interview material for finance

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  • 8/18/2019 Interview Material for Finance


    Wish U All The Best

    1. Definition of accounting: “the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in a

    significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events hich are, in

    !art at least of a financial character and inter!reting the results there of".

    #. Boo$ $ee!ing: %t is mainly concerned ith recording of financial data relating to

    the &usiness o!erations in a significant and orderly manner.

    '(%)*+'+- / A**U)T%)0 2, 34

    2. *once!ts of accounting:

      A. se!arate entity conce!t

    B. going concern conce!t

    *. money measurement conce!t

    D. cost conce!t

      +. dual as!ect conce!t

    /. accounting !eriod conce!t

    0. !eriodic matching of costs and revenue conce!t

    5. realization conce!t

    3 *onventions of accounting

      A. conservatism

    B. full disclosure

      *. consistency

      D. materiality

     6. -ystems of &oo$ $ee!ing:

      A. single entry system

      B. dou&le entry system

      -yam&a&u 7a88avara!u *ontact9 ;  sva88avara!u>

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    ?. -ystems of accounting

      A. cash system accounting

      B. mercantile system of accounting

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    1. -tale cheCue: a stale cheCue means not valid of cheCue that means more than si

    months the cheCue is not valid.

    #=. Ban$ reconciliation statement: it is a statement reconciling the &alance as shon

    &y the &an$ !ass&oo$ and the &alance as shon &y the *ash Boo$. &8: to

    $no the difference !ass necessary correcting, ad8usting entries in the &oo$s.

    #1. atching conce!t: matching means reCuires !ro!er matching of e!ense iththe revenue.

    ##. *a!ital income: the term ca!ital income means an income hich does not gro

    out of or !ertain to the running of the &usiness !ro!er.

    #2. (evenue income: the income, hich arises out of and in the course of the regular

    &usiness transactions of a concern.

    #3. *a!ital e!enditure: it means an e!enditure hich has &een incurred for the

    !ur!ose of o&taining a long term advantage for the &usiness.

    #6. (evenue e!enditure: an e!enditure that incurred in the course of regular&usiness transactions of a concern.

    #?. Differed revenue e!enditure: an e!enditure, hich is incurred during an

    accounting !eriod &ut is a!!lica&le further !eriods also. +g: heavy

    advertisement, !reliminary e!, develo!ment e!. not ritten off or ad8usted4

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    22. -us!ense account: the sus!ense account is an account to hich the difference in

    the trial &alance has &een !ut tem!orarily.

    23. De!letion: it im!lies removal of an availa&le &ut not re!lacea&le source, -uch as

    etracting coal from a coal mine.

    26. Amortization: the !rocess of riting of intangi&le assets is term as amortization.

    2?. Dila!idations: the term dila!idations to damage done to a &uilding or other

    !ro!erty during tenancy.


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     3. 0eneral reserve: the reserve hich is transferred from normal !rofits of the

    firm is called general reserve

    3;. /ree *ash: the cash not for any s!ecific !ur!ose, free from any encum&rance

    li$e sur!lus cash.

    6=. inority %nterest: minority interest refers to the eCuity of the minority

    shareholders in a su&sidiary com!any.

    61. *a!ital recei!ts: ca!ital recei!ts may &e defined as “non9recurring recei!ts from

    the oner of the &usiness or lender of the money crating a lia&ility to either of 


    6#. (evenue recei!ts: (evenue recei!ts may defined as “A recurring recei!ts against

    sale of goods in the normal course of &usiness and hich generally the result of 

    the trading activities".

    62. eaning of *om!any: A com!any is an association of many !ersons ho

    contri&ute money or moneyIs orth to common stoc$ and em!loys it for a

    common !ur!ose. The common stoc$ so contri&uted is denoted in money and is

    the ca!ital of the com!any.

    63. Ty!es of a com!any:

    1. -tatutory com!anies

      #. 0overnment com!any

      2. /oreign com!any

    3. (egistered com!anies:

      A. *om!anies limited &y shares

    B. *om!anies limited &y guarantee

      *. Unlimited com!anies

    D. !rivate com!any

      +. !u&lic com!any

    66. 'rivate com!any: A !rivate co. is hich &y its

    AA: (estricts the right of the mem&ers to transfer of shares imits the no. f 

    mem&ers 6=. 'rohi&its any %nvitation to the !u&lic to su&scri&e for its shares or


      -yam&a&u 7a88avara!u *ontact9 ;  sva88avara!u>

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    6?. 'u&lic com!any: A com!any, the articles of association of hich does not contain

    the reCuisite restrictions to ma$e it a !rivate limited com!any, is called a !u&lic



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  • 8/18/2019 Interview Material for Finance


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      #. Wealth maimization: ealth maimization means the o&8ective of a firm

    should &e to maimize its value or ealth, or value of a firm is re!resented &y

    the mar$et !rice of its common stoc$ .

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    6. 'rofita&ility inde: here different investment !ro!osal each involving different

    initial investments and cash inflos are to &e com!ared.

    ?. %((: internal rate of return is the rate at hich the sum total of discounted cash

    inflos eCuals the discounted cash out flo.

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    1=1. -hare ca!ital: The sum total of the nominal value of the shares of a com!any is

    called share ca!ital.

    1=#. /unds flo statement: %t is the statement deals ith the financial resources for

    running &usiness activities. %t e!lains ho the funds o&tained and ho they


    1=2. -ources of funds: There are to sources of funds internal sources and eternalsources. %nternal source: /unds from o!erations is the only internal sources of 

    funds and some im!ortant !oints add to it they do not result in the outflo of 


    • De!reciation on fied assets

     &4 'reliminary e!enses or goodill ritten off, oss on sale of fied assets

    Deduct the folloing items, as they do not increase the funds:

    'rofit on sale of fied assets, !rofit on revaluation of fied assets

    +ternal sources:

    a4 /unds from long9term loans

    &4-ale of fied assets

    c4 /unds from increase in share ca!ital

    1=3. A!!lication of funds: a4 'urchase of fied assets &4 'ayment of dividend c4

    'ayment of ta lia&ility d4 'ayment of fied lia&ility

    1=6. %*D %nter cor!orate de!osits4: *om!anies can &orro funds for a short

    !eriod. /or eam!le ? months or less from another com!any hich have

    sur!lus liCuidity, such de!osits made &y one com!any in another com!any are

    called %*D.

    1=?. *ertificate of de!osits: The *D is a document of title similar to a fied de!osit

    recei!t issued &y &an$s there is no !rescri&ed interest rate on such *Ds it is

    &ased on the !revailing mar$et conditions.

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    11=. AD( American de!ository recei!ts4: De!ository recei!ts issued &y a com!any

    in the U-A are $non as AD(s. -uch recei!ts are to &e issued in accordance

    ith the !rovisions sti!ulated &y the securities +change commission -+*4 of 

    U-A li$e -+B% in %ndia.

    111. *ommercial &an$s: *ommercial &an$s etend foreign currency loans for

    international o!erations, 8ust li$e ru!ee loans. The &an$s also !rovided


    11#. Develo!ment &an$s: %t offers long9term and medium term loans including

    foreign currency loans

    112. %nternational agencies: %nternational agencies li$e the %/*, %B(D, ADB, %/

    etc. !rovide indirect assistance for o&taining foreign currency.

     113. -eed ca!ital assistance: The seed ca!ital assistance scheme is desired &y the

    %DB% for !rofessionally or technically Cualified entre!reneurs and !ersons

    !ossessing relevant e!erience and s$ills and entre!reneur traits.

    116. Unsecured loans: %t constitutes a significant !art of long9term finance availa&le

    to an enter!rise.

    11?. *ash flo statement: %t is a statement de!icting change in cash !osition from

    one !eriod to another.

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    a4 'urchase of fied assets

    &4 'ayment of long9term loans

    c4 Decrease in deferred !ayment lia&ilities

    d4 'ayment of ta, dividend

    e4 Decrease in unsecured loans and de!osits

    11;. Budget: %t is a detailed !lan of o!erations for some s!ecific future !eriod. %t is

    an estimate !re!ared in advance of the !eriod to hich it a!!lies.

     1#=. Budgetary control: %t is the system of management control and accounting in

    hich all o!erations are forecasted and so for as !ossi&le !lanned ahead, and

    the actual results com!ared ith the forecasted and !lanned ones.

    1#1. *ash &udget: %t is a summary statement of firmIs e!ected cash inflo and

    outflo over a s!ecified time !eriod.

    1##. aster &udget: A summary of &udget schedules in ca!sule form made for the

    !ur!ose of !resenting in one re!ort the highlights of the &udget forecast.

    1#2. /ied &udget: %t is a &udget, hich is designed to remain unchanged

    irres!ective of the level of activity actually attained.

    1#3. Kero9 &ase9 &udgeting: %t is a management tool hich !rovides a systematic

    method for evaluating all o!erations and !rograms, current of ne allos for

    &udget reductions and e!ansions in a rational manner and allos reallocation

    of source from lo to high !riority !rograms.

    1#6. 0oodill: The !resent value of firmIs antici!ated ecess earnings.

    1#?. B(-: %t is a statement reconciling the &alance as shon &y the &an$ !ass &oo$ 

    and &alance shon &y the cash &oo$.


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    12#. *ost accounting: %t is thus concerned ith recording, classifying, and

    summarizing costs for determination of costs of !roducts or services !lanning,

    controlling and reducing such costs and furnishing of information management

    for decision ma$ing.

    122. +lements of cost:

    A4 aterial

    B4 a&our

      *4 +!enses

      D4 verheads

    123. *om!onents of total costs:

    A4 'rime cost

    B4 /actory cost

    *4Total cost of !roduction

    D4 Total cost

    126. 'rime cost: %t consists of direct material direct a&our and direct e!enses. %t

    is also $non as &asic or first or flat cost.

    12?. /actory cost: %t com!rises !rime cost, in addition factory overheads hich

    include cost of indirect material indirect a&our and indirect e!enses incurredin factory. This cost is also $non as or$s cost or !roduction cost or

    manufacturing cost.


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    d4!eration costing

    e4!erating costing

    f4Unit costing

    g4Batch costing

    131. TechniCues of costing:

    a4 arginal costing

    &4 Direct costing

    c4 A&sor!tion costing

    d4 Uniform costing

    13#. -tandard costing: standard costing is a system under hich the cost of the

    !roduct is determined in advance on certain !redetermined standards.

    132. arginal costing: it is a techniCue of costing in hich allocation of e!enditure

    to !roduction is restricted to those e!enses hich arise as a result of 

    !roduction, i.e., materials, a&our, direct e!enses and varia&le overheads.

    133. Derivative: derivative is !roduct hose value is derived from the value of one

    or more &asic varia&les of underlying asset.

    136. /orards: a forard contract is customized contracts &eteen to entities

    ere settlement ta$es !lace on a s!ecific date in the future at todayIs !re agreed


    13?. /utures: a future contract is an agreement &eteen to !arties to &uy or sell an

    asset at a certain time in the future at a certain !rice. /uture contracts are

    standardized echange traded contracts.


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    16#. +uro!ean o!tion: it is the o!tion at eercised only on e!iration date it self.

    162. Basis: &asis means future !rice minus s!ot !rice.

    163. *ost of carry: the relation &eteen future !rices and s!ot !rices can &e

    summarized in terms of hat is $non as cost of carry.

    166. %nitial margin: the amount that must &e de!osited in the margin a@c at the timeof first entered into future contract is $non as initial margin.

    16? aintenance margin: this is some hat loer than initial margin.


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    1?;. *haracteristics of mutual fund: nershi! of the / is in the hands of the of 

    the investors / managed &y investment !rofessionals the value of !ortfolio is

    u!dated every day


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    13. -!onsor: s!onsor is the !romoter of the / and a!!oints trustees, custodians

    and the A* ith !rior a!!roval of -+B%.

    16. Trustee: Trustees is res!onsi&le to the investors in the / and a!!oint the

    A* for managing the investment !ortfolio.

    1?. A*: the A* descri&es Asset anagement *om!any, it is the &usiness face

    of the /, as it manages all the affairs of the /.


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    #=1. Draings: A draing denotes the money ithdran &y the !ro!rietor from the

    &usiness for his !ersonal use.

    #=#. utstanding %ncome: utstanding %ncome means income hich has &ecome

    due during the accounting year &ut hich has not so far &een received &y the


    #=2. utstanding +!enses: utstanding +!enses refer to those e!enses hichhave &ecome due during the accounting !eriod for hich the /inal Accounts

    have &een !re!ared &ut have not yet &een !aid.

    #=3. *losing stoc$: The term closing stoc$ means goods lying unsold ith the

    &usinessman at the end of the accounting year.

    #=6. ethods of de!reciation:

      1. Unirorm charge methods:

    A. /ied installment method

    B.De!letion method

    *. achine hour rate method.

      #. Declining charge methods:

    A. Diminishing &alance method

    B. -um of years digits method

    *. Dou&le declining method

    2. ther methods:

    A. 0rou! de!reciation method

    B. %nventory system of de!reciation

    *. Annuity method

    D. De!reciation fund method

    +. %nsurance !olicy method.

    #=?. Accrued %ncome: Accrued %ncome means income hich has &een earned &y the

    &usiness during the accounting year &ut hich has not yet &ecome due and,

    therefore, has not &een received.

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      0ross !rofit

    /ormula: 9999999999999999999 L1==

      )et sales

    #=. )et !rofit ratio: it indicates net margin on sales

    )et !rofit

    /ormula: 9999999999999999999 L1==

      )et sales

    #=;. (eturn on share holders funds: it indicates measures earning !oer of eCuity


      'rofits availa&le for +Cuity shareholders

    /ormula: 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 L 1==

      Average +Cuity -hareholders /unds

    #1=. +arning !er +Cuity share +'-4: it shos the amount of earnings attri&uta&le

    to each eCuity share.

      'rofits availa&le for +Cuity shareholders

    /ormula: 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

      )um&er of +Cuity shares

    #11. Dividend yield ratio: it shos the rate of return to shareholders in the form of 

    dividends &ased in the mar$et !rice of the share

      /ormula : Dividend !er share

      9999999999999999999999999999 L1==

      ar$et !rice !er share

    #1#. 'rice earning ratio: it a measure for determining the value of a share. ay also&e used to measure the rate of return e!ected &y investors.

      /ormula : ar$et !rice of share'-4

    9999999999999999999999999999999L 1==

      +arning !er share +'-4

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    #12. *urrent ratio: it measures short9term de&t !aying a&ility.

      /ormula : *urrent Assets


      *urrent ia&ilities

    #13. De&t9+Cuity (atio: it indicates the !ercentage of funds &eing financed through

    &orroingsJ a measure of the etent of trading on eCuity.

      /ormula : Total ong9term De&t


    -hareholders funds

    #16. /ied Assets ratio: This ratio e!lains hether the firm has raised ade!uate

    long9term funds to meet its fied assets reCuirements.

      /ormula /ied Assets


      ong9term /unds

    #1?. Muic$ (atio: The ratio termed as N liCuidity ratioI. The ratio is ascertained y

    com!aring the liCuid assets to current lia&ilities.

      /ormula : iCuid Assets


      *urrent ia&ilities

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      Average Accounts (eceiva&le

    #1;. *reditors Turnover (atio: it indicates the s!eed ith hich the !ayments for

    credit !urchases are made to the creditors.

    /ormula: *redit 'urchases


      Average Accounts 'aya&le

    ##=. Wor$ing ca!ital turnover ratio: it is also $non as Wor$ing *a!ital everage

    (atio. This ratio %ndicates hether or not or$ing ca!ital has &een effectively

    utilized in ma$ing sales.

      /ormula: )et -ales


      Wor$ing *a!ital

    ##1. /ied Assets Turnover ratio: This ratio indicates the etent to hich the

    investments in fied assets contri&utes toards sales.


    /ormula: )et -ales


      /ied Assets

    ### .'ay9out (atio: This ratio indicates hat !ro!ortion of earning !er share has

    &een used for !aying dividend.

    /ormula: Dividend !er +Cuity -hare


      +arning !er +Cuity share

    ##2. verall 'rofita&ility (atio: %t is also called as “ (eturn on %nvestment" (%4

    or (eturn on *a!ital +m!loyed (*+4 . %t indicates the !ercentage of return

    on the total ca!ital em!loyed in the &usiness.

    /ormula : !erating !rofit

    999999999999999999999999L 1==

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      *a!ital em!loyed

      The term ca!ital em!loyed has &een given different meanings a.sum total of all

    assets hether fied or current &.sum total of fied assets, c.sum total of long9

    term funds em!loyed in the &usiness, i.e., share ca!ital Ereserves sur!lus

    Elong term loans Fnon &usiness assets E fictitious assets4. !erating !rofit

    means N!rofit &efore interest and taI

    ##3. /ied %nterest *over ratio: the ratio is very im!ortant from the lenderIs !oint

    of vie. %t indicates hether the &usiness ould earn sufficient !rofits to !ay

    !eriodically the interest charges.

    /ormula : %ncome &efore interest and Ta


    %nterest *harges

    ##6. /ied Dividend *over ratio: This ratio is im!ortant for !reference

    shareholders entitled to get dividend at a fied rate in !riority to other


      /ormula : )et 'rofit after %nterest and Ta


    'reference Dividend

    ##?. De&t -ervice *overage ratio: This ratio is e!lained a&ility of a com!any to

    ma$e !ayment of !rinci!al amounts also on time.

      /ormula : )et !rofit &efore interest and ta

      9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 19Ta rate

      %nterest E 'rinci!al !ayment installment


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    ##. Difference &eteen 8oint venture and !artner shi!: %n 8oint venture the

    &usiness is carried on ithout using a firm name, %n the !artnershi!, the

    &usiness is carried on under a firm name. %n the 8oint venture, the &usiness

    transactions are recorded under cash system %n the !artnershi!, the &usiness

    transactions are recorded under mercantile system. %n the 8oint venture, !rofit

    and loss is ascertained on com!letion of the venture %n the !artner shi! , !rofit

    and loss is ascertained at the end of each year. %n the 8oint venture, it is confined

    to a !articular o!eration and it is tem!orary. %n the !artnershi!, it is confinedto a !articular o!eration and it is !ermanent.

    ##;. eaning of Wor$ing ca!ital: The funds availa&le for conducting day to day

    o!erations of an enter!rise. Also re!resented &y the ecess of current assets over

    current lia&ilities.

    #2=. *once!ts of accounting:

    1. Business entity conce!ts: 9 According to this conce!t, the &usiness is

    treated as a se!arate entity distinct from its oners and others.

    #. 0oing concern conce!t: 9 According to this conce!t, it is assumed that a

    &usiness has a reasona&le e!ectation of continuing &usiness at a !rofit for

    an indefinite !eriod of time.

    2. oney measurement conce!t: 9 This conce!t says that the accounting

    records only those transactions hich can &e e!ressed in terms of money


    3. *ost conce!t: 9 According to this conce!t, an asset is recorded in the &oo$s

    at the !rice !aid to acCuire it and that this cost is the &asis for all su&seCuentaccounting for the asset.

    6. Dual as!ect conce!t: 9 in every transaction, there ill &e to as!ects F the

    receiving as!ect and the giving as!ectJ &oth are recorded &y de&iting one

    accounts and crediting another account. This is called dou&le entry.

    ?. Accounting !eriod conce!t: 9 %t means the final accounts must &e !re!ared

    on a !eriodic &asis. )ormally accounting !eriod ado!ted is one year, more

    than this !eriod reduces the utility of accounting data.

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    ;. atching conce!ts: 9 The cost or e!enses of a &usiness of a !articular

    !eriod are com!ared ith the revenue of the !eriod in order to ascertain the

    net !rofit and loss.

    1=. Accrual conce!t: 9 the !rofit arises only hen there is an increase in

    oners ca!ital, hich is a result of ecess of revenue over e!enses and loss.

    #21. /inancial analysis: the !rocess of inter!reting the !ast, !resent, and futurefinancial condition of a com!any.

    #2#. %ncome statement: an accounting statement hich shos the level of revenues,

    e!enses and !rofit occurring for a given accounting !eriod.

    #22. Annual re!ort: the re!ort issued annually &y a com!any, to its share holders. it

    containing financial statement li$e, trading and !rofit lose account and

    &alance sheet.

    #23. Ban$ru!t: A statement in hich a firm is una&le to meets its o&ligations and

    hence, it is assets are surrendered to court for administration

    #26. ease: ease is a contract &eteen to !arties under the contract, the oner of 

    the asset gives the right to use the asset to the user over an agreed !eriod of the

    time for a consideration

    #2?. !!ortunity cost: The cost associated ith not doing something.

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    #36. Define the term accrual: (ecognition of revenues and costs as they are earned

    or incurred . it includes recognition of transaction relating to assets and

    lia&ilities as they occur irres!ective of the actual recei!ts or !ayments.

    #36. Accrued e!enses : An e!ense hich has &een incurred in an accounting

    !eriod &ut for hich no enforcea&le claim has &ecome due in hat !eriodagainst the enter!rises.

    #3?. Accrued revenue: (evenue hich has &een earned is an earned is an accounting

    !eriod &ut in res!ect of hich no enforcea&le claim has &ecome due to in that

    !eriod &y the enter!rise.


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    #6?. -hare !remium: The ecess of issue of !rice of shares over their face value. %t

    ill &e shoed ith the allotment entry in the 8ournalJ it ill &e ad8usted in the

    &alance sheet on the lia&ilities side under the head of “reserves sur!lus".


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    A funds flo statement matches the “funds raised"  and “funds a!!lied" during a

    !articular !eriod. The source and a!!lication of funds may &e of ca!ital as ell

    as of revenue nature. An income statement matches the incomes of a !eriod ith

    the e!enditure of that !eriod, hich are &oth of a revenue nature.