interview question for mba marketing job

1.what does success mean to you..? success is combination of Determination + hard work + Patience = (sucesses ) 2. What is Space Selling in B2B? sapce selling,basicaaly refers to the selling of space through differnt media houses i.e. print media,electronic media,radio,internet and so on. for examle:- when an ad comes is a newspaper its required certain space in it,in this marketer or advertiser sells the space of the newpapaer or magazine to their respective clients,however in behalf of that clients pay a amount which is decided by the media house acording to the size of space taken. similarly in electronic media also space sellig is done but in the differnt form here SPACE refers to a certain time limit in which advertisement is telecast,accordingly in RADIO also slots are sold. 3. What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales? 1.Product Knowledge 2.Convincing Nature 3.Patience n Confidence 4. What do you see as the key issues in negotiating? The key issue of negotiation are : 1)First we have to decided the back to wall price. 2) before going to negotiation you should plan all thing by keeping all documentation like price list,discount structure ect. 3) when we negotiate we do not negotiate on price we negotiate on everything like credit period, payment terms,ect. 4) The price should be memorise it means that what is the basic price and after giving cash advance discount what will be the cost and after giving quantity discount what will be the cost.

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1.what does success mean to you..?

success is combination of

Determination + hard work + Patience = (sucesses )

2. What is Space Selling in B2B?

sapce selling,basicaaly refers to the selling of space through differnt media houses i.e. print media,electronic media,radio,internet and so on.

for examle:- when an ad comes is a newspaper its required certain space in it,in this marketer or advertiser sells the space of the newpapaer or magazine to their respective clients,however in behalf of that clients pay a amount which is decided by the media house acording to the size of space taken. similarly in electronic media also space sellig is done but in the differnt form here SPACE refers to a certain time limit in which advertisement is telecast,accordingly in RADIO also slots are sold.

3. What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales?

1.Product Knowledge2.Convincing Nature3.Patience n Confidence

4. What do you see as the key issues in negotiating?

The key issue of negotiation are :

1)First we have to decided the back to wall price.

2) before going to negotiation you should plan all thing by keeping all documentation like price list,discount structure ect.

3) when we negotiate we do not negotiate on price we negotiate on everything like credit period, payment terms,ect.

4) The price should be memorise it means that what is the basic price and after giving cash advance discount what will be the cost and after giving quantity discount what will be the cost.

5. what is insurance & why do u wnat insurance

 insurance about securing the future from the accdents.

6. How would you motivate a sales team who is already doing business and achieving target ?

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If the sales team perfoming better that means they have the enough caliber to perform better,i would only give the suggestions & motivate them to get the new markets where the older markets are running well,I give extra benefits provided for the new market sale

7. What essential features must be present in a person who is leading a sales team ?

Should have a Very good performer in his organization or among his competetors.

8. How do you handle a customer with buyer's remorse?

The best way to handle buyer's remorse is to nip it in the bud i.e., assuage customers almost immediately after the sale, so that they don't even have the chance of bringing up any post-sale doubts. Soon after you've made a sale, communicate with customers if you think they might have second thoughts. Begin the conversation not with any you feel about their purchase of the product. Reassure them that the product was, indeed, just what they wanted. Tell them again how it fills the need they have, how it's just right in every way. Pick out some feature that they especially liked, such as the color they chose, and remind them about how that's what they had really wanted in the first place.

This isn't lying. It's simply reassuring them that the choice they made was correct for their particular situation. You probably spent a considerable amount of time working with them on their selection, determining exactly what their needs were and how your product could fill that need. Go overall the decisions that you made together, and make sure that they feel they made the right choice.

The key word in the last point was "feel." Buyer's remorse is an emotion, not a logical process of thought. It occurs most often after the purchase of high-ticket items, which naturally generates more stress. Because buyer's remorse is an emotion, all your comments have to be directed toward making them feel good about their decision. Point out the benefits of the product, not just the features, and remind customers again how these benefits are just what they wanted. Overall, you need to reassure them that they did not make a mistake, and that they received good value for their money.

Buyer's remorse can also be handled in a retail situation. The salesperson should always take time to compliment customers on their selection, even as purchases are being rung up and wrapped. Without babbling on too much, reiterate how the items will solve their specific needs, and how it's just the right design or size addressing any specific comments they made during the sales process.

9. What is software marketing

It means is to create the need and wants for your softare in the mind of the consumer so that he is really wants to buy your product.

10. When is a "diversification growth strategy" appropriate?

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diversification means selling new products or services in new markets.It can be done in four ways:

1. Horizontal diversification:this occurs when Co. acquires or develops new products that may appeal to existing customer groups even though the new products may be technologically unrelated to existing product lines.

2. Vertical diversification:The Co. moves into business of suppliers or that of its customers. This is normally done to reduce threat from the suppliers and customers.The customers means the channel members.

3. Concentric diversification:results in new products/services that have technological and/or mktg synergies with existing product lines.

4.Conglomerate diversification:occurs when there is neither technological or mktg synergies with existing product lines and involves reaching new customer groups. This is done by large companies to balance cyclical portfolio with non-cyclical one.

11. If Selected, What will be your first Task as a Marketing Executive?our first task is that, taking information regarding customer 1. which customers are loyal for our company2. who are our existing customer3. who are our target customer4. i will give company presentation to all customers 12. What is a market niche?

Niche market is the smaller version of (Bigger market)mass market.This is a kind of potential market.In the niche market what happen company make target to the specific class and they market their product for them.This type of market is also known as target market or specific market.Like Junior Horlicks only for kids, virtu mobile,diet coke( diabetics patients),etc

13. how to manage a sales team?

1.First give the work by their knowledge and qaulification and their capability.

2.At the end of the workiong time strictly ask them to submit their work.

3.Be Strict to snethch the work.

4.Be good, be smart, be polite towards your workers but with strict nature also.

5.Give motivation to do work. e.g. give more remunaration to active workers, some gifts, promotion etc.

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14. how to make the perfect marketing with low expense range? is ther any good idea please describe?


15. Why You Have Chosen Sales Profile?

This field is consider as one of the most challenging field where direct contact with customer is required and each customer is unique in nature. I have better communication skill and persuasion power. I am also capable of dealing with the people diplomatically.

16. difference btween inbound marketing and outboung marketing

Inbound marketing is that marketing which is to be done in organisation for their employees bcoz to know the product very well nd they'll put their heart nd soul in making product better in the eyes of the consumers and outbound marketing is that marketing which is to done in market for getting customers.

17. how to sell the product into new customer

The product must first be studied in depth. then a competitor's similar featured products must be studied. only then can the product be peached better to the customer.but all the same instead of expecting sales from the first day a new comer should be given a quarter's time at least to get accustomed.

18. what are key strengths required a marketing manager? how to handle team?

Mainly each and every marketing manager should be confident about the product because if he dont know about the product he or she can not help or gide his team members.He or she should be friendly and co operative , he have to help his team members he or should be achive his or her terget and divide his terget to his or her team members

19. What do you mean by Push and Pull Strategy?

Basically it is a promotional Startegy.

Push makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product. where Pull startegy is to sell directly to the consumer.

In Push strategy the products has to be promoted by Producer to Wholesalers to Retailers to Consumer.

In Pull Strategy we have to use the toold like Consumer Promotions , advertising etc.


Me:Can you see those youngsters playing cricket over there?

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Me:Next month's cricket series is sponsored by pepsi and all the team is shooting and ad for the same and also there is some promotional assured gifts like cricket balls,bats gloves etc if one buys pepsi.So those boys who are playing there will come here and ask pepsi and not coke because its a pepsi season:)

You:Oh is it?

21. why u did not select in campus?

 sir i did not find you in my campus.


marketing is identifing customer needs wants and desire converting them into products and is we allready have the product or service we have to sale it

Sales is a one time process(means just selling the product to the customer) but marketing is ongoing process(Identifing the customer needs,devloping the desired product,sales and then aftersales services or customer

24. How can u Sale Your product if your product rate is high?

 well first I would like to ask customer whether he/she would like to go after quantity or quality.........after getting his/her answer I will say that Sir/ Mam...."QUALITY ALWAYS BETTER THAT THE QUANTITY" if you are looking for a value aided product against your precious money then we can give you the most trusted brand which has got an excellent quality.apart from that we will provide you a great after sale service,and I can assure you that you will be very proud after possessing this great product ant it will show how classy you are of choosing your product.

25. what is cavitation ?

 Cavitation is a point where the expectation rises but the delivery is not upto the set benchmark.

Cavitation would in general sense means forming & collapse of bubble when pressure is high or cavities/gaps are formed

or A phenomenon in the flow of water consisting in the formation and the collapse of cavities in water.

In marketing Sense it would mean promising on what you cannot deliver raising false hopes and beliefs which on the due point would collapse

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against the pressure and hence resulting damage or vaccant space of trust and values.


My answer might sound wierd but once I know that the retailer does not keep Wheel Active what I will do is "I will send few of my lady friends (one by one) to the shop and ask him for wheel active and since he does not have it they will come out without buying anything(the ladies will be directed to do so ofcourse)repeat the exercise for say three days and then I will go to the retailer with the product, by now he knows that there are people coming to him with its demand, backed my sales skills and a few lucrative offers he will definetely get ready to keep the product on his shelf. But ofcourse this is a short term solution which will take the product to retilers shelf but to take it to customers house and make the retailer buy it more and everytime, quality of the product, advertisements, new offers and definetely demand in that particular area will be the key elements".

HI. I am from Wheel Active company, which is one of the favorite surf liked by the households. This surf gives more sash than others and customers like it very much. It is available in all packs at competitive price. Right now we are having scheme for our retailers, so if you take a cartoon stock u will get 2 1kg packs free, whcih you can sale or use as per convinvence. Its demand in market is very good, all you need to do it just keep stock, other thing product will sell it slef

25. What is the formulla of ROI?

Revenue-Expenses------------------ x 100Investment

26. what is demand forecasting?

Demand forcasting is the process of analysing previous years results of demand and supply and the relative increase in the population and identifying the appropriate need of a particular commodity or product in a specific area for which th forcasting has been carried out. sales

channel sales we don't sale product directly we can sale product to dealers and clients can get that product by dealers.

Manufaturer-distributors-dealers-clients 28. which types of effort done by a sales person for seles and marketing activities


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29. what you mean by blue chip companies.? list of the blue chip. comanies in india

Used in the context of general equities. Large and creditworthy company. Company renowned for the quality and wide acceptance of its products or services, and for its ability to make money and pay dividends. Gilt-edged security.

30. what is role of medical representative

the role of m.r is convincing doc and generate prescription fevar of the company.

31. Hw can i sale if same product given from other distributor in low price?

1. If the same product is given at the same price then the area where i can diferentiate my product from other distributors is after sale services.i may provide some extra services like-facility to exchange the product or resolving the problem in one call.we may also provide some additional promotional schemes like membership of any club,any tour package etc.

2. If the same product is given at the same price then the area where i can diferentiate my product from other by giving the refrences of our past satsfied customers with our product proformance and our better after sale services. it is always better to creat buyer confidance in you and yours product.

3. if the product is at a lower price...let the customer understand costing and sentisize him that cheap can be expensive in the long him through quality of ingredients and packaging ang hygiene. let him understand that what you are selling is quality and it will be cost effective in the long run.

32. how you convince a customer if he says I DONT HAVE MONEY?

1.In any type of marketing we need to know our customer first. based on his attitude we need to tacle firstly if we can create a need for him than he will buy the product atb any cost.

2. You have to sell the product benefits and create a need for the product as well as fear of loss . Fear of loss in the sense customer should feel he losing some good offer .

3. to give a answer of this question is very difficult for each and every sales/maraketing person because you will go for selling your product,60-65% customer will reply i dont have money. but i think for convice such kind of customer u should have deep knowledge of your product or services,and evaluate customer buying behaviour . keep follow up provide more than his expectation. use references-some customer is not willing to purchase perticular type of product but if his close relatives or friends suggest him or recommend him then his buying behaviour toward the product may be changed 

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4. see, firstly we should try to inspire, motivate or convince our customer in such a way that the product we are selling becomes a need in his future. i hope u all like it.

33. Wht is pre-sales?

Pre Sales includes the entire gamut of activities involved in preparing to engage with prospects, clients and others and includes specific responses to client requests. Clients or companies that need software services and project implementations generally call for proposals or expect responses from their vendors and service providers. Although it is hard to generalize on the nature of or the contents of such proposals, most documents follow a structured framework: detailing the project, asking vendors for suggestions or solutions or proposals along with cost estimates regarding the work to be done. Typical Pre-sales support activities include:

34. How do you define failure?

I define failure as a Stepping Stone to Success.

35. What does success mean to you?

Success mean achieving goals very efficiently in a specific time. Its the output of hard work, smart work and dedication towards the work.

36. What do you prefer in-person sales or Telephone Sales?

I would like to prefer sales rather than telephone sale ,becoz in telephone sale there is no direct contact b/w sales person and the customer but in person sale u met the customer and get benefitted

37. How will you justify the product cost to the prospect? its important to understand the question first

It is how we are going to convince our customers about the price of the product that we are selling

it is quite clear that a high price i associated to products that are either high in terms of their quality or are associated with luxury.

so if we want to convince our customers as to why we have priced the product as high as ours .. we will do it by attaching some emotional and status points with the product

like for eg: Our product is among the Top most brands which will enahnce your image in the society

the brand promises a high quality and alo gives you certain guarantees which you won't get with any other brand

 38. how promotional activities affect sales?

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well,i hava an answer for this yes over acting towards the particular product will affect the sales for example promoting a product aftr knowin that product is going in good pase still so many adds notice will chang customers mind that they have so much of money an will tortur them to switch to another product.. and another thing is promoting through brand ambassidor for example ROCKY sawant people jus hate her u knw minto had lost their sales due to this. so this accordin to me..

2. promotional activities directly affects sales as it helps a company to increase it`s market share,attract new customers moreover it`s adversely affects too as when it`s not properly done to the targeted sound audience as in case of Kellog`s when initially launched in Indian market (not properly positioned in the minds of the customer as an instant ready made breakfast ),it`s done for increase in sales more aggressively to capitalize the targeted market.

39. the difference between perception and interpretation?

perception is defined as that how we see any one or any thing means the way of viewing 2 someone.but interpretation is the by which we make a result or conclusion by using our perception.

40. What is Upselling

selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the which a seller tries to sell something eles in additional to the sale.

41. how to sale yourself?

firstly i want to try to know what the other person need and what they want in me and i will modified according to their need and then its sure that those person will buy me.

42. what is the difference between the guarantee and warantee period?

both are for limited period,but, garantee says along with the service the compony is also liable to replace the product in case the product is not functioning its features, where as warranty says only services for the product not replacement.

43. why you like to join in FMCG sector?

FMCG sector is growing day by day because the demand generating from RURAL sector. FMCG is the only product which i can sell to customer again and again.Customers includes Urban-Rural, Rich-Poor etc. and for helping these sector Retail sector also coming to the Rural...So there are huge scope in FMCG sector

44. what is Delphi technique? Delphi Technique a forecasting method in which a cordinator seeks

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predictions from experts who revise their opinions in light of the opinions of the others until some degree of consensus is reached. Multistep method used to estimate future demand for a product or service whereby a special group of experts in economic forecasting exchange views and then each individually submits estimates and assumptions to an analyst who reviews all the data received and issues a summary report. The summary report is then discussed and reviewed individually by the group members who each submit revised forecasts to the analyst, who then reviews the material again and issues a secondary report. This process continues until all participants reach a common ground.

45.define indirect marketing and explain its role and Importance

1.indirect marketing is a non personal cotect of manufacturer to the consumer by which any seller can represent their product with the help of advertising.

2. Indirect Marketing is the distribution of a particular product through a channel that includes one or more resellers. Through this system we can come closer to the customers, can be able to know their wants,needs,demands,queries and their perception about the companies products or offerings accurately.But through direct marketing we can make the system faster, but who will be their to support us if theydeny our product as their preference.

46.what is business stratagy?

 its a planning of business activities like Presales, Sales, postsales, and how to approach customer and how to sell a product these all things come in to business strategy. 47. why sales?

Sales is quite imp & hard profile to choose i feel i have the knowladge of product,i have good conviencing power,i like to interact with people,i have the ability to identifya potential customers,i am able to mold a not interested,irrite & rigid customer to a potential customer.I have no EGO and i am ready to learn.i suppose these qualities shd be there in a good sales person whc i have either,hence i want to go for sales.

48. what is stock market?, what is share value?

STOCK MARKET means where the shares of a comapanies buying and selling process will do with brokers is called as "stock market".

SHARE VALUE means the difference between issue price of the share and the present market price of the share is called as a "share value".

49. what is sales life cycle??? Slaes life cycle is

1) find out the right customers of your product2)Examie / qualfy the prospect(wheather he is able to buy

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our product or not )3)Convince him to but our product4) close 

50. what is sales consultant?

one who gives information about the product

51. if company is not giving the proper service to dealers then how you solve the problem

First & foremost job of mine is to approach the company & dealers to find the exact problem it related to commision or companies new strategy for distribution ....etc then i wil personaly approach my higher management about the issue & find the exact problem with dealers.So , now i can proceed with dealers with new strategy for supply & service from company & new service from company for mutual help if the company is happy with dealers & vice versa job is over best solution to this is considering dealer also as yr customer and undertstand his expectations from the company further company can use following to solve problem

1)offer certain discounts to dealers-this will give them better margin

2)arrange regualar dealer confrences and make them feel like part of the company and not a cog in machine

3)make credit facility available etc etc many steps as such can boost the dealers

52. how can you generates more leads and business ??Except cold calling,through internet,existing database.

for that you must have to create a word of mouth by making your existing customer more satisfied and building lond term relationship with him. you also have to do aggressive advertising to make aware your customer of your product. 53. what is retailing?what is the difference between old retailing and modern retailing?

retailing is the process of delivering the goods ormerchandise direct to the consumer.modern retailing differs from old retailing in terms ofmarket concept, customer test and shopping experience andmostly well focused on customer expectation.

54. How will you create a brand awareness among the prospects about our products and services?

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the major problem here will be deciding upon the target market.ones the target market is identified then we have to target this audience and create brand awareness.this can be done by using marketing mix

product- placing yr product in par with competitors,adding differentiation

Price- either go for cost leadership approach else a price that keeps u in marketplace- deciding upon the distribution channels etc

promotion- major tool for brand awareness use all 6 tools of communication if u can afford.position yr product

I will create promotions such as discounts, buy one take 1 or even free taste/use. I will also tie up with the organizations who conducts seminars and training to the target people


first of all i made some plans and did work on it to the vast of my ability to fulfill my plan, in this way i achived my target.

56. How soon can you travel down to start your new Job?

As soon I receive the Job Offer letter from the company or when the company asks me to join,making all the arrangement in very short period.

57. ultratech cement have askd to me during inerview what is market mapping , how will you draw your market share ?

Market mapping is the syurvey done by the organisation to understand customer requirements & how other products are positioned in the market. Market mapping gives idea about companies share in the market & what are the diffrent strategies adopted by other organisations. The activity is generally done by visiting cement counters & filling up questionary'

market share can be drawn by taking the total market potential into consideration and our sales in that area. If the market potential is 1000 pmt. & our sales in that area 500pmt. then our market share is 50%. This is how our market share can be calculated.

58. how would you describe your work style

I am very passionate about what i do, i like to take up task, plan how to accomplish it, find right people,and make sure all of us succeed together ,while constantly meeting the challenges head on and using the synergy of the group to look for creative solutions to achieve our goals 2. what kind of personality do you work best with and why I am comfortable with everyone around me, I customize myself to the people I am talking to. I also enjoy interacting with new people. And best I am also a good listener.

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59. Imagine that you are the marketing Manager of Zideo International, Agra, Manufacturing leather goods. Which are the steps you will take to promote sales?

First of all I give the brief explanation of my product which ever I want sale and try my level best to win the consumer heart with my talking behave. During the Talking I must keep mayself polite and keep petient because consumer may ask very difficult questions which might tourch me. But if a Succeed to win the sonsumer heart then I quote the quotation for the same. Once againg there is anti arguments against the quotation. For promote my sale I will quote the very suitable price even without profit and some minimum profit I take. If so, I consider I make a regular customer for my firm and then by and by I may increase my product Price. I possible and easy but first time we can't got the maximum profit.

first of all i consentrait on advertising of my product. than after check the customer present requirement,check the customer quality preferance,if any quality innovation require than i suggest the compny. i try to satishfied customer and give the maximum information about the product and benifits. in this way we can improve our sales and get the maximum reward. first i will enquire abt the competitior product price,market share, sales volume, advertising ....etc.. according to these i will markup my products price with in the boundaries of our company policy. more over i want to implement my product as rapid skimming. One of the important thing for lather product is reduce cycle time it means company has to launch new product in short interval and also update product design. Company has to consider cost factor as a competitive weapon and try to reduce cost compared competitor.

  in order to promote the sales of leather products,the placement of our products at the retailers showroom is necessary at competitive prices,the special drive will be launched in increasing the reach and counter share of our products.Retailers will be given special incentives if they will surpass the promised numbers of our products.New distributors and direct dealers will be appointed at far flung areas in order to make the availability of the products.  being a Manager of Zideo International, Agra for Manufaturing Leather goods, below given are the steps to promote a quick sale.

1. Introduction of the product to the customer is a style that the message is conveyed in a positive manner and at one glance the customer will like it.

2. Study the leather market before launching the product.

3. Should be clear with entire backup about the product so that if you receive any query you are ready to answer it at said time without hesitating. This will built your image and this will help you for quick selling of the product.

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4. Cost price - after understanding the market requirements by the customer always think of the cost price . The price should always be competative than the other companies.

5. Do a market survey or customer survey to understand the need and requirement of the customer.

6. Use the Luther Gullicks formula PODSCORB or Webers term of Bureaucracy for studing the market.

7.Introduce your product in the market at a little cheaper rate further depending upon the sale surely you can increase the value.





i think it is difficult for any company to establish its new brand because people dont know about their pros. a new brand can be established with the help of promotional activities so that people came to know this product importance. a proper strategy can be helpful also. so i say advertisement, proper promotional activities and very good share of retailers can established our new brand. blue chips companies can take advantage of their positioning. but it not means new companies can not establish their brand

 t is so difficult to establish a new brand in the market in between existing companies. because they already have a competative advantage. If a new company want to establish a new brand then first of all it has to analyse whole the market to understand that what are the needs of consumers how many copetitors in the market and what strategies they are using. then it has to develop som new ideas regarding product. set its marketing mix, create a suitable strategy, technology, location, target marketing, positioning, budget etc.

61. hat is the difference between invoice and billing

invoice:- is essentially a detailed bill left by vendors and outside suppliers for goods or services rendered to a is a legal document which can be used as evidence of an incurred debt. The

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recipient of the goods or services can challenge the legitimacy of individual charges, but the invoice itself is considered a bona fide debt. Sometimes a vendor or serviceman cannot collect on a bill immediately, so their company will send an invoice at a later date for payment.

billings - Total amount charged to clients, including the agency commission, media costs, production costs, etc...The invoice will be issued on the day the event concludes. Bills are payable in full within 14 days. In the event of late payment, 15 % late-payment penalties will be charged. By entering into a agreement with us, the contractor expressly agrees to accept all procedural charges in the event of unpunctual payment.

62.What is the difference between marketing and sales?

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating,communicating,delivering value to the customer and for managing customer relationship and retaining with satisfaction.

Sales is the act of persuading or influencing customer to buy a product or service( actually exchange something value for)

63. What is depth and width? Tell me with formula? give me with example? there is three term usually used product line,width,depth it will better to understand by example like automobile alto,sx4,swift,ritz etc...this are called width of maruti suzuki suv as alto lx,lxi,vxi.k10 etc are called depth of that product.understand

64.what is ment by marketing

Every product has some amount of value attached to it. While the firm knows what is the value of the product it needs to communicate to the consumer about the value held by the product. Hence, marketing can be termed as communicating with customers and creating a profitable relationship with them.

65. why shoud this organisation must hire you? because i do have the abilities to work in tight deadlines as well my key skill is suited for this job and foremost i have an interest to work with this organisati

66. Where do you see yourself from five years now?

I believe in long term commitments. In my Carrier hunt I have been facing many challanges and getting the solution for them with the help of my ability and talent and I feel if I am selected here I would also get the same here, and if I occumplish the given task which generates positive results I am sure Company would encourage me in form of upward move.

67. what you can do for this company?

my knowledge, my experience, my well being and responsibility

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68. can you suggest me which new one stragies will you opt for the marketing if you can?

B2C mrktng tht is Businesss to Consumers..its helps alot to know abt the market requirements n the current conditions for the particular marketing for the services which r been provided...

69. what is primary and secondary sales

The organization selles thier product or services to the channel partners,is called primary sales. secondary sales means when the organization sales the products or services to end users.

70. customer is always right? why?

Because the boss is always right. i.e.,Customer is our boss71. what is primary and secondary sales

The organization selles thier product or services to the channel partners,is called primary sales. secondary sales means when the organization sales the products or services to end users.

72. what are 4p's of marketing.

product, price, place, promotiom

73. what is retail

Retail means that the Product is sold within a one boundary with the help of some intermediaries

74. why did you choose marketing for your currier marketing is the place wher we are earning mony and knowlge i.e we are going to meet different types of customers.

75. how can i take primary order from my distributor,while he has inventory of Rs 2 lakh & sale of product is only of Rs25,000/- only?

clearly understand the monthly sales statement of thedistributor and analyze the sold quantity. 3 ways are there.1.Get order for the product which highly sold on that month2.Inform him about the seasonal activities and make him tokeep the stock more3.Give the feedback about secondary sales and opportunitiesfor products in the assigned territo

76. I am asked to sell a pen as but with a condition that I will have to sell the pen at Rs.25(five times more the actual rate)though actually the price of the pen is Rs. 5 and wen the customer is aware of the same.

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if ever i am asked to do so.. and customer knows the actual cost of pen... then i would never sell a pen...because customer satisfaction is the main aim of selling. To maintain long term relationship with the customer..we should delight him with our right services and pricing

77. why you vahe taken Marketing with Finance specialization?

i am very much interested dealing with people. i thought marketing with finance gives me more strength. financial matter of particular product includes in marketing . thats way i hav taken marketing with finance.

78. What elements of your job do you find most difficult? "Controversy" . First of all , we should respect our job profile try to give our 100% in any circumstances on that job. Then it becomes easier for any one. Before we start our job carrer or join any job , we should be know " WHAT IS IT ? CAN WE HANDLE THIS ONE ? " If we don`t know how to handle that job then it creats lots of problem in every step in our life. So we learn or pay attention on that problem and try to sought out that problem within a short time. We always remember that " NOTHING IS DIFFICULT . DIFFICULT CREATS FEAR. " So i think that its all about our perception , which one is difficult or which one is not

79. if ur working in a supermarket what tools and techiniques will u use in data collection?how r u going to analysis the data and make inferences? how will u finally apply ur market esearch to improve sales and win over customers? observation,survey.

80. who is the marketing guru

Mr. Philip Kotlar is the marketing guru.

81. what are the key role of a sales person?

the key role of a sales person is to know the customer demand (likes and dislikes of customers)and to increase his sale economicaly and strategically.

82. how can i sale a low price pen to the reputed person who use branded pen..? Tell him that, you can lend him when someone asked to borrow your pen and just walk away without bothering to take it back

83. how can u sell our car except your friends &familyit is easy to sell the car in the show room because the important thing is which brand we are going to sell for example if the car is ford then 50% of the job is finished because it has very good brand in market. then we highlight the postive things of the car and hiding negetive things and we have to show how it is different from others.


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