (capacity 525 crates)

A medium refrigerated van (capacity 228 crates) Eicher trucks

Tata ace Auto

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Problem Identified:-

Cold storage unit – filled with stacks at the entry– very little space to enter –delayed the successive operations.

On an average there were 3-4 labours sitting idle.During unloading, sometimes stacks were not kept

ready prior for trolleys to take them.Each trolley can take 6-7 crates at a time, but many a

times there were only 5, sometimes even 4.As a result labour in cold storage – waiting.When both loading/ unloading of filled and empty

crates - on both docks – emphasis given to empty ones.

During this, only 4-5 labours work, rest – idle.

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Pareto Analysis

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Making the labours come on time by installing a punching machine to check their entry/exit timings.

Proper utilization of labour i.e. reduction in the no of labours sitting idle by motivating and providing incentive plans to them.

Organising the storage of stacks with batch, date, type, and prize by allocating an appropriate person to countercheck the batch for proper storage.

Reducing the time for which the dock remains idle by allocating a labour to intimate the driver of the next vehicle in queue for loading/unloading operations.

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