interview fundamentals acfe chapter training

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Charleston Chapter of the ACFE Luncheon Training Interv iew Fundament als
  2. 2. Agenda for Todays Training Types of Interviews Interview Preparation The Interview After the Interview Final Thoughts
  3. 3. Types of Inter views Elicitation? Information Seeking/Gathering? Admission Seeking?
  4. 4. Defining the Purpose of the Interview The goal in an interrogation, or in any situation where a person with information might be uncooperative, is to effect a transition in willingness ethically and legally. A successful interrogation becomes, in fact, an interview when the subject grows willing to yield details freely and honestly. -Don Rabon, Interviewing and Interrogation
  5. 5. Inter view Pr epar ation
  6. 6. Who and Why are you interviewing? Goal or Purpose of the Interview? Executive Department Head Salary Hourly Third Party Outside the Company Learn What You Can Personality - Calm/Explosive? Talkative/Reserved? Generally Helpful/Not Helpful?
  7. 7. Ques t ion Outline It is an outline not a script! Questions range from the general to the specific. Close ended questions that can be answered with just Yes or No should be avoided Examples are those starting with Do, Is, Are, Did Open ended those questions that start with How, Could, Would, What, Why It is an outline not a script!
  8. 8. Number of Inter viewer s The number of people in the room should be kept to a minimum. Empirically we have found that three seems to work. Interviewee 1st Chair Primary duties are to ask questions 2nd Chair Primary duties are to document the interview and come in with any follow questions Who is in which chair should be determined prior to the interview if at all possible. How do you choose? However, be flexible when arriving at the interview.
  9. 9. Subject Matter Even when in information seeking interviews try to have some subject matter knowledge going in. This will help you confirm if the information you are receiving makes sense overall If possible be familiar with company policies prior to your interview.
  10. 10. No plan survives contact with the enemy. -Moltke Im always thinking, what kind of answer can I give this man with giving him nothing. Regardless of the question that has just been asked, I am thinking what kind of answer can I give him so that he can go and I can go on. -Rick The Interview
  11. 11. Interv iew Ches s Matc h Opening Game Middle Game End Game
  12. 12. Documenting the Interview In the case of admission seeking interviews our policy is to video or audio whenever possible. Notes will also be taken. Written statements. In information seeking interviews normally one person (2nd chair) will be responsible for the notes taken during the interview. However, everyone involved in the interview should be taking some notes throughout.
  13. 13. Starting the Interv iew Introductions Be professional Always shake their hand Who you are Who you are with Why we are all here Thank them for coming/taking the time
  14. 14. Obs erv er Effec t It is not possible to observe a system without changing the system, so the observer must be considered part of the system being observed.
  15. 15. Getting Started: Calibrating General knowledge questions not necessarily about the interview subject If possible will help establish a rapport. Will help establish language pattern and mirroring Will assist the interviewer in gauging the types and lengths of responses for later as well as body language cues (tone of voice, leaning forward, leaning away, crossed arms, lack of contact etc.)
  16. 16. Body of the Interv iew The body of the interview is at its core a conversation. Logically sequence your questions to access more information. Use to motivate the thought process of the interviewee. Your job is to provide cues both physical and verbal that keeps the person talking. Avoid giving outs to questions. You cannot get information if you are doing all of the talking.
  17. 17. Stres s Cues Changes in Body Language Restless Body locked immobilizing a body a part Backing away Crossing arms Flushing of the face/neck Nail biting Stomach Distress
  18. 18. Concluding the Interview In conclusion always ask if there is anything you did not cover or anything that they want to share with you. Be professional Always shake their hand Thank them for coming/taking the time Always provide contact information so they can follow with additional information Always ask one more question.
  19. 19. After the Interview Summarize and compare notes as quickly as possible Lessons Learned Session after the interview
  20. 20. Other Cons iderations Light Blue clothing. Citrus Smells Glucose and Stimulants
  21. 21. Final Thoughts Any question not asked is a no. Its a matter of practice in varying environments. Perishable skill Whats getting in the way of our interviewing skills? Questions?