interview questions

Interview questions: MindTree: 1. How do you create 100 threads per second? ExecutorService extser = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100) 2. How do you spawn 100 threads per second? Did you use concurrent package? 3. There are string and int types are in an array list. How do you separate them? Use instanceof operator to find them. 4. What is the difference between Synchronized hashmap and Hashtable? 5. I want increment when a an user logs in jsp and display it so that it can be displayed. How do you achieve it? 6. What are the priorities that you get from PMDs? How do you configure them? 7. How do you increase the memory size of JVM? 8. When JVM is running out of memory, how do you handle the situation? 9. How do you create 5ton pattern in java? 10. Can you forcefully invoke destroy method in servlet? 11. How class.forName and DriverManager.getConnection works in JDBC? 12. What driver was used to connect to MySQL database? Mysqlconnector.jar KPIT: 1. How do you display the results from dao layer in JSP page? 2. Singleton implementation? 3. Struts is a singleton? How multiple requests are being handled? 4. Is Hibernate a singleton? 5. How do you implement onetomany relationship in hibernate? 6. Can string variable be declared as final? 7. How do you submit page from javascript? 8. How do you print the validation rules in struts?

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Post on 30-Sep-2015




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Interview questions:MindTree:1. How do you create 100 threads per second? ExecutorService extser = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100)2. How do you spawn 100 threads per second? Did you use concurrent package?3. There are string and int types are in an array list. How do you separate them? Use instanceof operator to find them.4. What is the difference between Synchronized hashmap and Hashtable?5. I want increment when a an user logs in jsp and display it so that it can be displayed. How do you achieve it?6. What are the priorities that you get from PMDs? How do you configure them?7. How do you increase the memory size of JVM?8. When JVM is running out of memory, how do you handle the situation?9. How do you create 5ton pattern in java?10. Can you forcefully invoke destroy method in servlet?11. How class.forName and DriverManager.getConnection works in JDBC?12. What driver was used to connect to MySQL database? Mysqlconnector.jarKPIT:1. How do you display the results from dao layer in JSP page?2. Singleton implementation?3. Struts is a singleton? How multiple requests are being handled?4. Is Hibernate a singleton?5. How do you implement onetomany relationship in hibernate?6. Can string variable be declared as final?7. How do you submit page from javascript?8. How do you print the validation rules in struts?